Meet Information
Welcome to West Branch High School and Clinton Heacock Stadium. We are happy to serve
as your host school for the running of the Eastern Buckeye Conference High School Track and
Field Championships. Please review the following information carefully. It should be helpful in
preparing you and our teams for our meet.
1. Scoring will be 10-8-6-4-2-1. Six (6) places will score in both running and field events.
Awards will be given for event winners. Awards will be available for all coaches at the
conclusion of the meet in the press box. Please arrange for someone to get yours.
Results will be posted on
2. Locker rooms will NOT be provided. Restrooms are located on the back side of the
main bleachers for your convenience. Athletes should come dressed to compete.
3. Only 1/8 spikes or 1/4 spikes in recessed soles will be permitted on the all-weather
track and runways. Of course any flat rubber sole shoe may be worn. All shoes will be
checked upon entry and any runner or jumper competing with improper spikes will be
disqualified. This rule will be strictly enforced.
4. NO SPIKES will be permitted in the bleachers or stands.
5. TRACK UNIFORMS: Please review with your athletes the uniform rule 4-3 in the 2024
Rules Book and the situations in the 2024 Case Book. Athletes who compete in an
illegal or non-traditional track uniform will be disqualified. Removal of any portion of the
team uniform, except shoes, in the areas of competition is prohibited. IT IS THE
RESPONSIBILITY OF THE COACH to make sure each athlete is dressed properly.
6. Bring your own starting blocks. Bring your own batons. Contestants in the throwing
events will use their own implements. Please check before exiting the stadium to make
sure you leave with all the equipment you brought to the track.
7. Only tongue depressors or tennis balls (you supply your own) may be used as
markings on the track and runways.
8. NO TAPE is to be used on any track or runway surface.
9. Report any scratches or changes at the scoring table upon arrival or with the event judge
in the field events.
10. All four (4) relay runners must report to the clerk of course at the time the event is
11. Please have your athletes listen closely to the announcer and report promptly for all
events. The staging area for all running events is located at the north-west corner of the
stadium. Jumping events are contested on the infield and throwing events are held at
the North end of the stadium.
12. THROWING EVENTS: Each contestant will be given four (4) trials. All legal throws will
be measured and recorded.
13. Event judges (discus and shot put) will weigh and identify all implements to be used by
athletes in these events. The implements must meet all National Federation
specifications or they may not be used in competition.
14. The one minute rule will apply in the high jump, shot put and discus. The games
committee has established that any competitor in a field event, excused to compete in
another event will have a time limit of ten (10) minutes. Procedure to follow for
competitors excused to another event and any necessary time adjustments will be
determined by the field event judge.
15. The OPEN PIT procedure will be used in the long jump. Contestants will receive four
(4) trials. Girls have from 10:30am to 11:15AM to get in their jumps. Boys will have from
11:30 to 12:15PM for their jumps. All legal jumps will be measured and recorded.
16. RESTRICTED/COMPETITION AREAS: Non-competitors and coaches will not be
permitted on the track or infield. No one should be on football game field! ALL non-
competitors must stay outside the perimeter track fence. Camps should be set up in the
visiting bleachers. The main bleachers are reserved for spectators. Competition in
throwing events will take place North of the home stands. Areas inside the roped off
sections are restricted to competitors and officials only. The use of any electronic
devices, including headphones, is prohibited in all areas of competition.
17. Entries will be accepted ONLINE only. Coaches
are encouraged to submit your intended roster early. You can return later to make
corrections and final changes. Please refer to the help page at the online entries system
NO ONLINE SCRATCH WINDOW FOR THIS MEET. Changes can be made with the
Field Judge at the event. Running events can make changes at the scoring table.
18. Please plan to arrive in time to attend a short coaches meeting before the meet begins
@ 9:45 You will receive a packet as you enter the stadium with heat and lane
assignments for running events.
19. NO glass bottles or cans will be permitted inside the stadium. West Branch High School
will not be responsible for any personal vandalism or loss of property. Please take the
necessary precautions.
20. Admission prices will be $4.00 for students and $7.00 for adults. Please inform your
students and parents of our admission policy.