Catching up with Top Returners: Fallon Doyle

-Athlete Name: Fallon Doyle

-School: St. John Central High School

-Year of Graduation: 2015

-Best time in a 5K race and in which meet: 18:27:99 Cal Polkas Ohio Valley Athletic Conference Championship

-Tell us how your summer training is going?:

It's going very good. I take my training very seriously,and I'm excited for the upcoming season!

-What are your goals for the upcoming season?:

I would like to advance as far as possible both individually,and as a team,improve on my racing, P.R., and hopefully make it to The State Meet.

-How long have you been running and how did you get started?:

I have been running for six years now. In the sixth grade I began running on my own for fun,then in seventh grade I decided to go out for the Cross Country team. I've loved running ever since!

-Will you be competing anywhere out of state this season?:

No, I will not be competing out of the State this season.

-What is your favorite course to run in Ohio?:

Cambridge, because the course normally runs fast,and the finish is at the top of a hill.

-What is the toughest course to run in Ohio?:

Lancaster, because the course has lots of hills everywhere.

-What meet during the regular season do you put extra emphasize on to compete well at?:

Usually the meets that are farther away,because there's always better competition there.

-What is your favorite cross country race so far in your high school career?:

My favorite race so far in my highschool career was probably The State Meet my Freshman year,because I broke the school record,and placed 3rd.

-Favorite cross country memory?

Winning OVAC's as a team both my Freshman,and Sophomore years!

-When you are not running what is your favorite thing to do?:

I love to hangout with my family,and friends!

-Favorite quote?:

"You and your opponent want the same thing. The only thing that matters is who works hardest for it."

-What shoes do you train in?:

Asics Gel Cumulus 14

-What shoes do you race in?:

Nike Waffle Racing Flats

-What's on your Ipod when you go out for runs?:

The Fray, Owl City,and Train.

-What professional athlete would you most like to meet?:

Kara Goucher,because she is such a great runner,and a great person. She also knows a lot about running.

-What is something that most people don't know about you?:

I love waffles,and I eat a ton of them all the time!