Complete Results

Boys 2 Mile Run
PL	GR	Name	Time	School  
1.	8	Clay Peets	12:00.53 PR	St. Sebastian	
2.	-	Matthew Kelly	12:04.00 PR	St Raphael	
3.	7	Alexander Paliga	12:34.75 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
4.	8	Drew Allen	12:39.69 SR	St Raphael	
5.	-	Connor Geary	12:40.21 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
6.	7	Luke Ondracek	12:42.34 PR	St Barnabas	
7.	8	Noah Schlueter	12:44.56 SR	St. Sebastian	
8.	7	Joey Valentine	13:00.69 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
9.	-	Andrew Mcsteen	13:20.03 PR	St. Sebastian	
10.	8	Jacob Koshel	13:31.18 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
11.	7	Charles Hyland	13:37.28 SR	St Basil the Great	
12.	8	Matthew Dennee	13:52.62 PR	St. Sebastian	
13.	7	John Yarwood	13:59.18 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
14.	7	Luke Lenz	14:00.44 PR	St. Matthew	
15.	8	Hunter Mackey	14:01.28 PR	St Vincent de Paul	
16.	8	Matthew Tamulewicz	14:03.59 PR	St Basil the Great	
17.	7	Jake Tullos	14:04.18 PR	St Brendan	
18.	-	Matthew Schumacher	14:04.68 PR	St Vincent de Paul	
19.	8	Ethan Jeanclerc	14:05.21 PR	St Ambrose	
20.	7	John Beskid	14:06.31 PR	Seton Catholic	
21.	-	Brian Kelly	14:10.78 PR	St Augustine	
22.	7	Christopher Yankay	14:11.06 PR	Seton Catholic	
23.	8	Brennan Eggleston	14:14.75 SR	Seton Catholic	
24.	-	Sawyer Huckabee	14:16.59 PR	St. Sebastian	
25.	7	Nicholas Saunders	14:33.50 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
26.	8	Brody Toth	14:38.44 SR	St. Sebastian	
27.	8	Daniel Festa	14:40.53 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
28.	7	Michael Stuhldreher	14:43.47 PR	St. Matthew	
29.	7	Xavier Vesco	14:45.62 PR	St. Sebastian	
30.	8	Dominic Cipriani	14:46.02 SR	St Basil the Great	
31.	8	Dylan McNamara	14:48.03 PR	St Raphael	
32.	7	Owen Zawadzki	14:53.38 SR	St Raphael	
33.	7	Dominic Gasper	14:54.72 PR	St. Sebastian	
34.	-	Nikolas Antenucci	14:55.12 PR	St Augustine	
35.	8	Tyler Gambaccini	14:55.56 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
36.	7	Robert Tworzydlo	15:01.62 PR	St Brendan	
37.	-	Adam Koch	15:02.18 PR	St Raphael	
38.	7	Tyler Palmer	15:02.59 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
39.	-	Cade Cracas	15:14.18 PR	St Raphael	
40.	7	Braeden Pentz	15:16.09 PR	St Basil the Great	
41.	7	Brian Kelly	15:36.00 PR	St. Matthew	
42.	7	Tim Burke	15:38.15 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
43.	7	Anthony Kucera	15:39.72 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
44.	7	Owen Janos	15:42.12 SR	St Bridget of Kildare	
45.	7	Alexander Keller	15:50.12 PR	St Ambrose	
46.	7	Marcus Kendel	15:53.06 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
47.	7	Luke Laviano	15:54.22 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
48.	7	Noah Bates	15:54.81 PR	St. Sebastian	
49.	-	Dominic Wilson	15:55.41 PR	St Basil the Great	
50.	7	Alexander Bye	15:56.02 PR	St Barnabas	
51.	8	Luigi Filippelli	15:56.37 SR	St Bridget of Kildare	
52.	8	Jack Heineking	15:57.81 SR	St. Patrick	
53.	-	Benjamin Frostino	15:58.24 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
54.	7	Alexander Bomgardner	15:58.84 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
55.	7	Matthew Harley	15:59.50 PR	St Ambrose	
56.	8	Brandon Moran	16:03.84 SR	St Bridget of Kildare	
57.	8	Jack Thomas	16:06.88 SR	St. Sebastian	
58.	7	Zachary Bomgardner	16:08.88 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
59.	7	Anthony Prusinski	16:09.37 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
60.	-	Kallinikos McCune	16:12.00 PR	St Basil the Great	
61.	8	Connor Beaven	16:20.78 SR	St. Sebastian	
62.	7	Clayton Smith	16:32.62 PR	St Brendan	
63.	7	Brennan McGurer	16:41.06 PR	St Raphael	
64.	7	Brendan Knapp	16:46.69 PR	St Raphael	
65.	8	Tabata Kouta	16:47.02 SR	St Vincent de Paul	
66.	8	Aidan Smith	17:14.28 SR	St Basil the Great	
67.	8	Joshua Dunham	17:31.06 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
68.	-	Luke Wessel	17:38.06 PR	St Barnabas	
69.	8	Jacob Keller	17:40.34 SR	St Ambrose	
70.	8	Brendan Gilbride	17:44.84 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
71.	7	Peyton Tarle	18:03.34 PR	St. Matthew	
72.	8	Joseph Shroka	18:08.75 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
73.	7	Jacob Hier	18:10.06 PR	St. Patrick	
74.	7	Austin Smith	18:17.88 PR	St. Patrick	
75.	7	Michael Martin	18:31.22 PR	Seton Catholic	
76.	-	Patrick Heider	18:35.72 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
77.	7	Noah Ragan	18:55.94 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
78.	7	Danny Covert	19:06.59 SR	St Ambrose	
79.	8	Noah Rupp	19:54.22 SR	St Ambrose	
80.	-	Marquette Fickes	19:54.50 PR	St Augustine	
81.	7	Nick Senko	19:59.18 PR	St. Sebastian	
82.	8	Gabriel Borisa	20:02.00 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
83.	8	Anthony Ennemoser	20:07.94 SR	St. Patrick	
84.	7	Aidan Cuckler	20:12.00 PR	St. Matthew	
85.	-	Caleb Sims	20:13.15 PR	St. Matthew	
86.	7	John Pavlo	20:34.56 PR	Seton Catholic	
87.	7	William Keith	21:04.59 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
88.	7	Maxwell Lowther	21:28.66 PR	St. Matthew	
89.	-	Michael Krajcovic	21:49.03 PR	St Augustine	
90.	7	Christopher Morreale	22:06.69 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
91.	7	Jacob Schapel	23:09.15 PR	Seton Catholic	
92.	-	Parik Nepal	24:42.69 PR	Seton Catholic	
93.	-	Jaime Meeker	26:29.38 PR	St Vincent de Paul	
94.	7	Daniel Konecny	27:15.06 PR	St Ambrose	
95.	7	Michael DiFilippo	28:09.38 PR	St Brendan	

Boys 1.5 Mile Run
1.	-	Franklin Vergilii	8:59.34 PR	St Basil the Great	
2.	5	William Dunstan	9:00.09 PR	St Raphael	
3.	-	Brennan Chivers	9:05.88 PR	St. Sebastian	
4.	-	Liam Walsh	9:09.50 PR	St Raphael	
5.	6	Peter Kramer	9:12.81 PR	St Basil the Great	
6.	5	Michael Walter	9:14.12 SR	St. Sebastian	
7.	6	Brady Eggleston	9:20.97 SR	Seton Catholic	
8.	5	Jason Mizak	9:21.34 PR	St Basil the Great	
9.	5	Keenan Cummings	9:26.88 SR	St. Francis Xavier	
10.	6	Ethan Wyszynski	9:35.28 SR	St. Sebastian	
11.	5	Patrick Androsik	9:40.78 PR	St Raphael	
12.	-	Vincent Ravanelli	9:43.88 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
13.	-	Peter Redinger	9:46.78 PR	St Basil the Great	
14.	6	Henry Eicher	9:54.44 PR	St Basil the Great	
15.	-	Zachary Zywiec	9:56.15 PR	St Basil the Great	
16.	-	AJ Spano	9:57.21 PR	Seton Catholic	
17.	5	Simon Powers	9:58.91 SR	Seton Catholic	
18.	-	Andrew Thomas	10:02.78 PR	St. Sebastian	
19.	5	Michael Piccirillo	10:04.12 SR	Seton Catholic	
20.	6	Paul Lopez	10:05.94 SR	Seton Catholic	
21.	6	Charles Gale	10:07.75 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
22.	5	Noah Hier	10:08.78 PR	St. Patrick	
23.	6	Riley Thaxton	10:09.81 SR	St Barnabas	
24.	6	Will Hren	10:15.78 PR	St Brendan	
25.	5	Braylon Peets	10:18.34 PR	St. Sebastian	
26.	-	Jack Stahl	10:20.75 PR	St. Sebastian	
27.	-	Hunter Morris	10:22.31 PR	St. Patrick	
28.	5	Ethan Hall	10:24.41 SR	St Basil the Great	
29.	5	Lucas Kennedy	10:28.59 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
30.	5	Maxwell Hardy	10:30.59 PR	St. Patrick	
31.	-	Brandon Perkins	10:31.56 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
32.	5	Carter Keith	10:32.40 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
33.	5	Aiden Bruder	10:34.94 SR	St Raphael	
34.	6	Tommy Coppola	10:35.87 SR	St. Francis Xavier	
35.	6	Carson Bernard	10:38.75 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
36.	-	Evan Beacher	10:45.28 PR	St Basil the Great	
37.	6	Erik Seicean	10:46.84 PR	St Raphael	
38.	5	Joshua Potter	10:53.34 SR	Seton Catholic	
39.	6	Ryan Zolkowski	10:54.56 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
40.	6	Raymond Conley II	10:55.84 SR	St Barnabas	
41.	-	Patrick Schuster	10:57.81 PR	St Basil the Great	
42.	5	Sean Delagrange	10:59.66 SR	Seton Catholic	
43.	6	Andrew Erickson	11:00.68 PR	St Ambrose	
44.	6	Zach Monyak	11:01.40 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
45.	6	Jack Edwards	11:02.31 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
46.	5	Kevin Wadley	11:02.65 SR	St Bridget of Kildare	
47.	5	Jack Phillips	11:03.40 PR	St Brendan	
48.	-	Michael Miohriad	11:05.40 PR	St. Patrick	
49.	5	Nathan Glowe	11:05.72 PR	St Raphael	
50.	5	Matthew Butler	11:06.00 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
51.	5	James Smyczek	11:12.41 SR	St Basil the Great	
52.	6	Benjamin Belmonte	11:15.00 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
53.	5	Alec Butina	11:30.09 SR	Seton Catholic	
54.	6	Brandan Gallagher	11:33.03 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
55.	6	Nick Fortunato	11:40.38 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
56.	-	Kaeden Kolarik	11:41.91 PR	St Augustine	
57.	5	Aiden Gaffney	11:43.81 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
58.	5	Luke Heineking	11:49.47 SR	St. Patrick	
59.	-	James Hornyak	12:03.47 PR	St Augustine	
60.	-	Soren Watson	12:09.18 PR	St Basil the Great	
61.	5	Jack Doucet	12:32.62 SR	St. Sebastian	
62.	-	James Bordenkircher	12:33.62 PR	St. Sebastian	
63.	-	Jack Brindo	12:37.38 PR	St Augustine	
64.	-	Arden Watson	12:49.34 PR	St Basil the Great	
65.	5	Luke Shearer	13:02.88 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
66.	5	Matthew Molnar	13:10.88 PR	St Brendan	
67.	5	Brendan Novak	13:19.15 SR	St Ambrose	
68.	6	Benjamin Page	13:49.78 PR	St Ambrose	
69.	5	Max Goodchild	14:09.44 SR	St. Patrick	
70.	5	Owen Grieger	14:12.18 SR	St Raphael	
71.	5	Dante Calabretta	14:37.78 SR	St Basil the Great	
72.	-	Charles Franchetti	14:44.28 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
73.	-	Nicholas Long	16:05.41 PR	St Basil the Great	
74.	6	Keith Michaels	16:43.18 PR	St Ambrose	
75.	-	Anthony Smith	16:52.53 PR	St Augustine	
76.	6	Justin Hill	17:08.15 SR	St Basil the Great	
77.	-	Jensen Popp	17:09.97 PR	St Basil the Great	
78.	-	Zachary Todaro	17:11.09 PR	St Augustine	

Boys 1.5 Mile Run
PL	GR	Name	Time	School  
1.	3	Maxwell Friedrich	9:12.75 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
2.	-	Tristen Nye	9:14.59 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
3.	4	Blake Boehnen	9:23.12 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
4.	4	Logan Welch	9:27.18 SR	St Barnabas	
5.	4	Ronan Donnelly	9:31.28 PR	St Raphael	
6.	-	Anthony Lutz	9:35.28 PR	Seton Catholic	
7.	4	Ryder Donaldson	9:38.03 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
8.	3	Kyle Brown	9:40.28 PR	St Basil the Great	
9.	-	Brady Anderson	9:47.62 PR	St Raphael	
10.	3	Ben Mehendale	9:53.81 PR	St Basil the Great	
11.	-	Landon Grentzer	9:58.12 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
12.	-	Sean Gerba	10:03.44 PR	St Raphael	
13.	4	Ian Kolencik	10:04.84 PR	Seton Catholic	
14.	3	Grant Tomecko	10:05.90 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
15.	-	Nolan Watson	10:10.15 PR	St Basil the Great	
16.	4	Joshua Skovira	10:11.06 PR	St. Sebastian	
17.	4	Aiden Walter	10:14.41 PR	St Ambrose	
18.	3	Liam Meade	10:17.06 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
19.	4	Roman Prusinski	10:19.56 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
20.	-	Jack Price	10:26.38 PR	St Raphael	
21.	-	Nathan Grieger	10:38.62 PR	St Raphael	
22.	-	Gavin Butler	10:45.88 PR	St Raphael	
23.	4	Luke Kindbom	10:55.28 SR	St. Sebastian	
24.	3	Caleb Zurowski	10:57.94 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
25.	3	Ryan Fischer	10:59.09 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
26.	-	Daniel Russo	11:00.66 PR	St Basil the Great	
27.	-	Blaise Linsenmeyer	11:01.21 PR	St Raphael	
28.	-	Owen Schlueter	11:02.21 PR	St. Sebastian	
29.	4	Jacob Dennee	11:05.18 PR	St. Sebastian	
30.	4	Jack Chalmers	11:11.31 PR	St Raphael	
31.	-	Ethan George	11:13.75 PR	St Raphael	
32.	4	Will Mackiewicz	11:15.78 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
33.	4	Jonah Horrigan	11:17.91 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
34.	4	Ian Volle	11:20.25 PR	St Ambrose	
35.	4	Jackson Vesco	11:23.00 PR	St. Sebastian	
36.	3	Kayden Kendel	11:23.84 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
37.	-	Cooper Kresowaty	11:26.72 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
38.	3	Ethan Hill	11:31.94 PR	St Brendan	
39.	-	Peyton Weekly	11:32.21 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
40.	4	Ryan Baxter	11:44.22 SR	Seton Catholic	
41.	-	Dominic Fortunato	11:46.00 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
42.	-	Abraham Gill	11:47.44 PR	St Raphael	
43.	4	Maximilian Eichman	11:50.09 PR	St Ambrose	
44.	3	Logan Jones	11:50.93 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
45.	4	Lucas Jeanclerc	11:52.72 PR	St Ambrose	
46.	-	Owen North	11:56.91 PR	St Raphael	
47.	4	Patrick Scahill	11:58.31 SR	St. Patrick	
48.	3	Emmett Keller	11:59.00 PR	St Ambrose	
49.	-	Maximilian Glowe	12:01.50 PR	St Raphael	
50.	4	Allan Smith	12:02.62 SR	St Basil the Great	
51.	-	Carmine Lanese	12:04.56 PR	St Barnabas	
52.	-	Mark Eicher	12:14.09 PR	St Basil the Great	
53.	4	Ricky Schuler	12:16.59 SR	St Brendan	
54.	3	Nathan Mion	12:16.96 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
55.	4	Will Kellner	12:17.43 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
56.	4	Matthew Krezmien	12:23.88 PR	St Brendan	
57.	-	Jack Jendrisak	12:24.72 PR	St. Matthew	
58.	-	Eddie Gale	12:25.09 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
59.	-	Logan Flachbart	12:25.93 PR	St. Matthew	
60.	3	Nathan Kelly	12:31.31 PR	St Ambrose	
61.	-	Robert Boley	12:38.62 PR	St. Matthew	
62.	-	Jason Thompson	12:51.12 PR	Seton Catholic	
63.	-	Aidan Knapp	13:18.59 PR	St Raphael	
64.	-	Ryan Richardson	13:33.56 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
65.	4	Ryan Magers	13:44.47 PR	St Ambrose	
66.	-	Riley Phillips	14:01.88 PR	St. Matthew	
67.	4	Dominic DiFilippo	14:15.66 PR	St Brendan	
68.	-	Timothy Stephens	14:48.94 PR	St Raphael	
69.	-	Sam Codispoti	14:49.81 PR	St Basil the Great	
70.	4	Anderson Statistis	15:44.81 SR	St Vincent de Paul	
71.	3	Liam Bye	17:18.22 PR	St Barnabas	
72.	4	Scott Wendelken	17:20.31 SR	St Vincent de Paul	
73.	4	Jacob Gould	17:39.94 SR	St Barnabas	

Girls 2 Mile Run
PL	GR	Name	Time	School  
1.	8	Theresa Hagey	13:05.94 SR	St. Sebastian	
2.	7	Amelia Moll	13:40.56 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
3.	8	Evelyn Sutkus	13:52.00 SR	St Basil the Great	
4.	8	Ella Gilson	14:07.22 SR	St. Francis Xavier	
5.	8	Ella Kuhlman	14:27.50 SR	St Raphael	
6.	8	Elizabeth Koeth	15:14.22 SR	St Raphael	
7.	7	Sonia Sajovie	15:34.78 PR	St Basil the Great	
8.	8	Kerry Sullivan	16:16.59 SR	St Raphael	
9.	8	Adele Frain	16:35.18 SR	St Raphael	
10.	7	Grace Turner	16:36.44 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
11.	8	Maeve Gaffney	16:39.25 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
12.	7	Sophia Mackiewicz	16:45.53 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
13.	8	Emily Bame	16:47.50 SR	St Vincent de Paul	
14.	8	Morgan Sejka	16:53.78 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
15.	7	Cassie Klein	17:03.69 PR	St Vincent de Paul	
16.	7	Arianna Pomirleanu	17:07.84 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
17.	8	Emily DiIorio	17:14.41 SR	St Raphael	
18.	8	Madelyn Graham	17:16.50 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
19.	8	Breanna Gerogosian	17:54.41 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
20.	7	Cadence Kiskadden	18:00.47 PR	St. Patrick	
21.	7	Emma Toth	18:01.72 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
22.	7	Morgan Roth	18:38.53 PR	St Ambrose	
23.	7	Samantha Roth	18:50.72 PR	St Ambrose	
24.	7	Sydney Charnigo	18:51.72 SR	St Ambrose	
25.	7	Hannah Garten	18:52.40 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
26.	7	Abigale Novotny	18:53.06 PR	St. Patrick	
27.	8	Natalie Boyson	19:08.88 SR	Seton Catholic	
28.	8	Gwendolyn Sterrett	19:23.94 PR	St. Patrick	
29.	7	Elena Plaspohl	20:11.34 PR	Seton Catholic	
30.	8	Kaitlin Mohlenkamp	20:12.88 PR	Seton Catholic	
31.	8	Paige Elliott	21:25.94 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
32.	8	Quinn Healy	21:38.41 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
33.	7	Joelle Kratzert	22:09.78 PR	Seton Catholic	
34.	8	Alexis Friedl	23:04.53 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
35.	7	Madeline Barger	24:06.50 PR	Seton Catholic	
36.	7	Olivia Saunders	25:02.12 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
37.	7	Mallory Shields	28:06.53 PR	St Brendan	

Girls 1.5 Mile Run
PL	GR	Name	Time	School  
1.	-	Marin Pechota	9:24.09 PR	St Raphael	
2.	5	Lauren Mahoney	9:25.69 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
3.	6	Olivia Kindbom	9:29.28 SR	St. Sebastian	
4.	-	Madalynn Rodau	9:35.03 PR	Seton Catholic	
5.	6	Ryan Butler	9:50.18 PR	St Raphael	
6.	5	McKenzie Riley	9:50.41 PR	St Raphael	
7.	5	Caroline Williams	9:51.56 PR	Seton Catholic	
8.	-	Scarlett Carey	9:54.72 PR	St Basil the Great	
9.	6	Maryrose LaVictoire	9:56.69 SR	St. Sebastian	
10.	5	Olivia Ziccardi	10:10.97 PR	St Basil the Great	
11.	5	Anysia Reimund	10:12.38 PR	St. Sebastian	
12.	5	Madaleyna Burgoyne	10:15.53 PR	St. Sebastian	
13.	6	Grace Heed	10:19.38 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
14.	-	Aoife McLaughlin	10:21.25 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
15.	6	Brynn Chalmers	10:29.09 PR	St Raphael	
16.	5	Kaitlyn O'Brien	10:30.12 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
17.	5	Ava Aschenbrener	10:31.15 PR	St Raphael	
18.	-	Lindsay Jones	10:33.59 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
19.	5	MaryElise Rispoli	10:35.56 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
20.	5	Jackie Tullos	10:48.18 PR	St Brendan	
21.	-	Rebecca Stitzel	10:51.75 PR	Seton Catholic	
22.	5	Sofia Miklic	10:52.65 SR	St. Matthew	
23.	5	Estelle Frain	10:57.00 PR	St Raphael	
24.	6	Mackenzie Koeth	11:01.15 PR	St Raphael	
25.	6	Sophia Frammartino	11:09.59 PR	Seton Catholic	
26.	-	Margaux Raslan	11:11.28 PR	St. Patrick	
27.	5	Charlotte Harter	11:12.78 PR	St Raphael	
28.	6	Marissa Friedl	11:13.72 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
29.	5	Emma Garr	11:38.81 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
30.	6	Maiti Walsh	11:39.87 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
31.	-	Lauren Tyrpak	11:47.15 PR	St Basil the Great	
32.	-	Anna Gill	11:55.34 PR	St Raphael	
33.	5	Nadia Edgar	11:56.02 SR	St. Sebastian	
34.	5	Cecelia Dollard	11:57.88 SR	St Basil the Great	
35.	6	Gianna Oliverio	11:59.94 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
36.	5	Margaret O'Brien	12:01.56 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
37.	6	Grace Ferrera	12:03.56 PR	St Brendan	
38.	6	Elizabeth Schlueter	12:04.56 SR	St. Sebastian	
39.	5	Sophia Ricci	12:05.12 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
40.	6	Melanie Thompson	12:15.84 SR	Seton Catholic	
41.	5	Meghan Jones	12:22.88 SR	Seton Catholic	
42.	5	Elena Graham	12:26.72 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
43.	-	Ella Thomas	12:35.03 PR	St. Sebastian	
44.	-	Giada Drago	12:38.81 PR	St. Patrick	
45.	-	Maria Perez	12:39.21 PR	Seton Catholic	
46.	5	Kelly Nagle	12:40.15 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
47.	5	Kaleigh Dunham	12:41.81 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
48.	5	Annie Bame	12:48.75 SR	St Vincent de Paul	
49.	5	Kristen Jay	12:51.12 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
50.	-	Natalie Barber	12:53.81 PR	St Basil the Great	
51.	6	MacKenzie Kozell	13:26.50 SR	St Ambrose	
52.	-	Cecila Hickin	13:28.00 PR	St Basil the Great	
53.	6	Briar Hyatt	13:29.00 SR	St Barnabas	
54.	6	Brianna Dzina	13:45.88 SR	St Basil the Great	
55.	5	Bridget Butler	13:55.00 SR	St Basil the Great	
56.	5	Adrianna Ramos	13:56.12 PR	St Vincent de Paul	
57.	5	Kate Butler	14:03.75 SR	St Basil the Great	
58.	6	Anastasia Migyanko	14:06.72 SR	St Bridget of Kildare	
59.	6	Alisa Powers	14:50.47 SR	Sts Joseph and John	
60.	-	Katherine Schimmoe...	15:36.09 PR	Seton Catholic	
61.	5	Caryn Kornaker	19:47.47 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	

Girls 1.5 Mile Run
PL	GR	Name	Time	School 
1.	-	Katie Will	9:44.69 PR	Seton Catholic	
2.	-	Sarah Young	9:53.62 PR	St Raphael	
3.	4	Kendall Brown	9:54.06 PR	St Basil the Great	
4.	-	Kasaundra Pindor	9:58.50 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
5.	4	Ashley Eggleston	10:05.72 PR	Seton Catholic	
6.	-	Scarlett Powell	10:12.22 PR	St. Sebastian	
7.	-	Holly Gale	10:12.78 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
8.	-	Lilian Kuhlman	10:16.53 PR	St Raphael	
9.	4	Estelle Friedrich	10:25.28 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
10.	3	Grace Pinto	10:44.84 PR	St Brendan	
11.	4	Agatha Llewellyn	10:57.41 PR	St. Sebastian	
12.	3	Brigid Hyland	11:07.15 PR	St Basil the Great	
13.	4	Julia Van Bokkelen	11:07.50 SR	Seton Catholic	
14.	-	Molly Schwartz	11:09.75 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
15.	-	Emma Dando	11:13.31 PR	St Raphael	
16.	3	Lengitu Hovanic	11:16.88 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
17.	-	Gwen Zawadzki	11:24.09 PR	St Raphael	
18.	-	Julia Eckart	11:26.66 PR	St. Matthew	
19.	4	Madeline Turner	11:37.81 PR	St Raphael	
20.	4	Lucille Gale	11:46.62 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
21.	3	Courtney Dunham	11:46.81 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
22.	4	Chloe Weiland	11:48.50 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
23.	3	Silvia Lanese	12:07.15 PR	St Barnabas	
24.	3	Claire Gardner	12:13.38 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
25.	3	Camryn Dzina	12:22.50 PR	St Basil the Great	
26.	-	Olivia Thompson	12:29.15 PR	St Raphael	
27.	-	Lydia Stropki	12:36.91 PR	Seton Catholic	
28.	-	Victoria White	12:38.09 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
29.	-	Mia Leighton	12:44.28 PR	Seton Catholic	
30.	-	Arden Powell	12:50.22 PR	St. Sebastian	
31.	-	Eleanor Morris	12:52.22 PR	St. Patrick	
32.	-	Kate Ennemoser	12:53.94 PR	St. Patrick	
33.	-	Catherine Bordenki...	13:01.34 PR	St. Sebastian	
34.	4	Claire Ferguson	13:02.37 PR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
35.	4	Maia Edwards	13:02.87 SR	Sacred Heart of Jesu...	
36.	3	Mollie McCarthy	13:07.31 PR	St Basil the Great	
37.	-	Julia Karaffa	13:07.72 PR	St Basil the Great	
38.	-	Quinn Conely	13:08.02 PR	St Vincent de Paul	
39.	-	Grace Filmer	13:14.38 PR	St Basil the Great	
40.	-	Gianna Carlucci	13:14.78 PR	St Barnabas	
41.	4	Sydney Blasko	13:17.03 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
42.	-	Ann Mary Ghaly	13:20.50 PR	St Raphael	
43.	-	Sophie Persia	13:29.72 PR	St Raphael	
44.	-	Maggie Steen	13:32.00 PR	St Raphael	
45.	4	Gabriella Peinkofer	13:32.46 SR	Seton Catholic	
46.	-	Julia Dylong	13:33.24 PR	St Raphael	
47.	4	Grace Zenneveld	13:50.81 SR	Seton Catholic	
48.	3	Sophia Hill	13:55.00 PR	St Basil the Great	
49.	-	Adisen Colopy	14:08.72 PR	Seton Catholic	
50.	4	Lucia Pillari	14:21.31 PR	St Raphael	
51.	3	Elyse Grill	14:27.78 PR	St Basil the Great	
52.	4	Maria Czerwieniec	14:43.50 PR	St. Francis Xavier	
53.	4	Grace McCarter	14:55.12 PR	St Bridget of Kildare	
54.	-	Bella Hibinger	15:02.18 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
55.	-	Phoebe Sanek	15:11.44 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
56.	-	Chloe Kelley	15:33.38 PR	Sts Joseph and John	
57.	-	Susan Thomas	16:04.53 PR	St. Sebastian	
58.	4	Amelia Oldfield	16:38.84 SR	St Vincent de Paul	
59.	4	Jane Sanfird	16:40.12 PR	St Vincent de Paul	
60.	3	Chidinma Smarty	16:42.97 PR	St Basil the Great	
61.	-	Lulu Emanuele	17:00.03 PR	St. Matthew	
62.	4	Ava Frammartino	17:25.88 SR	Seton Catholic	
63.	-	Layla Heintz	18:12.28 PR	St Basil the Great	
64.	4	Camille Begley	20:08.26 PR	St Ambrose