Southern Hills Athletic League Championship 2012

Hosted by Ripley-Union

Southern Hills Athletic League Championship 2012 vs Southern Hills Athletic League Championship 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +5 105 100
Overall Average -34.61 22:37.79 23:12.40
1st-10th Place -1.90 17:50.70 17:52.60
1st-25th Place -0.43 18:36.32 18:36.75
1st-50th Place -13.55 19:52.15 20:05.69
1st-100th Place -1:04.59 22:07.81 23:12.40
Common Athletes -- -- 56
Ran Faster 18 37 19
Ran Season Best -30 26 56
Average Time -11.54 21:44.08 21:55.62
Median Time -52.00 21:38.00 22:30.00
Middle 80% Times -18.94 21:31.12 21:50.06
Top 10% Times -16.50 17:28.50 17:45.00
Top 25% Times -3.50 18:07.50 18:11.00
Top 50% Times -7.17 19:08.39 19:15.56
Bottom 50% Times -15.91 24:19.77 24:35.68
Bottom 25% Times +2.07 25:56.14 25:54.07
Bottom 10% Times +47.17 28:14.50 27:27.33
Average Difference -11.54 -- --
Median Difference -25.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -20.12 -- --
Top 10% Difference -7.67 -- --
Top 50% Difference -5.74 -- --
Top 25% Difference -7.71 -- --
Top 50% Difference -5.74 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -17.34 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -7.21 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +47.17 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Michael Mangus Lee. Fairfield -24.00 16:27.00 16:51.00
Blake Hildebrant Lee. Fairfield +14.00 17:25.00 17:11.00
Jakeb Tadlock West Union -1:34.00 17:15.00 18:49.00
Landyn Pickerill Winc. Eastern -14.00 17:50.00 18:04.00
Dj Iles Fayetteville-Perry +45.00 18:40.00 17:55.00
Tim Snider West Union -15.00 17:56.00 18:11.00
Quinn Stoltz Lynchburg-Clay -1:09.00 17:58.00 19:07.00
Gage Waits Lynchburg-Clay -13.00 18:10.00 18:23.00
Wyatt Crothers Lee. Fairfield +6.00 18:24.00 18:18.00
Brandon Blythe North Adams +1:12.00 19:31.00 18:19.00
John Cain Lee. Fairfield +49.00 19:09.00 18:20.00
Cory Lykins Fayetteville-Perry +3:57.00 22:21.00 18:24.00
Christian Bradford North Adams +47.00 19:16.00 18:29.00
Aaron Stidham Ripley-Union -36.00 18:32.00 19:08.00
Noah Stoltz Lynchburg-Clay +10.00 18:43.00 18:33.00
Dustin Willey Lee. Fairfield -14.00 18:33.00 18:47.00
Matthew Leach Lee. Fairfield -1:55.00 18:52.00 20:47.00
alex brewer Winc. Eastern -33.75 19:00.00 19:33.75
Cody Holden Fayetteville-Perry -8.00 19:23.00 19:31.00
Brant Huff Lee. Fairfield +21.00 19:54.00 19:33.00
Josh Grooms West Union -27.00 19:39.00 20:06.00
Trenton Price West Union -35.00 19:42.00 20:17.00
Ryan Inman Lynchburg-Clay -1:17.00 20:09.00 21:26.00
Conner Patrick Winc. Eastern +17.00 20:39.00 20:22.00
J.d. Stamper Manchester -8.00 20:28.00 20:36.00
Cody Feck Whiteoak -3:08.00 20:32.00 23:40.00
Austin Fowler Fayetteville-Perry +2:08.50 23:05.50 20:57.00
Tyler Roberts Whiteoak -1:25.00 21:05.00 22:30.00
Mario Lopez Manchester -1:46.00 21:14.00 23:00.00
Aaron Little Lynchburg-Clay -5.00 21:29.00 21:34.00
Colt Dunseith Lynchburg-Clay -6.00 21:38.00 21:44.00
Josh Malott Ripley-Union -1:07.00 21:43.00 22:50.00
Kaitlin Evans Lee. Fairfield -25.00 22:12.00 22:37.00
Christian Wright Ripley-Union -1:16.00 22:34.00 23:50.00
Adam Wilson Ripley-Union +1:28.00 24:03.00 22:35.00
Stacey White Ripley-Union -1:41.00 22:36.00 24:17.00
Iassac Talley Fayetteville-Perry -1:51.00 22:39.00 24:30.00
Layne Irvin Lee. Fairfield -1:08.00 22:52.00 24:00.00
Megan Eyre Fayetteville-Perry -27.00 22:56.00 23:23.00
Laney Lewis Lynchburg-Clay +19.00 23:19.00 23:00.00
Brianna Payne Ripley-Union -1:52.00 23:18.00 25:10.00
Mckaylan Stamper Manchester +48.00 24:09.00 23:21.00
Clarissa Johnson Whiteoak -36.00 23:26.00 24:02.00
Leanna Lomske Whiteoak +22.00 23:49.00 23:27.00
Jennah Lomske Whiteoak -59.00 23:28.00 24:27.00
Samara Hawkins Ripley-Union -32.00 23:29.00 24:01.00
Makayla Purdy Winc. Eastern -17.00 23:31.00 23:48.00
Makyala Rosselot Fayetteville-Perry +3.00 24:43.00 24:40.00
Brenna Simmons Lee. Fairfield -19.00 24:41.00 25:00.00
Courtney Cummings Whiteoak -33.00 25:14.00 25:47.00
Sierra Farley Manchester -22.00 25:30.00 25:52.00
Tisha Roberts Ripley-Union +32.00 26:46.00 26:14.00
Tiffany Ricketts Manchester +1:25.00 28:09.00 26:44.00
Lincoln Smyth Fayetteville-Perry -7.00 27:05.00 27:12.00
Lexie Wallingford Ripley-Union -2:24.00 27:21.00 29:45.00
Olivia Lomske Whiteoak +5:39.00 34:36.00 28:57.00