Meet Information
2013 Mel Brodt High School Invitational
Hosted by BGSU Cross Country / Track & Field
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Tentative Schedule:
9:30am Varsity Girls 5,000 meters
10:05am Varsity Boys 5,000 meters
10:40am JV Girls 5,000 meters
11:15am JV Boys 5,000 meters
11:50am Middle School Girls 3,200 meters
12:20pm Middle School Boys 3,200 meters
Bowling Green State University Intramural Fields and Golf Course
Only the first 20 teams confirmed will be guaranteed entry into the meet along with complimentary Adidas gear for the head coach. The confirmation page should be faxed attention to:
Bowling Green Cross Country & Track at (419) 372-6969.
Entry Fee:
$75 per gender (one fee for JV and Varsity) for the High School competition. The fee for the middle school race is an additional $50, which includes both the boys and girls. A team bringing both high school boys and girls with a middle school team would pay $200 total. Payment can be made on race day by cash or check, filled out to "BGSU Cross Country & Track." Please make sure you have the correct amount on your check, no refunds will be issued.
Entry Deadline:
Entries will be due on Tuesday August, 27th by 5:00pm.
Entry Process:
Entries must be e-mailed to Eric Thatcher ( Please divide your entries into a boys' and girls' list, but there is no need to distinguish between varsity, junior varsity, and middle school. Please type the entries in the following format: "Last Name, First Name." No entries will be accepted by mail or fax. Any eight athletes will be allowed to run in the varsity races. There will be unlimited entries in the JV and middle school races.
Meet Homepage:
All updated meet information can be found on our homepage by clicking the cross country tab at The link to the meet's homepage is located on the right hand side bar under Additional Links and 2013-14 High School Meet Information.
The race will be held on the intramural fields and golf course surrounding the BGSU football stadium. The well marked course will consist of multiple loops over a mostly grass path, occasionally crossing the road. Course maps will be available on the meet's homepage by August.
Results will be available on site thirty minutes after the completion of each race and posted online at the meet's homepage.
Meet shirts will be available for sale on race day for $15. Powerade, soft drinks, coffee, and water will also be available.
The top five individuals and two teams in each of the six divisions will receive awards. The head coach from each high school will receive free Adidas gear.
Bowling Green State University will provide training staff for the race. They will be set up one hour before the start of the first race.
School bus parking only will be in Lot 13 just off of Wooster Street, adjacent to the outdoor track. Buses can enter Lot 13 by turning north on Alumni Drive off of Wooster Street. Spectator parking will be in Lot 20 also just off of Wooster. There will be a $2 parking fee for all spectators only. There will be no parking on Alumni Drive or in Lot L for safety reasons. Coaches please pass this information onto bus drivers, families, and spectators.
Please contact the Bowling Green State University Cross Country & Track office with any questions at 419-372-7104. We look forward to your school's participation.
Hosted by BGSU Cross Country / Track & Field
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Tentative Schedule:
9:30am Varsity Girls 5,000 meters
10:05am Varsity Boys 5,000 meters
10:40am JV Girls 5,000 meters
11:15am JV Boys 5,000 meters
11:50am Middle School Girls 3,200 meters
12:20pm Middle School Boys 3,200 meters
Bowling Green State University Intramural Fields and Golf Course
Only the first 20 teams confirmed will be guaranteed entry into the meet along with complimentary Adidas gear for the head coach. The confirmation page should be faxed attention to:
Bowling Green Cross Country & Track at (419) 372-6969.
Entry Fee:
$75 per gender (one fee for JV and Varsity) for the High School competition. The fee for the middle school race is an additional $50, which includes both the boys and girls. A team bringing both high school boys and girls with a middle school team would pay $200 total. Payment can be made on race day by cash or check, filled out to "BGSU Cross Country & Track." Please make sure you have the correct amount on your check, no refunds will be issued.
Entry Deadline:
Entries will be due on Tuesday August, 27th by 5:00pm.
Entry Process:
Entries must be e-mailed to Eric Thatcher ( Please divide your entries into a boys' and girls' list, but there is no need to distinguish between varsity, junior varsity, and middle school. Please type the entries in the following format: "Last Name, First Name." No entries will be accepted by mail or fax. Any eight athletes will be allowed to run in the varsity races. There will be unlimited entries in the JV and middle school races.
Meet Homepage:
All updated meet information can be found on our homepage by clicking the cross country tab at The link to the meet's homepage is located on the right hand side bar under Additional Links and 2013-14 High School Meet Information.
The race will be held on the intramural fields and golf course surrounding the BGSU football stadium. The well marked course will consist of multiple loops over a mostly grass path, occasionally crossing the road. Course maps will be available on the meet's homepage by August.
Results will be available on site thirty minutes after the completion of each race and posted online at the meet's homepage.
Meet shirts will be available for sale on race day for $15. Powerade, soft drinks, coffee, and water will also be available.
The top five individuals and two teams in each of the six divisions will receive awards. The head coach from each high school will receive free Adidas gear.
Bowling Green State University will provide training staff for the race. They will be set up one hour before the start of the first race.
School bus parking only will be in Lot 13 just off of Wooster Street, adjacent to the outdoor track. Buses can enter Lot 13 by turning north on Alumni Drive off of Wooster Street. Spectator parking will be in Lot 20 also just off of Wooster. There will be a $2 parking fee for all spectators only. There will be no parking on Alumni Drive or in Lot L for safety reasons. Coaches please pass this information onto bus drivers, families, and spectators.
Please contact the Bowling Green State University Cross Country & Track office with any questions at 419-372-7104. We look forward to your school's participation.