Lakota East sophomore, Dustin Horter, participated in and was highlighted in our Saucony Flo Summer Training Blog. Saucony Flo Summer Training Blog. We do not often have the opportunity to blog during the XC and track seasons, but Dustin has agreed to provide us with his thoughts on his races on a weekly basis throughout this season. In this, the seventh of the series, Dustin comments on his race in the GMC Championships on 10/17/15. Horter won the Varsity boys race in a time of 15:11.00. His Lakota East boy's team was third.
Thoughts about the Race- GMC Championships- 10/17/15 (Greater Miami Conference)
The morning was chilly but manageable. The sun had just started to peek out of the clouds as we got to camp and socialized with our team. When it was time to warm up, the temperature was probably 40 degrees or so. The varsity seven set out to do a one and a half mile warm up, stretches, and then we headed to the line as a team to do drills and strides. Soon after our team huddle and prayer, we got on the line and the gun went off. It was kind of a coincidence that Birdsall (Jr. Zach Birdsall, Fairfield) and I started off right next to each other on the line, but it was a good thing for sure. I know at least he helped me get out quick and it probably helped him out as well. From the start it was Birdsall and I up front. I passed Birdsall at about the half mile mark and just went off on my own. I find it easier to push myself harder once alone and proved it coming through the first mile at 4:40. The second mile went by extremely fast; I came through at about 9:40. Then the last mile I could feel the crowd support which boosted me to the finish line in a 15:11. When I saw the time, I was sort of shocked, but I know that I have been training hard over the past few weeks preparing for the post season and I was just ready to give it my all after a week of not racing. Birdsall came in at 15:38 which is also very impressive at VOA (Voice of America Park, West chester, Oh). The course isn't an easy one. Also, all my teammates made it under 17 minutes and we are looking strong going into districts. I am very proud of all the guys. We know we have work to do as a team, but this week's practice should be a good set of work outs where we all push each other to the limit.
Special Moment: This week the crowd at VOA was unbelievable. There were so many parents and friends of mine that came to the race for support and it was just nice to see all the love and sportsmanship being passed around from team to team and person to person. The crowd of screaming parents and just the "good jobs" and handshakes made the meet special. Also, Ian Stumpf PR'ed again and has been improving on a weekly basis this year. He has taken such big steps this year as a runner and his heart is truly inspiring; he had a very nice season.