Meet Information
Updated 4/26/2024
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Bulldog Invitational 2024
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Date: | Friday May 3, 2023 |
Location: | John Gudgel Track, Yellow Springs High School at 420 E Enon Rd, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 |
Meet Director: | John Gudgel,, 937 572 9821 |
Entry Fees: | Girls or Boys Team $ 150 / School (Girls and Boys Team) $ 300; Make checks payable to Yellow Springs High School and send check before the meet to Yellow Springs High School attn: Jeff Eyrich, 420 E Enon Rd, Yellow Springs, OH 45387. Entry Fees are due at entry deadline. Questions/ Issues Jeff Eyrich (athletic director) can be reached by e-mail or phone (937) 623 2868 |
Entry Procedure: | Entries are done at |
Entry Limits: | 2 Athletes per event1 Team per relay |
Entry Deadline: | Tuesday April 30, 2024 midnight |
Spectators: | Admission fee $7.-- |
Coaches Meet: | Coaches meet at finish line 4:45 PM |
Scratches / Exchanges: | Field events: Scratches and exchanges are done at the field event. Running events: Scratches and exchanges have to be handed in at the coaches meet. |
Heat Sheets: | Running events will be seated after all changes are processed. Heats are seated based on seed marks, slow heat to fast heat. Clerk will have heat sheets, so please make sure that you athletes are at the check in by 3rd call. Athletes that are not at the starting line when their heat is called up will be scratched. |
Timing: | GHG Timig |
Scoring: | We will score six places 10-8-6-4-2-1 |
Results: | Official results are posted at |
Awards: | Medals for first place and second place, Ribbons for places 3rdthrough 6th, team awards and special awards can be picked up by the caches after competition. Special awards are presented to male and female winners of the following events:
4x200m Isabelle Dierauer Award (W35 Indoor 4x200 World Champion 2010, W40 Outdoor 4x100 and 4x400 World Champion and W40 4x200m US record holder) 400m Andrew Pierce Award (Ohio HS record holder 400m Dash) 1 Mile Samuel Borchers Award (HS National Champion and Ohio HS record holder 1 mile run) |
Spikes/Blocks: | Only inch pyramid spikes and the provided starting blocks are allowed. |
Running Events: | All check-ins are at the starting lines of the events. Whoever is not present after 3rd call when heat is called up will be scratched. |
Field Events: | Running events have priority; athletes must check out with official and cannot check out prior 2nd call. Athletes must return and check back in with the official within 5 minutes of completion of their heat. If athlete does not check back in time, event will be continued, and time foul rule applies. Pole Vault and High Jump will not be halted for any other reason than athletes checked out for running events. If PV or HJ conflict with another field event make sure official of other field event is notified, complete vertical jump first, then go to the other event. Athletes have 5 minutes to check in at the other field event from the time they were eliminated from the vertical jumping event. |
Starting Heights: | High Jump Girls 4'0"High Jump Boys 5'2"Progression High Jump: 2 Inches
Schedule: | Meet is conducted on a rolling schedule 4:45 Coaches Meet
5:00 Deadline for running event exchanges/scratches 5:00 Long Jump Girls Long Jump Boys
5:30 4x800m (all events girls followed by boys unless otherwise noted)