Getting to Know: Christian Ford

           Christian Ford of Lima Shawnee High School competes in many of the sprint events.  

Christian Ford is a sophomore sprinter from Lima Shawnee High School and he is the first of several Ohio athletes who will be participating in our 'Getting to Know' series. Found below is a review of his indoor season, his goals for the outdoor season and his future aspirations relating to his track and field career.  

MileSplit Ohio: Describe your indoor season. Did your results live up to your expectations going in? What are you most proud of from what you accomplished and was there anything that you felt could have gone better?

Christian: My indoor season was somewhat promising. I lived up to my expectations in the 60m getting to 7.10 but not the 200m. I wanted to go 21.90 indoor, but my season's best was a 22.47.  If I would have ran a sub 22, I feel like my season would've been complete.   

MileSplit Ohio: What events will you be focusing on during the outdoor season? Talk about what goals you hope to achieve over the next few months.

Christian: I will be focusing on perfecting my 200m and making progress in the 400m and the 100m. My goal for the 100m is 10.80 and my goal for the 200m is 21.70.  I also hope to improve my 400m time to 48.50.  

           Christian Ford has impressive P.R.'s and he hopes to continue to lower these times.  

MileSplit Ohio: Discuss what your typical week of training resembles. Who are your key training partners and do you have a favorite work-out that you rely on leading up to an important race?

Christian: My typical week of training consists of acceleration work, intensive tempo runs and maximum velocity training. In addition, there is a big emphasis put on both dynamic lifts and general strength training. My normal workout partners are usually my relay teammates; mainly Jayvion Daniels. I don't necessarily have a favorite work out that I rely on when there is an important race coming up. I usually just aim to do the best that I can on race day.  

MileSplit Ohio: Who has helped you to reach the level that you've attained to this point in your track and field career?

Christian: My father / sprint coach (Pastor Herb Ford) has helped me the most to reach this level in my track and field career. He has been coaching me since I was 5 years old and he has never given up on me.  He pushes me to be the best that I can be.  

MileSplit Ohio: What are your long-term goals related to track and field?

Christian: My long term goals for track and field are: I want to break every sprinting record at my high school (Lima Shawnee High School) and I want to go 20.00 seconds in the 200m and 10.50 in the 100m. I also want to go 46.00 in the 400m. 

           Christian Ford has big goals in place for the 2017 outdoor track and field season.