Fairmont Firebird Invitational 2006

Kettering, OH
Hosted by Fairmont

Fairmont Firebird Invitational 2006 vs Fairmont Firebird Invitational 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -1042 51 1093
Overall Average -3:06.84 18:36.18 21:43.02
1st-10th Place +37.70 16:45.85 16:08.14
1st-25th Place +34.77 17:05.26 16:30.49
1st-50th Place +1:41.72 18:33.78 16:52.06
1st-100th Place -7:48.30 9:29.25 17:17.55
Common Athletes -- -- 9
Ran Faster -3 3 6
Ran Season Best -- 9 9
Average Time +13.12 19:31.99 19:18.87
Median Time +30.75 20:17.73 19:46.98
Middle 80% Times +6.55 19:49.64 19:43.09
Top 10% Times +1:05.68 17:10.78 16:05.10
Top 25% Times +38.48 18:03.77 17:25.30
Top 50% Times +30.07 18:50.64 18:20.57
Bottom 50% Times -6.45 16:18.94 16:25.39
Bottom 25% Times -20.75 20:25.37 20:46.13
Bottom 10% Times -39.50 20:31.29 21:10.79
Average Difference +13.12 -- --
Median Difference +31.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +10.13 -- --
Top 10% Difference +37.04 -- --
Top 50% Difference +30.24 -- --
Top 25% Difference +38.48 -- --
Top 50% Difference +30.24 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -0.30 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -22.94 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -53.06 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Nick Schneider Dub. Jerome +1:14.84 17:19.94 16:05.10
Adam Morgenroth Kings +37.04 17:10.78 16:33.74
Jill McLeod Kings +3.55 19:40.60 19:37.05
Andrea Kelsey Fairmont +4.18 19:44.17 19:39.99
Samantha Burger Lak. West +31.60 20:18.58 19:46.98
Darcy Mascotti Bellbrook +35.70 20:24.29 19:48.59
Tricia Wolford Mason -53.06 20:17.73 21:10.79
Julia Sizek Oakwood -7.15 20:20.54 20:27.69
Elizabeth Connelly Oakwood -8.61 20:31.29 20:39.90