Middle School Boys Division 3200m Run
Name Yr Team Time Score
1 Hamm, Seth Dawson-Bryant MS 11:14.53 1
2 Snavely, Nixon Rock Hill MS 12:07.28 2
3 Haynes, Lincoln Ignite Athletics MS 12:17.94 3
4 Fransen, Cliff Fairland MS 12:18.78 4
5 Goff, Weston Fairland MS 12:39.06 5
6 Marsteller, Colin Huntington MS 13:18.18 6
7 Riddle, Ryan Rock Hill MS 13:23.09 7
8 Putnam, Ian Portsmouth MS 13:29.44
9 Stevens, Jude Ignite Athletics MS 13:31.88 8
10 Clark, Ari Ignite Athletics MS 13:32.37 9
11 Stevens, Asher Ignite Athletics MS 13:35.66 10
12 Gue, Maddox Fairland MS 13:41.66 11
13 Robinson, Shane St. Joseph C 13:48.53
14 Ritchey, Wyatt Fairland MS 13:56.12 12
15 Ankrom, Joey Ignite Athletics MS 14:00.25 13
16 Long, Eli Rock Hill MS 14:02.09 14
17 Michael, Waylon Fairland MS 14:04.25 15
18 Simpson, Ben Rock Hill MS 14:15.44 16
19 Riddle, Ayden Boyd Co. 14:23.22
20 Knipp, Wyatt Rock Hill MS 14:31.62 17
21 Holland, Gradee Symmes Valley MS 14:41.91 18
22 Yancy, Liam Rock Hill MS 14:47.72 19
23 Hale, Brayden Boyd Co. 14:48.21
24 Martin, Brayden Fairland MS 14:54.97 20
25 Dunlap, Mitchell Fairland MS 15:02.88 21
26 Dewdney, Mason Huntington MS 15:31.28 22
27 Aulenbacher, Sam Ignite Athletics MS 15:37.38 23
28 Goff, Conner Fairland MS 15:42.25
29 Bond, Tyler Rock Hill MS 15:51.03 24
30 Click, Reid Portsmouth MS 15:51.59
31 Salyer, Kyle Fairland MS 15:57.18
32 Thompson, Fisher Ignite Athletics MS 16:08.25 25
33 Little, Reed Our Lady of 16:34.41
34 Ross, Preston Fairland MS 16:35.81
35 Hatcher, Hayden Dawson-Bryant MS 16:46.84 26
36 Ingles, Reese Symmes Valley MS 17:00.06 27
37 Bowling, Andrew Boyd Co. 17:08.15
38 Aldridge, Matthew Dawson-Bryant MS 17:11.66 28
39 Shepherd, Bryson Huntington MS 17:18.28 29
40 Dyer, Drake Huntington MS 17:31.53 30
41 Bailey, Collin Huntington MS 17:35.59 31
42 Fuhr, Isaiah Rock Hill MS 17:41.09
43 Jenkins, Ryan Fairland MS 17:54.44
44 Preece, Wyatt Boyd Co. 18:48.47
45 Kingrey, Hayden Dawson-Bryant MS 18:55.62 32
46 Quehl, Charlie St. Joseph C 19:11.81
47 Kingrey, Connor Dawson-Bryant MS 19:18.72 33
48 Delawder, Kendrick Symmes Valley MS 19:35.41 34
49 Perego, Steven Fairland MS 19:53.18
50 Smith, Connor Our Lady of 20:22.59
51 Ross, Tucker Symmes Valley MS 20:40.06 35
52 Holbrook, Hayden Symmes Valley MS 21:37.09 36
53 Kendrick, Tristan Huntington MS 22:25.18 37
54 Gardner, Uriah South Point MS 22:57.53
55 Smith, Silas Symmes Valley MS 23:11.25 38
56 Robinson, Caden Ignite Athletics MS 23:37.59
57 Mills, Braydon Symmes Valley MS 26:09.78 39
58 Treadway, Wyatt Symmes Valley MS 26:21.62
59 Garcia, Edwin St. Joseph C 26:58.06
60 Westmoreland, Cash South Point MS 30:03.34
61 Leighty, Aiden Our Lady of 30:07.59
62 Dow, Ezra Ignite Athletics MS 30:10.52