Carmel, IN, girls absolutely crushed the competition in KY this weekend, and looked scary good in the process. Much more action inside!
The 10th Annual Centerville Stampede is here and while the size is down a little this year, the event still has races that feature not only some of the best harriers in Ohio but in the country. The event features 11 races beginning with a free elementary run at 9:00 am that then leads to 6 high school races and 4 middle school races. More information on the descriptions of these races can be found under Centerville Stampede on the Centerville Girls XC website -
Top Returning Teams (2012 State Places) Girls - Grosse Pointe South (#2 MI), Akron SVSM (#1 DII), Centerville (#2 DI), Springboro (#7 DI), Oakwood (#10 DII) Boys - Akron SVSM (#6 DII), Oakwood (#12 DII), Summit Country Day (#5 DIII) Top Returning Individuals Girls - Jacquelyn Crowe (DI State Champ), Mary Kate Vaughn (DII State Champ), Rachel Iacofano (DII State Runner-Up)
Centerville High School in Centerville, Ohio is hosting its 10th Annual Centerville Stampede on Saturday, September 21, 2013. The meet features top performers from Ohio and Michigan. Centerville's David Dobson, the coach of the Centerville girls cross-country team, said the school hopes to include more Indiana schools this year. In the past, conflicts with other major Indiana meets meant Indiana schools were under-represented at the meet. Now, thanks to some scheduling changes, Dobson said he hopes more Indiana schools will accept their invitiation to join them in September.