Midwest Meet of Champions 2006

Hilliard, OH
Hosted by Hil. Darby

Boys Frosh/Soph

Posted: 09/09/2006 at 03:33 PM

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                Boys Freshman Team Results

  1. Centerville                    
            1    2    7   10   12  (16) (19) =    32
         Matt Montavon, Jon Korte, Kevin Aldrich, Thomas O\'Connell, Joe Lawler,
         John Bebbington, Tyler Heller
  2. Lasalle                        
            5    8   11   15   20  (32) (35) =    59
         Ike Placke, Drew Harmon, Lee Southwood, Dan Eiser, Rob Bittner, John
         Beischel, Hunter Clements
  3. Hill. Davidson                 
            3    4    6   25   26  (28) (29) =    64
         Josh Brown, Anthony Boyd, Yoshi Shimizu, Dylan Gustafson, Zach Hurley,
         Nathan Moore, Ben Hofmann
  4. Turpin                         
            9   17   18   22   24  (30) (39) =    90
         Alex Polivka, Matt Petro, Scott Gogolin, Zach Smith, Derek Tucker,
         Matt Stuckey, Dylaln Bruemmer
  5. Chardon                        
           13   23   31   36   40  (44) (50) =   143
         Chad Walker, Bryan Tysl, Scott Bulzan, Max Miranda, Geoff Molnar,
         Mitch Cooley, Brett Reiter
  6. Worth. Kilbourne               
           14   21   37   42   43  (49) (51) =   157
         Eric Clemens, Stephen Batchelder, Oliver Bosserman, Ethan Monroe,
         Chris Coury, Stan Lange, Thomas Green
  7. Hill. Darby                    
           33   34   41   45   46  (47) (53) =   199
         Denton Thompson, Steven Jones, Jon Stewart, Kurt McGinnis, Matthew
         Crickard, Adrian Lenk, Josh Burile
  8. Colerain                       
           27   38   48   52   54            =   219
         Zach Burt, Alex Skirvin, Travis Campbell, Jeffrey Denny, Tyler Romans

                Boys Freshman Overall Results

Place TmPl No.  Name               School                          Time  Pace  
===== ==== ==== ================== =============================== ===== ===== 
    1    1   45 Matt Montavon      Centerville                     17:28  5:39 
    2    2   34 Jon Korte          Centerville                     17:57  5:48 
    3    3  132 Josh Brown         Hill. Davidson                  18:00  5:49 
    4    4  131 Anthony Boyd       Hill. Davidson                  18:07  5:51 
    5    5  221 Ike Placke         LaSalle                         18:08  5:51 
    6    6  171 Yoshi Shimizu      Hill. Davidson                  18:09  5:52 
    7    7   12 Kevin Aldrich      Centerville                     18:09  5:52 
    8    8  206 Drew Harmon        LaSalle                         18:12  5:52 
    9    9  309 Alex Polivka       Turpin                          18:12  5:53 
   10   10   47 Thomas O\'Connell   Centerville                     18:14  5:53 
   11   11  231 Lee Southwood      LaSalle                         18:14  5:53 
   12   12   36 Joe Lawler         Centerville                     18:15  5:54 
   13   13   83 Chad Walker        Chardon                         18:19  5:55 
   14   14  348 Eric Clemens       Worth. Kilbourne                18:20  5:55 
   15   15  201 Dan Eiser          LaSalle                         18:22  5:56 
   16   16   14 John Bebbington    Centerville                     18:24  5:56 
   17   17  308 Matt Petro         Turpin                          18:34  6:00 
   18       322 Aaron Ettinger     Woodridge                       18:34  6:00 
   19   18  303 Scott Gogolin      Turpin                          18:35  6:00 
   20   19   28 Tyler Heller       Centerville                     18:36  6:00 
   21   20  190 Rob Bittner        LaSalle                         18:36  6:00 
   22   21  341 Stephen Batchelder Worth. Kilbourne                18:38  6:01 
   23   22  315 Zach Smith         Turpin                          18:39  6:01 
   24   23   82 Bryan Tysl         Chardon                         18:40  6:02 
   25       327 Nathan Mercer      Woodridge                       18:42  6:02 
   26   24  318 Derek Tucker       Turpin                          18:47  6:04 
   27   25  142 Dylan Gustafson    Hill. Davidson                  19:01  6:08 
   28   26  148 Zach Hurley        Hill. Davidson                  19:09  6:11 
   29   27   88 Zach Burt          Colerain                        19:09  6:11 
   30   28  162 Nathan Moore       Hill. Davidson                  19:11  6:12 
   31   29  145 Ben Hofmann        Hill. Davidson                  19:17  6:14 
   32   30  317 Matt Stuckey       Turpin                          19:20  6:15 
   33   31   64 Scott Bulzan       Chardon                         19:25  6:16 
   34       179 Jacob Wilkinson    Hill. Davidson                  19:27  6:17 
   35   32  187 John Beischel      LaSalle                         19:29  6:18 
   36   33  122 Denton Thompson    Hill. Darby                     19:31  6:18 
   37   34  112 Steven Jones       Hill. Darby                     19:39  6:21 
   38   35  193 Hunter Clements    LaSalle                         19:40  6:21 
   39   36   72 Max Miranda        Chardon                         19:40  6:21 
   40       154 John Lieburn       Hill. Davidson                  19:44  6:22 
   41       218 Tom Mette          LaSalle                         19:45  6:22 
   42   37  343 Oliver Bosserman   Worth. Kilbourne                19:49  6:24 
   43   38   96 Alex Skirvin       Colerain                        19:54  6:26 
   44   39  296 Dylaln Bruemmer    Turpin                          19:55  6:26 
   45   40   73 Geoff Molnar       Chardon                         19:55  6:26 
   46       219 Alex Moore         LaSalle                         19:57  6:26 
   47       134 Stephan Davis      Hill. Davidson                  19:57  6:27 
   48       331 Michael Patton     Woodridge                       20:00  6:27 
   49       161 Elliott Moore      Hill. Davidson                  20:02  6:28 
   50   41  121 Jon Stewart        Hill. Darby                     20:04  6:29 
   51       137 Noah Flora         Hill. Davidson                  20:04  6:29 
   52   42  367 Ethan Monroe       Worth. Kilbourne                20:05  6:29 
   53   43  352 Chris Coury        Worth. Kilbourne                20:15  6:32 
   54   44   66 Mitch Cooley       Chardon                         20:15  6:32 
   55   45  116 Kurt McGinnis      Hill. Darby                     20:25  6:36 
   56   46  103 Matthew Crickard   Hill. Darby                     20:27  6:36 
   57       164 Steven Nystrom     Hill. Davidson                  20:29  6:37 
   58   47  115 Adrian Lenk        Hill. Darby                     20:31  6:37 
   59       188 Michael Berling    LaSalle                         20:34  6:38 
   60   48   89 Travis Campbell    Colerain                        20:37  6:39 
   61       196 Danny Crowell      LaSalle                         20:42  6:41 
   62   49  364 Stan Lange         Worth. Kilbourne                20:44  6:42 
   63       214 Ben Leonhart       LaSalle                         20:49  6:43 
   64   50   76 Brett Reiter       Chardon                         20:53  6:45 
   65       163 Andrew Nelson      Hill. Davidson                  20:54  6:45 
   66   51  359 Thomas Green       Worth. Kilbourne                20:55  6:45 
   67   52   91 Jeffrey Denny      Colerain                        21:21  6:54 
   68       159 Michael Mikola     Hill. Davidson                  21:36  6:59 
   69       133 Cameron Collin     Hill. Davidson                  21:46  7:01 
   70       152 Blake Liberati     Hill. Davidson                  21:50  7:03 
   71       147 Jordan Houy        Hill. Davidson                  22:05  7:08 
   72   53  101 Josh Burile        Hill. Darby                     22:08  7:09 
   73       157 Geoff McTurner     Hill. Davidson                  22:14  7:11 
   74   54   94 Tyler Romans       Colerain                        22:27  7:15 
   75       365 Steven L\'Ecuyer    Worth. Kilbourne                22:48  7:22 
   76       361 Brian Hoffman      Worth. Kilbourne                23:00  7:26 
   77       106 Ryan Gossard       Hill. Darby                     23:04  7:27 
   78       141 Brian Grzybowski-C Hill. Davidson                  23:05  7:27 
   79       165 Avery Patridge     Hill. Davidson                  23:46  7:40 
   80       339 Michael Barrett    Worth. Kilbourne                24:06  7:47 
   81       373 Jake Ubbing        Worth. Kilbourne                24:33  7:55 
   82       368 Ethan Newman       Worth. Kilbourne                24:41  7:58 
   83       169 Jon Ruple          Hill. Davidson                  25:02  8:05 
   84       321 Thomas Dunlop      Woodridge                       25:05  8:06 
   85       346 Corey Castelli     Worth. Kilbourne                26:04  8:25 
   86       153 Alex Lieb          Hill. Davidson                  27:14  8:47