Complete Results

Columbus Running Company                                 
                    Columbus Academy Middle School Quad 5-2                     
                   Mike Marsh Track, Gahanna, OH - 4/29/2022                    

Girls 100m Hurdles
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 LESTINI, ISABELLA    Bexley MS                 19.66  NW    2  (1)   6 
   2 HARRISON, ZEPHER     Gahanna Columbus Aca      19.90  NW    2  (2)   4 
   3 MONTANEZ, TRINITI    Whitehall Rosemore M      21.16  NW    1  (1)   3 
   4 NWOKE, IZUCHI        Gahanna Columbus Aca      21.37  NW    2  (3)   2 
   5 BROWN, ZOE           Bexley MS                 21.67  NW    2  (4)   1 
   6 HOWES, LILY          Bexley MS                 21.82  NW    2  (5)     
   7 CRILLY, DARBY        Bexley MS                 22.35  NW    2  (6)     
   8 LIPPMAN, EVELYN      Bexley MS                 22.42  NW    2  (7)     
   9 ROTHROCK, NORA       Bexley MS                 30.24  NW    1  (2)     
     BOYER, AERO          Bexley MS                    NT        1          

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 2
   1 MONTANEZ, TRINITI    Whitehall Rosemore M      21.16  NW    3 
   2 ROTHROCK, NORA       Bexley MS                 30.24  NW      
     BOYER, AERO          Bexley MS                    NT          
Section 2 of 2
   1 LESTINI, ISABELLA    Bexley MS                 19.66  NW    6 
   2 HARRISON, ZEPHER     Gahanna Columbus Aca      19.90  NW    4 
   3 NWOKE, IZUCHI        Gahanna Columbus Aca      21.37  NW    2 
   4 BROWN, ZOE           Bexley MS                 21.67  NW    1 
   5 HOWES, LILY          Bexley MS                 21.82  NW      
   6 CRILLY, DARBY        Bexley MS                 22.35  NW      
   7 LIPPMAN, EVELYN      Bexley MS                 22.42  NW      

Boys 110m Hurdles
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
   1 BERRY, MAX           Gahanna Columbus Aca      21.26  NW    6 
   2 FOX, EVAN            Bexley MS                 21.55  NW    4 
   3 BAKEYE, MEADE        Whitehall Rosemore M      24.28  NW    3 
   4 CRILLY, ASHER        Bexley MS                 26.66  NW    2 
     PARKER, WYATT        Bexley MS                    NT          

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 BERRY, MAX           Gahanna Columbus Aca      21.26  NW    6 
   2 FOX, EVAN            Bexley MS                 21.55  NW    4 
   3 BAKEYE, MEADE        Whitehall Rosemore M      24.28  NW    3 
   4 CRILLY, ASHER        Bexley MS                 26.66  NW    2 
     PARKER, WYATT        Bexley MS                    NT          

Girls 100 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 EVANS, MAYBN         Bexley MS                 13.68  NW    3  (1)   6 
   2 SPALDING, MORGAN     Gahanna Columbus Aca      13.95  NW    3  (2)   4 
   3 WOOD, CHIARA         Bexley MS                 14.15  NW    3  (3)   3 
   4 SHAFER, MADISON      Grove City Christian      14.45  NW    3  (4)   2 
   5 DENKINS, LA'MYRAH    Whitehall Rosemore M      15.08  NW    3  (5)   1 
   6 DE LA CRUZ, JULISSA  Grove City Christian      15.27  NW    3  (6)     
   7 WILLIAMS, DIVINE     Whitehall Rosemore M      15.28  NW    2  (1)     
   8 FORBES, SOPHIE       Gahanna Columbus Aca      15.36  NW    2  (2)     
   8 MERRITT, EVA         Gahanna Columbus Aca      15.36  NW    2  (2)     
  10 DEROSE, OLIVIA       Grove City Christian      15.38  NW    2  (4)     
  11 STERLING, ANNA       Gahanna Columbus Aca      15.66  NW    1  (1)     
  12 SPILLMAN, ALONNA     Grove City Christian      16.15  NW    2  (5)     
  13 ROBERTS, BELLE       Gahanna Columbus Aca      17.97  NW    1  (2)     
  14 STIEG, CLAIRE        Gahanna Columbus Aca      18.59  NW    1  (3)     
  15 MILLER, CIERRA       Bexley MS                 19.06  NW    1  (4)     
     COHEN, MA'AYAN       Bexley MS                    NT        1          
     SIDEL, PENELOPE      Bexley MS                    NT        2          
     SHNAYDER, JESSICA    Bexley MS                    NT        2          
     LAMENDOLA, VIVIAN    Bexley MS                    NT        2          
     KELLER, CHARLOTTE    Bexley MS                    NT        3          
     SMITH, TAYLOR        Bexley MS                    NT        3          

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 3
   1 STERLING, ANNA       Gahanna Columbus Aca      15.66  NW      
   2 ROBERTS, BELLE       Gahanna Columbus Aca      17.97  NW      
   3 STIEG, CLAIRE        Gahanna Columbus Aca      18.59  NW      
   4 MILLER, CIERRA       Bexley MS                 19.06  NW      
     COHEN, MA'AYAN       Bexley MS                    NT          
Section 2 of 3
   1 WILLIAMS, DIVINE     Whitehall Rosemore M      15.28  NW      
   2 FORBES, SOPHIE       Gahanna Columbus Aca      15.36  NW      
   2 MERRITT, EVA         Gahanna Columbus Aca      15.36  NW      
   4 DEROSE, OLIVIA       Grove City Christian      15.38  NW      
   5 SPILLMAN, ALONNA     Grove City Christian      16.15  NW      
     SIDEL, PENELOPE      Bexley MS                    NT          
     SHNAYDER, JESSICA    Bexley MS                    NT          
     LAMENDOLA, VIVIAN    Bexley MS                    NT          
Section 3 of 3
   1 EVANS, MAYBN         Bexley MS                 13.68  NW    6 
   2 SPALDING, MORGAN     Gahanna Columbus Aca      13.95  NW    4 
   3 WOOD, CHIARA         Bexley MS                 14.15  NW    3 
   4 SHAFER, MADISON      Grove City Christian      14.45  NW    2 
   5 DENKINS, LA'MYRAH    Whitehall Rosemore M      15.08  NW    1 
   6 DE LA CRUZ, JULISSA  Grove City Christian      15.27  NW      
     KELLER, CHARLOTTE    Bexley MS                    NT          
     SMITH, TAYLOR        Bexley MS                    NT          

Boys 100 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 HAMMONS, KENNETH     Grove City Christian      12.46  NW    4  (1)   6 
   2 TIMLIN, TYDEN        Grove City Christian      12.80  NW    4  (2)   4 
   3 WILLIAMS, CLEMENT    Gahanna Columbus Aca      12.84  NW    4  (3)   3 
   4 BROWN, AUGUST        Bexley MS                 12.88  NW    3  (1)   2 
   5 JOHNSON, NICHOLAS    Gahanna Columbus Aca      12.90  NW    3  (2)   1 
   6 JACKSON, MICKALE     Whitehall Rosemore M      13.08  NW    4  (4)     
   7 CORBIN, CHAMPION     Whitehall Rosemore M      13.15  NW    4  (5)     
   8 KOHLER, ALLISTER     Bexley MS                 13.25  NW    4  (6)     
   9 FORD, KAMARION       Whitehall Rosemore M      13.27  NW    3  (3)     
  10 WASHINGTON, JEREMIAH Grove City Christian      13.30  NW    4  (7)     
  11 SNEERINGER, JOSH     Gahanna Columbus Aca      13.47  NW    3  (4)     
  12 BROWN, TY            Bexley MS                 13.55  NW    3  (5)     
  13 ADKINS, ADAM         Gahanna Columbus Aca      14.09  NW    3  (6)     
  14 GIBSON, JOHN         Grove City Christian      14.14  NW    3  (7)     
  14 WIEGING, DREW        Grove City Christian      14.14  NW    3  (7)     
  16 MERRITT, ANDREW      Gahanna Columbus Aca      14.65  NW    2  (1)     
  17 DERROW, RAFI         Bexley MS                 14.89  NW    2  (2)     
  18 STAFFORD, JASON      Whitehall Rosemore M      15.04  NW    4  (8)     
  19 SCOTT, DREW          Bexley MS                 15.26  NW    1  (1)     
  20 CASTORE, JUDAH       Bexley MS                 15.47  NW    2  (3)     
  21 CRILLY, ASHER        Bexley MS                 15.95  NW    2  (4)     
  22 CAIN, MATTEO         Gahanna Columbus Aca      16.22  NW    1  (2)     
  23 LEE, AVERY           Gahanna Columbus Aca      16.24  NW    2  (5)     
  24 ESRAM, RISHAL        Bexley MS                 16.26  NW    2  (6)     
  25 BHAVNAGRI, HENRY     Gahanna Columbus Aca      16.73  NW    2  (7)     
  26 STINEMETZ, CAMERON   Grove City Christian      16.98  NW    2  (8)     
  27 ANDERSON, BRYCE      Bexley MS                 17.03  NW    1  (3)     
  28 ARNOLD, JOZA         Gahanna Columbus Aca      17.06  NW    1  (4)     
  29 RUMPKE, ANDY         Gahanna Columbus Aca      18.46  NW    1  (5)     
  30 SEELIG, ETHAN        Bexley MS                 19.39  NW    1  (6)     

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 4
   1 SCOTT, DREW          Bexley MS                 15.26  NW      
   2 CAIN, MATTEO         Gahanna Columbus Aca      16.22  NW      
   3 ANDERSON, BRYCE      Bexley MS                 17.03  NW      
   4 ARNOLD, JOZA         Gahanna Columbus Aca      17.06  NW      
   5 RUMPKE, ANDY         Gahanna Columbus Aca      18.46  NW      
   6 SEELIG, ETHAN        Bexley MS                 19.39  NW      
Section 2 of 4
   1 MERRITT, ANDREW      Gahanna Columbus Aca      14.65  NW      
   2 DERROW, RAFI         Bexley MS                 14.89  NW      
   3 CASTORE, JUDAH       Bexley MS                 15.47  NW      
   4 CRILLY, ASHER        Bexley MS                 15.95  NW      
   5 LEE, AVERY           Gahanna Columbus Aca      16.24  NW      
   6 ESRAM, RISHAL        Bexley MS                 16.26  NW      
   7 BHAVNAGRI, HENRY     Gahanna Columbus Aca      16.73  NW      
   8 STINEMETZ, CAMERON   Grove City Christian      16.98  NW      
Section 3 of 4
   1 BROWN, AUGUST        Bexley MS                 12.88  NW    2 
   2 JOHNSON, NICHOLAS    Gahanna Columbus Aca      12.90  NW    1 
   3 FORD, KAMARION       Whitehall Rosemore M      13.27  NW      
   4 SNEERINGER, JOSH     Gahanna Columbus Aca      13.47  NW      
   5 BROWN, TY            Bexley MS                 13.55  NW      
   6 ADKINS, ADAM         Gahanna Columbus Aca      14.09  NW      
   7 GIBSON, JOHN         Grove City Christian      14.14  NW      
   7 WIEGING, DREW        Grove City Christian      14.14  NW      
Section 4 of 4
   1 HAMMONS, KENNETH     Grove City Christian      12.46  NW    6 
   2 TIMLIN, TYDEN        Grove City Christian      12.80  NW    4 
   3 WILLIAMS, CLEMENT    Gahanna Columbus Aca      12.84  NW    3 
   4 JACKSON, MICKALE     Whitehall Rosemore M      13.08  NW      
   5 CORBIN, CHAMPION     Whitehall Rosemore M      13.15  NW      
   6 KOHLER, ALLISTER     Bexley MS                 13.25  NW      
   7 WASHINGTON, JEREMIAH Grove City Christian      13.30  NW      
   8 STAFFORD, JASON      Whitehall Rosemore M      15.04  NW      

Girls 1600 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 HARRISON, ZEPHER     Gahanna Columbus Aca    6:23.28   6 
   2 KOKSAL, ELA          Gahanna Columbus Aca    6:43.77   4 
     SOLOVE, LILAH        Bexley MS                    NT     

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 HARRISON, ZEPHER     Gahanna Columbus Aca    6:23.28   6 
   2 KOKSAL, ELA          Gahanna Columbus Aca    6:43.77   4 
     SOLOVE, LILAH        Bexley MS                    NT     

Boys 1600 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 CHAKY, DANE          Gahanna Columbus Aca    5:21.53   6 
   2 HILL, CHRISTOPHER    Gahanna Columbus Aca    5:30.75   4 
   3 HELON, LUKE          Bexley MS               5:55.11   3 
   4 BAUMGARTNER, MAX     Gahanna Columbus Aca    6:52.71   2 
   5 BIXLER, IAN          Bexley MS               6:55.18   1 
   6 SILVA, INDIO         Bexley MS               7:32.17     
   7 DOUGLAS, DAVID       Bexley MS               7:49.36     

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 CHAKY, DANE          Gahanna Columbus Aca    5:21.53   6 
   2 HILL, CHRISTOPHER    Gahanna Columbus Aca    5:30.75   4 
   3 HELON, LUKE          Bexley MS               5:55.11   3 
   4 BAUMGARTNER, MAX     Gahanna Columbus Aca    6:52.71   2 
   5 BIXLER, IAN          Bexley MS               6:55.18   1 
   6 SILVA, INDIO         Bexley MS               7:32.17     
   7 DOUGLAS, DAVID       Bexley MS               7:49.36     

Girls 4 x 100m Relay
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 Grove City Christian  A      55.71   6 
   2 Bexley MS             A    1:01.26   4 
   3 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A    1:02.34   2 
   4 Bexley MS             B    1:08.92     

  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 Grove City Christian  A      55.71   6 
   2 Bexley MS             A    1:01.26   4 
   3 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A    1:02.34   2 
   4 Bexley MS             B    1:08.92     

Boys 4 x 100m Relay
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 Whitehall Rosemore M  A      50.72   6 
   2 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A      53.27   4 
   3 Bexley MS             A      54.57   2 
   4 Bexley MS             C    1:00.26     
   5 Bexley MS             B    1:06.45     

  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 Whitehall Rosemore M  A      50.72   6 
   2 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A      53.27   4 
   3 Bexley MS             A      54.57   2 
   4 Bexley MS             C    1:00.26     
   5 Bexley MS             B    1:06.45     

Girls 400 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 MORROW, MAKENZIE     Whitehall Rosemore M    1:05.08   6 
   2 VERHOFF, CLARA       Bexley MS               1:07.05   4 
   3 FORBES, SOPHIE       Gahanna Columbus Aca    1:15.77   3 
   4 WILSON, DULCE        Grove City Christian    1:16.24   2 
   5 HOWES, LILY          Bexley MS               1:19.36   1 

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 MORROW, MAKENZIE     Whitehall Rosemore M    1:05.08   6 
   2 VERHOFF, CLARA       Bexley MS               1:07.05   4 
   3 FORBES, SOPHIE       Gahanna Columbus Aca    1:15.77   3 
   4 WILSON, DULCE        Grove City Christian    1:16.24   2 
   5 HOWES, LILY          Bexley MS               1:19.36   1 

Boys 400 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 HAYNES, DAVID        Bexley MS               1:02.10   2  (1)   6 
   2 PEACOCK, JAKE        Bexley MS               1:03.80   2  (2)   4 
   3 WESTERN, LATHAN      Whitehall Rosemore M    1:05.20   2  (3)   3 
   4 MCCUTCHEON, HARRISON Bexley MS               1:11.40   2  (4)   2 
   5 BHAVNAGRI, HENRY     Gahanna Columbus Aca    1:25.24   1  (1)   1 
   6 RUMPKE, ANDY         Gahanna Columbus Aca    1:41.34   1  (2)     
     KELLEY, WILSON       Bexley MS                    NT   2          
     HOLLO, LUKE          Bexley MS                    NT   2          
     GADIO, OUSMANE       Whitehall Rosemore M         NT   1          
     KOHLER, ALLISTER     Bexley MS                    NT   2          

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 2
   1 BHAVNAGRI, HENRY     Gahanna Columbus Aca    1:25.24   1 
   2 RUMPKE, ANDY         Gahanna Columbus Aca    1:41.34     
     GADIO, OUSMANE       Whitehall Rosemore M         NT     
Section 2 of 2
   1 HAYNES, DAVID        Bexley MS               1:02.10   6 
   2 PEACOCK, JAKE        Bexley MS               1:03.80   4 
   3 WESTERN, LATHAN      Whitehall Rosemore M    1:05.20   3 
   4 MCCUTCHEON, HARRISON Bexley MS               1:11.40   2 
     KELLEY, WILSON       Bexley MS                    NT     
     HOLLO, LUKE          Bexley MS                    NT     
     KOHLER, ALLISTER     Bexley MS                    NT     

Girls 4 x 200m Relay
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 Whitehall Rosemore M  A    2:02.50   6 
   2 Bexley MS             A    2:12.44   4 
     Bexley MS             B         NT     
     Gahanna Columbus Aca  A         NT     

  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 Whitehall Rosemore M  A    2:02.50   6 
   2 Bexley MS             A    2:12.44   4 
     Bexley MS             B         NT     
     Gahanna Columbus Aca  A         NT     

Boys 4 x 200m Relay
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 Whitehall Rosemore M  A    1:46.24   6 
   2 Bexley MS             A    1:52.73   4 
   3 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A    2:07.45   2 
   4 Bexley MS             B    2:09.21     

  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 Whitehall Rosemore M  A    1:46.24   6 
   2 Bexley MS             A    1:52.73   4 
   3 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A    2:07.45   2 
   4 Bexley MS             B    2:09.21     

Girls 200m Hurdles
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
   1 STEVENSON, AUDREY    Bexley MS                 39.15  NW    6 
   2 BROWN, ZOE           Bexley MS                 39.59  NW    4 
   3 CRILLY, DARBY        Bexley MS                 44.88  NW    3 

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 STEVENSON, AUDREY    Bexley MS                 39.15  NW    6 
   2 BROWN, ZOE           Bexley MS                 39.59  NW    4 
   3 CRILLY, DARBY        Bexley MS                 44.88  NW    3 

Boys 200m Hurdles
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
   1 GADIO, OUSMANE       Whitehall Rosemore M      30.02  NW    6 
   2 GIBSON, JOHN         Grove City Christian      32.42  NW    4 
   3 HILL, CHRISTOPHER    Gahanna Columbus Aca      33.33  NW    3 
   4 FOX, EVAN            Bexley MS                 35.29  NW    2 
   5 CRILLY, ASHER        Bexley MS                 41.69  NW    1 
     PARKER, WYATT        Bexley MS                    NT          

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 GADIO, OUSMANE       Whitehall Rosemore M      30.02  NW    6 
   2 GIBSON, JOHN         Grove City Christian      32.42  NW    4 
   3 HILL, CHRISTOPHER    Gahanna Columbus Aca      33.33  NW    3 
   4 FOX, EVAN            Bexley MS                 35.29  NW    2 
   5 CRILLY, ASHER        Bexley MS                 41.69  NW    1 
     PARKER, WYATT        Bexley MS                    NT          

Girls 800 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 WHISLER, ANNA        Bexley MS               2:39.49   6 
   2 CRAMBLIT, CHLOE      Whitehall Rosemore M    3:05.09   4 
   3 MURRAY, ELLIANNA     Bexley MS               3:08.67   3 
   4 KOKSAL, ELA          Gahanna Columbus Aca    3:09.45   2 
   5 ITA, EKANEM          Whitehall Rosemore M    3:13.72   1 
     SOLOVE, LILAH        Bexley MS                    NT     
     WILSON, DULCE        Grove City Christian         NT     

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 WHISLER, ANNA        Bexley MS               2:39.49   6 
   2 CRAMBLIT, CHLOE      Whitehall Rosemore M    3:05.09   4 
   3 MURRAY, ELLIANNA     Bexley MS               3:08.67   3 
   4 KOKSAL, ELA          Gahanna Columbus Aca    3:09.45   2 
   5 ITA, EKANEM          Whitehall Rosemore M    3:13.72   1 
     SOLOVE, LILAH        Bexley MS                    NT     
     WILSON, DULCE        Grove City Christian         NT     

Boys 800 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
   1 CHAKY, DANE          Gahanna Columbus Aca    2:26.23   6 
   2 DEATLEY ELLYSON, DAN Bexley MS               2:28.45   4 
   3 BECKNELL, ANDREW     Gahanna Columbus Aca    2:29.36   3 
   4 ALEXANDER, GRAHAM    Gahanna Columbus Aca    2:38.61   2 
   5 BAKEYE, MEADE        Whitehall Rosemore M    2:40.45   1 
   6 GREENWOOD, GABRIEL   Bexley MS               3:12.84     
   7 SILVA, INDIO         Bexley MS               3:17.38     
   8 DOYAGA, BEN          Bexley MS               3:18.06     
   9 BIXLER, IAN          Bexley MS               3:18.31     
  10 BAUMGARTNER, MAX     Gahanna Columbus Aca    3:19.10     

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 CHAKY, DANE          Gahanna Columbus Aca    2:26.23   6 
   2 DEATLEY ELLYSON, DAN Bexley MS               2:28.45   4 
   3 BECKNELL, ANDREW     Gahanna Columbus Aca    2:29.36   3 
   4 ALEXANDER, GRAHAM    Gahanna Columbus Aca    2:38.61   2 
   5 BAKEYE, MEADE        Whitehall Rosemore M    2:40.45   1 
   6 GREENWOOD, GABRIEL   Bexley MS               3:12.84     
   7 SILVA, INDIO         Bexley MS               3:17.38     
   8 DOYAGA, BEN          Bexley MS               3:18.06     
   9 BIXLER, IAN          Bexley MS               3:18.31     
  10 BAUMGARTNER, MAX     Gahanna Columbus Aca    3:19.10     

Girls 200 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 EVANS, MAYBN         Bexley MS                 27.68  NW    3  (1)   6 
   2 SPALDING, MORGAN     Gahanna Columbus Aca      28.35  NW    3  (2)   4 
   3 JOHNSON, JASMYN      Whitehall Rosemore M      28.70  NW    3  (3)   3 
   4 WOOD, CHIARA         Bexley MS                 29.21  NW    3  (4)   2 
   5 FORTS, LUCY          Grove City Christian      30.57  NW    3  (5)   1 
   6 KELLER, CHARLOTTE    Bexley MS                 30.89  NW    3  (6)     
   7 STEVENSON, AUDREY    Bexley MS                 31.80  NW    2  (1)     
   8 DEROSE, OLIVIA       Grove City Christian      31.90  NW    2  (2)     
   9 KENT, HANNAH         Grove City Christian      32.30  NW    2  (3)     
  10 FORBES, SOPHIE       Gahanna Columbus Aca      33.70  NW    2  (4)     
  11 SPILLMAN, ALONNA     Grove City Christian      34.02  NW    1  (1)     
  12 STIEG, CLAIRE        Gahanna Columbus Aca      38.14  NW    1  (2)     
  13 BAUGH, NATALIE       Bexley MS                 38.89  NW    1  (3)     
     LABINE, MIRANDA      Bexley MS                    NT        1          
     WILLIAMS, DIVINE     Whitehall Rosemore M         NT        2          
     LAMENDOLA, VIVIAN    Bexley MS                    NT        2          
     COHEN, MA'AYAN       Bexley MS                    NT        2          
     ZEIGLER, CLAIRE      Gahanna Columbus Aca         NT        2          
     SMITH, TAYLOR        Bexley MS                    NT        3          
     MORROW, MAKENZIE     Whitehall Rosemore M         NT        3          

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 3
   1 SPILLMAN, ALONNA     Grove City Christian      34.02  NW      
   2 STIEG, CLAIRE        Gahanna Columbus Aca      38.14  NW      
   3 BAUGH, NATALIE       Bexley MS                 38.89  NW      
     LABINE, MIRANDA      Bexley MS                    NT          
Section 2 of 3
   1 STEVENSON, AUDREY    Bexley MS                 31.80  NW      
   2 DEROSE, OLIVIA       Grove City Christian      31.90  NW      
   3 KENT, HANNAH         Grove City Christian      32.30  NW      
   4 FORBES, SOPHIE       Gahanna Columbus Aca      33.70  NW      
     WILLIAMS, DIVINE     Whitehall Rosemore M         NT          
     LAMENDOLA, VIVIAN    Bexley MS                    NT          
     COHEN, MA'AYAN       Bexley MS                    NT          
     ZEIGLER, CLAIRE      Gahanna Columbus Aca         NT          
Section 3 of 3
   1 EVANS, MAYBN         Bexley MS                 27.68  NW    6 
   2 SPALDING, MORGAN     Gahanna Columbus Aca      28.35  NW    4 
   3 JOHNSON, JASMYN      Whitehall Rosemore M      28.70  NW    3 
   4 WOOD, CHIARA         Bexley MS                 29.21  NW    2 
   5 FORTS, LUCY          Grove City Christian      30.57  NW    1 
   6 KELLER, CHARLOTTE    Bexley MS                 30.89  NW      
     SMITH, TAYLOR        Bexley MS                    NT          
     MORROW, MAKENZIE     Whitehall Rosemore M         NT          

Boys 200 Meters
  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Ht. (Pl) Pts 
   1 TIMLIN, TYDEN        Grove City Christian      25.73  NW    4  (1)   6 
   2 JACKSON, MALACHI     Whitehall Rosemore M      26.15  NW    4  (2)   4 
   3 WILLIAMS, CLEMENT    Gahanna Columbus Aca      26.67  NW    4  (3)   3 
   4 BROWN, AUGUST        Bexley MS                 26.69  NW    4  (4)   2 
   5 KOHLER, ALLISTER     Bexley MS                 26.70  NW    4  (5)   1 
   6 JOHNSON, NICHOLAS    Gahanna Columbus Aca      27.07  NW    2  (1)     
   7 WASHINGTON, JEREMIAH Grove City Christian      27.48  NW    4  (6)     
   8 WILLIAMS, MELIC      Whitehall Rosemore M      27.60  NW    1  (1)     
   9 FORD, KAMARION       Whitehall Rosemore M      28.01  NW    4  (7)     
  10 VARGAS-MERCADO, MICH Bexley MS                 29.99  NW    3  (1)     
  11 WIEGING, DREW        Grove City Christian      30.25  NW    3  (2)     
  12 MERRITT, ANDREW      Gahanna Columbus Aca      31.81  NW    1  (2)     
  13 ORNSTEIN, BENJAMIN   Bexley MS                 31.84  NW    3  (3)     
  14 CARIGNAN, MAX        Bexley MS                 32.97  NW    3  (4)     
  15 DERROW, RAFI         Bexley MS                 34.24  NW    3  (5)     
  16 TANN, AIDEN          Bexley MS                 34.44  NW    2  (2)     
  17 YOUNG, ZANDER        Gahanna Columbus Aca      35.19  NW    4  (8)     
  18 ESRAM, RISHAL        Bexley MS                 35.40  NW    2  (3)     
  19 SEELIG, ETHAN        Bexley MS                 42.69  NW    2  (4)     
     STAFFORD, JASON      Whitehall Rosemore M      35.19  NW    4          
     STINEMETZ, CAMERON   Grove City Christian         NT        2          
     MALHAME, LARRY       Gahanna Columbus Aca         NT        2          
     CORBIN, CHAMPION     Whitehall Rosemore M         NT        3          
     PETRESCU, GUS        Bexley MS                    NT        3          
     SCHEHL, HENRY        Gahanna Columbus Aca         NT        1          

  Pl Name                 Team                       Time Wind Pts 
Section 1 of 4
   1 WILLIAMS, MELIC      Whitehall Rosemore M      27.60  NW      
   2 MERRITT, ANDREW      Gahanna Columbus Aca      31.81  NW      
     SCHEHL, HENRY        Gahanna Columbus Aca         NT          
Section 2 of 4
   1 JOHNSON, NICHOLAS    Gahanna Columbus Aca      27.07  NW      
   2 TANN, AIDEN          Bexley MS                 34.44  NW      
   3 ESRAM, RISHAL        Bexley MS                 35.40  NW      
   4 SEELIG, ETHAN        Bexley MS                 42.69  NW      
     STINEMETZ, CAMERON   Grove City Christian         NT          
     MALHAME, LARRY       Gahanna Columbus Aca         NT          
Section 3 of 4
   1 VARGAS-MERCADO, MICH Bexley MS                 29.99  NW      
   2 WIEGING, DREW        Grove City Christian      30.25  NW      
   3 ORNSTEIN, BENJAMIN   Bexley MS                 31.84  NW      
   4 CARIGNAN, MAX        Bexley MS                 32.97  NW      
   5 DERROW, RAFI         Bexley MS                 34.24  NW      
     CORBIN, CHAMPION     Whitehall Rosemore M         NT          
     PETRESCU, GUS        Bexley MS                    NT          
Section 4 of 4
     STAFFORD, JASON      Whitehall Rosemore M      35.19  NW      
   1 TIMLIN, TYDEN        Grove City Christian      25.73  NW    6 
   2 JACKSON, MALACHI     Whitehall Rosemore M      26.15  NW    4 
   3 WILLIAMS, CLEMENT    Gahanna Columbus Aca      26.67  NW    3 
   4 BROWN, AUGUST        Bexley MS                 26.69  NW    2 
   5 KOHLER, ALLISTER     Bexley MS                 26.70  NW    1 
   6 WASHINGTON, JEREMIAH Grove City Christian      27.48  NW      
   7 FORD, KAMARION       Whitehall Rosemore M      28.01  NW      
   8 YOUNG, ZANDER        Gahanna Columbus Aca      35.19  NW      

Girls 4 x 400m Relay
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 Bexley MS             A    4:42.67   6 
   2 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A    5:01.38   4 
   3 Whitehall Rosemore M  A    5:59.68   2 

  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 Bexley MS             A    4:42.67   6 
   2 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A    5:01.38   4 
   3 Whitehall Rosemore M  A    5:59.68   2 

Boys 4 x 400m Relay
  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
   1 Bexley MS             A    4:22.37   6 
   2 Whitehall Rosemore M  A    4:22.56   4 
   3 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A    4:44.16   2 
   4 Bexley MS             B    5:10.20     

  Pl Team                 Sq       Time Pts 
Section 1 of 1
   1 Bexley MS             A    4:22.37   6 
   2 Whitehall Rosemore M  A    4:22.56   4 
   3 Gahanna Columbus Aca  A    4:44.16   2 
   4 Bexley MS             B    5:10.20     

Girls High Jump
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
   1 SPALDING, MORGAN     Gahanna Columbus Aca   4-10   6 
   2 HARPE, HAYDEN        Bexley MS               4-2   4 
   3 DE LA CRUZ, JULISSA  Grove City Christian    4-0   3 
   4 STERLING, ANNA       Gahanna Columbus Aca    3-8 1.5 
   4 REISER, PHOEBE       Bexley MS               3-8 1.5 
   6 MONTANEZ, TRINITI    Whitehall Rosemore M    3-8     
   7 KENT, HANNAH         Grove City Christian    3-8     
   8 ROBERTS, BELLE       Gahanna Columbus Aca    3-6     
   9 DENKINS, LA'MYRAH    Whitehall Rosemore M    3-6     
     NWOKE, IZUCHI        Gahanna Columbus Aca       NH     
     SHNAYDER, JESSICA    Bexley MS                  NH     

  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
Flight 1 of 1
   1 SPALDING, MORGAN     Gahanna Columbus Aca   4-10   6 
   2 HARPE, HAYDEN        Bexley MS               4-2   4 
   3 DE LA CRUZ, JULISSA  Grove City Christian    4-0   3 
   4 STERLING, ANNA       Gahanna Columbus Aca    3-8 1.5 
   4 REISER, PHOEBE       Bexley MS               3-8 1.5 
   6 MONTANEZ, TRINITI    Whitehall Rosemore M    3-8     
   7 KENT, HANNAH         Grove City Christian    3-8     
   8 ROBERTS, BELLE       Gahanna Columbus Aca    3-6     
   9 DENKINS, LA'MYRAH    Whitehall Rosemore M    3-6     
     NWOKE, IZUCHI        Gahanna Columbus Aca       NH     
     SHNAYDER, JESSICA    Bexley MS                  NH     

Boys High Jump
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
   1 BAKEYE, MEADE        Whitehall Rosemore M    4-8   6 
   2 ADKINS, ADAM         Gahanna Columbus Aca    4-6   4 
   3 ARNOLD, JOZA         Gahanna Columbus Aca    4-4   3 
   4 ALEXANDER, GRAHAM    Gahanna Columbus Aca    4-2   2 
   5 CHAKY, DANE          Gahanna Columbus Aca    4-2   1 
   6 YOUNG, ZANDER        Gahanna Columbus Aca   3-10     
   7 TANN, AIDEN          Bexley MS               3-8     
   8 CAIN, MATTEO         Gahanna Columbus Aca    3-6     
     MALHAME, LARRY       Gahanna Columbus Aca       NH     
     BAKEYE, HAMDE        Whitehall Rosemore M       NH     
     JACKSON, MALACHI     Whitehall Rosemore M       NH     

  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
Flight 1 of 1
   1 BAKEYE, MEADE        Whitehall Rosemore M    4-8   6 
   2 ADKINS, ADAM         Gahanna Columbus Aca    4-6   4 
   3 ARNOLD, JOZA         Gahanna Columbus Aca    4-4   3 
   4 ALEXANDER, GRAHAM    Gahanna Columbus Aca    4-2   2 
   5 CHAKY, DANE          Gahanna Columbus Aca    4-2   1 
   6 YOUNG, ZANDER        Gahanna Columbus Aca   3-10     
   7 TANN, AIDEN          Bexley MS               3-8     
   8 CAIN, MATTEO         Gahanna Columbus Aca    3-6     
     MALHAME, LARRY       Gahanna Columbus Aca       NH     
     BAKEYE, HAMDE        Whitehall Rosemore M       NH     
     JACKSON, MALACHI     Whitehall Rosemore M       NH     

Girls Long Jump
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Wind Pts 
   1 JOHNSON, JASMYN      Whitehall Rosemore M   14-8  NW    6 
   2 SHAFER, MADISON      Grove City Christian   14-1  NW    4 
   3 LESTINI, ISABELLA    Bexley MS              13-0  NW    3 
   4 SMITH, TAYLOR        Bexley MS             12-10  NW    2 
   5 DEROSE, OLIVIA       Grove City Christian   12-7  NW    1 
   6 WILSON, DULCE        Grove City Christian   12-6  NW      
   7 FORTS, LUCY          Grove City Christian   12-1  NW      
   8 HOWES, LILY          Bexley MS              10-4  NW      
   9 SIDEL, PENELOPE      Bexley MS               9-2  NW      

  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Wind Pts 
Flight 1 of 1
   1 JOHNSON, JASMYN      Whitehall Rosemore M   14-8  NW    6 
   2 SHAFER, MADISON      Grove City Christian   14-1  NW    4 
   3 LESTINI, ISABELLA    Bexley MS              13-0  NW    3 
   4 SMITH, TAYLOR        Bexley MS             12-10  NW    2 
   5 DEROSE, OLIVIA       Grove City Christian   12-7  NW    1 
   6 WILSON, DULCE        Grove City Christian   12-6  NW      
   7 FORTS, LUCY          Grove City Christian   12-1  NW      
   8 HOWES, LILY          Bexley MS              10-4  NW      
   9 SIDEL, PENELOPE      Bexley MS               9-2  NW      

Boys Long Jump
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Wind Pts 
   1 HAYNES, DAVID        Bexley MS              17-6  NW    6 
   2 GIBSON, JOHN         Grove City Christian   15-3  NW    4 
   3 BROWN, AUGUST        Bexley MS             14-11  NW    3 
   4 DERROW, RAFI         Bexley MS              13-2  NW    2 
   5 SHANKLE, CHRISTOPHER Bexley MS              9-11  NW    1 
   6 DOYAGA, BEN          Bexley MS               8-8  NW      
   7 DOUGLAS, DAVID       Bexley MS               8-5  NW      
     PARKER, WYATT        Bexley MS                  NM          
     STINEMETZ, CAMERON   Grove City Christian       NM          
     ANDERSON, BRYCE      Bexley MS                  NM          
     TANN, AIDEN          Bexley MS                  NM          
     KELLEY, WILSON       Bexley MS                  NM          

  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Wind Pts 
Flight 1 of 1
   1 HAYNES, DAVID        Bexley MS              17-6  NW    6 
   2 GIBSON, JOHN         Grove City Christian   15-3  NW    4 
   3 BROWN, AUGUST        Bexley MS             14-11  NW    3 
   4 DERROW, RAFI         Bexley MS              13-2  NW    2 
   5 SHANKLE, CHRISTOPHER Bexley MS              9-11  NW    1 
   6 DOYAGA, BEN          Bexley MS               8-8  NW      
   7 DOUGLAS, DAVID       Bexley MS               8-5  NW      
     ANDERSON, BRYCE      Bexley MS                  NM          
     STINEMETZ, CAMERON   Grove City Christian       NM          
     PARKER, WYATT        Bexley MS                  NM          
     TANN, AIDEN          Bexley MS                  NM          
     KELLEY, WILSON       Bexley MS                  NM          

Girls Shot Put
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
   1 MARTINEZ, KAYIN      Whitehall Rosemore M  28-10   6 
   2 BUCK, OLIVIA         Grove City Christian   26-5   4 
   3 MEADOWS, EMALIE      Whitehall Rosemore M   24-1   3 
   4 SPILLMAN, ALONNA     Grove City Christian   22-6   2 
   5 CHITISON, ZARIYAH    Whitehall Rosemore M   21-9   1 
   6 MENDEZ, ISABELLA     Bexley MS              19-6     
   7 MELENDEZ, NATALIE    Whitehall Rosemore M 18-4.50     
   8 BUTTS, RILEY         Bexley MS              18-4     
   9 LAMBUR, ISABEL       Whitehall Rosemore M  16-11     
  10 DIAZ, MYA            Whitehall Rosemore M   16-8     
  11 HIMMELSPACH, NATALIE Whitehall Rosemore M   13-5     

  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
Flight 1 of 1
   1 MARTINEZ, KAYIN      Whitehall Rosemore M  28-10   6 
   2 BUCK, OLIVIA         Grove City Christian   26-5   4 
   3 MEADOWS, EMALIE      Whitehall Rosemore M   24-1   3 
   4 SPILLMAN, ALONNA     Grove City Christian   22-6   2 
   5 CHITISON, ZARIYAH    Whitehall Rosemore M   21-9   1 
   6 MENDEZ, ISABELLA     Bexley MS              19-6     
   7 MELENDEZ, NATALIE    Whitehall Rosemore M 18-4.50     
   8 BUTTS, RILEY         Bexley MS              18-4     
   9 LAMBUR, ISABEL       Whitehall Rosemore M  16-11     
  10 DIAZ, MYA            Whitehall Rosemore M   16-8     
  11 HIMMELSPACH, NATALIE Whitehall Rosemore M   13-5     

Boys Shot Put
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
   1 JACKSON, MICKALE     Whitehall Rosemore M   39-5   6 
   2 WASHINGTON, JEREMIAH Grove City Christian   38-3   4 
   3 DIFFLEY, KELLEN      Bexley MS              32-9   3 
   4 BARWICK, RYAN        Whitehall Rosemore M   31-1   2 
   5 FAULKNER, GAVIN      Bexley MS              28-2   1 
   6 LEE, AVERY           Gahanna Columbus Aca   24-1     
   7 SCHEHL, HENRY        Gahanna Columbus Aca 23-6.50     
   8 ISALY, ROCCO         Bexley MS             19-11     
     BAKEYE, HAMDE        Whitehall Rosemore M       NM     

  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
Flight 1 of 1
   1 JACKSON, MICKALE     Whitehall Rosemore M   39-5   6 
   2 WASHINGTON, JEREMIAH Grove City Christian   38-3   4 
   3 DIFFLEY, KELLEN      Bexley MS              32-9   3 
   4 BARWICK, RYAN        Whitehall Rosemore M   31-1   2 
   5 FAULKNER, GAVIN      Bexley MS              28-2   1 
   6 LEE, AVERY           Gahanna Columbus Aca   24-1     
   7 SCHEHL, HENRY        Gahanna Columbus Aca 23-6.50     
   8 ISALY, ROCCO         Bexley MS             19-11     
     BAKEYE, HAMDE        Whitehall Rosemore M       NM     

Girls Discus
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
   1 BUCK, OLIVIA         Grove City Christian  63-11   6 
   2 KELLER, CHARLOTTE    Bexley MS              63-8   4 
   3 ROBERTS, BELLE       Gahanna Columbus Aca   43-4   3 
   4 SARKAR, CURIE        Bexley MS              39-9   2 
   5 CHITISON, ZARIYAH    Whitehall Rosemore M  37-11   1 
   6 BUTTS, RILEY         Bexley MS              33-4     
   7 MARTINEZ, KAYIN      Whitehall Rosemore M   30-6     
   8 MELENDEZ, NATALIE    Whitehall Rosemore M   28-0     
   9 LAMBUR, ISABEL       Whitehall Rosemore M   25-5     
  10 HIMMELSPACH, NATALIE Whitehall Rosemore M   20-7     
  11 MEADOWS, EMALIE      Whitehall Rosemore M   19-9     
  12 DIAZ, MYA            Whitehall Rosemore M   18-3     

  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
Flight 1 of 1
   1 BUCK, OLIVIA         Grove City Christian  63-11   6 
   2 KELLER, CHARLOTTE    Bexley MS              63-8   4 
   3 ROBERTS, BELLE       Gahanna Columbus Aca   43-4   3 
   4 SARKAR, CURIE        Bexley MS              39-9   2 
   5 CHITISON, ZARIYAH    Whitehall Rosemore M  37-11   1 
   6 BUTTS, RILEY         Bexley MS              33-4     
   7 MARTINEZ, KAYIN      Whitehall Rosemore M   30-6     
   8 MELENDEZ, NATALIE    Whitehall Rosemore M   28-0     
   9 LAMBUR, ISABEL       Whitehall Rosemore M   25-5     
  10 HIMMELSPACH, NATALIE Whitehall Rosemore M   20-7     
  11 MEADOWS, EMALIE      Whitehall Rosemore M   19-9     
  12 DIAZ, MYA            Whitehall Rosemore M   18-3     

Boys Discus
  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
   1 TIMLIN, TYDEN        Grove City Christian  105-4   6 
   2 FAULKNER, GAVIN      Bexley MS              94-6   4 
   3 DIFFLEY, KELLEN      Bexley MS             74-11   3 
   4 BARWICK, RYAN        Whitehall Rosemore M  69-10   2 
   5 YOUNG, ZANDER        Gahanna Columbus Aca  64-11   1 
   6 LEE, AVERY           Gahanna Columbus Aca  59-11     
   7 SCHEHL, HENRY        Gahanna Columbus Aca   49-7     
   8 ISALY, ROCCO         Bexley MS              47-8     
   9 BAUMGARTNER, MAX     Gahanna Columbus Aca   27-6     

  Pl Name                 Team                     Mark Pts 
Flight 1 of 1
   1 TIMLIN, TYDEN        Grove City Christian  105-4   6 
   2 FAULKNER, GAVIN      Bexley MS              94-6   4 
   3 DIFFLEY, KELLEN      Bexley MS             74-11   3 
   4 BARWICK, RYAN        Whitehall Rosemore M  69-10   2 
   5 YOUNG, ZANDER        Gahanna Columbus Aca  64-11   1 
   6 LEE, AVERY           Gahanna Columbus Aca  59-11     
   7 SCHEHL, HENRY        Gahanna Columbus Aca   49-7     
   8 ISALY, ROCCO         Bexley MS              47-8     
   9 BAUMGARTNER, MAX     Gahanna Columbus Aca   27-6     

Boys Scores                                                                     
  Pl Team                      Score 
   1 Bexley MS                    69 
   2 Gahanna Columbus Aca         59 
   3 Whitehall Rosemore M         49 
   4 Grove City Christian         34 
Girls Scores                                                                    
  Pl Team                      Score 
   1 Bexley MS                  81.5 
   2 Gahanna Columbus Aca       45.5 
   3 Whitehall Rosemore M         43 
   4 Grove City Christian         31