Canal Winchester Invitational 2016

Canal Winchester, OH

Canal Winchester Invitational 2016 vs Canal Winchester Invitational 2013

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +79 516 437
Overall Average +56:55.02 1:20:49.35 23:54.32
1st-10th Place -23.34 16:55.56 17:18.90
1st-25th Place -27.69 17:22.03 17:49.72
1st-50th Place -29.39 17:53.19 18:22.58
1st-100th Place -34.22 18:38.22 19:12.44
Common Athletes -- -- 44
Ran Faster 30 37 7
Ran Season Best 1 4 3
Average Time +30:37.31 54:18.70 23:41.39
Median Time -1:48.00 22:18.00 24:06.00
Middle 80% Times -1:55.24 21:46.34 23:41.58
Top 10% Times -2:06.32 16:58.88 19:05.20
Top 25% Times -1:48.68 17:50.59 19:39.27
Top 50% Times -2:13.70 18:45.39 20:59.09
Bottom 50% Times +1:03:28.33 1:29:52.01 26:23.68
Bottom 25% Times +2:08:44.85 2:36:36.85 27:52.00
Bottom 10% Times +4:45:02.58 5:15:02.18 29:59.60
Average Difference +30:37.31 -- --
Median Difference -1:56.10 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -2:06.27 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:41.34 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:35.46 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:42.74 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:35.46 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +1:02:50.09 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +2:07:48.48 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +4:45:08.74 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Peter Hayden Bexley -2:22.40 16:26.60 18:49.00
Luke Schirr Canal Winchester -2:53.30 16:27.70 19:21.00
Matthew Agosta Logan Elm -3:03.20 16:36.80 19:40.00
Ethan Fusek Canal Winchester -1:14.20 17:11.80 18:26.00
Luke Hoover Lan. Fair Chr. -1:52.50 18:11.50 20:04.00
Ryan Bachman Central Crossing -2:17.30 18:12.70 20:30.00
Luke Kumler Lan. Fair Chr. -1:00.70 18:24.30 19:25.00
Dylan Vance Berne Union -56.10 18:28.90 19:25.00
Riley Kennelly Westfall -3:01.40 18:43.60 21:45.00
Luke Custer Lan. Fair Chr. -1:13.10 18:43.90 19:57.00
Kyleigh Edwards Lan. Fair Chr. -7:02.30 18:48.70 25:51.00
Darby Pillow Zane Trace -37.90 18:54.10 19:32.00
Aaron Rothchild Bexley -2:46.90 19:09.10 21:56.00
Campbell Rahrig Grove City -4:40.10 19:23.90 24:04.00
Kyle Coakley Grove City -6:03.00 19:24.00 25:27.00
Grant Berliner Col. Academy -5:22.50 19:30.50 24:53.00
Logan Kazmierczak Westfall -5:11.70 19:35.30 24:47.00
Austin Ho Col. Academy -1:19.40 19:43.60 21:03.00
Julia Cohn Bexley -2:05.00 19:54.00 21:59.00
Sydney Smith Grove City -2:03.00 20:01.00 22:04.00
Ben Rehbeck Grandview Hts. -1:22.70 20:21.30 21:44.00
Zachary McCarty Lan. Fair Chr. -4:14.80 20:25.20 24:40.00
Anna Tierney Col. S. Girls +1:33.20 22:40.20 21:07.00
Ashley Clubb Canal Winchester +3:38.70 25:03.70 21:25.00
Jacob Pampush Bexley +1:22.20 23:24.20 22:02.00
Meg Murakami Col. S. Girls -1:12.00 22:18.00 23:30.00
Katy Keys Lan. Fair Chr. -1:56.10 22:32.90 24:29.00
Ariel Brodey Col. S. Girls -1:10.00 22:42.00 23:52.00
Cory Davis Canal Winchester -2:53.20 22:54.80 25:48.00
Olivia Ross Lan. Fair Chr. -44.30 23:21.70 24:06.00
Corey Mullins Amanda-Clearcreek -1:42.30 23:28.70 25:11.00
Meg Wilson Col. S. Girls -6:32.00 23:31.00 30:03.00
Emma Berlin Grandview Hts. -1:58.50 23:38.50 25:37.00
Olivia Vance Westfall -3:57.10 23:46.90 27:44.00
Spencer Brooks Bexley -58.50 23:58.50 24:57.00
Ann Shelby Zane Trace -1:12.50 24:11.50 25:24.00
Iris Kellett Lan. Fair Chr. -2:05.50 24:34.50 26:40.00
Anthony Thomassey Col. Academy -44.30 24:39.70 25:24.00
Emily Moore Westfall +15.60 25:06.60 24:51.00
Miaya Green Canal Winchester -1:53.80 25:13.20 27:07.00
Zach Warnimont Canal Winchester +23:51:29.00 24:17:00.00 25:31.00
Joce Palombo Amanda-Clearcreek +41.60 28:57.60 28:16.00
Natalie Gwinn Zane Trace -38.70 31:16.30 31:55.00
Destinae Shepard Africentric +43.80 32:43.80 32:00.00