Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Date Thursday, April 10th (4:30 Field Events -- 4:45 Running Events)
Teams Colonel Crawford, Mansfield Senior, Marion Harding, Ontario, Pleasant, River Valley, Upper Sandusky, Willard
Relay Meet
Check-in is at the bullpen at the start of the 100 meters on the track. (Southeast corner)
Teams may have one extra relay in all running events except hurdles. Distance relays will run A and B together. A and B sprint relays will be in separate heats with the A heat first. Only 1 team will score. B teams can score and receive awards. We will list them as A and B in final results. No B teams in field events.
Check-in for the field events is at the event.
3 entries in each field event except the pole vault which will be 2.
4 trials in the shot, discus, and long jump.
Long jump will be open pit Boys and Girls separate pits from 4:30-6:30.
1/4 inch spikes
All OHSAA rules apply
8 teams - 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
Field Events Ties: Ties in the field events will be broken by comparing the height or distance of the best individual on the team. If ties still exist, the 2nd place performance will be compared, etc.
Starting Heights
Pole Vault - Boys and Girls together
Girls - Height Progression: 6, 7, 8, then 6 increments
Boys - Height Progression: 8, 9, 10, then 6 increments
High Jump Boys and Girls separate pits
Boys 5 then 2 increments
Girls 4 then 2 increments
Team trophies for 1st and 2nd place teams
Individual medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places
Individual ribbons for 4th, 5th and 6th places
General Information
Entries: To be completed on Ohio Milesplit. The entry window is currently open and will close on Monday April 7 at 9:00 PM. We will be using C3 Timing for Automatic Timing for the meet. Any entries after the deadline (Tuesday April 8 at 9:00pm) will be a $5 cash fee payable to C3 Timing.
Relay Cards: No relay cards will be needed. If you have changes on the day of the meet, complete a relay change form and have relay team turn it in to bullpen when checking in.
Team Trophies: Will be presented on the track at the conclusion of the meet. Meet results can be found at or
Admission: Adults $8.00 Students $5.00
Parking Buses: You will be met in the parking lot by the track upon arrival and directed to the bus parking area at the Middle School.
Concession Stand: Will be available.
Dressing Rooms: Please come dressed ready to run. Restrooms are located beside the concession stand.
First Aid: A trainer will be available.
Running Events: Starting blocks will be furnished. You may also bring your own. Please provide your own batons.
Team Camps: Please locate team camps on the south side of the track, just outside of the track fence.
Additional Coaches Information:
All non-participants and parents need to stay out of the infield and off the soccer field.
Coaches are not permitted in the press box during the course of the meet. Direct all questions to the Meet Referee/Starter.
Use only tennis balls for markings on the track.
Use only chalk to mark on the high jump apron.
No markings on the pole vault and long jump runways. All marks need to be on the outside of the runways.
Excusing a field event competitor to compete in another event
The competitor must inform the Head Event Judge when checking out
The Judge will record the time the athlete checked out
In the high jump and pole vault, the athlete will have the option to take the remaining jumps before leaving.
If the competitor has not returned to check back in within 10 minutes and all remaining competitors have either passed, cleared or failed the existing height, the cross bar will be raised to the next height. In the shot and discus, if the competitor has failed to return in 10 minutes and all competitors have completed all their throws, an unsuccessful trial will be recorded for each of the remaining throws.
Long jump competitors have 2 hours to complete all trials.
Order of Events
4:30 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 4:30 - 6:30 P.M. | Pole Vault Shot Put High Jump Discus Long Jump | Boys and Girls Together Boys First Boys and Girls - 2 Pits Girls First Boys and Girls - Open Pit |
4:45 P.M. 5:45 P.M. 6:00 P.M. | 6400 Meter Relay 4 x 1600 RV RELAYS 2024 HONOREE Presentation on the Track National Anthem Shuttle Hurdles - 30 Height Middle Distance Medley 200, 200, 400, 800 Sprint Medley 100, 100, 200, 400 Distance Medley 800, 400, 400, 1600 400 Meter Relay 4 x 100 3200 Meter Relay 4 x 800 800 Meter Relay 4 x 200 10 Minute Break 1600 Meter Relay 4 x 400 | Girls Boys 2014 3200 Meter State Champion Hannah Campbell
Girls/Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys |
Awarding of Trophies on the Track
Running Events
6400 Relay | Shuttle Hurdles 30 Height | Mid Distance Medley | Sprint Medley | Distance Medley | 400 Relay | 3200 Relay | 800 Rel. & Weight Relay | 1600 Relay | |
Col. Crawford Mansfield Sen. Marion Harding Ontario Pleasant River Valley Upper Sandusky Willard | Lanes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | See Below2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 | Lanes 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 | Lanes 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 | Lanes 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 | Lanes 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 | Lanes 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 | Lanes 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | Lanes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |
**Shuttle Hurdles:
Heat 1 - Willard - Lanes 1-2, Col Craw. - Lanes 3-4, Man. Sen. - Lanes 5-6, Mar. Hard. - Lanes 7-8
Heat 2 - Ontario - Lanes 1-2, Pleasant - Lanes 3-4, River Valley - Lanes 5-6, Upper Sand. - Lanes 7-8
Boys Shot/Discus Flight #1 Boys Shot/Discus Flight #2 | Willard Colonel Crawford | Mansfield Senior Pleasant | Marion Harding River Valley | Upper Sandusky Ontario |
Girls Shot/Discus Flight #1 Girls Shot/Discus Flight #2 | Colonel Crawford Willard | Pleasant Mansfield Senior | River Valley Marion Harding | Ontario Upper Sandusky |
River Valley Relays Meet Records
Long Jump Shot Put Discus High Jump Pole Vault 6400 Meter Relay Shuttle Hurdles Mid Distance Medley Sprint Medley Distance Medley 400 Meter Relay 3200 Meter Relay 800 Meter Relay 1600 Meter Relay | Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys | 48-0.25 63 2 106 1 146 8 303 8 409 11 14 11 18 9 27 (3 person) 18 (2 person) 35 6 (3 person) 226 (2 person) 22:09.26 18:57.1 1:07.6 59.9 4:28.6 3:40.9 1:51.1 1:36.8 10:14.87 8:29.1 50.9 43.67 10:06.2 8:23.7 1:45.9 1:32.9 4:12.0 3:27.5 | River Valley Bellefontaine Ontario Kenton Pleasant Ontario Elgin Lexington River Valley Colonel Crawford Mohawk Ontario Ontario Mohawk London/Big Walnut River Valley Col. Crawford/Wynford Mohawk River Valley River Valley Colonel Crawford Big Walnut River Valley Marion Harding Colonel Crawford Mohawk River Valley Big Walnut River Valley Big Walnut | 1998 1990 1988 1997 1986 1989 1986 1987 2010 2023 1990 2019 2019 1987 1995 1989 1986 1988 1992 1993 2023 1995 1988 2022 1988 1988 1992 1998 1998 1998 |
94 93 100 102 90 95 108 108 104 90 106 106 114 98 90 134 124 93 114 127 | River Valley River Valley River Valley River Valley River Valley River Valley River Valley River Valley River Valley London River Valley Big Walnut Margaretta River Valley Big Walnut River Valley River Valley River Valley Col. Crawford Col. Crawford | 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2010 2019 2021 2022 2023 | Pleasant Pleasant Lexington River Valley River Valley River Valley Bellefontaine Elgin River Valley River Valley River Valley River Valley River Valley Kenton Big Walnut River Valley Willard Mar. Harding Mar. Harding Bloom Carroll | 74 92 99 110 92 102 102 98 122 128 110 132 99 89 90 96 82 105 96 87 |
*Attention Boys and Girls Head Coaches:
In the past, between the 800 and 1600 meter relay, we have had a weight person relay race. We have chosen to discontinue it this year. In its place, we will have a scheduled 10 minute break between the two races to allow any 4 x 200 meter relay participants time to recover if they choose to run the 4 x 400 meter relay too.
For next year, we are considering running the increasingly popular mixed gender 4 x 400 meter relay. All OHSAA rules will apply and we are looking at the option for it to either be non-scoring or a scoring relay with the points split between the girls and boys teams.
** This is where we need each coaches help and feedback in helping us decide what the coaches prefer.
Option 1 - Keep it the same as this year with a 10 minute break
Option 2 - Add mixed gender 4 x 400 relay and make it non-scoring
Option 3 - Add mixed gender 4 x 400 relay and make it scoring with points split between the girls and both teams
Option 4 - Add mixed gender 4 x 400 relay, but run it at the beginning of the meet after the 6400 meter relay and before the start of the shuttle hurdles at 6:00pm. Scoring vs. non-scoring?
Please let us know sometime during the meet or email one of the coaches.
Thank-you for your feedback!
Aric Smith -
Andy Wheeler -