Meet Information
3rd Annual Dixie Greyhounds High School Invitational Meet Information
Date: Thursday, April 6th, 2022
Time: Field events begin at 4:30 pm, and running events begin at 5:00 pm. Coach's meeting will be at 4:00 pm at the press box.
Place: James F. Chief Brown Athletic Field, 200 S. Fuls Road, New Lebanon, OH 45345
Track: 400 Meter All Weather 6 Lane Track
Awards: Champion and Runner-Up team awards will be given to the first and second place teams. Medals will be given to individuals who place 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Ribbons will be given for 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th places, and individual awards will be distributed to Coaches at the conclusion of the meet.
FAT Timing System: All track events will be timed using a Fully Automated Timing System
Concessions: Concessions will be provided.
Admission: $7.00 for Students and Adults
Entry Fee: $200.00 per school. (Payable to New Lebanon Athletic Department) All checks can be sent to Dixie High School Athletic Department at 300 S. Fuls Rd, New Lebanon, OH 45345
Entries: Entries can be submitted through Coaches need to make sure that their full rosters are uploaded to The password for registration is DGIHS23. Coaches, please enter seed times or distances to ensure your athletes are placed in the proper heats or flights.
Entry Window Opens: 3/10/23 at 12:00 am
Entry Window Closes: 4/6/23 at 12:00 pm
Scratches: By email until 4:30 pm the day of the meet
Field: Each school may enter 2 participants per field event.
Running Events: Each school may enter 2 participants per running event.
Relays: Each school may enter 1 relay per event.
SCHOOLS ATTENDING (14): Ansonia, Arcanum, Bradford, Dixie, Eaton, Franklin Monroe, Miami Valley, Newton, Oakwood, Preble Shawnee, Tri-County North, Tri-Village, Twin Valley South, Valley View
Order of Events
Discus - Girls followed by Boys
Shot Put - Boys Followed by Girls
High Jump - Girls Followed by Boys
Long Jump - Boys Followed by Girls
Pole Vault - Boys Followed by Girls
Starting heights Opening height will be determined at the meet
Shot/Disc - 4 Throws and NO FINALS
Long Jump - 4 Jumps and NO FINALS
Girls Boys
4x800 4x800
100h 110h
100 100
4x200 4x200
1600 1600
4x100 4x100
400 400
300h 300h
800 800
200 200
3200 3200
4x400 4x400
Please contact with questions:
Theo Whitaker II - Athletic Director, Meet Manager, & Head Coach
937-687-1366 ex. 403 (Phone) or by email at