Central Buckeye Conference Championship 2011

Springfield, OH
Hosted by Kenton Ridge
Timing/Results FinishTiming

Meet Information

2010 CBC Cross Country Championship
Saturday, October 16th, 2010

The CBC Cross Country Championship is quickly approaching. I hope everyone is having a great season and is looking forward to the cross country postseason. Below, you will find a few things that will hopefully answer questions about the meet.

Indian Lake High School: Indian Lake High School is located at 6210 State Route 235 N. If you are coming on Interstate 75, then you need to exit on EXIT 102 New Breman/Jackson Center (I-75 South turn left onto S. R. 274 and I-75 North turn right onto S. R. 274). If you are coming State Route 33 from Columbus, turn onto State Route 274 (Left Turn) and Indian Lake High School is about 5-7 miles and if you are coming State Route 33 from Wapakoneta, turn onto State Route 235 (Right Turn).

Rick Blust: Athletic/Activities Director: blustr@indianlake.k12.oh.us
Jesse Avila: Head Coach: avilaj@indianlake.k12.oh.us

Per CBC By-Law, $6.00 Adults and $4.00 Students

***Bus parking will be in the middle school parking lot on the south side of the school. Buses should enter using County Road 91 located on the south side of the school off of S. R. 235 (see map for parking entrance).
***Spectators will use the main entrance off S. R. 235. All other entrances will be closed. They may use the high school, elementary school and the north side of the middle school parking lots.

9:30 a.m.- Coaches Meeting (by the finish line)
10:00 a.m.- H.S. Boys
10:40 a.m.- Jr. High Boys
11:10 a.m.- H.S. Girls
11:40 a.m.- Jr. High Girls
12:15 p.m.- Awards or 10 min. after the girls race is finished

Mike Chatfield at finishtiming.com is handling the entries for the CBC. Any Questions on entry procedure, please direct them to Mike Chatfield, mike@finishtiming.com anytime or (937)-215-6299. ALL CROSS COUNTRY ENTRIES ARE DUE 3 DAYS BEFORE MEET AT 9 PM UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED IN MEET INFO.
****High School teams may enter a maximum of 12 runners in the high school race. ****Junior High races are unlimited runners.

Points of Interest
Times will be read at the 1 and 2 mile marks for each race.
Concessions will be available inside the middle school.
Meet T-shirts will be sold inside the middle school.
Enclosed you will see a flyer for pre-order shirts. Please make sure parents get a copy.
Restrooms are available inside the middle school.
Team Camps will be in the fenced in area by the elementary playground. Coaches, please have all athletes stay off of the playground equipment. Please make sure you clean up your camp before you leave.

Questions: Contact Rick Blust at Indian Lake High School. Phone: (937)-686-8601 Ext: 4518 or Jesse Avila, Head Cross Country Coach. Cell: (937)-935-3826 or Home: (937)-843-3258.

The course will be open and marked for running on Thursday, October 16th from 3:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Maps will be available Thursday and Saturday.