Mentor Minuteman Memorial Invitational 2017

Mentor, OH
Hosted by Mentor

Boys Varsity

Team Results - Boys Varsity
Minutemen Memorial Middle School XC Invitational
Thursday, September 21, 2017-Garfield Park
Greater Cleveland XC
 1. Lamuth                         Score:    48     Total: 0:59:29.60
                                                  Average:   11:53.9
                                                   Spread:   01:24.0
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Bryce Weber                  2    11:11.9     8     00:12.2
      2. Scott Cavell                 5    11:44.0     8     00:44.3
      3. Clint Young                  7    11:51.0     8     00:51.3
      4. Ian White                   12    12:06.8     8     01:07.1
      5. Noah Blore                  22    12:35.9     8     01:36.2
      6. Mikey Arnone                41    13:13.7     7     02:14.0
      7. Dylan Gidley                42    13:13.8     8     02:14.1
 2. West Geauga                    Score:    68     Total: 1:01:12.30
                                                  Average:   12:14.4
                                                   Spread:   00:37.2
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Dakota Deets                 9    11:53.4     8     00:53.7
      2. Ryan McGinnis               10    12:01.1     8     01:01.4
      3. Michael Burkhard            13    12:18.0     8     01:18.3
      4. Aidan Schaffer              17    12:29.2     8     01:29.5
      5. Christopher Whiting         19    12:30.6     7     01:30.9
      6. John Mikes                  20    12:31.0     7     01:31.3
      7. Christian Beazel            35    12:55.2     8     01:55.5
 3. Chardon                        Score:    82     Total: 1:00:45.60
                                                  Average:   12:09.1
                                                   Spread:   02:07.8
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Luke Danison                 1    10:59.7     8     00:00.0
      2. Chris Gehrke                 3    11:28.9     8     00:29.2
      3. Jacob Hlifka                16    12:29.1     8     01:29.4
      4. Sam Francis                 23    12:40.4     7     01:40.7
      5. Owen St. James              39    13:07.5     7     02:07.8
      6. Caymen Ashley               47    13:31.4     8     02:31.7
      7. Trent Shutty                56    13:44.6     8     02:44.9
 4. Mentor Ridge                   Score:    97     Total: 1:02:18.50
                                                  Average:   12:27.7
                                                   Spread:   01:17.6
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Josh Risko                   4    11:36.7     8     00:37.0
      2. Timmy Hordinski             14    12:25.8     7     01:26.1
      3. Stevie Nedlik               15    12:28.7     8     01:29.0
      4. Randy Saley                 30    12:53.0     8     01:53.3
      5. Sam Lynch                   34    12:54.3     8     01:54.6
      6. Dustyn Alan                 40    13:10.4     7     02:10.7
      7. Alex Romo                   52    13:42.2     8     02:42.5
 5. Kenston                        Score:   148     Total: 1:04:24.80
                                                  Average:   12:52.9
                                                   Spread:   01:24.6
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Jake Eastburn               11    12:06.4     8     01:06.7
      2. Braden Hunt                 21    12:35.7     8     01:36.0
      3. Angelo DeLuca               27    12:51.8     8     01:52.1
      4. Danny McDonough             43    13:19.9     8     02:20.2
      5. Ryan Peters                 46    13:31.0     8     02:31.3
      6. Walker Glime                49    13:35.2     7     02:35.5
      7. Max McNeal                  55    13:43.8     8     02:44.1
 6. Madison                        Score:   154     Total: 1:04:22.80
                                                  Average:   12:52.5
                                                   Spread:   01:38.4
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Dimitri Dragas               8    11:51.6     8     00:51.9
      2. Kellen Ray                  24    12:44.8     8     01:45.1
      3. Mitchell Polovic            33    12:53.7     8     01:54.0
      4. Andrew Bernard              44    13:22.7     8     02:23.0
      5. Noah Anderson               45    13:30.0     8     02:30.3
      6. Harrison Cradduck           48    13:33.1     8     02:33.4
 7. Mentor Memorial                Score:   169     Total: 1:05:12.60
                                                  Average:   13:02.5
                                                   Spread:   02:22.7
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Matt Edgell                  6    11:49.7     8     00:50.0
      2. Michael Petrovic            18    12:30.2     7     01:30.5
      3. Joseph Bull                 36    13:04.3     8     02:04.6
      4. Micah Hofer                 50    13:36.0     7     02:36.3
      5. Charles Eckles              59    14:12.4     8     03:12.7
      6. Connor Smith                61    14:34.1     8     03:34.4
      7. Ethan Warner                68    15:41.9     7     04:42.2
 8. Mentor Shore                   Score:   183     Total: 1:05:35.70
                                                  Average:   13:07.1
                                                   Spread:   01:00.8
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Becan Hahn                  25    12:45.7     7     01:46.0
      2. Aaron Duricky               26    12:51.0     8     01:51.3
      3. Will Stuart                 37    13:06.0     7     02:06.3
      4. Colin McCann                38    13:06.5     8     02:06.8
      5. Adam Roeder                 57    13:46.5     8     02:46.8
      6. Doug Slovenkay              58    13:47.1     7     02:47.4
      7. Kevin Meyer                 60    14:28.0     8     03:28.3
 9. Willowick                      Score:   234     Total: 1:08:35.30
                                                  Average:   13:43.0
                                                   Spread:   02:33.2
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Matthew Colton              31    12:53.1     7     01:53.4
      2. Floyd Lomis                 32    12:53.1     7     01:53.4
      3. Petrecca Carson             51    13:40.6     7     02:40.9
      4. Jatin Perchinske            53    13:42.2     7     02:42.5
      5. Matthew Crenshaw            67    15:26.3     7     04:26.6
      6. Colin Perchinske            71    15:56.7     7     04:57.0
10. Perry MS                       Score:   283     Total: 1:13:52.90
                                                  Average:   14:46.5
                                                   Spread:   04:16.4
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Skyler Landgraf             29    12:52.6     7     01:52.9
      2. Ben Stavar                  54    13:43.3     7     02:43.6
      3. Isaac Bond                  63    14:50.8     8     03:51.1
      4. Luis Villalobos             64    15:17.2     8     04:17.5
      5. Dominic Ciolli              73    17:09.0     7     06:09.3
11. Eastlake                       Score:   302     Total: 1:17:56.40
                                                  Average:   15:35.2
                                                   Spread:   06:19.8
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. David Vaiksnoras            28    12:52.1     8     01:52.4
      2. Bo Vinson                   62    14:35.3     7     03:35.6
      3. Mike Ratajczak              65    15:21.9     8     04:22.2
      4. Anthony Cirino              70    15:55.2     8     04:55.5
      5. Nicholas Thompson           77    19:11.9     7     08:12.2
      6. Garry Francis               78    19:44.4     8     08:44.7
12. Gilmour Academy                Score:   356     Total: 1:24:04.60
                                                  Average:   16:48.9
                                                   Spread:   03:37.8
                                   Points   Time    Grade  Behind Winner
      1. Andrew Lewis                66    15:22.4     7     04:22.7
      2. Catcher Sawyer              69    15:52.0     7     04:52.3
      3. Vince Valentine             72    16:26.6     7     05:26.9
      4. Ben Lindley                 74    17:23.4     6     06:23.7
      5. Trevor Weltle               75    19:00.2     6     08:00.5
      6. Edward Turk                 76    19:07.8     6     08:08.1
Printouts compliments of the host team.

Individual Results- Boys Varsity
Minutemen Memorial Middle School XC Invitational
Thursday, September 21, 2017-Garfield Park
Plc Pts Name                        Team                     Grade   Time Number
  1   1 Luke Danison                Chardon                     8   10:59.7 3014
  2   2 Bryce Weber                 Lamuth                      8   11:11.9 3333
  3   3 Chris Gehrke                Chardon                     8   11:28.9 3017
  4   4 Josh Risko                  Mentor Ridge                8   11:36.7 3247
  5   5 Scott Cavell                Lamuth                      8   11:44.0 3159
  6   6 Matt Edgell                 Mentor Memorial             8   11:49.7 3220
  7   7 Clint Young                 Lamuth                      8   11:51.0 3162
  8   8 Dimitri Dragas              Madison                     8   11:51.6 3194
  9   9 Dakota Deets                West Geauga                 8   11:53.4 3327
 10  10 Ryan McGinnis               West Geauga                 8   12:01.1 3328
 11  11 Jake Eastburn               Kenston                     8   12:06.4 3107
 12  12 Ian White                   Lamuth                      8   12:06.8 3161
 13  13 Michael Burkhard            West Geauga                 8   12:18.0 3326
 14  14 Timmy Hordinski             Mentor Ridge                7   12:25.8 3244
 15  15 Stevie Nedlik               Mentor Ridge                8   12:28.7 3246
 16  16 Jacob Hlifka                Chardon                     8   12:29.1 3018
 17  17 Aidan Schaffer              West Geauga                 8   12:29.2 3330
 18  18 Michael Petrovic            Mentor Memorial             7   12:30.2 3222
 19  19 Christopher Whiting         West Geauga                 7   12:30.6 3331
 20  20 John Mikes                  West Geauga                 7   12:31.0 3329
 21  21 Braden Hunt                 Kenston                     8   12:35.7 3109
 22  22 Noah Blore                  Lamuth                      8   12:35.9 3158
 23  23 Sam Francis                 Chardon                     7   12:40.4 3016
 24  24 Kellen Ray                  Madison                     8   12:44.8 3196
 25  25 Becan Hahn                  Mentor Shore                7   12:45.7 3265
 26  26 Aaron Duricky               Mentor Shore                8   12:51.0 3264
 27  27 Angelo DeLuca               Kenston                     8   12:51.8 3106
 28  28 David Vaiksnoras            Eastlake                    8   12:52.1 3044
 29  29 Skyler Landgraf             Perry MS                    7   12:52.6 3290
 30  30 Randy Saley                 Mentor Ridge                8   12:53.0 3249
 31  31 Matthew Colton              Willowick                   7   12:53.1 3367
 32  32 Floyd Lomis                 Willowick                   7   12:53.1 3369
 33  33 Mitchell Polovic            Madison                     8   12:53.7 3195
 34  34 Sam Lynch                   Mentor Ridge                8   12:54.3 3245
 35  35 Christian Beazel            West Geauga                 8   12:55.2 3325
 36  36 Joseph Bull                 Mentor Memorial             8   13:04.3 3218
 37  37 Will Stuart                 Mentor Shore                7   13:06.0 3270
 38  38 Colin McCann                Mentor Shore                8   13:06.5 3266
 39  39 Owen St. James              Chardon                     7   13:07.5 3011
 40  40 Dustyn Alan                 Mentor Ridge                7   13:10.4 3243
 41  41 Mikey Arnone                Lamuth                      7   13:13.7 3157
 42  42 Dylan Gidley                Lamuth                      8   13:13.8 3160
 43  43 Danny McDonough             Kenston                     8   13:19.9 3110
 44  44 Andrew Bernard              Madison                     8   13:22.7 3192
 45  45 Noah Anderson               Madison                     8   13:30.0 3191
 46  46 Ryan Peters                 Kenston                     8   13:31.0 3112
 47  47 Caymen Ashley               Chardon                     8   13:31.4 3013
 48  48 Harrison Cradduck           Madison                     8   13:33.1 3193
 49  49 Walker Glime                Kenston                     7   13:35.2 3108
 50  50 Micah Hofer                 Mentor Memorial             7   13:36.0 3221
 51  51 Petrecca Carson             Willowick                   7   13:40.6 3366
 52  52 Alex Romo                   Mentor Ridge                8   13:42.2 3248
 53  53 Jatin Perchinske            Willowick                   7   13:42.2 3372
 54  54 Ben Stavar                  Perry MS                    7   13:43.3 3291
 55  55 Max McNeal                  Kenston                     8   13:43.8 3111
 56  56 Trent Shutty                Chardon                     8   13:44.6 3019
 57  57 Adam Roeder                 Mentor Shore                8   13:46.5 3268
 58  58 Doug Slovenkay              Mentor Shore                7   13:47.1 3269
 59  59 Charles Eckles              Mentor Memorial             8   14:12.4 3219
 60  60 Kevin Meyer                 Mentor Shore                8   14:28.0 3267
 61  61 Connor Smith                Mentor Memorial             8   14:34.1 3223
 62  62 Bo Vinson                   Eastlake                    7   14:35.3 3045
 63  63 Isaac Bond                  Perry MS                    8   14:50.8 3287
 64  64 Luis Villalobos             Perry MS                    8   15:17.2 3292
 65  65 Mike Ratajczak              Eastlake                    8   15:21.9 3042
 66  66 Andrew Lewis                Gilmour Academy             7   15:22.4 3070
 67  67 Matthew Crenshaw            Willowick                   7   15:26.3 3368
 68  68 Ethan Warner                Mentor Memorial             7   15:41.9 3224
 69  69 Catcher Sawyer              Gilmour Academy             7   15:52.0 3072
 70  70 Anthony Cirino              Eastlake                    8   15:55.2 3040
 71  71 Colin Perchinske            Willowick                   7   15:56.7 3371
 72  72 Vince Valentine             Gilmour Academy             7   16:26.6 3074
 73  73 Dominic Ciolli              Perry MS                    7   17:09.0 3288
 74  74 Ben Lindley                 Gilmour Academy             6   17:23.4 3071
 75  75 Trevor Weltle               Gilmour Academy             6   19:00.2 3075
 76  76 Edward Turk                 Gilmour Academy             6   19:07.8 3073
 77  77 Nicholas Thompson           Eastlake                    7   19:11.9 3043
 78  78 Garry Francis               Eastlake                    8   19:44.4 3041
Printouts compliments of Greater Cleveland XC