-School: Bay High School
-Year of Graduation: 2014
-Best time in a 5K race and in which meet: 18:13.64 Division One State Meet 2012
-Tell us how your summer training is going?:
My summer training is going great. I just got back from the Northeast Ohio Cross Country camp out in Cortland, and I always feel like it whips me into shape. I love running with faster people from around the state and meeting new friends. Now that I'm home I'm going to keep my weekly mileage up and continue working hard.
-What are your goals for the upcoming season?:
I want to stay focused and have fun. It's my last cross country season so I want to make the best of everything. I'm going to push past my comfort zone to new PR's and enjoy every course and every moment for the last time.
-How long have you been running and how did you get started?:
I have been running since the 7th grade. I played soccer through middle school so I only ran twice a week. I made varsity in cross country, but didn't score a single goal in soccer. Assuming I would be more successful in running that's what I pursued in high school.
-Will you be competing anywhere out of state this season?:
I ran the Foot Locker regional race in Kenosha last year. It was a great experience so I want to run it again.
-What is your favorite course to run in Ohio?:
My favorite course is definitely the National Trail Raceway at the state meet. I get bored easily so I enjoyed the variety of areas we ran through. I like the woods, the drag strip, and the fields.
-What is the toughest course to run in Ohio?:
Although our team isn't returning to it this year, I think the hardest course is at Forest Hills Park at the McDonough Invitational. The hill is huge and a lot of the running is done on slanted ground.
-What meet during the regular season do you put extra emphasize on to compete well at?:
Our conference meet is always important to me. We have rivalries with the other teams and it's held in Bay so we get a lot of support from the community. We have won the past two years and are shooting for a third.
-What is your favorite cross country race so far in your high school career?:
The first race last year was my favorite, the Conference Preview meet. I walked to the starting line with no definite plan or expectations, but I felt so much stronger than the year before. I started out with a pack of girls but they dropped back halfway through. I had never won a race before so I remember feeling amazing finishing it out in first place. I fell asleep smiling that night.
-Favorite cross country memory?:
There are so many great memories. It's hard to pick just one! Every summer our team goes camping and we take an 8 mile canoe ride. We always make it into a race and see who can get it done the fastest. I went with my best friends Alyse and Hallie, and instead of racing, we decided to see if it was possible to make it down without paddling. We sat and drifted along in last place for hours. I turned on my Garmin watch and it had us going at a 40 minute mile pace. We had each other laughing the whole time and ate an entire bag of Twizzlers. By the time we made it back, our coaches were relieved because they thought we had crashed or sunk.
-When you are not running what is your favorite thing to do?:
I'm obsessed with my dog. She's a goldendoodle so she's extremely fluffy and adorable. I take her on walks or snuggle with her on the couch.
-Favorite quote?:
"My feeling is that any day I am too busy to run is a day that I am too busy"
-What shoes do you train in?:
-What shoes do you race in?:
Bright pink adidas
-What's on your Ipod when you go out for runs?:
Anything upbeat and happy. I like "On Top of the World" by Imagine Dragons.
-What professional athlete would you most like to meet?:
Shalane Flanagan. I'm sure most female distance runners in the country would agree with me. She's so inspiring and I could learn so much from her.
-What is something that most people don't know about you?:
Everyone that knows me knows this, but I eat ice cream every single night. Knowing that I get it at the end of the day motivates me to get through hard workouts or tough homework. My favorite flavor is caramel fudge brownie.