Johnstown Invitational 2009

Johnstown, OH

HS Boys

 Watkins Memorial High School                               HY-TEK's Meet Manager
                       Johnstown Invitational - 10/10/2009                       
                                    Tek Lake                                     
                              Last Completed Event                               
Event 2  Boys 5k Run CC High School
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points          
  1 Taylor, Mike                 Watkins Memorial      16:47.55    1             
  2 Shirey, Brandon              Wester. Central       17:08.49    2             
  3 Smith, Logan                 Watkins Memorial      17:15.18    3             
  4 Shepherd, Aaron              Wester. Central       17:25.46    4             
  5 Edens, Josh                  Wester. Central       17:32.81    5             
  6 Platt, James                 Johnstown-Monroe      17:33.81                  
  7 Fatah, Mohamed               Licking Heights       17:40.07                  
  8 Coyle, Regan                 Watkins Memorial      17:43.27    6             
  9 Derringer, Michael           Northridge            17:49.94    7             
 10 Edens, Jared                 Wester. Central       17:57.43    8             
 11 Marek, Gage                  Watkins Memorial      17:59.46    9             
 12 Wiliams, Taylor              Watkins Memorial      18:09.87   10             
 13 McGuire, Nick                Wester. Central       18:11.67   11             
 14 Walburn, Brendan             Lakewood              18:19.15   12             
 15 Robbins, Mike                Watkins Memorial      18:20.53   13             
 16 Osborn, Ethan                Licking Valley        18:22.25   14             
 17 Kenney, Kory                 Licking Heights       18:25.39                  
 18 Shaw, Brandon                Wester. Central       18:25.71   15             
 19 Abel, Jerrod                 Lakewood              18:28.16   16             
 20 Day, Kyle                    Watkins Memorial      18:37.05   17             
 21 Bush, Connor                 Wester. Central       18:38.47   18             
 22 Baer, Phil                   Wester. Central       18:39.91                  
 23 Vlaar, Erich                 Watkins Memorial      18:40.22                  
 24 Newton, Shane                Licking Valley        18:45.89   19             
 25 Jordan, Atticus              Wester. Central       19:05.55                  
 26 Harr, Dan                    St. Francis DeSales   19:09.93   20             
 27 Beum, Nathaniel              Worth. Christian      19:19.28   21             
 28 Stomps, Michael              Worth. Christian      19:19.96   22             
 29 Nester, Chris                Licking Valley        19:26.42   23             
 30 Davis, Chris                 Licking Heights       19:27.99                  
 31 Prosek, Austin               Watkins Memorial      19:29.94                  
 32 Allman, Bryan                Watkins Memorial      19:31.00                  
 33 Estep, Tyler                 Northridge            19:32.93   24             
 34 Gutridge, Norm               Licking Valley        19:35.64   25             
 35 Howard, Luke                 St. Francis DeSales   19:36.86   26             
 36 Gifford, Ben                 Wester. Central       19:43.13                  
 37 Briggs, David                Lakewood              19:46.78   27             
 38 Wigal, Nathan                Northridge            19:49.42   28             
 39 Fuss, Taylor                 Watkins Memorial      19:50.58                  
 40 Skubak, Bernie               Wester. Central       19:51.55                  
 41 Cullison, Ryan               Lakewood              19:52.48   29             
 42 Hardbarger, Logan            Licking Valley        19:54.29   30             
 43 Correll, Matt                Watkins Memorial      19:55.33                  
 44 Bachelor, Aaron              Licking Valley        19:55.73   31             
 45 Wall, Jacob                  Johnstown-Monroe      19:56.26                  
 46 Hoffman, Evan                St. Francis DeSales   19:56.77   32             
 47 Morales, Marc                Wester. Central       20:04.48                  
 48 Klingel, Andrew              Wester. Central       20:07.74                  
 49 Ambrose, Moses               Wester. Central       20:08.34                  
 50 Patrick, Toole               Wester. Central       20:08.83                  
 51 Webb, Tim                    Worth. Christian      20:09.14   33             
 52 Holbrook, Jon                Johnstown-Monroe      20:14.13                  
 53 Smith, Andrew                Licking Valley        20:14.88   34             
 54 Herrick, Ben                 St. Francis DeSales   20:18.59   35             
 55 Lehman, Phil                 Licking Valley        20:22.21                  
 56 Hoyer, Kyle                  St. Francis DeSales   20:32.91   36             
 57 Parsons, Jose                Licking Valley        20:33.41                  
 58 Judson, Jimmy                St. Francis DeSales   20:35.66   37             
 59 Omlor, Mark                  St. Francis DeSales   20:36.90   38             
 60 Gamertsfelder, Luke          Watkins Memorial      20:37.17                  
 61 Beatty, Josh                 Worth. Christian      20:37.49   39             
 62 Brower, Jacob                Granville Christian   20:43.93                  
 63 Barcus, Griffin              Wester. Central       20:53.27                  
 64 Struttmann, Joe              Wester. Central       20:55.74                  
 65 Zehr, Connor                 Tree of Life          20:57.45   40             
 66 Fitzpatrick, Kevin           Wester. Central       21:07.38                  
 67 Sauder, Michael              Worth. Christian      21:19.84   41             
 68 Brady, Ryan                  St. Francis DeSales   21:20.95                  
 69 McNenny, Jack                Wester. Central       21:22.25                  
 70 Farrington, Glen             Watkins Memorial      21:37.51                  
 71 Kirkingburg, Karl            Lakewood              21:39.47   42             
 72 Caw, Scott                   St. Francis DeSales   21:49.35                  
 73 McCort, Shane                Watkins Memorial      21:54.15                  
 74 Hennon, Max                  St. Francis DeSales   21:58.35                  
 75 Sellitto, Andrew             Licking Heights       22:01.34                  
 76 Foltz, Bryon                 Johnstown-Monroe      22:02.42                  
 77 Ely, Chris                   Wester. Central       22:02.68                  
 78 McClary, Tyler               St. Francis DeSales   22:21.81                  
 79 Howard, Luke                 Worth. Christian      22:25.33   43             
 80 Fraker, Mitch                Worth. Christian      22:26.80   44             
 81 Krier, Ben                   Lakewood              22:36.40   45             
 82 McGlothlin, Logan            Watkins Memorial      23:01.62                  
 83 Pileski, Joe                 Northridge            23:07.22   46             
 84 Phillips, Paul               Tree of Life          23:10.56   47             
 85 Cavicchia, Keith             Wester. Central       23:11.90                  
 86 Bohrer, Tommy                Worth. Christian      23:20.48                  
 87 Kincaid, Ben                 Tree of Life          23:58.73   48             
 88 Mauger, Chase                Tree of Life          24:18.66   49             
 89 Mize, Caleb                  Granville Christian   24:36.26                  
 90 Ugland, Richard              Tree of Life          25:38.79   50             
 91 Larson, Joe                  Northridge            26:03.74   51             
 92 Mize, Josh                   Granville Christian   26:58.27                  
 93 Choberka, Jake               Northridge            28:24.00   52             
 94 Fuentes, Nick                Lakewood              28:47.00   53             
 95 Tomcik, Zach                 Tree of Life          30:16.05   54             
                                   Team Scores                                   
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9
   1 Watkins Memorial             29    1    3    6    9   10   13   17          
      Total Time:  1:27:55.33                                                    
         Average:    17:35.07                                                    
   2 Wester. Central              30    2    4    5    8   11   15   18          
      Total Time:  1:28:15.86                                                    
         Average:    17:39.18                                                    
   3 Licking Valley              111   14   19   23   25   30   31   34          
      Total Time:  1:36:04.49                                                    
         Average:    19:12.90                                                    
   4 Lakewood                    126   12   16   27   29   42   45   53          
      Total Time:  1:38:06.04                                                    
         Average:    19:37.21                                                    
   5 St. Francis DeSales         149   20   26   32   35   36   37   38          
      Total Time:  1:39:35.06                                                    
         Average:    19:55.02                                                    
   6 Worth. Christian            156   21   22   33   39   41   43   44          
      Total Time:  1:40:45.71                                                    
         Average:    20:09.15                                                    
   7 Northridge                  156    7   24   28   46   51   52               
      Total Time:  1:46:23.25                                                    
         Average:    21:16.65                                                    
   8 Tree of Life Christian      234   40   47   48   49   50   54               
      Total Time:  1:58:04.19                                                    
         Average:    23:36.84