Walsh Jesuit High School Quad Meet 2022

Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Hosted by Walsh Jesuit

Complete Results

Licensed to Walsh Jesuit High School   HY-TEK's Meet Manager 4/21/2022 09:01 AM
      Walsh Jesuit Vs. Beaumont, St. Joseph Academy and Hoban - 4/20/2022      
                     Walsh Jesuit Track and Field Complex                      
Girls 100 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Simon, Raine              12 Walsh Jesuit             13.15   7   6   
  2 Pooler, Mayana            10 Hoban                    13.42   7   4   
  3 Favazzo, Alyse             9 Walsh Jesuit             13.70   7   3   
  4 Figler, Kate              11 Walsh Jesuit             13.79   6   2   
  5 Holmes, Imyla              9 Beaumont                 13.81   6   1   
  6 King, Erica               10 Hoban                    13.88   6 
  7 McCarthy, Clare           11 St. Joseph A             13.92   7 
  8 Jordan, Clare             12 St. Joseph A             14.06   7 
  9 Cherry, Shaniya           10 Hoban                    14.09   7 
 10 Guld, Sammie              11 Hoban                    14.24   7 
 11 Ye, Yuxin                 10 St. Joseph A             14.36   3 
 11 Knapik, Grace              9 Beaumont                 14.36   3 
 13 Thomas, Kendyl             9 Beaumont                 14.40   5 
 14 Hwodeky, Stephanie        11 St. Joseph A             14.47   6 
 15 Falconer, Gabrielle       10 Hoban                    14.63   6 
 16 Graham, Megan              9 Walsh Jesuit             14.68   5 
 17 Szeremet, Sophia           9 Walsh Jesuit             14.77   5 
 18 Woconish, Avalon           9 Beaumont                 14.85   4 
 19 Greenwood, Kimora         11 Hoban                    14.93   2 
 20 Zaucha, Rylee             10 Hoban                    14.96   2 
 21 Zack, Kendall              9 Walsh Jesuit             14.99   3 
 22 Tompkins, Lily             9 Walsh Jesuit             15.08   4 
 23 Campagna, Grace            9 Walsh Jesuit             15.11   3 
 24 Eiswerth, Sammy           10 Walsh Jesuit             15.12   4 
 24 Mackiewicz, Sophia        12 Hoban                    15.12   6 
 26 Williams, Olivia          12 Hoban                    15.13   5 
 27 Kelly, Fiona              11 St. Joseph A             15.15   5 
 28 Figueroa, Carina          10 St. Joseph A             15.44   5 
 29 Freemal, Claire           10 Walsh Jesuit             15.46   4 
 30 Brown, Zora               10 Walsh Jesuit             15.50   3 
 31 Fallon, Josephine          9 Walsh Jesuit             15.68   2 
 32 Castonguay, Peyton        11 Hoban                    15.71   4 
 33 Maloney, Cecelia           9 Walsh Jesuit             15.72   2 
 34 Riley, Amanda             11 Walsh Jesuit             15.92   4 
 35 Bergmann, Madison         11 Walsh Jesuit             15.94   2 
 36 Krotine, Elizabeth        10 St. Joseph A             15.99   2 
 37 Hansen, Arija              9 Beaumont                 16.08   1 
 38 Norris, Sarah              9 Walsh Jesuit             16.31   1 
 39 Daniels, Taryn            11 Walsh Jesuit             16.36   2 
 40 Jansky, Taylor            11 Walsh Jesuit             16.50   1 
 41 Kappler, Sofia             9 St. Joseph A             16.60   3 
 42 Le-Quay, Kiara             9 St. Joseph A             16.95   1 
 43 Zsembik, Natalie           9 Walsh Jesuit             17.34   1 
 44 Podlogar, Gabriella       12 Walsh Jesuit             17.53   1 
 45 Barefoot, Mia              9 Beaumont                 19.77   1 
Girls 200 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Simon, Raine              12 Walsh Jesuit             27.24   8   6   
  2 Favazzo, Alyse             9 Walsh Jesuit             28.46   8   4   
  3 King, Erica               10 Hoban                    28.97   7   3   
  4 McCarthy, Clare           11 St. Joseph A             29.30   8   2   
  5 Jordan, Clare             12 St. Joseph A             29.47   8   1   
  6 Cherry, Shaniya           10 Hoban                    29.54   6 
  7 Hwodeky, Stephanie        11 St. Joseph A             29.83   8 
  8 Almasy, Brianna           10 St. Joseph A             29.84   7 
  9 Woconish, Avalon           9 Beaumont                 30.71   4 
 10 Church, Maria             11 Hoban                    30.76   8 
 11 Guld, Sammie              11 Hoban                    30.80   7 
 12 Watson, Amber              9 Hoban                    30.85   8 
 13 Synk, Abby                12 St. Joseph A             31.06   3 
 14 Thomas, Kendyl             9 Beaumont                 31.12   4 
 15 Brewster, Ella             9 Walsh Jesuit             31.17   5 
 16 Graham, Megan              9 Walsh Jesuit             31.41   5 
 16 Szeremet, Sophia           9 Walsh Jesuit             31.41   6 
 18 Freemal, Claire           10 Walsh Jesuit             31.59   4 
 19 McHale, Rachel            11 Walsh Jesuit             31.69   5 
 20 Taylor, Theresa           12 St. Joseph A             31.76   6 
 20 Scott, Gia                11 Walsh Jesuit             31.76   6 
 22 Eiswerth, Sammy           10 Walsh Jesuit             32.01   4 
 23 Williams, Olivia          12 Hoban                    32.05   5 
 24 Dicapua, Kate             11 St. Joseph A             32.06   6 
 25 Corbin, Helena            10 Hoban                    32.17   2 
 26 Gardner, Shannon          12 St. Joseph A             32.18   7 
 27 Zaucha, Rylee             10 Hoban                    32.34   5 
 28 Zack, Kendall              9 Walsh Jesuit             32.48   4 
 29 Schmitz, Victoria          9 Walsh Jesuit             32.51   4 
 30 Norton, Ava                9 Hoban                    32.77   6 
 31 Matyac, Alexa             10 Walsh Jesuit             32.85   3 
 32 Fallon, Josephine          9 Walsh Jesuit             32.90   2 
 33 Barrett, Ava              11 St. Joseph A             33.31   6 
 34 Campagna, Grace            9 Walsh Jesuit             33.73   2 
 35 Krotine, Elizabeth        10 St. Joseph A             34.32   3 
 36 Hansen, Arija              9 Beaumont                 34.33   2 
 37 Maloney, Cecelia           9 Walsh Jesuit             34.45   2 
 38 Stidham, Jasira            9 Walsh Jesuit             34.68   2 
 39 Norris, Sarah              9 Walsh Jesuit             34.77   1 
 40 Jansky, Taylor            11 Walsh Jesuit             35.79   1 
 41 Le-Quay, Kiara             9 St. Joseph A             36.84   2 
 42 Zsembik, Natalie           9 Walsh Jesuit             39.16   1 
 43 Barefoot, Mia              9 Beaumont                 42.67   1 
Girls 400 Meter Dash
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 McCarthy, Clare           11 St. Joseph A           1:06.10   3   6   
  2 Carruthers, Imani          9 Beaumont               1:06.53   3   4   
  3 King, Erica               10 Hoban                  1:06.75   3   3   
  4 Almasy, Brianna           10 St. Joseph A           1:08.94   3   2   
  5 Miklos, Elise              9 Walsh Jesuit           1:11.73   2   1   
  6 Solis, Ella                9 Walsh Jesuit           1:12.40   2 
  7 Huston, Elena             10 Walsh Jesuit           1:12.86   2 
  8 Corbin, Helena            10 Hoban                  1:13.73   1 
  9 Mackiewicz, Sophia        12 Hoban                  1:13.99   1 
 10 Scott, Gia                11 Walsh Jesuit           1:14.51   1 
 11 Duff, Molli               11 St. Joseph A           1:14.52   3 
 12 Schmidt, Skylar            9 Hoban                  1:16.10   2 
 13 Norton, Ava                9 Hoban                  1:17.02   2 
 14 Brown, Zora               10 Walsh Jesuit           1:18.02   1 
 15 Matyac, Alexa             10 Walsh Jesuit           1:20.31   1 
 16 Riley, Amanda             11 Walsh Jesuit           1:28.11   1 
Girls 800 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Blankenship, Carlee       12 St. Joseph A           2:24.17   1   6   
  2 Klein, Cassie             12 Hoban                  2:26.45   1   4   
  3 Leneghan, Keira           10 St. Joseph A           2:34.66   1   3   
  4 Mullen, Bridget            9 St. Joseph A           2:34.69   1   2   
  5 Hartman, Audra            12 Beaumont               2:40.82   1   1   
  6 Kratt, Theresa            11 St. Joseph A           2:43.32   1 
  7 Brobbey, Avery            10 Walsh Jesuit           2:43.69   1 
  8 Harris, Grace              9 St. Joseph A           2:46.93   2 
  9 DiMare, Megan             12 Walsh Jesuit           2:47.35   1 
 10 Fess, Olivia              11 Hoban                  2:49.63   2 
 11 Reimund, Anysia           10 Walsh Jesuit           2:50.69   1 
 12 Collins, Bridget          10 St. Joseph A           2:52.07   2 
 13 Minnick, Gabby            11 Hoban                  2:52.28   1 
 14 Sanders, Lucy             11 Beaumont               2:54.65   2 
 15 Eggleston, Ashley          9 Walsh Jesuit           2:55.52   1 
 16 Furjanic, Emma            11 Beaumont               2:56.83   2 
 17 Borges, Sydney            10 Walsh Jesuit           3:07.13   2 
 18 Roisman, Cassie           11 St. Joseph A           3:09.04   2 
 19 Peinkofer, Gabriella       9 Hoban                  3:09.83   2 
 20 Soehlen, Ceclia           11 Hoban                  3:15.14   2 
 21 Kohrs, Ella               10 Walsh Jesuit           3:55.64   2 
Girls 1600 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Klein, Cassie             12 Hoban                  5:24.77    6   
  2 Duesenberg, Anna          12 St. Joseph A           5:44.96    4   
  3 Reimund, Anysia           10 Walsh Jesuit           5:55.89    3   
  4 Harris, Grace              9 St. Joseph A           5:58.46    2   
  5 Brobbey, Avery            10 Walsh Jesuit           5:59.49    1   
  6 Caniglia, Sara            12 Walsh Jesuit           6:09.75  
  7 Wenzel, Alexia            11 St. Joseph A           6:10.22  
  8 Osmun, Olivia             11 Hoban                  6:14.05  
  9 Powers, Lauren            11 Walsh Jesuit           6:19.88  
 10 Eggleston, Ashley          9 Walsh Jesuit           6:26.45  
 11 Borges, Sydney            10 Walsh Jesuit           6:51.42  
 12 Thomas, Bridget            9 Beaumont               6:54.56  
Girls 3200 Meter Run
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hartman, Ava              10 Beaumont              12:42.41    6   
  2 Hvizdos, Erin             10 St. Joseph A          12:59.06    4   
  3 Osmun, Olivia             11 Hoban                 13:29.33    3   
  4 Sidloski, Mara            11 Walsh Jesuit          13:47.51    2   
  5 White, Maya               10 Walsh Jesuit          14:59.17    1   
  6 Lisle, Lindsay             9 Walsh Jesuit          15:00.75  
Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Fratantonio, Lily         11 Walsh Jesuit             16.97   2   6   
  2 Huth, Jules               12 Walsh Jesuit             17.67   2   4   
  3 Grucella, Haley           11 Walsh Jesuit             18.65   2   3   
  4 Burkhalter, Elle          10 Walsh Jesuit             19.12   2   2   
  5 Dougerty, Maddison        10 Hoban                    19.22   2   1   
  6 Stephens, Lauren           9 Walsh Jesuit             19.31   1 
  7 Yormick, Crystal          12 Beaumont                 19.33   2 
  8 McHale, Rachel            11 Walsh Jesuit             20.05   1 
  9 Williams, Olivia          12 Hoban                    20.85   2 
 10 Greenwood, Kimora         11 Hoban                    21.07   1 
 11 Brewster, Ella             9 Walsh Jesuit             21.36   1 
 12 Schmidt, Skylar            9 Hoban                    21.50   1 
 13 Schmitz, Victoria          9 Walsh Jesuit             21.67   1 
Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  H# Points
  1 Ziccardi, Liv             10 Walsh Jesuit             49.59   2   6   
  2 Holmes, Imyla              9 Beaumont                 51.26   2   4   
  3 Burkhalter, Elle          10 Walsh Jesuit             53.82   2   3   
  4 Tompkins, Lily             9 Walsh Jesuit             55.07   1   2   
  5 Knapik, Grace              9 Beaumont                 55.69   2   1   
  6 Grucella, Haley           11 Walsh Jesuit             56.80   2 
  7 Yormick, Crystal          12 Beaumont                 57.01   1 
  8 Leslie, Nicole            11 Hoban                    58.04   1 
  9 Schmidt, Skylar            9 Hoban                  1:13.14   1 
 10 Leslie, Erica              9 Hoban                  1:13.87   1 
Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Hoban  'A'                                            54.79    6   
     1) Guld, Sammie 11                 2) Falconer, Gabrielle 10         
     3) Pooler, Mayana 10               4) Mahoney, Ari 12                
  2 St. Joseph Academy  'B'                               57.60    4   
     1) Drost, Mariel 11                2) Maline, Melissa 10             
     3) Ehrett, Rylee 11                4) Maline, Maggie 12              
  3 Walsh Jesuit  'B'                                     58.24    2   
     1) Eiswerth, Sammy 10              2) Graham, Megan 9                
     3) Szeremet, Sophia 9              4) Simms, Emma 10                 
  4 St. Joseph Academy  'A'                               58.71  
     1) Ye, Yuxin 10                    2) Figueroa, Carina 10            
     3) Kelly, Fiona 11                 4) McGreal, Rose 9                
  5 St. Joseph Academy  'C'                             1:03.21  
     1) Dubecky, Anne 11                2) Dooley, Grace 9                
     3) Riley, Morgan 10                4) Tenaglia, Marina 11            
 -- Walsh Jesuit  'A'                                       DNF  
     1) Reardon, Abbie 12               2) Richardson, Caroline 12        
     3) Huth, Jules 12                  4) Jones, Brittany 12             
Girls 4x200 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Walsh Jesuit  'A'                                   1:55.66    6   
     1) Reardon, Abbie 12               2) Richardson, Caroline 12        
     3) Huth, Jules 12                  4) Jones, Brittany 12             
  2 Hoban  'A'                                          1:56.51    4   
     1) Falconer, Gabrielle 10          2) Pooler, Mayana 10              
     3) Church, Maria 11                4) Mahoney, Ari 12                
  3 Walsh Jesuit  'B'                                   2:03.29    2   
     1) Simms, Emma 10                  2) Solis, Ella 9                  
     3) Swboni, Sam 10                  4) Miklos, Elise 9                
  4 St. Joseph Academy  'A'                             2:06.04  
     1) Figueroa, Carina 10             2) Taylor, Theresa 12             
     3) Kelly, Fiona 11                 4) McGreal, Rose 9                
  5 St. Joseph Academy  'B'                             2:11.70  
     1) Dicapua, Kate 11                2) Barrett, Ava 11                
     3) Berges, Rubee 10                4) Kappler, Sofia 9               
Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Joseph Academy  'B'                             4:25.46    6   
     1) Duesenberg, Anna 12             2) Leneghan, Keira 10             
     3) Mullen, Bridget 9               4) Blankenship, Carlee 12         
  2 Hoban  'A'                                          4:38.04    4   
     1) Mahoney, Ari 12                 2) Norton, Ava 9                  
     3) Fess, Olivia 11                 4) Klein, Cassie 12               
  3 St. Joseph Academy  'A'                             4:39.84    2   
     1) Jordan, Clare 12                2) McCarthy, Clare 11             
     3) Gardner, Shannon 12             4) Hwodeky, Stephanie 11          
  4 Beaumont  'A'                                       4:41.10  
     1) Dautovic, Cecilija 9            2) Carruthers, Imani 9            
     3) Holmes, Imyla 9                 4) Knapik, Grace 9                
  5 Walsh Jesuit  'A'                                   4:46.40  
     1) Miklos, Elise 9                 2) Tompkins, Lily 9               
     3) Swboni, Sam 10                  4) Solis, Ella 9                  
Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 St. Joseph Academy  'A'                            10:54.97    6   
     1) Kratt, Theresa 11               2) Hvizdos, Emma 12               
     3) Hvizdos, Erin 10                4) Wenzel, Alexia 11              
  2 Beaumont  'A'                                      11:13.04    4   
     1) Dautovic, Cecilija 9            2) Hartman, Audra 12              
     3) Sanders, Lucy 11                4) Furjanic, Emma 11              
  3 Walsh Jesuit  'A'                                  11:37.31    2   
     1) Caniglia, Sara 12               2) DiMare, Megan 12               
     3) Sidloski, Mara 11               4) Powers, Lauren 11              
  4 Hoban  'A'                                         12:09.73  
     1) Minnick, Gabby 11               2) Peinkofer, Gabriella 9         
     3) Soehlen, Ceclia 11              4) Fess, Olivia 11                
Girls High Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Bentley, SaMya            12 Hoban                  5-00.00    6   
  2 Figler, Kate              11 Walsh Jesuit           4-06.00    4   
  3 Watson, Amber              9 Hoban                  4-06.00    3   
  4 Jordan, Clare             12 St. Joseph A           4-04.00    1.50
  4 Tompkins, Lily             9 Walsh Jesuit           4-04.00    1.50
  6 Collins, Bridget          10 St. Joseph A           4-02.00  
  7 Castonguay, Peyton        11 Hoban                  4-00.00  
  7 Brewster, Ella             9 Walsh Jesuit           4-00.00  
  7 Mackiewicz, Sophia        12 Hoban                  4-00.00  
  7 Riley, Morgan             10 St. Joseph A           4-00.00  
 -- Zaucha, Rylee             10 Hoban                       NH  
Girls Pole Vault
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Treharne, Madyson         12 Beaumont              11-00.00    6   
  2 Burkhalter, Elle          10 Walsh Jesuit           7-06.00    4   
  3 Maline, Melissa           10 St. Joseph A           7-06.00    3   
  4 Riley, Morgan             10 St. Joseph A           7-00.00    2   
  5 Scott, Gia                11 Walsh Jesuit           6-06.00    0.50
  5 Listerman, Isabella       10 Hoban                  6-06.00    0.50
  8 Schmitz, Victoria          9 Walsh Jesuit           6-06.00  
  8 Matyac, Alexa             10 Walsh Jesuit           6-06.00  
  8 Dolensky, Mary            12 Hoban                  6-06.00  
  9 Riley, Amanda             11 Walsh Jesuit           6-06.00  
 10 Dubecky, Anne             11 St. Joseph A           6-00.00  
 -- Daniels, Taryn            11 Walsh Jesuit                NH  
 -- Brown, Rebecca            10 Hoban                       NH  
 -- Dooley, Grace              9 St. Joseph A                NH  
 -- Tenaglia, Marina          11 St. Joseph A                NH  
Girls Long Jump
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Simon, Raine              12 Walsh Jesuit          16-07.00    6   
  2 Cherry, Shaniya           10 Hoban                 15-04.50    4   
  3 Figler, Kate              11 Walsh Jesuit          14-10.00    3   
  4 Dougerty, Maddison        10 Hoban                 14-02.50    2   
  5 Richardson, Caroline      12 Walsh Jesuit          14-01.50    1   
  6 Reardon, Abbie            12 Walsh Jesuit          14-01.00  
  7 Huth, Jules               12 Walsh Jesuit          14-00.00  
  8 Zack, Kendall              9 Walsh Jesuit          13-06.50  
  9 Maline, Melissa           10 St. Joseph A          13-05.00  
 10 McHale, Rachel            11 Walsh Jesuit          13-04.00  
 11 Stephens, Lauren           9 Walsh Jesuit          13-03.00  
 12 Church, Maria             11 Hoban                 12-11.50  
 13 Watson, Amber              9 Hoban                 12-08.50  
 14 Eiswerth, Sammy           10 Walsh Jesuit          12-07.00  
 15 Szeremet, Sophia           9 Walsh Jesuit          12-04.00  
 16 Taylor, Theresa           12 St. Joseph A          12-01.50  
 17 Ye, Yuxin                 10 St. Joseph A          12-00.00  
 18 Maloney, Cecelia           9 Walsh Jesuit          11-08.50  
 19 Miklos, Elise              9 Walsh Jesuit          10-05.00  
 20 Jansky, Taylor            11 Walsh Jesuit          10-03.00  
Girls Shot Put
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Viers, Christina          10 Walsh Jesuit          32-05.00    6   
  2 Cho, Cailynn              10 St. Joseph A          31-02.00    4   
  3 Davis, Khori              11 Hoban                 31-01.00    3   
  4 Krych, Alexis             11 St. Joseph A          29-07.00    2   
  5 Maline, Maggie            12 St. Joseph A          29-06.00    1   
  6 Payne, Sydney             12 Walsh Jesuit          28-05.00  
  7 Ehrett, Rylee             11 St. Joseph A          28-03.00  
  8 Haag, Josie               11 Walsh Jesuit          28-01.00  
  9 Mann, Moriah              11 Walsh Jesuit          26-01.00  
 10 Podlogar, Gabriella       12 Walsh Jesuit          25-09.00  
 11 Grigsby, Riquell          10 Hoban                 25-03.00  
 12 Davis, Kennedi            11 Hoban                 24-09.00  
 13 Stidham, Jasira            9 Walsh Jesuit          24-00.00  
 14 Bradford, Chandler         9 Hoban                 23-06.00  
 15 Struckle, Kaitlyn         11 Hoban                 22-07.00  
 16 Jackson, Elizabeth        11 Beaumont              22-04.00  
 17 Knauf, Sierra             12 Walsh Jesuit          22-01.00  
 18 Thomas, Bridget            9 Beaumont              21-05.00  
 19 Maline, Melissa           10 St. Joseph A          21-02.00  
 20 Dashner, Grace            12 Walsh Jesuit          20-09.00  
 21 Eldridge, Sophia           9 St. Joseph A          20-00.00  
 22 Odeens, Mary              12 St. Joseph A          19-08.00  
 23 Reynolds, Ryan             9 Walsh Jesuit          19-06.50  
 24 Leslie, Erica              9 Hoban                 18-09.50  
 25 Lefoer, Madison            9 Walsh Jesuit          16-05.00  
 26 Musso, Marisa             11 Walsh Jesuit          15-01.00  
 27 Cruz, Ella                11 Beaumont              14-08.00  
 28 Benn, Logan                9 St. Joseph A          14-02.00  
Girls Discus Throw
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Chicatell, Teresa         12 Hoban                   107-06    6   
  2 Viers, Christina          10 Walsh Jesuit            107-01    4   
  3 Davis, Khori              11 Hoban                    96-07    3   
  4 Maline, Maggie            12 St. Joseph A             88-06    2   
  5 Haag, Josie               11 Walsh Jesuit             82-08    1   
  6 Cho, Cailynn              10 St. Joseph A             81-08  
  7 Payne, Sydney             12 Walsh Jesuit             79-03  
  8 Drost, Mariel             11 St. Joseph A             75-11  
  9 Krych, Alexis             11 St. Joseph A             73-06  
 10 Ehrett, Rylee             11 St. Joseph A          69-09.50  
 11 Grigsby, Riquell          10 Hoban                    66-02  
 12 Podlogar, Gabriella       12 Walsh Jesuit             61-10  
 13 Struckle, Kaitlyn         11 Hoban                 61-08.50  
 14 Knauf, Sierra             12 Walsh Jesuit             60-10  
 15 Stidham, Jasira            9 Walsh Jesuit          59-08.50  
 16 Davis, Kennedi            11 Hoban                 55-00.50  
 17 Eldridge, Sophia           9 St. Joseph A          53-07.50  
 18 Bradford, Chandler         9 Hoban                 52-00.50  
 19 Odeens, Mary              12 St. Joseph A             51-04  
 20 Reynolds, Ryan             9 Walsh Jesuit             50-06  
 21 Mann, Moriah              11 Walsh Jesuit             49-02  
 22 Dashner, Grace            12 Walsh Jesuit             46-03  
 23 Musso, Marisa             11 Walsh Jesuit             44-02  
 24 Leslie, Erica              9 Hoban                 44-00.50  
 25 Lefoer, Madison            9 Walsh Jesuit             39-11  
 26 Benn, Logan                9 St. Joseph A             25-04  
                    Women - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Walsh Jesuit                98        2) St. Joseph Academy         65.50
    2) Hoban                       65.50     4) Beaumont                   27