MileSplit Ohio contributors, Nate Shively and Chris Greene caught up with athletes and coaches following the Middlefield and Midwest Catholic meets on Saturday.
Review results and content links from cross country meets taking place throughout Ohio from the week of September 21st to September 26th.
Watch Varsity Division, Junior Varsity Division and Open Division races from the Midwest Catholic Championships courtesy of MileSplit contributor, Chris Greene.
MileSplit Ohio's Chris Greene caught up with Varsity Division winner, Kevin Agnew and meet director, John Agnew following the Midwest Catholic Championships.
View photos from the Midwest Catholic XC Championships courtesy of MileSplit Ohio contributor, Chris Greene.

Chrisitan Lisle, Nate Shively, Chris Greene and Andrew McPherson are taking on coverage duties for MileSplit today throughout the state of Ohio.
Watch the middle school boys and girls 3200 meter contests from last year's Midwest Catholic XC Championships.
Review the course map, the schedule of events and other important details in lead-up to Saturday's Midwest Catholic XC Championships.
Our team of contributors have several meets on their schedules for the last Saturday of XC competition in September.