Athens Invitational 2008

The Plains, OH
Hosted by Athens

Boys HS

RaceTab 2.0 by                        09/16/2008

                 Anthens Invitational - 09/06/2008
                Athens HS XC Course, The Plains, OH

High School Boys 5000 Meter Run                          
     Name                 Team                 Finals    
   1 Rhue, Steven         Athens               17:24      
   2 Thompson, Kevin      Alexander            17:44      
   3 Good, Kyle           Southern             17:54      
   4 McAdoo, Ben          Athens               18:13      
   5 Fleming, Anthony     Wellston             18:24      
   6 Aeiker, Keith        Eastern              18:37      
   7 Mallone, Dirk        Alexander            18:38      
   8 Siemer, John         Athens               18:39      
   9 Hanning, Cody        Meigs                18:57      
  10 Lane, Robby          Athens               19:01      
  11 Watson, JaCob        South Gallia         19:14      
  12 Peck-Suzuki, Theo    Athens               19:21      
  13 Retterer, Tyler      Wellston             19:31      
  14 Wu, Larry            Athens               19:33      
  15 Holliday, Chris      Athens               19:36      
  16 Householder, David   River Valley         19:37      
  17 Roush, Dylan         Southern             19:40      
  18 Rodriguez, Stephen   Athens               19:44      
  19 Mitchell, JB         Athens               20:06      
  20 Roseberry, Colby     Southern             20:10      
  21 Litler, Craig        Athens               20:11      
  22 O�Bryant, Andrew     Meigs                20:12      
  23 Carter, Kameron      Trimble              20:15      
  24 Mahr, Steven         Meigs                20:17      
  25 Denhart, Chris       Athens               20:23      
  26 Sheets, Matt         Alexander            20:24      
  27 Brown, Derek         Trimble              20:51      
  28 Fox, Chance          Nelsonville          20:53      
  29 Blake, Cody          Wellston             21:09      
  30 Amerine, Levi        Vinton County        21:10      
  31 Hook, Zack           Nelsonville          21:11      
  32 Ousley, Chad         Vinton County        21:14      
  33 Mollica, AJ          Athens               21:18      
  34 Saylor, Cody         Vinton County        21:30      
  35 Riffe, JaCob         Meigs                21:34      
  36 Fink, Alec           Athens               21:36      
  37 Goodrich, Matt       River Valley         21:42      
  38 Tindongan, Torin     Athens               21:43      
  39 Larimer, John        Athens               21:44      
  40 Sarchione, Caleb     Athens               21:47      
  41 Porter, Jon          River Valley         21:51      
  42 Bankes, Evan         Trimble              21:58      
  43 Butcher, Chris       Vinton County        22:01      
  44 Hollingsworth, Jared River Valley         22:10      
  45 Adams, Nick          Nelsonville          22:14      
  46 Willoughby, Tyler    Alexander            22:14      
  47 Hoover, Drew         Southern             22:15      
  48 Norris, Jarod        Wellston             22:27      
  49 Giffin, Jesse        Vinton County        22:28      
  50 Wine, John           Nelsonville          22:56      
  51 Sims, Bruce          Vinton County        22:58      
  52 Story, Zach          Meigs                23:07      
  53 Jackon, Tyler        Athens               23:09      
  54 Juinther, Andrew     Southern             23:19      
  55 Meeks, Cody          Alexander            23:27      
  56 Pressley, Michael    Wellston             23:37      
  57 Argle, Steven        Trimble              23:53      
  58 Davis, Mike          Trimble              24:04      
  59 Wilson, Ronnie       Southern             24:11      
  60 Hollingsworth, Parke River Valley         25:09      
  61 Holsinger, John      Southern             25:17      
  62 Grahm, Chase         Southern             25:17      
  63 Denhart, Jon         Athens               25:29      
  64 Carter, Brandon      Trimble              25:49      
  65 Wojtaszek, Michal    River Valley         26:17      
  66 Nostrant, Paul       Alexander            26:39      
  67 Keeney, Ryan         Nelsonville          27:57      
  68 Stage, Casey         Athens               29:22      
  69 Bigler, Zack         Vinton County        29:32      
  70 Crabtree, Zach       Alexander            31:31      

High School Boys 5000 Meter Run Team Scores
    Team              Total    1    2    3    4    5    6*   7*
   1 Athens             31     1    4    7    9    10   12   13   
       Total Time: 1:32:38.00
       Average:    18:31.60
   2 Alexander          106    2    6    20   35   43   52   55   
       Total Time: 1:42:27.00
       Average:    20:29.40
   3 Southern           112    3    15   16   36   42   47   49   
       Total Time: 1:43:18.00
       Average:    20:39.60
   4 Meigs              113    8    17   19   28   41   -    -    
       Total Time: 1:44:07.00
       Average:    20:49.40
   5 Wellston           120    5    11   23   37   44   -    -    
       Total Time: 1:45:08.00
       Average:    21:01.60
   6 Vinton County      147    24   26   27   32   38   40   54   
       Total Time: 1:48:23.00
       Average:    21:40.60
   7 River Valley       154    14   29   30   33   48   51   -    
       Total Time: 1:50:29.00
       Average:    22:05.80
   8 Trimble            161    18   21   31   45   46   50   -    
       Total Time: 1:51:01.00
       Average:    22:12.20
   9 Nelsonville        173    22   25   34   39   53   -    -    
       Total Time: 1:55:11.00
       Average:    23:02.20
  -- Eastern            NTS (1 Finishers)
  -- South Gallia       NTS (1 Finishers)