On The Mark Timing - Contractor License 6/11/2016 - 4:08 PM
Midwest Meet of Champions - 6/11/2016
Hosted by: OATCCC
Ohio Wesleyan University
Event 16 Men 300 Meter Hurdles
Meet Rec: + 36.34 2001 Derrick Williams, Ohio
Name Year School Finals H# Points
1 Tshawn Kimbraugh 12 Michigan 37.70 2 10
2 Mitch Kubicki 12 Ohio 38.36 2 8
3 Bijay Stephens 12 Indiana 38.74 2 6 38.737
4 Jai Dixon 12 Ohio 38.74 2 4 38.740
5 Thomas Jones 12 Indiana 39.03 1 2
6 Dushawn Tunstall 12 Indiana 39.39 2 1
7 Zachary Stadnika 12 Michigan 40.67 2
8 Terry Johnson 12 Ohio 42.44 1
9 Andrew Storm 12 Michigan 56.24 1