Georgetown Invitational 2013

Georgetown, OH
Hosted by Georgetown

Georgetown Invitational 2013 vs Georgetown Invitational 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +6 189 183
Overall Average +1:39.96 26:26.96 24:47.00
1st-10th Place +55.37 19:32.50 18:37.14
1st-25th Place +53.28 20:14.88 19:21.60
1st-50th Place +55.02 21:09.10 20:14.08
1st-100th Place +56.51 22:40.69 21:44.18
Common Athletes -- -- 42
Ran Faster -2 20 22
Ran Season Best -42 -- 42
Average Time +22.06 25:34.93 25:12.87
Median Time +4.56 25:32.00 25:27.44
Middle 80% Times +10.44 25:31.00 25:20.56
Top 10% Times -24.02 19:29.00 19:53.02
Top 25% Times -27.94 20:00.36 20:28.31
Top 50% Times -16.15 21:49.00 22:05.15
Bottom 50% Times +1:00.27 29:20.86 28:20.58
Bottom 25% Times +1:21.75 31:36.36 30:14.62
Bottom 10% Times +2:29.30 34:26.00 31:56.70
Average Difference +22.06 -- --
Median Difference +1:00.14 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +7.73 -- --
Top 10% Difference -19.42 -- --
Top 50% Difference -27.24 -- --
Top 25% Difference -14.21 -- --
Top 50% Difference -27.24 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:11.36 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:09.71 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +3:24.62 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Bobby Bingham New Richmond -1:00.74 18:45.00 19:45.74
Rick Pride Western Brown -49.26 19:28.00 20:17.26
Jordan Kattine Georgetown +23.99 19:54.00 19:30.01
Gage Perkins Western Brown -20.92 19:38.00 19:58.92
Jared Iding Bethel-Tate -2:41.42 19:40.00 22:21.42
Zane Copestick Bethel-Tate +9.82 20:03.00 19:53.18
Noah Stoltz Lynchburg-Clay -38.61 19:54.00 20:32.61
Daniel Hulsmeyer Goshen -28.20 20:20.00 20:48.20
Matthew Williams Georgetown -1:16.09 20:21.00 21:37.09
Jake Cropper Georgetown +45.18 21:16.00 20:30.82
Quinn Stoltz Lynchburg-Clay +13.41 20:45.00 20:31.59
Brittany Clark Goshen +25.06 22:11.00 21:45.94
Matt Mackey Batavia +16.24 22:37.00 22:20.76
Adam Budzynski MVCA -38.21 22:30.00 23:08.21
Brady Ginn New Richmond +5:58.26 28:58.00 22:59.74
cody price MVCA +1:25.51 24:31.00 23:05.49
Josh Malott Ripley-Union -2:16.71 23:29.00 25:45.71
Austin Hile Bethel-Tate +3:36.17 27:18.00 23:41.83
Paige Anderson New Richmond -2:01.25 23:52.00 25:53.25
Jason Goodrich New Richmond -3:30.71 24:10.00 27:40.71
Taryn Rupp New Richmond -1:55.60 24:12.00 26:07.60
Cheyenne Trammell Felicity-Franklin +3:15.76 28:18.00 25:02.24
Katie Kephart Amelia -3:18.43 25:06.00 28:24.43
Ashley Taylor Amelia +1:07.05 26:19.00 25:11.95
Zoe Crabtree New Richmond +37.72 25:57.00 25:19.28
Aaron Krebiehl Amelia +1:00.14 26:26.00 25:25.86
Megan Williams Georgetown -3:29.27 25:27.00 28:56.27
Lindsey Duncanson Western Brown +5:35.56 31:03.00 25:27.44
Brent Leaman Amelia -49.03 25:32.00 26:21.03
Alec Jacobs Batavia -4:34.97 26:00.00 30:34.97
Jenny Wilson Amelia +5:56.38 31:57.00 26:00.62
Samara Hawkins Ripley-Union +1:25.59 27:41.00 26:15.41
Nick Gilman New Richmond +1:08.23 27:57.00 26:48.77
Tommy Saylor Goshen +3:25.47 30:19.00 26:53.53
Christian Erhardt Western Brown +11.89 27:10.00 26:58.11
Megan York Goshen +52.53 28:48.00 27:55.47
Lindsey Shepherd Batavia -2:48.24 28:24.00 31:12.24
Skylar McDonald New Richmond -52.41 28:52.00 29:44.41
Emma Wallace Batavia -1:34.05 30:09.00 31:43.05
Amber Chaney Goshen +2:27.98 32:44.00 30:16.02
Kyle Gilday New Richmond -2:16.97 31:39.00 33:55.97
Cheyenne Smith Batavia +12:29.75 44:47.00 32:17.25