Circleville Kiwanis Invitational 2014

Circleville, OH
Hosted by Circleville
Timing/Results Ohio Running Events

Boys Results

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            2014 Circleville Kiwanis Cross Country Invitational
                  At Ohio Christian University | 8/30/14
         Results Provided by the TSR Timing Group -
             Weather: Sunny and 84 Degrees - Wind SSW @ 10MPH
                  ======= HS Boys Overall Results ======
Boys 5000 Meter Run
Place TmPl Name                  YR School                         S Time    Pace     
===== ==== ===================== == ============================== = ======= ===== 
    1    1 Aaron Wood            11 Fisher Catholic                M 16:38.6  5:22 
    2    2 Wyatt Gardner         11 Liberty Union                  M 16:41.4  5:23 
    3    3 Kane Dixon            12 Piketon                        M 16:57.7  5:28 
    4    4 Isaac Verdow          12 Fairfield Union                M 17:10.0  5:32 
    5    5 Ryan Dunn             12 Bellefontaine                  M 17:15.4  5:34 
    6    6 Donavan Lowe          11 Chillicothe                    M 17:24.1  5:37 
    7    7 Luke Brown             9 Sheridan                       M 17:26.8  5:37 
    8    8 Ethan Fusek           10 Canal Winchester               M 17:32.2  5:39 
    9    9 Zack Varney           12 Piketon                        M 17:43.0  5:43 
   10   10 Justin Clayton        10 Bellefontaine                  M 17:51.5  5:45 
   11   11 Clay Fisher           11 Sheridan                       M 17:52.5  5:46 
   12   12 Matt Entsminger       12 Bellefontaine                  M 18:02.4  5:49 
   13   13 Seth Farmer           12 Piketon                        M 18:04.4  5:50 
   14   14 Lucas Severance       12 Sheridan                       M 18:05.7  5:50 
   15   15 Jacob Thompson        11 Fairfield Christian            M 18:08.5  5:51 
   16   16 Michael Cuschleg      12 Liberty Union                  M 18:16.1  5:53 
   17   17 David Magda           11 Unioto                         M 18:18.7  5:54 
   18   18 Garrett Gwinn         11 Sheridan                       M 18:21.1  5:55 
   19   19 Eric Hoover           12 Fairfield Christian            M 18:23.8  5:56 
   20   20 Creighton Barrett     11 Col. DeSales                   M 18:29.0  5:57 
   21   21 David Guajardo        12 Bellefontaine                  M 18:33.9  5:59 
   22   22 Luke Schirr           10 Canal Winchester               M 18:36.0  6:00 
   23   23 Wes Samuels           11 Bellefontaine                  M 18:38.2  6:00 
   24   24 Noah Davis            10 Fairfield Christian            M 18:41.0  6:01 
   25   25 Joey Palumbo          11 Sheridan                       M 18:41.3  6:01 
   26   26 Keith Clellan         11 Sheridan                       M 18:42.6  6:02 
   27   27 Clay Moyer            10 Fairfield Union                M 18:42.9  6:02 
   28   28 Jeff Clydesdale       11 Logan Elm                      M 18:45.2  6:03 
   29   29 Kyle Clellan           9 Sheridan                       M 18:45.4  6:03 
   30   30 Imani Daniels         11 Canal Winchester               M 18:47.7  6:03 
   31   31 Luke Hoover           10 Fairfield Christian            M 18:52.0  6:05 
   32      Nathaniel Kehn        12 Sheridan                       M 18:52.5  6:05 
   33   32 Austin Taylor          9 Piketon                        M 18:55.0  6:06 
   34   33 Jeremy Cuckler        12 Bloom-Carroll                  M 18:58.2  6:07 
   35   34 Jason Appel           12 Canal Winchester               M 19:01.9  6:08 
   36   35 Jesse Griesheimer     12 Unioto                         M 19:03.7  6:09 
   37   36 Caleb Kennelly        12 Westfall                       M 19:04.7  6:09 
   38   37 Isaiah West            9 Unioto                         M 19:06.1  6:09 
   39   38 Dylan Vance           10 Berne Union                    M 19:07.8  6:10 
   40   39 Thomas Troup          11 Fairfield Union                M 19:08.1  6:10 
   41   40 Jack Whalen           12 Chillicothe                    M 19:08.7  6:10 
   42   41 Luke Kumler           10 Fairfield Christian            M 19:09.9  6:11 
   43      Gage Wells            11 Sheridan                       M 19:10.5  6:11 
   44   42 Sam Smith             10 Unioto                         M 19:11.3  6:11 
   45   43 Will Morrison         10 Canal Winchester               M 19:12.5  6:11 
   46   44 Jay Clement           12 Bellefontaine                  M 19:13.6  6:12 
   47   45 Matthew Agosta        10 Logan Elm                      M 19:15.1  6:12 
   48   46 Kiefer Mosmeier        9 Logan Elm                      M 19:16.7  6:13 
   49      Jed Shumaker          10 Sheridan                       M 19:17.4  6:13 
   50   47 John Bonhomme         12 Fairfield Union                M 19:18.6  6:13  
   51      Nick Wright           11 Sheridan                       M 19:22.9  6:15 
   52   48 Brook Taylor           9 Liberty Union                  M 19:29.3  6:17 
   53   49 Cole Clever            9 Unioto                         M 19:30.8  6:17 
   54   50 Ben Hippler           12 Col. DeSales                   M 19:42.0  6:21 
   55   51 Cameron Morello       11 Hartley                        M 19:42.3  6:21 
   56   52 Gage Hickman          10 Huntington                     M 19:43.3  6:21 
   57      Noah Barnett           9 Sheridan                       M 19:43.5  6:21 
   58   53 Luke Krile            10 Berne Union                    M 19:53.2  6:25 
   59   54 Nathan Cox            11 Circleville                    M 19:54.6  6:25 
   60   55 Eric Myers            11 Col. DeSales                   M 19:56.2  6:26 
   61   56 Casey Jarrell         11 Circleville                    M 19:56.7  6:26 
   62   57 Brandt Groene         12 Hartley                        M 19:58.1  6:26 
   63   58 Gabriel Levert        10 Hartley                        M 20:01.8  6:27 
   64   59 Carson Clark          11 Canal Winchester               M 20:07.9  6:29 
   65   60 Jacob Tharp            9 Berne Union                    M 20:11.5  6:30 
   66   61 Tim Springer          12 Liberty Union                  M 20:13.6  6:31 
   67   62 Dylan Smith           11 Fairfield Union                M 20:15.0  6:32 
   68   63 Daniel Trainer         9 Hartley                        M 20:15.3  6:32 
   69   64 John Hand             12 Gr. City Chr.                  M 20:15.7  6:32 
   70   65 Trey Mathis           10 Bloom-Carroll                  M 20:16.4  6:32 
   71   66 Luke Custer           10 Fairfield Christian            M 20:17.7  6:32 
   72   67 Brady Seesholtz       11 Fairfield Union                M 20:22.6  6:34 
   73   68 Ethan Dills           11 Unioto                         M 20:24.4  6:35 
   74   69 Hayden Mink           11 Westfall                       M 20:29.2  6:36 
   75   70 Hunter McCartney      12 Berne Union                    M 20:30.4  6:36 
   76   71 Robbie Brendsel        9 Berne Union                    M 20:31.6  6:37 
   77   72 Michael Smith         10 Hartley                        M 20:34.1  6:38 
   78      Clayton Edwards       11 Sheridan                       M 20:35.3  6:38 
   79   73 Evan Vautour           9 Hartley                        M 20:38.4  6:39 
   80   74 Brandon Mingus-Harris 12 Chillicothe                    M 20:40.7  6:40 
   81   75 Elijah Shanks         12 Huntington                     M 20:41.4  6:40 
   82   76 Quinten Boggs         11 Chillicothe                    M 20:43.0  6:41 
   83   77 Logan Carr            12 Bellefontaine                  M 20:43.3  6:41 
   84      Ian Smith             10 Sheridan                       M 20:45.4  6:41 
   85   78 Logan Weithman        11 Col. DeSales                   M 20:46.3  6:42 
   86   79 Max Sauer              9 Hartley                        M 20:48.9  6:42 
   87   80 Avery Warner          10 Canal Winchester               M 20:49.6  6:43 
   88   81 Joe Bakle             11 Col. DeSales                   M 20:52.0  6:43 
   89      Josh Heinmiller       11 Hartley                        M 20:53.7  6:44 
   90   82 Riley Kennelly        10 Westfall                       M 20:54.5  6:44 
   91      Casey Graham          12 Sheridan                       M 20:57.2  6:45 
   92      James Moore            9 Canal Winchester               M 20:59.0  6:46 
   93   83 Andrew Ganobsik       11 Col. DeSales                   M 21:02.2  6:47 
   94   84 Nick Ellas             9 Liberty Union                  M 21:03.6  6:47 
   95   85 Logan Kazmierczak     10 Westfall                       M 21:09.3  6:49 
   96   86 Logan Gaib             9 Fairfield Union                M 21:11.0  6:50 
   97   87 Devin Mays            12 Piketon                        M 21:13.8  6:50 
   98   88 Art Williams           9 Col. DeSales                   M 21:16.1  6:51 
   99   89 Zach McCarty          10 Fairfield Christian            M 21:16.9  6:51 
  100      Alec Kuhn             12 Sheridan                       M 21:21.8  6:53  
  101   90 Trent Miller           9 Unioto                         M 21:24.0  6:54 
  102      Evan Young             9 Canal Winchester               M 21:25.2  6:54 
  103   91 Jarred Utt            11 Circleville                    M 21:27.5  6:55 
  104   92 Max Greishiemer        9 Chillicothe                    M 21:28.4  6:55 
  105   93 Austin Ridenour       12 Westfall                       M 21:29.7  6:56 
  106   94 Michael Gardner       12 Liberty Union                  M 21:31.5  6:56 
  107   95 Tyler Vickroy         11 Berne Union                    M 21:36.3  6:58 
  108   96 Josh Jones            12 Gr. City Chr.                  M 21:37.0  6:58 
  109   97 Jake Barnes           12 Berne Union                    M 21:37.7  6:58 
  110      Sean Noll              9 Sheridan                       M 21:37.9  6:58 
  111      Chase Rawlins          9 Hartley                        M 21:42.1  7:00 
  112   98 Austin Spencer         9 Piketon                        M 21:44.5  7:00 
  113      Jonathon Desiderio    10 Col. DeSales                   M 21:45.3  7:01 
  114      Ray Tiell             12 Canal Winchester               M 21:48.4  7:02 
  115      Adam Preston          11 Bellefontaine                  M 21:49.2  7:02 
  116   99 Noah Miller           12 Gr. City Chr.                  M 21:51.2  7:03 
  117      Noah Ziegler          11 Col. DeSales                   M 21:51.7  7:03 
  118      Blake Stafford         9 Canal Winchester               M 21:53.8  7:03 
  119      Ethan Roberts          9 Fairfield Christian            M 21:58.9  7:05 
  120  100 Brody Slater          10 Westfall                       M 22:00.9  7:06 
  121      Jacob Webb            12 Fairfield Union                M 22:01.9  7:06 
  122  101 Andrew Smith          12 Fisher Catholic                M 22:11.1  7:09 
  123      T.J. Lamb             10 Bellefontaine                  M 22:13.4  7:10 
  124      Ryan Rawlins           9 Unioto                         M 22:15.8  7:10 
  125      Jared Krile           10 Berne Union                    M 22:16.8  7:11 
  126  102 Gavin Hamric          10 Fisher Catholic                M 22:17.9  7:11 
  127  103 Christian Howard       9 Huntington                     M 22:18.2  7:11 
  128  104 John Fernow           11 Fisher Catholic                M 22:18.4  7:11 
  129      Caleb Clonch          11 Sheridan                       M 22:23.1  7:13 
  130      Trayce Walker          9 Bellefontaine                  M 22:25.5  7:14 
  131      Bobby Acklin           9 Col. DeSales                   M 22:29.4  7:15 
  132      John Page             12 Unioto                         M 22:33.5  7:16 
  133  105 Joshua Reisinger      11 Logan Elm                      M 22:36.1  7:17 
  134      Tyler Avila           12 Bellefontaine                  M 22:37.2  7:17 
  135      John Babeaux          10 Hartley                        M 22:43.7  7:19 
  136  106 Tanner Veach           9 Piketon                        M 22:47.1  7:20 
  137  107 Drew Dipaolo          10 Liberty Union                  M 22:49.1  7:21 
  138      Christian Eyre        11 Madison Christian              M 22:49.6  7:21 
  139  108 Cole Bolt             10 Westfall                       M 22:53.4  7:23 
  140      Griffin Purcell        9 Bellefontaine                  M 22:54.8  7:23 
  141      Jacob Nichols          9 Piketon                        M 22:57.8  7:24 
  142  109 Randall Starling      10 Circleville                    M 22:59.2  7:24 
  143      Jacob Karg             9 Bellefontaine                  M 22:59.5  7:24 
  144      Blake Smith            9 Sheridan                       M 23:07.3  7:27 
  145      Jon Hurst              9 Piketon                        M 23:09.6  7:28 
  146  110 Conner Menosky        11 Fisher Catholic                M 23:12.1  7:29 
  147      C.J. Skaggs           12 Southeastern                   M 23:15.0  7:29 
  148      Adam Verbsky          12 Bellefontaine                  M 23:17.6  7:30 
  149  111 Dylan Brooks           9 Circleville                    M 23:18.3  7:31 
  150      Zack Kerns            10 Bellefontaine                  M 23:18.9  7:31 
  151      Brady Bookless         9 Col. DeSales                   M 23:19.8  7:31 
  152      Daniel Witosky        11 Madison Christian              M 23:20.8  7:31 
  153      Tommy Duckworth        9 Canal Winchester               M 23:24.4  7:33 
  154  112 Seth Baldwin          11 Logan Elm                      M 23:25.4  7:33 
  155  113 Eli Womack            12 Gr. City Chr.                  M 23:28.7  7:34 
  156      Alex Stadt            12 Westfall                       M 23:31.1  7:35 
  157      Zach Payne             9 Liberty Union                  M 23:31.5  7:35 
  158  114 James Hammer          12 Bloom-Carroll                  M 23:36.0  7:36 
  159      Cody Moore            12 Piketon                        M 23:36.3  7:36 
  160  115 Rhett Sanford         11 Fisher Catholic                M 23:46.6  7:40 
  161  116 Tylor Lutz             9 Logan Elm                      M 23:47.4  7:40 
  162      Cory Davis            10 Canal Winchester               M 23:56.1  7:43 
  163      Thomas Wade            9 Fairfield Union                M 24:00.9  7:44 
  164      Johnathan Hayes       10 Col. DeSales                   M 24:03.0  7:45 
  165  117 James Doty             9 Circleville                    M 24:03.2  7:45 
  166      Michael Lockwood       9 Fairfield Christian            M 24:10.9  7:47 
  167      Nathan Smith          11 Sheridan                       M 24:21.2  7:51 
  168      Blake Morman          10 Liberty Union                  M 24:24.1  7:52 
  169      Avery Conigy          10 Hartley                        M 24:26.9  7:53 
  170      Davis Sodders         10 Liberty Union                  M 24:28.7  7:53 
  171      Michael Coakley       12 Bellefontaine                  M 24:29.7  7:54 
  172      Tyler Sharpe           9 Sheridan                       M 24:30.6  7:54 
  173      Justin Braun           9 Col. DeSales                   M 24:34.6  7:55 
  174      Nathan Chiles         11 Canal Winchester               M 24:35.9  7:56 
  175  118 Brandon Shull         12 Fisher Catholic                M 24:40.5  7:57 
  176      Mason Tirtonegoro-Pot  9 Westfall                       M 24:43.9  7:58 
  177      Logan Lamb             9 Bellefontaine                  M 24:44.8  7:58 
  178      Zach Warnimont        10 Canal Winchester               M 24:48.9  8:00 
  179      Trevor Curtis         11 Berne Union                    M 24:54.1  8:01 
  180      J. T. Lamb            12 Westfall                       M 25:06.1  8:05 
  181      Sam Rees              10 Hartley                        M 25:11.6  8:07 
  182  119 Noah Seager            9 Bloom-Carroll                  M 25:16.7  8:09 
  183      Weston Rose            9 Bellefontaine                  M 25:43.2  8:17 
  184  120 Zachary Lunde         10 Chillicothe                    M 25:50.9  8:20 
  185      Grant Gabel           12 Col. DeSales                   M 26:09.9  8:26 
  186      Devan Copp             9 Southeastern                   M 26:11.8  8:26 
  187      Dean Smith            12 Bellefontaine                  M 26:18.6  8:29 
  188      Heath Grubb            9 Fairfield Union                M 26:19.2  8:29 
  189      Cale Sterling         12 Bellefontaine                  M 26:26.7  8:31 
  190  121 James Benner           9 Logan Elm                      M 26:28.2  8:32 
  191  122 Rhyen Reier           12 Gr. City Chr.                  M 26:29.5  8:32 
  192      Macrae Conrad         10 Westfall                       M 26:47.1  8:38 
  193      Adam Holbrook          9 Fairfield Christian            M 27:04.2  8:43 
  194      Colin Maffett          9 Madison Christian              M 27:09.3  8:45 
  195      Andrew Palumbo         9 Col. DeSales                   M 27:20.2  8:48 
  196  123 Aaron Gilmore          9 Huntington                     M 27:25.9  8:50 
  197      Alex Hartman          11 Southeastern                   M 27:35.2  8:53 
  198      Domenic Belvedere     11 Col. DeSales                   M 27:40.3  8:55 
  199      Jacob Berry            9 Liberty Union                  M 27:45.5  8:57 
  200  124 Rupesh Patel           9 Circleville                    M 27:58.7  9:01 
  201  125 Bailey Hill            9 Huntington                     M 28:15.2  9:06 
  202      Patrick Killeen        9 Fairfield Union                M 28:18.8  9:07 
  203      Zach Bodenmiller      12 Bellefontaine                  M 28:28.5  9:10 
  204      Tyler Cowans          12 Madison Christian              M 28:55.3  9:19 
  205      Jake Fischer          10 Fairfield Christian            M 29:00.1  9:21 
  206  126 Brett Crabtree        11 Gr. City Chr.                  M 29:08.8  9:23 
  207      Damian Sims            9 Southeastern                   M 29:13.6  9:25 
  208  127 Jonathan Rawlins       9 Huntington                     M 29:17.4  9:26 
  209      Ethan Dasse           10 Canal Winchester               M 29:18.3  9:26 
  210      Colton Jones          11 Fisher Catholic                M 29:46.4  9:35 
  211      Russel Staples         9 Liberty Union                  M 29:57.7  9:39 
  212      Zac Powers            12 Westfall                       M 29:58.6  9:39 
  213      Tyler Bevan            9 Fisher Catholic                M 30:36.0  9:51 
  214      Caleb Yount           11 Fairfield Christian            M 32:37.7 10:31 
  215  128 Scott Mash            11 Bloom-Carroll                  M 34:52.0 11:14 
  216      Kevin Richer           9 Liberty Union                  M 35:37.2 11:28 
  217      Chris Tooill           9 Amanda-Clearcreek              M 35:40.0 11:29 
  218      Gage Buffkin           9 Bellefontaine                  M 36:31.4 11:46 
  219  129 Noah Hiles             9 Chillicothe                    M 36:38.3 11:48