Recent Ashland High School graduate, Kaden Mendenhall joined our podcast to recap his 800m victory at the Midsummer Nights Distance Open this past Tuesday at Indiana Wesleyan University.
Tune-in above to hear Mendenhall's thoughts on his performance, plus how his training was going in lead-up to the meet and where he intends to go from here.
Coverage -
Midsummer Nights Distance Open / 800 Race
Time Stamps -
- 1:40 -- How training was going in lead-up to race
- 2:55 -- Specifying his mileage and work-outs
- 3:50 -- Why he decided to attend the meet
- 4:40 -- Talking the history of Ashland's 800 school record
- 5:45 -- Detailing his 800 race performance
- 7:10 -- Outlining his 400 split and talking depth of field
- 8:20 -- Any familiarity he had on his competitors ahead of time
- 9:10 -- Describing why he broke from the pace at 500m point
- 10:25 -- Assessing what he did well and what could be improved upon
- 11:20 -- Reflecting on his emotions surrounding the return to competition
- 12:35 -- Detailing his indoor state meet performance and comparing it to his latest result
- 14:10 -- Reviewing the safety standards that were put in place by meet officials
- 15:15 -- His excitement to pursue college studies and club running at Cincinnati
- 16:00 -- Talking about the possibility of walking on the to the Bearcats varsity team
- 16:30 -- Where his training will go from here and if he will be racing again this summer