Columbus Grove JH Quad 2022

Columbus Grove, OH


Licensed to Columbus Grove High School HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/11/2022 07:12 PM
                       Columbus Grove Quad Meet JH 4-11                        
              Columbus Grove High School  - 4/5/2022 to 4/6/2022               
Event 1  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Columbus Grove                                   11:27.50   11:21.50    6   
     1) Kamphaus, Sarah 8               2) Montgomery, Lily 8             
     3) Martz, Lauren 8                 4) Roeder, Jade 8                 
Event 2  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Columbus Grove                                   12:28.00   11:43.50    6   
     1) Squillante, Caiden 7            2) Vogt, Aidan 7                  
     3) Keehn, Clark 7                  4) Zimmerly, Simon 7              
Event 3  Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
 --       Verhoff, Mya         8 Columbus Gro         6-06.00         NH  
Event 4  Boys Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
 --       Baxter, Trevon       8 Columbus Gro        11-00.00         NH  
 --       Goecke, Nick         8 Columbus Gro         6-00.00         NH  
 --       Amstutz, Conner      8 Columbus Gro        10-00.00         NH  
Event 5  Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Clark, Macy          7 Bath                 3-10.00    4-00.00    5   
  1       Schumacher, Lydia    7 Columbus Gro         4-00.00    4-00.00    5   
  3       Foust, Gwyneth       7 Bath                 4-00.00    3-10.00    3   
  4       Fuerst, Breanne      8 Columbus Gro         3-10.00    3-08.00    2   
 --       Schroeder, Linzi     8 Columbus Gro         3-08.00         NH  
 --       Verhoff, Grace       8 Columbus Gro                         NH  
 --       O'Daffer, Breleigh   7 Bath                                 NH  
 --       Music, Cora          7 Bath                                 NH  
Event 6  Boys High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Holland, Jarrod      8 Columbus Gro         5-00.00    5-02.00    6   
  2       Flores, Lauson       7 Lima C.C.                      J5-02.00    4   
  3       Amstutz, Conner      8 Columbus Gro         4-08.00    4-08.00    3   
  4       Zimmerly, Simon      7 Columbus Gro         4-00.00    4-00.00    2   
 --       Horstman, Will       7 Columbus Gro                         NH  
Event 7  Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Nesby, Nicole        8 Columbus Gro        29-06.00   28-06.50    6   
  2       Page, Gabbie         8 Columbus Gro        28-04.00   27-09.50    4   
  3       Metzger, Graci       7 Columbus Gro        30-05.00   25-07.50    3   
  4       Benroth, Saige       7 Columbus Gro        27-00.00   24-10.00    2   
  5       Birnesser, Avery     7 Columbus Gro        24-00.00   23-08.00    1   
  6       Butcher, Addy        8 Columbus Gro        23-00.00   21-03.00  
  7       Lehman, Emma         7 Perry                          20-11.00  
  8       Bechtol, Payton      8 Columbus Gro        24-00.00   20-09.00  
  9       Rickett, Alyssa      8 Bath                17-01.00   18-06.00  
Event 8  Boys Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Garberson, Corbin    8 Columbus Gro        33-01.00   31-07.50    6   
  2       Bonifas, Caleb       7 Columbus Gro        32-10.00   30-10.50    3.50
  2       Boedicker, Cole      8 Bath                30-09.00   30-10.50    3.50
  4       Wehri, Evan          8 Columbus Gro        28-08.00   30-06.00    2   
  5       Wood, Lincoln        8 Lima C.C.                      26-04.00    1   
  6       Norway, Justin       8 Columbus Gro        27-07.00   26-01.00  
  7       Perry, Cobain        7 Columbus Gro        22-03.00   21-10.00  
  7       Shoemaker, Caydin    8 Bath                22-04.00   21-10.00  
  9       Smith, Ian           7 Columbus Gro        22-07.00   21-06.00  
 10       Methner, Darius      8 Bath                23-07.00   21-04.50  
 --       Reynolds, Devan      8 Bath                21-04.00         ND  
 --       Lenhart, Connor      8 Bath                                 ND  
 --       Basinger, Brady      7 Columbus Gro        27-10.00         ND  
Event 9  Boys Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Wehri, Evan          8 Columbus Gro          112-07     108-09    6   
  2       Bonifas, Caleb       7 Columbus Gro          118-04     107-00    4   
  3       Norway, Justin       8 Columbus Gro           63-03      82-01    3   
  4       Perry, Cobain        7 Columbus Gro           82-10      75-04    2   
  5       Wood, Lincoln        8 Lima C.C.                         74-06    1   
  6       Garberson, Corbin    8 Columbus Gro           78-09      73-10  
  7       Boedicker, Cole      8 Bath                   83-02      72-02  
  8       Shoemaker, Caydin    8 Bath                62-00.50      64-04  
  9       Smith, Ian           7 Columbus Gro           67-02      63-00  
 10       Keehn, Clark         7 Columbus Gro           74-02      56-08  
 11       Methner, Darius      8 Bath                   50-07      56-04  
 --       Lenhart, Connor      8 Bath                                 ND  
 --       Reynolds, Devan      8 Bath                42-08.50         ND  
 --       Basinger, Brady      7 Columbus Gro          113-00         ND  
Event 10  Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Martz, Lauren        8 Columbus Gro           88-09      82-10    6   
  2       Nesby, Nicole        8 Columbus Gro           81-09      71-07    4   
  3       Butcher, Addy        8 Columbus Gro           70-01      64-09    3   
  4       Lehman, Emma         7 Perry                             60-03    2   
  5       Page, Gabbie         8 Columbus Gro           62-00      60-02    1   
  6       Birnesser, Avery     7 Columbus Gro           51-04      57-06  
  7       Benroth, Saige       7 Columbus Gro           59-04      56-03  
  8       Bechtol, Payton      8 Columbus Gro           51-02      54-04  
  9       Metzger, Graci       7 Columbus Gro           65-07      50-03  
 10       Rickett, Alyssa      8 Bath                47-06.50      45-10  
 11       Strunk, Maddie       8 Columbus Gro           48-02      43-10  
Event 11  Boys Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Flores, Lauson       7 Lima C.C.                      16-03.75    6   
  2       Hale, Mikey          8 Bath                14-03.50   15-00.50    4   
  3       McDermott, Andru     8 Bath                14-04.50   13-11.00    2.50
  3       Warmbrod, Lucas      7 Columbus Gro        13-00.00   13-11.00    2.50
  5       Sautter, Gage        7 Columbus Gro        14-04.00   13-08.75    1   
  6       Williams, Jacob      8 Columbus Gro        13-07.00   13-02.50  
  7       Bakies, Jack         8 Bath                14-04.00   13-02.00  
  8       Moreland, Matthew    8 Bath                14-01.00   13-00.50  
  9       Engler, Joshua       7 Columbus Gro         8-10.00    8-08.00  
 10       Horstman, Will       7 Columbus Gro         8-06.00    8-07.00  
 --       Sanchez, Aadin       7 Columbus Gro         8-07.00         ND  
Event 12  Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Jackson, Sophie      8 Bath                           12-00.00    6   
  2       Halker, Brynn        7 Columbus Gro        13-00.00   11-09.75    4   
  3       Halker, Lauryn       7 Columbus Gro        10-09.00   11-03.50    3   
  4       Bassett, Dakota      8 Bath                11-00.50   11-02.50    2   
  5       Mason, Ava           7 Columbus Gro        10-07.00   10-09.50    1   
  6       Verhoff, Grace       8 Columbus Gro        11-07.00   10-03.50  
  7       Strunk, Maddie       8 Columbus Gro         9-02.00    9-03.50  
  8       Woods, Laila         8 Perry                           9-01.00  
  9       Miller, Natalie      8 Bath                 9-07.50    8-08.50  
 --       Neff, Hunter         8 Bath                15-02.00         ND  
Event 13  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1       Palte, Kendal        8 Columbus Gro           19.10      18.30   1   6   
  2       Closson, Bree        7 Columbus Gro                      19.90   2   4   
  3       Foust, Gwyneth       7 Bath                   19.74      20.40   1   3   
  4       Halker, Emerson      8 Columbus Gro           22.60      21.03   1   2   
  5       Adams, Antaisha      7 Perry                             21.30   2   1   
  6       Clark, Macy          7 Bath                   21.46      22.30   1 
  7       Auchmuty, Laney      8 Columbus Gro           23.00      22.50   2 
Event 14  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Callahan, Declan     8 Bath                   22.13      20.50    6   
  2       McDermott, Andru     8 Bath                   21.61      20.90    4   
  3       Bakies, Jack         8 Bath                   21.36      21.00    3   
  4       Goecke, Nick         8 Columbus Gro           23.40      21.40    1.50
  4       Moreland, Matthew    8 Bath                   22.54      21.40    1.50
Event 15  Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1       Halker, Brynn        7 Columbus Gro           15.80      14.50   2   6   
  2       Mertz, Hailey        7 Columbus Gro           16.10      14.90   2   3.50
  2       Marks, Tatum         7 Lima C.C.                         14.90   3   3.50
  4       Spencer, Mariska     8 Columbus Gro           16.00      15.00   2   1.50
  4       Mason, Ava           7 Columbus Gro           16.50      15.00   2   1.50
  6       Closson, Bree        7 Columbus Gro                      15.60   2 
  7       Adams, Antaisha      7 Perry                             15.70   4 
  8       Schumacher, Lydia    7 Columbus Gro           16.50      15.90   3 
  9       Woods, Laila         8 Perry                             16.00   4 
 10       Fuerst, Breanne      8 Columbus Gro           16.90      16.10   3 
 11       O'Daffer, Breleigh   7 Bath                   16.30      16.30   2 
 12       McCluer, Reagan      7 Columbus Gro           17.80      16.50   3 
 13       Worley, Jordyn       7 Columbus Gro           17.90      17.20   4 
 14       Healy, Stacia        8 Bath                   17.46      17.30   3 
 15       Music, Cora          7 Bath                   16.98      17.40   3 
 16       Morris, Destin       7 Perry                             17.70   4 
 --       Bassett, Dakota      8 Bath                   15.25         NT   1 
 --       Painter, Gracie      8 Bath                   14.91         NT   1 
 --       Jackson, Sophie      8 Bath                   15.33         NT   1 
 --       Myers, Ruth          8 Columbus Gro           14.40         NT   1 
 --       Thompson, Allison    8 Columbus Gro           14.50         NT   1 
 --       Huff, A'Myah         8 Columbus Gro           15.40         NT   1 
Event 16  Boys 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1       Baxter, Trevon       8 Columbus Gro           13.20      12.70   1   6   
  2       Boedicker, Cole      8 Bath                   13.36      12.80   1   4   
  3       Schrock, Carter      8 Bath                   13.22      13.20   1   3   
  4       Flores, Lauson       7 Lima C.C.                         13.30   3   1.50
  4       Busick, Robby        8 Columbus Gro           14.20      13.30   1   1.50
  6       McDermott, Andru     8 Bath                   13.79      13.50   1 
  7       Bochenek, Landon     8 Bath                   14.22      13.90   1 
  8       Williams, Eric       7 Perry                             14.70   3 
  9       Warmbrod, Lucas      7 Columbus Gro           15.30      14.80   2 
 10       Klaus, Landyn        7 Bath                   15.30      14.90   2 
 11       Williams, Jacob      8 Columbus Gro           16.00      15.20   2 
 12       Pimentel-Melching,   7 Perry                             16.00   3 
 13       Engler, Joshua       7 Columbus Gro           17.30      16.70   2 
 13       Sanchez, Aadin       7 Columbus Gro           16.50      16.70   2 
Event 17  Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Kamphaus, Sarah      8 Columbus Gro         5:58.40    5:49.93    6   
  2       Montgomery, Lily     8 Columbus Gro         6:30.70    6:14.34    4   
Event 18  Boys 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Best, Braylon        8 Columbus Gro         5:32.00    5:39.90    6   
  2       Horn, Tarek          8 Bath                 5:34.38    5:40.00    4   
  3       Walls, Isaac         8 Bath                 5:59.74    6:01.40    3   
  4       Squillante, Caiden   7 Columbus Gro         6:01.00    6:10.50    2   
  5       Snyder, Tommy        7 Bath                 6:28.34    6:14.40    1   
  6       Vogt, Aidan          7 Columbus Gro         6:14.00    6:16.80  
 --       McWay, Javion        8 Perry                                NT  
 --       Bryan, Zack          7 Columbus Gro         6:00.00         NT  
Event 19  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Columbus Grove                                      55.60       1.00    6   
     1) Myers, Ruth 8                   2) Pingle, Devanie 8              
     3) Thompson, Allison 8             4) Palte, Kendal 8                
  2 Columbus Grove  'B'                               1:00.80       2.00    4   
     1) Closson, Bree 7                 2) Halker, Lauryn 7               
     3) Halker, Brynn 7                 4) Mason, Ava 7                   
  3 Bath                                              1:01.54       3.00    2   
     1) Bartlett, Isabella 8            2) Jackson, Sophie 8              
     3) Miller, Natalie 8               4) Painter, Gracie 8              
  4 Columbus Grove  'C'                               1:02.50       4.00  
     1) Spencer, Mariska 8              2) Halker, Emerson 8              
     3) Huff, A'Myah 8                  4) Bogart, Gabby 8                
Event 20  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Columbus Grove                                      55.50      55.70    6   
     1) Busick, Robby 8                 2) Sautter, Gage 7                
     3) Warmbrod, Lucas 7               4) Geckle, Devin 8                
  2 Bath                                                55.54      55.71    4   
     1) Klaus, Landyn 7                 2) Callahan, Declan 8             
     3) Good, Brayden 8                 4) Moreland, Matthew 8            
Event 21  Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Pingle, Devanie      8 Columbus Gro         1:06.50    1:07.60    6   
  2       Mertz, Hailey        7 Columbus Gro         1:11.00    1:14.80    4   
  3       Clark, Macy          7 Bath                 1:16.59    1:14.90    3   
  4       Healy, Stacia        8 Bath                            1:16.30    2   
  5       Marks, Tatum         7 Lima C.C.                       1:29.30    1   
Event 22  Boys 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1       Hale, Mikey          8 Bath                   59.51      59.60   1   6   
  2       Holland, Jarrod      8 Columbus Gro         1:03.50    1:01.50   1   4   
  3       Flores, Lauson       7 Lima C.C.                       1:05.70   2   3   
  4       Magness, Jacob       8 Perry                           1:09.90   2   2   
  5       Williams, Eric       7 Perry                           1:14.40   2   1   
  6       Moye, Noah           7 Columbus Gro         1:15.00    1:23.50   1 
  7       Lever-Roose, Tevin   7 Bath                 1:30.49    1:28.30   1 
Event 23  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Columbus Grove                                    2:05.30    2:03.60    6   
     1) Benroth, Saige 7                2) Huff, A'Myah 8                 
     3) Verhoff, Mya 8                  4) Halker, Lauryn 7               
  2 Bath                                              2:07.05    2:07.10    4   
     1) Bassett, Dakota 8               2) Bartlett, Isabella 8           
     3) Neff, Hunter 8                  4) O'Daffer, Breleigh 7           
  3 Columbus Grove  'B'                               2:16.40    2:14.40    2   
     1) Fuerst, Breanne 8               2) Schroeder, Linzi 8             
     3) Verhoff, Grace 8                4) Bogart, Gabby 8                
Event 24  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Bath                                              1:58.61    1:56.30    6   
     1) Bakies, Jack 8                  2) Good, Brayden 8                
     3) Bochenek, Landon 8              4) Schrock, Carter 8              
  2 Columbus Grove                                    1:58.00    1:57.30    4   
     1) Amstutz, Conner 8               2) Sautter, Gage 7                
     3) Williams, Jacob 8               4) Geckle, Devin 8                
Event 25  Girls 200 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Palte, Kendal        8 Columbus Gro           33.90      33.00    6   
  2       Foust, Gwyneth       7 Bath                              34.10    4   
  3       Martz, Lauren        8 Columbus Gro           38.10      38.00    3   
  4       Halker, Emerson      8 Columbus Gro           40.70      38.70    2   
  5       Auchmuty, Laney      8 Columbus Gro           41.00      40.10    1   
Event 26  Boys 200 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Baxter, Trevon       8 Columbus Gro           30.80      29.80    6   
  2       Walls, Isaac         8 Bath                   32.69      33.00    4   
  3       Callahan, Declan     8 Bath                   32.28      33.60    3   
  4       Magness, Jacob       8 Perry                             34.30    2   
  5       Goecke, Nick         8 Columbus Gro           34.50      34.90    1   
Event 27  Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Roeder, Jade         8 Columbus Gro         2:46.00    2:46.50    6   
  2       Montgomery, Lily     8 Columbus Gro         2:56.00    3:00.20    4   
Event 28  Boys 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  Points
  1       Best, Braylon        8 Columbus Gro         2:32.00    2:40.30    6   
  2       Horn, Tarek          8 Bath                 2:39.95    2:40.60    4   
  3       Squillante, Caiden   7 Columbus Gro         2:49.00    2:46.30    3   
  4       Pimentel-Melching,   7 Perry                           2:54.60    2   
  5       Keehn, Clark         7 Columbus Gro         2:56.00    2:54.70    1   
  6       Snyder, Tommy        7 Bath                 3:00.37    2:56.50  
  7       Zimmerly, Simon      7 Columbus Gro         3:03.00    3:04.70  
  8       Vogt, Aidan          7 Columbus Gro         2:55.00    3:05.10  
  9       Moye, Noah           7 Columbus Gro         3:31.00    3:34.20  
 --       Lever-Roose, Tevin   7 Bath                                 NT  
 --       McWay, Javion        8 Perry                                NT  
 --       Bryan, Zack          7 Columbus Gro         2:45.00         NT  
Event 29  Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1       Myers, Ruth          8 Columbus Gro           30.20      30.30   1   6   
  2       Painter, Gracie      8 Bath                   32.25      31.10   1   4   
  3       Spencer, Mariska     8 Columbus Gro           32.80      31.50   1   3   
  4       Neff, Hunter         8 Bath                   32.96      31.80   1   2   
  5       Verhoff, Mya         8 Columbus Gro                      32.30   2   1   
  6       Mertz, Hailey        7 Columbus Gro           33.50      32.50   2 
  7       Auchmuty, Laney      8 Columbus Gro           35.00      32.60   2 
  7       Marks, Tatum         7 Lima C.C.                         32.60   4 
  9       Schumacher, Lydia    7 Columbus Gro           35.50      33.50   3 
 10       Schroeder, Linzi     8 Columbus Gro           33.30      33.80   1 
 11       Music, Cora          7 Bath                   36.74      34.50   2 
 12       Adams, Antaisha      7 Perry                             34.60   3 
 13       Bogart, Gabby        8 Columbus Gro           37.80      35.20   3 
 14       McCluer, Reagan      7 Columbus Gro           37.50      35.60   3 
 15       Woods, Laila         8 Perry                             35.61   3 
 16       Strunk, Maddie       8 Columbus Gro           39.90      35.62   3 
 17       Healy, Stacia        8 Bath                   36.91      39.20   2 
 18       Worley, Jordyn       7 Columbus Gro           39.80      41.20   4 
 19       Morris, Destin       7 Perry                             43.20   4 
 --       Bartlett, Isabella   8 Bath                   31.22         NT   1 
 --       Miller, Natalie      8 Bath                   35.86         NT   2 
Event 30  Boys 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Seed     Finals  H# Points
  1       Hale, Mikey          8 Bath                   26.91      27.10   1   6   
  2       Bochenek, Landon     8 Bath                   31.25      31.40   1   4   
  3       Magness, Jacob       8 Perry                             31.80   2   3   
  4       Sanchez, Aadin       7 Columbus Gro           32.70      32.30   1   2   
  5       Klaus, Landyn        7 Bath                   32.00      32.31   1   1   
  6       Good, Brayden        8 Bath                   29.15      32.80   1 
  7       Williams, Eric       7 Perry                             32.90   2 
  8       Engler, Joshua       7 Columbus Gro           34.00      34.70   2 
  9       Pimentel-Melching,   7 Perry                             35.90   2 
 --       Holland, Jarrod      8 Columbus Gro           28.80         NT   1 
Event 31  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Columbus Grove                                    4:45.30    4:44.70    6   
     1) Kamphaus, Sarah 8               2) Roeder, Jade 8                 
     3) Thompson, Allison 8             4) Pingle, Devanie 8              
Event 32  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 Columbus Grove                                    4:32.00    4:34.50    6   
     1) Busick, Robby 8                 2) Best, Braylon 8                
     3) Bryan, Zack 7                   4) Geckle, Devin 8                
  2 Bath                                              4:34.90    4:37.00    4   
     1) Snyder, Tommy 7                 2) Horn, Tarek 8                  
     3) Walls, Isaac 8                  4) Schrock, Carter 8              
                    Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Columbus Grove             151.50     2) Bath                       40   
    3) Lima C.C.                    4.50     4) Perry                       3   
                    Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored
    1) Columbus Grove             103        2) Bath                       81.50
    3) Lima C.C.                   16.50     4) Perry                      10