Meet Information
Ironton Middle School
302 Delaware St. Ironton, OH
Time Schedule:
8:30 Course Open
10:00 Junior High Girls
10:40 Junior High Boys
11:20 High School Girls
12:05 High School Boys
Entry Fee:
$10 per individual; $45 per team; $100 maximum for all high school and junior high
Make checks payable to: Ironton HS Athletic Department
High School: Team trophies for 1-3, plaques 1-7 individuals, medals 8-14, ribbons 15-50
A trophy will also be given for lowest combined HS boys and HS girls team total
Junior High: Team trophies for 1-2, plaques 1-5 individuals, medals 6-10, ribbons 11-30
Please submit your rosters to by Tuesday October 4, 2011 9:00 p.m.
Please include all runners who may possibly compete.
Two laps with slight elevation changes and a short passage through a wooded area.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Tim Thomas
Cell: 740-646-3669
School: 740-532-3911
Ironton Middle School
302 Delaware St. Ironton, OH
Time Schedule:
8:30 Course Open
10:00 Junior High Girls
10:40 Junior High Boys
11:20 High School Girls
12:05 High School Boys
Entry Fee:
$10 per individual; $45 per team; $100 maximum for all high school and junior high
Make checks payable to: Ironton HS Athletic Department
High School: Team trophies for 1-3, plaques 1-7 individuals, medals 8-14, ribbons 15-50
A trophy will also be given for lowest combined HS boys and HS girls team total
Junior High: Team trophies for 1-2, plaques 1-5 individuals, medals 6-10, ribbons 11-30
Please submit your rosters to by Tuesday October 4, 2011 9:00 p.m.
Please include all runners who may possibly compete.
Two laps with slight elevation changes and a short passage through a wooded area.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Tim Thomas
Cell: 740-646-3669
School: 740-532-3911