Anna Rocket Invitational 2017 vs Anna Rocket Invitational 2014

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -12 526 538
Overall Average +25.65 22:51.02 22:25.37
1st-10th Place +6.81 17:14.37 17:07.56
1st-25th Place +14.96 17:37.78 17:22.82
1st-50th Place +16.30 18:00.41 17:44.11
1st-100th Place +22.03 18:34.89 18:12.87
Common Athletes -- -- 64
Ran Faster 6 35 29
Ran Season Best -10 2 12
Average Time +8.72 22:41.50 22:32.78
Median Time -31.60 21:44.90 22:16.50
Middle 80% Times +4.14 22:31.60 22:27.46
Top 10% Times -45.21 17:51.16 18:36.37
Top 25% Times -37.23 18:37.11 19:14.34
Top 50% Times -32.25 19:40.53 20:12.78
Bottom 50% Times +49.68 25:42.46 24:52.78
Bottom 25% Times +1:37.94 28:12.15 26:34.21
Bottom 10% Times +2:08.97 30:30.44 28:21.47
Average Difference +8.72 -- --
Median Difference -1:50.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -0.59 -- --
Top 10% Difference -41.53 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.60 -- --
Top 25% Difference -27.49 -- --
Top 50% Difference -28.60 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +46.03 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +1:39.01 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:15.07 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jason Middendorf LaSalle -2:17.30 17:03.80 19:21.10
Austin Fullenkamp Botkins -47.90 17:30.60 18:18.50
Cole Weslow Bellbrook -32.00 17:39.80 18:11.80
Noah Mang Lak. West -29.00 17:45.30 18:14.30
Parker Morris Jackson Center -1:31.50 18:12.30 19:43.80
Nick Williams West Liberty-Salem -52.40 18:18.60 19:11.00
Patrick Toller Anna -1:46.00 18:27.70 20:13.70
Dakota Francis Houston -34.30 18:32.10 19:06.40
Johnny Fike Bradford +1:07.10 19:43.10 18:36.00
Robert Modic Spencerville +42.20 19:18.80 18:36.60
Austin Kaiser LaSalle -59.60 18:39.20 19:38.80
Max Merk LaSalle -1:31.30 18:47.20 20:18.50
Michael Looby LaSalle -2:17.10 19:17.20 21:34.30
Hunter Brumbaugh Covington -1:13.90 19:23.60 20:37.50
Nathan Lyle Covington +0.30 19:32.90 19:32.60
Reghan Bieleski West Liberty-Salem +37.20 20:15.30 19:38.10
Daniel Wardley Graham Local -1.30 19:41.60 19:42.90
Zach Davidson Troy Christian -1:21.00 19:51.10 21:12.10
Emily Anneken McAuley High School +24.70 20:16.50 19:51.80
Isaac Smith West Liberty-Salem -42.90 19:52.50 20:35.40
Dylan Kelly Covington -20.10 19:54.60 20:14.70
Emma Cunningham Lak. West +50.10 20:44.90 19:54.80
Ethan Reigelsperger Bellbrook +51.80 21:02.70 20:10.90
Ethan Mangette Lima C.C. -2:03.00 20:28.50 22:31.50
Ali Hausfeld Lak. West +2:40.00 23:09.20 20:29.20
Clayton Dangel LaSalle -2:33.70 20:29.60 23:03.30
Matt Wood Spencerville +49.90 21:44.90 20:55.00
Hunter Stephen Spencerville -1:50.00 20:57.60 22:47.60
Ian Bobick Bellbrook -2:22.00 20:58.00 23:20.00
Alanna O'leary Lehman Cath. +16.80 21:14.90 20:58.10
Liam Flannery LaSalle -2:02.10 21:01.40 23:03.50
Kurt Hoover Bradford -57.90 21:17.90 22:15.80
Morgan Ely Houston -12.60 21:33.80 21:46.40
Kylie Montgomery McAuley High School +51.50 22:26.90 21:35.40
Danielle Alexander Covington -2:07.00 21:43.90 23:50.90
Kalob Pitson Spencerville -14.40 21:50.90 22:05.30
Noah Davidson Troy Christian -51.60 21:52.40 22:44.00
Kelsey Dysinger Covington +1:22.90 23:18.70 21:55.80
Max Schell Bethel -9.60 22:02.70 22:12.30
Camille Johnston Lak. West +1:37.00 23:53.50 22:16.50
Brooklyn Flora Botkins -30.20 22:26.10 22:56.30
Keely Dryden Bellbrook -36.60 23:03.00 23:39.60
Tommy Meek Indian Lake +1:02.90 24:16.40 23:13.50
Scott Jackson Bellbrook +1:41.70 25:01.30 23:19.60
Caleb Hunnicutt Troy Christian +12.90 23:32.70 23:19.80
Tanner Kimmel Covington +1:01.40 24:37.80 23:36.40
Chelsea Gill Bradford +51.00 24:29.30 23:38.30
Gracen Rogers Anna -19.30 23:38.60 23:57.90
Caitlin Swallows Lehman Cath. +10:20.10 34:00.90 23:40.80
Sierra Hessinger Bellbrook +4:57.60 28:51.50 23:53.90
Rachel Miller Lakota +1:07.60 25:40.80 24:33.20
Austi Valentine Indian Lake +1:59.30 26:35.90 24:36.60
Cassie Shumaker Lak. West -1:14.50 25:05.70 26:20.20
Theresa Flood Lehman Cath. +1:10.70 26:42.30 25:31.60
Abbi Maggi New Knoxville -1:10.70 25:32.90 26:43.60
Mason Dilley Covington +3:08.60 28:47.30 25:38.70
Spencer Hogue Covington +1:46.30 27:45.70 25:59.40
Tori Lyle Covington +19.40 26:24.90 26:05.50
Dakota Klotz Lakota -58.50 26:22.40 27:20.90
Emer Goss Lak. West +39.10 27:30.70 26:51.60
Olivia Harden Lakota +2:23.90 29:38.10 27:14.20
Leah Peoples Lehman Cath. +2:43.10 32:17.90 29:34.80
Madison Ott New Knoxville -26.20 29:40.40 30:06.60
Elaine Poppe New Knoxville -21.60 30:17.00 30:38.60