Amherst Comet Relays 2018

Amherst, OH

Complete Results

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 10  Boys Pole Vault 
 3-6 Alive -10', 11', 11'6",12', 12'6", 13',13'6",13'9" then 3"                  
        Meet: !    42-00  2001        Amherst, Pellittieri,Bigrigg,Bigr          
     Stadium: #    42-00  2001        Amherst                                    
  State Tied: +    44-00  2005        Wadsworth                                  
Ind. Stadium: & 16-00.25  2001        Dominic Pellittieri, Amherst               
   Ind. Best: *    15-02  2010        Matt Zvosec, Amherst Steele                
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1       Yates, Brad         11 Twinsburg             13-03.00    2             
  1 #  501 Rohr, Gavin        11 Ashland               13-03.00    4             
  3       Howell, David       12 Solon                 13-00.00    5             
  3       Burg, Isaiah        12 Solon                 13-00.00    5             
  5 #  534 Rohr, Declan        9 Ashland               12-06.00    4             
  6 #  470 Henderson, Erik    11 Steele                12-00.00                  
  6 #  544 McClowry, Colin    11 Medina                12-00.00                  
  6       Drellishak, Dan     10 St. Ignatius          12-00.00    1.50          
  6       Conwell, Robbie     11 Avon                  12-00.00    0.50          
  6 #  133 Salmon, Lucas      11 Perkins               12-00.00    3             
  6 #  315 Brandes, Kieron    11 Brunswick             12-00.00    1             
  6 #  397 Muchewicz, Justin  11 Berea-Midpark         12-00.00    2.50          
 13 #  102 Nyman, Josiah      12 Perkins               11-06.00    3             
 14 #  332 Treadway, Josh     10 Berea-Midpark         11-06.00    2.50          
 15 #  302 Garn, Tucker       10 Syl. Northview        11-00.00                  
 15       Geldart, Alex       12 Walsh Jesuit          11-00.00                  
 15 #  101 Dicker, Andy       12 Kenston               11-00.00                  
 15       King, Tristan       12 St. John's Jesuit     11-00.00                  
 19       Sweeney, Ryan       12 St. Ignatius          10-00.00    1.50          
 20 #  340 Gawell, Larry       9 Brunswick             10-00.00    1             
 21       Starwalt, Leland    11 Avon                  10-00.00    0.50          
 22 #  230 Cipollone, Casey   10 Westlake              10-00.00                  
 22       Davessar, Alex      12 Walsh Jesuit          10-00.00                  
 22 #  928 Jones, Nathan      12 Roosevelt             10-00.00                  
 22 #  738 Leamon, Matt       12 Bay                   10-00.00                  
 22 #  233 Heberle, Luke       9 Westlake              10-00.00                  
 27 #  159 Lesko, Brian       12 Kenston                9-00.00                  
 27       Buell, Jason        11 Twinsburg              9-00.00    2             
 27 #  127 Hayes, Jason       11 Sandusky               9-00.00                  
 27 #  122 Howard, Dawson     11 St. John's Jesuit      9-00.00                  
 27 #  457 Golski, Brad       12 Steele                 9-00.00                  
 27 #  543 Albrecht, Thomas   11 Medina                 9-00.00                  
 -- #  321 Kobylak, Isaiah    11 Syl. Northview              NH                  
 --       Radke, Charlie      11 Strongsville                NH                  
 --       Cubberley, Ian      12 Strongsville                NH                  

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 26  Girls High Jump 
 3-6 Alive-4'06",4'09",5'00",5'02",5'03" then 1"                                 
        Meet: ! 15-06  2008        Medina, T.Burke,TConners,A.Wasik              
     Stadium: # 15-06  2008        Medina, Burke,Conners,Wasik                   
Ind. Stadium: &  5-10  2010        Taylor Burke, Medina                          
   Ind. Best: *  5-10  2010        Taylor Burke, Medina                          
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1 #  769 Lesniak, Emilia    11 Strongsville           5-04.00    3             
  2       Vargo, Mia          11 Berea-Midpark          5-00.00    3.33          
  2 #  117 Britton, Dylan      9 Kenston                5-00.00    2             
  2 #  371 Mushanagzhiki, Ny  12 Brunswick              5-00.00    2.50          
  5       Beverly, Jennifer   11 Solon                  4-09.00                  
  5       Knoll, Tia          11 Sandusky               4-09.00                  
  5       Dodd, Jayley        12 Berea-Midpark          4-09.00    3.33          
  5 #  347 Holden, Ashli      10 Brunswick              4-09.00    2.50          
  5 #  583 Schafer, Desiree    9 Medina                 4-09.00    2.66          
  5 #  581 Nicol, Riley        9 Medina                 4-09.00    2.66          
  5 #  115 Matthews, Karina   12 Perkins                4-09.00                  
  5       Snow, Audrey         9 Walsh Jesuit           4-09.00    1.25          
  5 #  307 Longrich, Katie    12 Avon                   4-09.00    0.50          
  5 #  915 Christian, Daniel  12 Beaumont               4-09.00                  
  5 #  730 Reed, Olivia       10 Bay                    4-09.00    1.25          
  5 #  513 McDaniel, Camden    9 Ashland                4-09.00                  
 17       Knouff, Abby         9 Walsh Jesuit           4-06.00    1.25          
 17 #  710 McDonald, Delaney  12 Bay                    4-06.00    1.25          
 19       Goodelle, Juliet     9 Avon                   4-06.00    0.50          
 20 #  121 McQueen, Nalida    10 Warren G Harding       4-06.00                  
 20       Leskovec, Maria     10 Solon                  4-06.00                  
 20 #  647 Singh, Trisha      10 Twinsburg              4-06.00                  
 20 #  718 Kappel, Katie      10 Strongsville           4-06.00    3             
 20 #  131 Vild, Lily         10 Kenston                4-06.00    2             
 20 #  434 Walsh, Audrey      11 Magnificat             4-06.00                  
 20       Santiago, Heaven     9 Berea-Midpark          4-06.00    3.33          
 20 #  539 Luthy, Madison     11 Medina                 4-06.00    2.66          
 20 #  452 Peterson, Devon    10 Magnificat             4-06.00                  
 -- #  418 Giannuzzi, Gabrie  12 Steele                      NH                  
 -- #  415 Collins, Demaria   12 Shaw                        NH                  
 -- #  733 Rychel, Jessica    12 Bay                         NH                  
 --       Brown, Michaela     12 Walsh Jesuit                NH                  
 -- #  630 Henderson, Julia   11 Twinsburg                   NH                  
 -- #  252 Brewer, Claire     10 Westlake                    NH                  
 -- #  658 Karlson, Kate      11 Twinsburg                   NH                  
 -- #  280 Gilmore, Cara      12 Westlake                    NH                  
 -- #  315 Haynie, Claire     11 Brunswick                   NH                  
 -- #  356 Gannon, Kelsey     11 Avon                        NH                  
 -- #  123 Schnittker, Olivi  10 Perkins                     NH                  
 -- #  435 Wazevich, Bridget  11 Magnificat                  NH                  
 -- #  507 Krichbaum, Kendra   9 Ashland                     NH                  
 -- #  544 Etzwiler, Ellie    10 Ashland                     NH                  
 -- #  158 Toth, Sarah         9 Kenston                     NH                  
 -- #  362 Fazio, Samantha    11 Svsm                        NH                  
 --       Gough, Abigail      11 Solon                       NH                  
 -- #  726 Baker, Maddy        9 Strongsville                NH                  
 -- #  438 Kelly, Sara         9 Steele                      NH                  
 -- #  401 Manuel, Jasmine    11 Shaw                        NH                  
 -- #  131 Lawson, Madi       11 Perkins                     NH                  
 -- #  412 Lindsey, Janelle    9 Shaw                        NH                  

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                   4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                            63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                            
                                    Amherst, Ohio                                     
Event 8  Boys Long Jump 
 Four Attempts                                                                        
        Meet: ! 64-04.75  1974        Southview                                       
     Stadium: # 64-04.75  1974        Southview                                       
Ind. Stadium: & 23-03.25  2010        Christian Nogueras, Lorain Southview            
   Ind. Best: * 23-01.25  2016        Davion Fisher, Sandusky                         
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Wind Points Alternate
Flight  1                                                                             
  1 #  114 Stewart, Tevin     11 Sandusky              21-11.50   NWI   1.66          
  2       Dillard, Isaiah     12 Solon                 21-10.50   NWI   2.66          
  3       Howell, David       12 Solon                 19-09.50   NWI   2.66          
  4 #  730 Kolesar, Caden     11 St. Edward            19-08.75   NWI                 
  5 #  108 Johnson, Jonteris  11 Sandusky              19-08.00   NWI   1.66          
  6 #  108 Campbell, Chris     9 Perkins               18-09.75   NWI                 
  7 #  123 Campbell, Derick   12 Perkins               18-04.50   NWI                 
  8       Cooper, John        10 Solon                 18-00.50   NWI   2.66          
  9 #  742 Castleberry, Jord  11 St. Edward            17-10.75   NWI                 
 10 #  136 Straughter, Malik  10 Sandusky              17-04.00   NWI   1.66          
 11 #  484 Manuel, Jason      11 Shaw                  16-11.25   NWI                 
 12 #  475 Pruitt, Brandon    11 Shaw                  16-10.00   NWI                 
 13 #  479 Zellner, Amir      11 Shaw                  16-04.25   NWI                 
 14 #  125 Jenkins, Caleb     12 Perkins               16-03.00   NWI                 
Flight  2                                                                             
  1       Gillette, Joe       11 Strongsville          20-11.75   NWI   3.33          
  2       Griffin, Taylor     11 Strongsville          20-03.50   NWI   3.33          
  3 #  324 Rock, Desmond      12 Svsm                  20-03.25   NWI                 
  3       Hoerig, Mitchell    12 Strongsville          20-03.25   NWI   3.33          
  5 #  132 Sandri, Santiago   10 St. John's Jesuit     20-03.00   NWI                 
  6 #  822 Devengencie, Domi  10 St. Ignatius          20-00.25   NWI   0.66          
  7 #  870 Phillips, Andrew   12 St. Ignatius          19-11.25   NWI   0.66          
  8 #  346 Weisner, Conrad    10 Syl. Northview        19-01.50   NWI                 
  9 #  332 Music, Ethan        9 Syl. Northview        18-02.50   NWI                 
 10 #  119 Hill, Julian       11 St. John's Jesuit     17-10.75   NWI                 
 11       Crosby, James       10 St. Ignatius          17-10.25   NWI   0.66          
 12 #  311 Jackson, John      11 Svsm                  16-06.50   NWI                 
 13 #  340 Simmons, Jarrett   12 Syl. Northview        16-06.00   NWI                 
 14 #  105 Stange, Joe         9 St. John's Jesuit     16-02.75   NWI                 
Flight  3                                                                             
  1       Easter, Etaijen     11 Twinsburg             22-01.00   NWI   2             
  2       Clark, Garrett      12 Walsh Jesuit          21-01.75   NWI                 
  3       East, Kaleb         11 Twinsburg             20-07.00   NWI   2             
  4 #  142 Adams, Kayron      11 Warren G Harding      20-04.50   NWI   1.33          
  5 #  966 Russell, Jamani     9 St. Francis           19-10.00   NWI   0.33          
  6 #  106 Harvey, Dezmond    12 Warren G Harding      19-07.50   NWI   1.33          
  7 #  218 Smith, Josiah      12 Westlake              19-00.50   NWI                 
  8 #  979 McNeal, Tayler     12 St. Francis           18-11.00   NWI   0.33          
  9 #  977 Berner, Chris      11 St. Francis           18-10.25   NWI   0.33          
 10 #  118 Frazier, Sterling  12 Warren G Harding      18-08.00   NWI   1.33          
 11       Sitarz, John        11 Walsh Jesuit          18-00.00   NWI                 
 12       McCoy, Nathan       11 Twinsburg             16-04.75   NWI   2             
 13       Watkins, Tevin      11 Walsh Jesuit          16-02.75   NWI                 
 14 #  231 Bauer, Dominic     12 Westlake              15-08.75   NWI                 
Flight  4                                                                             
  1       Riess, Jared        11 Bay                   20-10.25   NWI                 
  2 #  461 Keron, Nick        12 Steele                20-00.25   NWI   1             
  3 #  322 Vega, Luis         12 Berea-Midpark         19-06.75   NWI                 
  4 #  458 Stempowski, Caleb  10 Steele                19-04.50   NWI   1             
  5 #  529 Flint, Tim         10 Ashland               19-03.25   NWI                 
  6 #  325 Wolak, Luke        10 Berea-Midpark         19-00.50   NWI                 
  7       Rennette, Mike      12 Avon                  19-00.00   NWI                 
  8       Perusek, Nick       10 Avon                  18-07.25   NWI                 
  9 #  403 Moss, Cameron      10 Steele                18-05.25   NWI   1             
 10 #  332 Treadway, Josh     10 Berea-Midpark         18-03.00   NWI                 
 11 #  507 Rayburn, Johnatho  10 Ashland               17-07.25   NWI                 
 12       Love, Johnny         9 Avon                  17-02.50   NWI                 
 13 #  719 Saiz, Nicholas     10 Bay                   17-01.25   NWI                 
 14 #  500 Krichbaum, Zemed   11 Ashland               17-00.25   NWI                 
Flight  5                                                                             
  1 #  805 Brown, Devon       11 Lakewood              19-07.75   NWI                 
  2 #  557 Blake, Zachary     12 Medina                19-03.50   NWI                 
  3 #  567 Kelly, Christophe  11 Medina                18-07.25   NWI                 
  4 #  515 Suggs, Jett        11 Medina                18-03.75   NWI                 
  5 #  822 Muhammad, Ahmed    11 Lakewood              17-11.00   NWI                 
  6 #  343 Gross, Logan       11 Brunswick             17-10.50   NWI                 
  7 #  163 Cooper, David      11 Kenston               17-08.00   NWI                 
  8 #  121 Hill, Will         12 Kenston               17-02.75   NWI                 
  8 #  339 Simon, Nick         9 Brunswick             17-02.75   NWI                 
 10 #  810 Dolatowski, Calvi  12 Lakewood              16-07.75   NWI                 
 11 #  344 Matheis, Brandon    9 Brunswick             16-01.00   NWI                 
 -- #  105 Payton, Michael     9 Kenston                     ND   NWI                 
 Four Attempts                                                                        
        Meet: ! 64-04.75  1974        Southview                                       
     Stadium: # 64-04.75  1974        Southview                                       
Ind. Stadium: & 23-03.25  2010        Christian Nogueras, Lorain Southview            
   Ind. Best: * 23-01.25  2016        Davion Fisher, Sandusky                         
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Wind Points Alternate
  1       Easter, Etaijen     11 Twinsburg             22-01.00   NWI   2             
  2 #  114 Stewart, Tevin     11 Sandusky              21-11.50   NWI   1.66          
  3       Dillard, Isaiah     12 Solon                 21-10.50   NWI   2.66          
  4       Clark, Garrett      12 Walsh Jesuit          21-01.75   NWI                 
  5       Gillette, Joe       11 Strongsville          20-11.75   NWI   3.33          
  6       Riess, Jared        11 Bay                   20-10.25   NWI                 
  7       East, Kaleb         11 Twinsburg             20-07.00   NWI   2             
  8 #  142 Adams, Kayron      11 Warren G Harding      20-04.50   NWI   1.33          
  9       Griffin, Taylor     11 Strongsville          20-03.50   NWI   3.33          
 10       Hoerig, Mitchell    12 Strongsville          20-03.25   NWI   3.33          
 10 #  324 Rock, Desmond      12 Svsm                  20-03.25   NWI                 
 12 #  132 Sandri, Santiago   10 St. John's Jesuit     20-03.00   NWI                 
 13 #  461 Keron, Nick        12 Steele                20-00.25   NWI   1             
 13 #  822 Devengencie, Domi  10 St. Ignatius          20-00.25   NWI   0.66          
 15 #  870 Phillips, Andrew   12 St. Ignatius          19-11.25   NWI   0.66          
 16 #  966 Russell, Jamani     9 St. Francis           19-10.00   NWI   0.33          
 17       Howell, David       12 Solon                 19-09.50   NWI   2.66          
 18 #  730 Kolesar, Caden     11 St. Edward            19-08.75   NWI                 
 19 #  108 Johnson, Jonteris  11 Sandusky              19-08.00   NWI   1.66          
 20 #  805 Brown, Devon       11 Lakewood              19-07.75   NWI                 
 21 #  106 Harvey, Dezmond    12 Warren G Harding      19-07.50   NWI   1.33          
 22 #  322 Vega, Luis         12 Berea-Midpark         19-06.75   NWI                 
 23 #  458 Stempowski, Caleb  10 Steele                19-04.50   NWI   1             
 24 #  557 Blake, Zachary     12 Medina                19-03.50   NWI                 
 25 #  529 Flint, Tim         10 Ashland               19-03.25   NWI                 
 26 #  346 Weisner, Conrad    10 Syl. Northview        19-01.50   NWI                 
 27 #  325 Wolak, Luke        10 Berea-Midpark         19-00.50   NWI                 
 27 #  218 Smith, Josiah      12 Westlake              19-00.50   NWI                 
 29       Rennette, Mike      12 Avon                  19-00.00   NWI                 
 30 #  979 McNeal, Tayler     12 St. Francis           18-11.00   NWI   0.33          
 31 #  977 Berner, Chris      11 St. Francis           18-10.25   NWI   0.33          
 32 #  108 Campbell, Chris     9 Perkins               18-09.75   NWI                 
 33 #  118 Frazier, Sterling  12 Warren G Harding      18-08.00   NWI   1.33          
 34       Perusek, Nick       10 Avon                  18-07.25   NWI                 
 34 #  567 Kelly, Christophe  11 Medina                18-07.25   NWI                 
 36 #  403 Moss, Cameron      10 Steele                18-05.25   NWI   1             
 37 #  123 Campbell, Derick   12 Perkins               18-04.50   NWI                 
 38 #  515 Suggs, Jett        11 Medina                18-03.75   NWI                 
 39 #  332 Treadway, Josh     10 Berea-Midpark         18-03.00   NWI                 
 40 #  332 Music, Ethan        9 Syl. Northview        18-02.50   NWI                 
 41       Cooper, John        10 Solon                 18-00.50   NWI   2.66          
 42       Sitarz, John        11 Walsh Jesuit          18-00.00   NWI                 
 43 #  822 Muhammad, Ahmed    11 Lakewood              17-11.00   NWI                 
 44 #  119 Hill, Julian       11 St. John's Jesuit     17-10.75   NWI                 
 44 #  742 Castleberry, Jord  11 St. Edward            17-10.75   NWI                 
 46 #  343 Gross, Logan       11 Brunswick             17-10.50   NWI                 
 47       Crosby, James       10 St. Ignatius          17-10.25   NWI   0.66          
 48 #  163 Cooper, David      11 Kenston               17-08.00   NWI                 
 49 #  507 Rayburn, Johnatho  10 Ashland               17-07.25   NWI                 
 50 #  136 Straughter, Malik  10 Sandusky              17-04.00   NWI   1.66          
 51 #  339 Simon, Nick         9 Brunswick             17-02.75   NWI                 
 51 #  121 Hill, Will         12 Kenston               17-02.75   NWI                 
 53       Love, Johnny         9 Avon                  17-02.50   NWI                 
 54 #  719 Saiz, Nicholas     10 Bay                   17-01.25   NWI                 
 55 #  500 Krichbaum, Zemed   11 Ashland               17-00.25   NWI                 
 56 #  484 Manuel, Jason      11 Shaw                  16-11.25   NWI                 
 57 #  475 Pruitt, Brandon    11 Shaw                  16-10.00   NWI                 
 58 #  810 Dolatowski, Calvi  12 Lakewood              16-07.75   NWI                 
 59 #  311 Jackson, John      11 Svsm                  16-06.50   NWI                 
 60 #  340 Simmons, Jarrett   12 Syl. Northview        16-06.00   NWI                 
 61       McCoy, Nathan       11 Twinsburg             16-04.75   NWI   2             
 62 #  479 Zellner, Amir      11 Shaw                  16-04.25   NWI                 
 63 #  125 Jenkins, Caleb     12 Perkins               16-03.00   NWI                 
 64 #  105 Stange, Joe         9 St. John's Jesuit     16-02.75   NWI                 
 64       Watkins, Tevin      11 Walsh Jesuit          16-02.75   NWI                 
 66 #  344 Matheis, Brandon    9 Brunswick             16-01.00   NWI                 
 67 #  231 Bauer, Dominic     12 Westlake              15-08.75   NWI                 
 -- #  105 Payton, Michael     9 Kenston                     ND   NWI                 

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 7  Boys Discus Throw
 Four Attempts 2-1-1                                                             
        Meet: ! 490-02  2000        Mentor, Godek,Caldwell,Waren                 
     Stadium: # 490-02  2000        Mentor                                       
Ind. Stadium: & 193-07  2010        Cody Riffle, Toledo St. John                 
   Ind. Best: * 189-08  2010        Cody Riffle, Toledo St. John                 
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
Flight  1                                                                        
  1 #  405 Prete, Jaret       11 Steele                  148-11    0.66          
  2       Svec, Joe           10 Avon                    148-07    1.66          
  3 #  404 Leitch, Kyle       12 Avon Lake               139-09    3.33          
  4 #  413 Wirtz, Justin      10 Avon Lake               137-09    3.33          
  5 #  401 Wirtz, Jared       12 Avon Lake               130-04    3.33          
  6 #  561 Danison, Nick      11 Ashland                 121-04                  
  7       Radcliffe, Noah     12 Avon                    114-05    1.66          
  8 #  417 Ketz, Kyle         11 Steele                  112-07    0.66          
  9       Waryck, Luke        11 Avon                    111-11    1.66          
 10 #  402 Mendak, Matthew     9 Steele                  101-07    0.66          
 11 #  551 Schuster, Triton    9 Ashland                  97-03                  
 12 #  564 Valentine, John    12 Ashland                  88-01                  
Flight  2                                                                        
  1 #  346 Bekeny, Nicholas   11 Brunswick               122-01                  
  2 #  377 Rimac, Tomas        9 Brunswick               119-09                  
  3 #  184 Burge, Michael     12 Kenston                 117-00                  
  4 #  381 Toptsidis, Stephe  12 Brunswick               114-01                  
  5 #  173 Wasinski, Nathan   12 Kenston                 105-09                  
  6 #  182 Butler, Jay        12 Kenston                  96-05                  
  7 #  745 Passarell, Willia  11 Bay                      94-01                  
  8 #  372 Hunt, Phil         12 Berea-Midpark            91-04                  
  9       Byczynski, Trevor   11 Berea-Midpark            86-02                  
 10       Miskovic, Vladimir  12 Bay                      84-02                  
 11 #  381 Albert, Cole       12 Berea-Midpark            80-07                  
 12       Boutros, Paul       12 Bay                      69-10                  
Flight  3                                                                        
  1 #  563 Supan, Thomas      12 Medina                  151-05    0.33          
  2 #  153 Zirkle, John Mark  11 Perkins                 133-06    2             
  3 #  155 Capizzi, Kyler     11 Perkins                 126-04    2             
  4 #  946 Rothaermel, Nicho  10 Roosevelt               120-11                  
  5 #  145 Gast, Nolan        10 Perkins                 116-06    2             
  6       Thornton, Gabe      10 Roosevelt               111-03                  
  7 #  847 Musai, Alvin       11 Lakewood                109-11                  
  8 #  526 Sonego, Antonio    10 Medina                  107-08    0.33          
  9 #  539 Dewey, Alexander   10 Medina                  102-03    0.33          
 10       Pringle, Dalton     12 Lakewood                 94-10                  
 11 #  945 Jones, Sebastian   12 Roosevelt                78-01                  
 12 #  859 Britt, Ryan         9 Lakewood                 72-07                  
Flight  4                                                                        
  1 #  842 Shoaf, Michael     11 Rocky River             174-07    1.33          
  2       Johnson, Evan       11 Solon                   165-00    2.66          
  3       Misencik, Alex      12 St. Ignatius            136-06                  
  4       Leskovic, Nate      11 Solon                   122-06    2.66          
  5       Shelton, Dillon     10 Solon                   118-10    2.66          
  6 #  866 Miller, Alekso     12 Rocky River             112-03    1.33          
  7 #  719 Savoy, Matthew     10 St. Edward              110-02                  
  8 #  875 Wells, Aiden       11 St. Ignatius            108-08                  
  9 #  137 Downing, Tyler     11 Sandusky                108-06                  
 10 #  150 Russell, Cameron   12 Sandusky                104-09                  
 11 #  867 Georges, Tony      10 St. Ignatius            104-04                  
 12 #  779 Kennedy, Patrick   12 St. Edward               97-00                  
 13 #  141 Scott, Kendrick    11 Sandusky                 92-03                  
 14 #  849 Eberlein, Ben      10 Rocky River              86-06    1.33          
 15 #  758 Boosinger, Jared   11 St. Edward               68-11                  
Flight  5                                                                        
  1       Carrara, Ben        12 Strongsville            131-08                  
  2 #  318 Hosler, Thomas     12 Syl. Northview          124-00    1             
  3 #  338 Rousos, Demetrios  10 Syl. Northview          123-10    1             
  4 #  362 Williams, Macyo     9 Svsm                    121-03                  
  5 #  311 Fortner, Matt      10 Syl. Northview          119-04    1             
  6 #  321 Brunton, Jaylen     9 Svsm                    119-02                  
  7       Kapsar, Joey        12 Strongsville            114-03                  
  8 #  194 Lanier, Will        9 St. John's Jesuit        91-11                  
  9       Ramirez, Osvaldo    11 St. John's Jesuit        77-06                  
 10 #  145 DuPree, Chase      11 St. John's Jesuit        68-01                  
Flight  6                                                                        
  1 #  188 Stewart, David     12 Warren G Harding        148-00                  
  2 #  915 Edwards, Jefferso  12 St. Francis             135-01                  
  3 #  254 Beaver, Matt       12 Westlake                124-00                  
  4       Belak, Matt         11 Twinsburg               118-08                  
  5 #  255 Taylor, Jorden     11 Westlake                109-02                  
  6 #  228 Rees, Michael      12 Westlake                107-08                  
  7 #  916 Olsen, Gunner      11 St. Francis             107-03                  
  8       Russ, Bailey         9 Walsh Jesuit            100-08                  
  9 #  156 Kellar, Michael    10 Warren G Harding         96-08                  
 10 #  198 Warfield, Simahja  11 Warren G Harding         96-04                  
 11       Crombie, Ryan       10 Walsh Jesuit             93-10                  
 12 #  900 Nieset, Andrew      9 St. Francis              92-08                  
 13       Oziomek, Michael    10 Walsh Jesuit             88-09                  
 Four Attempts 2-1-1                                                             
        Meet: ! 490-02  2000        Mentor, Godek,Caldwell,Waren                 
     Stadium: # 490-02  2000        Mentor                                       
Ind. Stadium: & 193-07  2010        Cody Riffle, Toledo St. John                 
   Ind. Best: * 189-08  2010        Cody Riffle, Toledo St. John                 
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1 #  842 Shoaf, Michael     11 Rocky River             174-07    1.33          
  2       Johnson, Evan       11 Solon                   165-00    2.66          
  3 #  563 Supan, Thomas      12 Medina                  151-05    0.33          
  4 #  405 Prete, Jaret       11 Steele                  148-11    0.66          
  5       Svec, Joe           10 Avon                    148-07    1.66          
  6 #  188 Stewart, David     12 Warren G Harding        148-00                  
  7 #  404 Leitch, Kyle       12 Avon Lake               139-09    3.33          
  8 #  413 Wirtz, Justin      10 Avon Lake               137-09    3.33          
  9       Misencik, Alex      12 St. Ignatius            136-06                  
 10 #  915 Edwards, Jefferso  12 St. Francis             135-01                  
 11 #  153 Zirkle, John Mark  11 Perkins                 133-06    2             
 12       Carrara, Ben        12 Strongsville            131-08                  
 13 #  401 Wirtz, Jared       12 Avon Lake               130-04    3.33          
 14 #  155 Capizzi, Kyler     11 Perkins                 126-04    2             
 15 #  318 Hosler, Thomas     12 Syl. Northview          124-00    1             
 15 #  254 Beaver, Matt       12 Westlake                124-00                  
 17 #  338 Rousos, Demetrios  10 Syl. Northview          123-10    1             
 18       Leskovic, Nate      11 Solon                   122-06    2.66          
 19 #  346 Bekeny, Nicholas   11 Brunswick               122-01                  
 20 #  561 Danison, Nick      11 Ashland                 121-04                  
 21 #  362 Williams, Macyo     9 Svsm                    121-03                  
 22 #  946 Rothaermel, Nicho  10 Roosevelt               120-11                  
 23 #  377 Rimac, Tomas        9 Brunswick               119-09                  
 24 #  311 Fortner, Matt      10 Syl. Northview          119-04    1             
 25 #  321 Brunton, Jaylen     9 Svsm                    119-02                  
 26       Shelton, Dillon     10 Solon                   118-10    2.66          
 27       Belak, Matt         11 Twinsburg               118-08                  
 28 #  184 Burge, Michael     12 Kenston                 117-00                  
 29 #  145 Gast, Nolan        10 Perkins                 116-06    2             
 30       Radcliffe, Noah     12 Avon                    114-05    1.66          
 31       Kapsar, Joey        12 Strongsville            114-03                  
 32 #  381 Toptsidis, Stephe  12 Brunswick               114-01                  
 33 #  417 Ketz, Kyle         11 Steele                  112-07    0.66          
 34 #  866 Miller, Alekso     12 Rocky River             112-03    1.33          
 35       Waryck, Luke        11 Avon                    111-11    1.66          
 36       Thornton, Gabe      10 Roosevelt               111-03                  
 37 #  719 Savoy, Matthew     10 St. Edward              110-02                  
 38 #  847 Musai, Alvin       11 Lakewood                109-11                  
 39 #  255 Taylor, Jorden     11 Westlake                109-02                  
 40 #  875 Wells, Aiden       11 St. Ignatius            108-08                  
 41 #  137 Downing, Tyler     11 Sandusky                108-06                  
 42 #  526 Sonego, Antonio    10 Medina                  107-08    0.33          
 42 #  228 Rees, Michael      12 Westlake                107-08                  
 44 #  916 Olsen, Gunner      11 St. Francis             107-03                  
 45 #  173 Wasinski, Nathan   12 Kenston                 105-09                  
 46 #  150 Russell, Cameron   12 Sandusky                104-09                  
 47 #  867 Georges, Tony      10 St. Ignatius            104-04                  
 48 #  539 Dewey, Alexander   10 Medina                  102-03    0.33          
 49 #  402 Mendak, Matthew     9 Steele                  101-07    0.66          
 50       Russ, Bailey         9 Walsh Jesuit            100-08                  
 51 #  551 Schuster, Triton    9 Ashland                  97-03                  
 52 #  779 Kennedy, Patrick   12 St. Edward               97-00                  
 53 #  156 Kellar, Michael    10 Warren G Harding         96-08                  
 54 #  182 Butler, Jay        12 Kenston                  96-05                  
 55 #  198 Warfield, Simahja  11 Warren G Harding         96-04                  
 56       Pringle, Dalton     12 Lakewood                 94-10                  
 57 #  745 Passarell, Willia  11 Bay                      94-01                  
 58       Crombie, Ryan       10 Walsh Jesuit             93-10                  
 59 #  900 Nieset, Andrew      9 St. Francis              92-08                  
 60 #  141 Scott, Kendrick    11 Sandusky                 92-03                  
 61 #  194 Lanier, Will        9 St. John's Jesuit        91-11                  
 62 #  372 Hunt, Phil         12 Berea-Midpark            91-04                  
 63       Oziomek, Michael    10 Walsh Jesuit             88-09                  
 64 #  564 Valentine, John    12 Ashland                  88-01                  
 65 #  849 Eberlein, Ben      10 Rocky River              86-06    1.33          
 66       Byczynski, Trevor   11 Berea-Midpark            86-02                  
 67       Miskovic, Vladimir  12 Bay                      84-02                  
 68 #  381 Albert, Cole       12 Berea-Midpark            80-07                  
 69 #  945 Jones, Sebastian   12 Roosevelt                78-01                  
 70       Ramirez, Osvaldo    11 St. John's Jesuit        77-06                  
 71 #  859 Britt, Ryan         9 Lakewood                 72-07                  
 72       Boutros, Paul       12 Bay                      69-10                  
 73 #  758 Boosinger, Jared   11 St. Edward               68-11                  
 74 #  145 DuPree, Chase      11 St. John's Jesuit        68-01                  

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 6  Boys Shot Put 
 Four Attempts 2-1-1                                                             
        Meet: ! 162-04.75  2009        Perkins, Hoty,Bacni,Caponi                
     Stadium: # 162-04.75  2009        Perkins, Hoty,Bacni,Caponi                
Ind. Stadium: &     68-07  2010        Cody Riffle, Toledo St. John              
   Ind. Best: *  65-03.75  2010        Cody Riffle, Toledo St. John              
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
Flight  1                                                                        
  1 #  842 Shoaf, Michael     11 Rocky River           63-03.50    2             
  2 #  563 Supan, Thomas      12 Medina                51-07.00    0.33          
  3 #  141 Scott, Kendrick    11 Sandusky              49-10.00                  
  4 #  136 Jackson, J'Andre   11 Perkins               49-08.50    2.66          
  5 #  167 Bechtel, Jacob     10 Perkins               43-06.50    2.66          
  6 #  145 Gast, Nolan        10 Perkins               41-10.00    2.66          
  7       Pringle, Dalton     12 Lakewood              38-09.25                  
  8 #  539 Dewey, Alexander   10 Medina                38-02.00    0.33          
  9 #  137 Downing, Tyler     11 Sandusky              37-11.00                  
 10 #  150 Russell, Cameron   12 Sandusky              36-11.75                  
 11 #  562 Mutnansky, Connor  12 Medina                36-03.50    0.33          
 12 #  866 Miller, Alekso     12 Rocky River           35-08.00    2             
 13 #  847 Musai, Alvin       11 Lakewood              35-00.25                  
 14 #  865 Broschk, Paul      11 Rocky River           33-09.50    2             
 15 #  856 Freer, Keegan      11 Lakewood              32-02.50                  
Flight  2                                                                        
  1       Leskovic, Nate      11 Solon                 47-03.50                  
  2       Misencik, Alex      12 St. Ignatius          46-10.00    1             
  3 #  867 Georges, Tony      10 St. Ignatius          43-01.25    1             
  4 #  875 Wells, Aiden       11 St. Ignatius          41-08.50    1             
  5       Howard, R.J.        10 Solon                 39-06.50                  
  6 #  719 Savoy, Matthew     10 St. Edward            35-04.50                  
  7 #  779 Kennedy, Patrick   12 St. Edward            34-11.75                  
  8 #  428 Bland, Amethyst    11 Shaw                  34-00.00                  
  9       Johnson, Evan       11 Solon                 33-08.00                  
 10 #  427 Lee, Quen'Shawn    11 Shaw                  33-02.25                  
 11 #  758 Boosinger, Jared   11 St. Edward            29-09.00                  
Flight  3                                                                        
  1 #  998 Sturdivant, Mauri  12 St. Francis           45-07.75    1.33          
  2       Carrara, Ben        12 Strongsville          45-04.25                  
  3 #  909 Holmes, Keith      12 St. Francis           44-06.50    1.33          
  4       Pagel, Jacob        12 Strongsville          42-09.00                  
  5 #  915 Edwards, Jefferso  12 St. Francis           41-11.25    1.33          
  6 #  318 Hosler, Thomas     12 Syl. Northview        41-05.00                  
  7 #  321 Brunton, Jaylen     9 Svsm                  38-05.25                  
  8 #  362 Williams, Macyo     9 Svsm                  38-02.50                  
  9 #  303 Bolden, Jaden      11 Syl. Northview        37-04.25                  
 10 #  311 Fortner, Matt      10 Syl. Northview        36-00.25                  
 11       Vlcek, Drewd        10 Strongsville          35-04.75                  
 12       Ramirez, Osvaldo    11 St. John's Jesuit     34-09.50                  
 13 #  145 DuPree, Chase      11 St. John's Jesuit     34-00.25                  
 14 #  194 Lanier, Will        9 St. John's Jesuit     31-10.25                  
Flight  4                                                                        
  1 #  228 Rees, Michael      12 Westlake              46-04.25    1.66          
  2 #  254 Beaver, Matt       12 Westlake              43-06.00    1.66          
  3 #  255 Taylor, Jorden     11 Westlake              42-06.00    1.66          
  4 #  188 Stewart, David     12 Warren G Harding      42-02.00                  
  5 #  405 Prete, Jaret       11 Steele                42-00.00                  
  6 #  198 Warfield, Simahja  11 Warren G Harding      39-07.75                  
  7       Oziomek, Michael    10 Walsh Jesuit          37-05.00                  
  8       Bailey, Elliott      9 Walsh Jesuit          37-02.25                  
  9 #  466 Renaldo, Austin    10 Steele                35-04.25                  
 10       Friedman, Dann      12 Walsh Jesuit          33-02.25                  
 11 #  156 Kellar, Michael    10 Warren G Harding      32-11.75                  
 12 #  402 Mendak, Matthew     9 Steele                32-03.00                  
Flight  5                                                                        
  1 #  404 Leitch, Kyle       12 Avon Lake             46-04.75    3.33          
  2 #  413 Wirtz, Justin      10 Avon Lake             45-10.00    3.33          
  3 #  408 Briggs, Cutter     12 Avon Lake             44-07.25    3.33          
  4       Svec, Joe           10 Avon                  43-09.50    0.66          
  5       Cochran, Andy       11 Avon                  43-02.75    0.66          
  6       Lorincz, Tommy      10 Avon                  42-03.50    0.66          
  7 #  561 Danison, Nick      11 Ashland               37-06.25                  
  8 #  514 Blessing, Chase     9 Ashland               36-00.00                  
  9 #  564 Valentine, John    12 Ashland               34-08.50                  
 10 #  745 Passarell, Willia  11 Bay                   30-08.75                  
 11       Miskovic, Vladimir  12 Bay                   30-02.25                  
 12       Boutros, Paul       12 Bay                   24-03.50                  
Flight  6                                                                        
  1 #  946 Rothaermel, Nicho  10 Roosevelt             42-09.50                  
  2 #  343 Gross, Logan       11 Brunswick             41-11.50                  
  3       Czech, Zach         12 Kenston               38-11.00                  
  4       Thornton, Gabe      10 Roosevelt             38-08.50                  
  5       Leygraaf, Sam       11 Kenston               38-01.75                  
  6 #  381 Toptsidis, Stephe  12 Brunswick             37-00.25                  
  7       Byczynski, Trevor   11 Berea-Midpark         36-10.50                  
  8 #  945 Jones, Sebastian   12 Roosevelt             36-08.25                  
  9 #  372 Hunt, Phil         12 Berea-Midpark         36-01.25                  
 10 #  346 Bekeny, Nicholas   11 Brunswick             36-01.00                  
 11 #  182 Butler, Jay        12 Kenston               34-11.50                  
 12       Bonham, Hunter       9 Berea-Midpark         32-07.00                  
 Four Attempts 2-1-1                                                             
        Meet: ! 162-04.75  2009        Perkins, Hoty,Bacni,Caponi                
     Stadium: # 162-04.75  2009        Perkins, Hoty,Bacni,Caponi                
Ind. Stadium: &     68-07  2010        Cody Riffle, Toledo St. John              
   Ind. Best: *  65-03.75  2010        Cody Riffle, Toledo St. John              
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1 #  842 Shoaf, Michael     11 Rocky River           63-03.50    2             
  2 #  563 Supan, Thomas      12 Medina                51-07.00    0.33          
  3 #  141 Scott, Kendrick    11 Sandusky              49-10.00                  
  4 #  136 Jackson, J'Andre   11 Perkins               49-08.50    2.66          
  5       Leskovic, Nate      11 Solon                 47-03.50                  
  6       Misencik, Alex      12 St. Ignatius          46-10.00    1             
  7 #  404 Leitch, Kyle       12 Avon Lake             46-04.75    3.33          
  8 #  228 Rees, Michael      12 Westlake              46-04.25    1.66          
  9 #  413 Wirtz, Justin      10 Avon Lake             45-10.00    3.33          
 10 #  998 Sturdivant, Mauri  12 St. Francis           45-07.75    1.33          
 11       Carrara, Ben        12 Strongsville          45-04.25                  
 12 #  408 Briggs, Cutter     12 Avon Lake             44-07.25    3.33          
 13 #  909 Holmes, Keith      12 St. Francis           44-06.50    1.33          
 14       Svec, Joe           10 Avon                  43-09.50    0.66          
 15 #  167 Bechtel, Jacob     10 Perkins               43-06.50    2.66          
 16 #  254 Beaver, Matt       12 Westlake              43-06.00    1.66          
 17       Cochran, Andy       11 Avon                  43-02.75    0.66          
 18 #  867 Georges, Tony      10 St. Ignatius          43-01.25    1             
 19 #  946 Rothaermel, Nicho  10 Roosevelt             42-09.50                  
 20       Pagel, Jacob        12 Strongsville          42-09.00                  
 21 #  255 Taylor, Jorden     11 Westlake              42-06.00    1.66          
 22       Lorincz, Tommy      10 Avon                  42-03.50    0.66          
 23 #  188 Stewart, David     12 Warren G Harding      42-02.00                  
 24 #  405 Prete, Jaret       11 Steele                42-00.00                  
 25 #  343 Gross, Logan       11 Brunswick             41-11.50                  
 26 #  915 Edwards, Jefferso  12 St. Francis           41-11.25    1.33          
 27 #  145 Gast, Nolan        10 Perkins               41-10.00    2.66          
 28 #  875 Wells, Aiden       11 St. Ignatius          41-08.50    1             
 29 #  318 Hosler, Thomas     12 Syl. Northview        41-05.00                  
 30 #  198 Warfield, Simahja  11 Warren G Harding      39-07.75                  
 31       Howard, R.J.        10 Solon                 39-06.50                  
 32       Czech, Zach         12 Kenston               38-11.00                  
 33       Pringle, Dalton     12 Lakewood              38-09.25                  
 34       Thornton, Gabe      10 Roosevelt             38-08.50                  
 35 #  321 Brunton, Jaylen     9 Svsm                  38-05.25                  
 36 #  362 Williams, Macyo     9 Svsm                  38-02.50                  
 37 #  539 Dewey, Alexander   10 Medina                38-02.00    0.33          
 38       Leygraaf, Sam       11 Kenston               38-01.75                  
 39 #  137 Downing, Tyler     11 Sandusky              37-11.00                  
 40 #  561 Danison, Nick      11 Ashland               37-06.25                  
 41       Oziomek, Michael    10 Walsh Jesuit          37-05.00                  
 42 #  303 Bolden, Jaden      11 Syl. Northview        37-04.25                  
 43       Bailey, Elliott      9 Walsh Jesuit          37-02.25                  
 44 #  381 Toptsidis, Stephe  12 Brunswick             37-00.25                  
 45 #  150 Russell, Cameron   12 Sandusky              36-11.75                  
 46       Byczynski, Trevor   11 Berea-Midpark         36-10.50                  
 47 #  945 Jones, Sebastian   12 Roosevelt             36-08.25                  
 48 #  562 Mutnansky, Connor  12 Medina                36-03.50    0.33          
 49 #  372 Hunt, Phil         12 Berea-Midpark         36-01.25                  
 50 #  346 Bekeny, Nicholas   11 Brunswick             36-01.00                  
 51 #  311 Fortner, Matt      10 Syl. Northview        36-00.25                  
 52 #  514 Blessing, Chase     9 Ashland               36-00.00                  
 53 #  866 Miller, Alekso     12 Rocky River           35-08.00    2             
 54       Vlcek, Drewd        10 Strongsville          35-04.75                  
 55 #  719 Savoy, Matthew     10 St. Edward            35-04.50                  
 56 #  466 Renaldo, Austin    10 Steele                35-04.25                  
 57 #  847 Musai, Alvin       11 Lakewood              35-00.25                  
 58 #  779 Kennedy, Patrick   12 St. Edward            34-11.75                  
 59 #  182 Butler, Jay        12 Kenston               34-11.50                  
 60       Ramirez, Osvaldo    11 St. John's Jesuit     34-09.50                  
 61 #  564 Valentine, John    12 Ashland               34-08.50                  
 62 #  145 DuPree, Chase      11 St. John's Jesuit     34-00.25                  
 63 #  428 Bland, Amethyst    11 Shaw                  34-00.00                  
 64 #  865 Broschk, Paul      11 Rocky River           33-09.50    2             
 65       Johnson, Evan       11 Solon                 33-08.00                  
 66 #  427 Lee, Quen'Shawn    11 Shaw                  33-02.25                  
 66       Friedman, Dann      12 Walsh Jesuit          33-02.25                  
 68 #  156 Kellar, Michael    10 Warren G Harding      32-11.75                  
 69       Bonham, Hunter       9 Berea-Midpark         32-07.00                  
 70 #  402 Mendak, Matthew     9 Steele                32-03.00                  
 71 #  856 Freer, Keegan      11 Lakewood              32-02.50                  
 72 #  194 Lanier, Will        9 St. John's Jesuit     31-10.25                  
 73 #  745 Passarell, Willia  11 Bay                   30-08.75                  
 74       Miskovic, Vladimir  12 Bay                   30-02.25                  
 75 #  758 Boosinger, Jared   11 St. Edward            29-09.00                  
 76       Boutros, Paul       12 Bay                   24-03.50                  

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                   4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                            63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                            
                                    Amherst, Ohio                                     
Event 25  Girls Long Jump 
 Four Attempts                                                                        
        Meet: !    49-01  2001        Elyria, Madison,Armstrong,Fitzpa                
     Stadium: #    49-01  2001        Elyria                                          
Ind. Stadium: & 19-10.25  2002        Tianna Madison, Elyria                          
   Ind. Best: * 19-10.25  2002        Tianna Madison, Elyria                          
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Wind Points Alternate
Flight  1                                                                             
  1 #  326 Sharer, Kamryn     12 Avon                  16-04.25   NWI   2.66          
  2 #  725 Mertic, Makaela    10 Bay                   16-00.00   NWI                 
  3 #  924 Toppin, Kendall    10 Beaumont              15-06.00   NWI                 
  4 #  311 Jones, Sanrae      10 Avon                  15-03.75   NWI   2.66          
  5 #  418 Giannuzzi, Gabrie  12 Steele                14-05.75   NWI                 
  6 #  510 Sexton, Morgan     10 Ashland               14-05.50   NWI   0.33          
  7 #  528 Jorden, Alayna     12 Ashland               14-02.50   NWI   0.33          
  8 #  437 Traut, Kelsey      10 Steele                14-01.75   NWI                 
  9 #  307 Longrich, Katie    12 Avon                  14-01.50   NWI   2.66          
  9 #  506 Pokrzywa, Naomi    10 Ashland               14-01.50   NWI   0.33          
 11 #  735 Elliott, Carly      9 Bay                   13-07.00   NWI                 
 12 #  701 Juhasz, Isabel     10 Bay                   12-11.00   NWI                 
 13 #  487 Younkin, Chaley     9 Steele                12-10.50   NWI                 
Flight  2                                                                             
  1       Dodd, Jayley        12 Berea-Midpark         16-02.00   NWI   1             
  2 #  121 Hammerle, Victori  11 Kenston               15-03.25   NWI   1.33          
  3 #  366 Neitzel, Maddy     12 Brunswick             15-02.00   NWI   2             
  4 #  330 Haynes, Madison    10 Brunswick             15-01.50   NWI   2             
  5 #  312 Krauth, Alexa      10 Brunswick             15-00.75   NWI   2             
  6 #  107 Morrison, Nyla      9 Kenston               14-10.00   NWI   1.33          
  7 #  152 Koplow, Hannah      9 Kenston               14-08.00   NWI   1.33          
  8       Reece, Kayla        12 Berea-Midpark         14-01.50   NWI   1             
  9       McCree, Nzuri       12 Berea-Midpark         13-11.50   NWI   1             
 10 #  477 Gaugler, Caitlyn    9 Magnificat            11-09.75   NWI                 
 11 #  457 Puckett, Lilly      9 Magnificat            11-08.00   NWI                 
 12 #  404 Bain, Sarah           Magnificat            11-07.00   NWI                 
Flight  3                                                                             
  1 #  127 Howard, Olivia     10 Perkins               15-11.00   NWI                 
  2 #  583 Schafer, Desiree    9 Medina                14-09.25   NWI                 
  3 #  406 Dennis, Morgan     11 Shaw                  14-06.75   NWI                 
  4 #  508 Clardy, Sarah       9 Medina                14-03.50   NWI                 
  5 #  123 Schnittker, Olivi  10 Perkins               14-00.00   NWI                 
  6 #  401 Manuel, Jasmine    11 Shaw                  13-07.50   NWI                 
  7 #  539 Luthy, Madison     11 Medina                13-07.00   NWI                 
  8 #  931 Christian, Misao   10 Roosevelt             13-03.50   NWI                 
  9 #  412 Lindsey, Janelle    9 Shaw                  13-01.50   NWI                 
 10 #  902 Moxley, Jazmine    12 Roosevelt             13-01.00   NWI                 
 11       Ferrell, Anaz       11 Sandusky              12-06.25   NWI                 
 12 #  101 Trout, Emily        9 Perkins               11-11.50   NWI                 
 13       Bell, Jalisia        9 Sandusky              10-08.00   NWI                 
Flight  4                                                                             
  1 #  730 Greene, McKenzie   12 Strongsville          16-03.50   NWI   3.33          
  2 #  750 Cobb, Karson       10 Strongsville          16-02.50   NWI   3.33          
  3       Leskovec, Maria     10 Solon                 15-00.50   NWI   0.66          
  4 #  305 Morgan, Perrin      9 Svsm                  15-00.25   NWI                 
  5       Ngozi, Ada          10 Solon                 14-08.25   NWI   0.66          
  6       Morton, Saaya       11 Strongsville          14-06.00   NWI   3.33          
  7       Andrews, Jenaye     11 Solon                 14-03.00   NWI   0.66          
  8       Keller, Madison     12 Syl. Northview        14-01.50   NWI                 
  9       Okeke, Joy          10 Syl. Northview        13-07.75   NWI                 
 10 #  345 Shadie, Kamryn      9 Svsm                  13-07.25   NWI                 
 11 #  333 McSteen, Maddie    11 Svsm                  13-05.50   NWI                 
 12       Lang, Isabella       9 Syl. Northview        13-02.25   NWI                 
Flight  5                                                                             
  1       Sutkus, Evie         9 Walsh Jesuit          15-05.00   NWI   1.66          
  2 #  122 Moore, Amisha      11 Warren G Harding      15-02.00   NWI                 
  3 #  268 Hill, Ivy          12 Westlake              14-11.00   NWI                 
  4       Figler, Amelia      10 Walsh Jesuit          14-10.75   NWI   1.66          
  5       DiCillo, Serena     10 Walsh Jesuit          14-05.75   NWI   1.66          
  6 #  647 Singh, Trisha      10 Twinsburg             14-02.00   NWI                 
  7 #  283 Hayes, Shaela      11 Westlake              13-06.00   NWI                 
  8 #  658 Karlson, Kate      11 Twinsburg             13-03.25   NWI                 
  9 #  244 Bauer, Hanna       10 Westlake              12-10.25   NWI                 
 10 #  121 McQueen, Nalida    10 Warren G Harding      12-03.75   NWI                 
 Four Attempts                                                                        
        Meet: !    49-01  2001        Elyria, Madison,Armstrong,Fitzpa                
     Stadium: #    49-01  2001        Elyria                                          
Ind. Stadium: & 19-10.25  2002        Tianna Madison, Elyria                          
   Ind. Best: * 19-10.25  2002        Tianna Madison, Elyria                          
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Wind Points Alternate
  1 #  326 Sharer, Kamryn     12 Avon                  16-04.25   NWI   2.66          
  2 #  730 Greene, McKenzie   12 Strongsville          16-03.50   NWI   3.33          
  3 #  750 Cobb, Karson       10 Strongsville          16-02.50   NWI   3.33          
  4       Dodd, Jayley        12 Berea-Midpark         16-02.00   NWI   1             
  5 #  725 Mertic, Makaela    10 Bay                   16-00.00   NWI                 
  6 #  127 Howard, Olivia     10 Perkins               15-11.00   NWI                 
  7 #  924 Toppin, Kendall    10 Beaumont              15-06.00   NWI                 
  8       Sutkus, Evie         9 Walsh Jesuit          15-05.00   NWI   1.66          
  9 #  311 Jones, Sanrae      10 Avon                  15-03.75   NWI   2.66          
 10 #  121 Hammerle, Victori  11 Kenston               15-03.25   NWI   1.33          
 11 #  122 Moore, Amisha      11 Warren G Harding      15-02.00   NWI                 
 11 #  366 Neitzel, Maddy     12 Brunswick             15-02.00   NWI   2             
 13 #  330 Haynes, Madison    10 Brunswick             15-01.50   NWI   2             
 14 #  312 Krauth, Alexa      10 Brunswick             15-00.75   NWI   2             
 15       Leskovec, Maria     10 Solon                 15-00.50   NWI   0.66          
 16 #  305 Morgan, Perrin      9 Svsm                  15-00.25   NWI                 
 17 #  268 Hill, Ivy          12 Westlake              14-11.00   NWI                 
 18       Figler, Amelia      10 Walsh Jesuit          14-10.75   NWI   1.66          
 19 #  107 Morrison, Nyla      9 Kenston               14-10.00   NWI   1.33          
 20 #  583 Schafer, Desiree    9 Medina                14-09.25   NWI                 
 21       Ngozi, Ada          10 Solon                 14-08.25   NWI   0.66          
 22 #  152 Koplow, Hannah      9 Kenston               14-08.00   NWI   1.33          
 23 #  406 Dennis, Morgan     11 Shaw                  14-06.75   NWI                 
 24       Morton, Saaya       11 Strongsville          14-06.00   NWI   3.33          
 25 #  418 Giannuzzi, Gabrie  12 Steele                14-05.75   NWI                 
 25       DiCillo, Serena     10 Walsh Jesuit          14-05.75   NWI   1.66          
 27 #  510 Sexton, Morgan     10 Ashland               14-05.50   NWI   0.33          
 28 #  508 Clardy, Sarah       9 Medina                14-03.50   NWI                 
 29       Andrews, Jenaye     11 Solon                 14-03.00   NWI   0.66          
 30 #  528 Jorden, Alayna     12 Ashland               14-02.50   NWI   0.33          
 31 #  647 Singh, Trisha      10 Twinsburg             14-02.00   NWI                 
 32 #  437 Traut, Kelsey      10 Steele                14-01.75   NWI                 
 33 #  506 Pokrzywa, Naomi    10 Ashland               14-01.50   NWI   0.33          
 33       Reece, Kayla        12 Berea-Midpark         14-01.50   NWI   1             
 33 #  307 Longrich, Katie    12 Avon                  14-01.50   NWI   2.66          
 33       Keller, Madison     12 Syl. Northview        14-01.50   NWI                 
 37 #  123 Schnittker, Olivi  10 Perkins               14-00.00   NWI                 
 38       McCree, Nzuri       12 Berea-Midpark         13-11.50   NWI   1             
 39       Okeke, Joy          10 Syl. Northview        13-07.75   NWI                 
 40 #  401 Manuel, Jasmine    11 Shaw                  13-07.50   NWI                 
 41 #  345 Shadie, Kamryn      9 Svsm                  13-07.25   NWI                 
 42 #  735 Elliott, Carly      9 Bay                   13-07.00   NWI                 
 42 #  539 Luthy, Madison     11 Medina                13-07.00   NWI                 
 44 #  283 Hayes, Shaela      11 Westlake              13-06.00   NWI                 
 45 #  333 McSteen, Maddie    11 Svsm                  13-05.50   NWI                 
 46 #  931 Christian, Misao   10 Roosevelt             13-03.50   NWI                 
 47 #  658 Karlson, Kate      11 Twinsburg             13-03.25   NWI                 
 48       Lang, Isabella       9 Syl. Northview        13-02.25   NWI                 
 49 #  412 Lindsey, Janelle    9 Shaw                  13-01.50   NWI                 
 50 #  902 Moxley, Jazmine    12 Roosevelt             13-01.00   NWI                 
 51 #  701 Juhasz, Isabel     10 Bay                   12-11.00   NWI                 
 52 #  487 Younkin, Chaley     9 Steele                12-10.50   NWI                 
 53 #  244 Bauer, Hanna       10 Westlake              12-10.25   NWI                 
 54       Ferrell, Anaz       11 Sandusky              12-06.25   NWI                 
 55 #  121 McQueen, Nalida    10 Warren G Harding      12-03.75   NWI                 
 56 #  101 Trout, Emily        9 Perkins               11-11.50   NWI                 
 57 #  477 Gaugler, Caitlyn    9 Magnificat            11-09.75   NWI                 
 58 #  457 Puckett, Lilly      9 Magnificat            11-08.00   NWI                 
 59 #  404 Bain, Sarah           Magnificat            11-07.00   NWI                 
 60       Bell, Jalisia        9 Sandusky              10-08.00   NWI                 

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 24  Girls Discus Throw
 Four Attempts 2-1-1                                                             
        Meet: ! 334-09  1991        Medina                                       
     Stadium: # 334-09  1991        Medina                                       
Ind. Stadium: & 153-05  2002        Beth Mallory, Ashland                        
   Ind. Best: * 151-07  2016        Carolyn Wilder, Medina                       
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
Flight  1                                                                        
  1 #  338 Sedlak, Hannah     12 Avon                    115-03    3.33          
  2       Walker, Juliann     12 Avon                    113-10    3.33          
  3 #  373 Radcliffe, Molly    9 Avon                    112-09    3.33          
  4       King, Emily         12 Steele                  109-06                  
  5 #  474 Eisele, Grace       9 Avon Lake               100-06    0.33          
  6 #  554 Ratliff, Natalie   12 Ashland                  88-07                  
  7 #  477 Harper, Alexandra  12 Avon Lake                87-00    0.33          
  8 #  552 Cline, Tylah       11 Ashland                  81-01                  
  9 #  482 Lautzenheiser, An  12 Avon Lake                69-07    0.33          
 10 #  560 Wally, Leanna      10 Ashland                  65-10                  
 11       Lowther, Lilly      10 Bay                      65-02                  
 12 #  406 Kachure, Sam       12 Steele                   56-09                  
 13 #  454 Champe, Aderika     9 Steele                   54-00                  
Flight  2                                                                        
  1 #  389 Daly, Meg          11 Brunswick               116-07    1.66          
  2       Lucky, Savannah     12 Beaumont                103-01                  
  3 #  373 Main, Molly        11 Brunswick                95-06    1.66          
  4 #  138 Walters, Cameryn    9 Kenston                  93-04    0.66          
  5 #  137 Svoboda, Emmalee   11 Kenston                  92-06    0.66          
  6       Reece, Kayla        12 Berea-Midpark            90-04                  
  7 #  386 Geiss, Ashley      11 Brunswick                88-09    1.66          
  8       Dick, Hannah        11 Berea-Midpark            88-07                  
  9 #  936 Gran, Elsa         12 Beaumont                 80-07                  
 10 #  161 Blazek, Luci        9 Kenston                  77-11    0.66          
 11       Bradt, Haven         9 Berea-Midpark            67-07                  
 12 #  946 Brown, Maddie      10 Beaumont                 52-05                  
Flight  3                                                                        
  1 #  160 Barnette, Kaylyn   10 Perkins                 112-03    2             
  2 #  131 Lawson, Madi       11 Perkins                 104-04    2             
  3 #  585 Buckland, Nicole   10 Medina                   96-06                  
  4 #  482 Brusio, Alexis     10 Magnificat               96-03                  
  5 #  162 Coleman, Jordan    11 Perkins                  94-09    2             
  6 #  533 Bowser, Olivia     11 Medina                   81-11                  
  7 #  941 Bowser, Miranda    11 Roosevelt                81-04                  
  8 #  476 Karabatsos, Maggi   9 Magnificat               76-11                  
  9 #  523 Cipro, Maria        9 Medina                   71-00                  
 10 #  954 Kulis, Katie       10 Roosevelt                70-06                  
 10 #  921 Harris, Braydn     10 Roosevelt                70-06                  
Flight  4                                                                        
  1 #  731 Robinson, Drew     12 Strongsville            127-01    2.66          
  2 #  340 Williams, Sophia   11 Svsm                    103-02                  
  3 #  766 Thall, Lindsay     12 Strongsville            100-05    2.66          
  4       Brunow, Caitlyn     12 Sandusky                 99-01                  
  5 #  789 Monyak, Allie      11 Strongsville             91-00    2.66          
  6       Goodwin, Morgan     12 Solon                    90-00                  
  7       Gough, Rachel        9 Solon                    83-06                  
  8       Irby, Adrienne      11 Sandusky                 82-11                  
  9       Gray, Arlyn         11 Solon                    76-04                  
 10       Gant, Alexis        11 Sandusky                 74-04                  
 11 #  496 Baines, Janiya      9 Shaw                     55-03                  
 12 #  490 Brown, Marnay      10 Shaw                     46-08                  
 -- #  492 Tomoto, Dominique  11 Shaw                        ND                  
Flight  5                                                                        
  1 #  663 Dunn, Kelsey       12 Twinsburg               111-05    1             
  2 #  266 Moutoux, Abby      11 Westlake                100-04    1.33          
  3 #  248 Houser, Julia       9 Westlake                 93-04    1.33          
  4 #  273 Matejcik, Emily    12 Westlake                 91-00    1.33          
  5 #  699 Carthen, Nighyah    9 Twinsburg                87-05    1             
  6       Sulewski, Alana      9 Syl. Northview           84-03                  
  7 #  664 Thomas, Nia        12 Twinsburg                81-10    1             
  8 #  172 Daniels, Skyler    10 Warren G Harding         79-05                  
  9       Hiltner, Maria      11 Syl. Northview           69-11                  
 10       Chapetta, Syd       11 Syl. Northview           68-03                  
 11       Flessner, Caroline  10 Walsh Jesuit             58-08                  
 12       Nicholson, Emily    10 Walsh Jesuit             46-09                  
 13       Spencer, Kariya     11 Walsh Jesuit             45-09                  
 Four Attempts 2-1-1                                                             
        Meet: ! 334-09  1991        Medina                                       
     Stadium: # 334-09  1991        Medina                                       
Ind. Stadium: & 153-05  2002        Beth Mallory, Ashland                        
   Ind. Best: * 151-07  2016        Carolyn Wilder, Medina                       
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1 #  731 Robinson, Drew     12 Strongsville            127-01    2.66          
  2 #  389 Daly, Meg          11 Brunswick               116-07    1.66          
  3 #  338 Sedlak, Hannah     12 Avon                    115-03    3.33          
  4       Walker, Juliann     12 Avon                    113-10    3.33          
  5 #  373 Radcliffe, Molly    9 Avon                    112-09    3.33          
  6 #  160 Barnette, Kaylyn   10 Perkins                 112-03    2             
  7 #  663 Dunn, Kelsey       12 Twinsburg               111-05    1             
  8       King, Emily         12 Steele                  109-06                  
  9 #  131 Lawson, Madi       11 Perkins                 104-04    2             
 10 #  340 Williams, Sophia   11 Svsm                    103-02                  
 11       Lucky, Savannah     12 Beaumont                103-01                  
 12 #  474 Eisele, Grace       9 Avon Lake               100-06    0.33          
 13 #  766 Thall, Lindsay     12 Strongsville            100-05    2.66          
 14 #  266 Moutoux, Abby      11 Westlake                100-04    1.33          
 15       Brunow, Caitlyn     12 Sandusky                 99-01                  
 16 #  585 Buckland, Nicole   10 Medina                   96-06                  
 17 #  482 Brusio, Alexis     10 Magnificat               96-03                  
 18 #  373 Main, Molly        11 Brunswick                95-06    1.66          
 19 #  162 Coleman, Jordan    11 Perkins                  94-09    2             
 20 #  248 Houser, Julia       9 Westlake                 93-04    1.33          
 20 #  138 Walters, Cameryn    9 Kenston                  93-04    0.66          
 22 #  137 Svoboda, Emmalee   11 Kenston                  92-06    0.66          
 23 #  273 Matejcik, Emily    12 Westlake                 91-00    1.33          
 23 #  789 Monyak, Allie      11 Strongsville             91-00    2.66          
 25       Reece, Kayla        12 Berea-Midpark            90-04                  
 26       Goodwin, Morgan     12 Solon                    90-00                  
 27 #  386 Geiss, Ashley      11 Brunswick                88-09    1.66          
 28       Dick, Hannah        11 Berea-Midpark            88-07                  
 28 #  554 Ratliff, Natalie   12 Ashland                  88-07                  
 30 #  699 Carthen, Nighyah    9 Twinsburg                87-05    1             
 31 #  477 Harper, Alexandra  12 Avon Lake                87-00    0.33          
 32       Sulewski, Alana      9 Syl. Northview           84-03                  
 33       Gough, Rachel        9 Solon                    83-06                  
 34       Irby, Adrienne      11 Sandusky                 82-11                  
 35 #  533 Bowser, Olivia     11 Medina                   81-11                  
 36 #  664 Thomas, Nia        12 Twinsburg                81-10    1             
 37 #  941 Bowser, Miranda    11 Roosevelt                81-04                  
 38 #  552 Cline, Tylah       11 Ashland                  81-01                  
 39 #  936 Gran, Elsa         12 Beaumont                 80-07                  
 40 #  172 Daniels, Skyler    10 Warren G Harding         79-05                  
 41 #  161 Blazek, Luci        9 Kenston                  77-11    0.66          
 42 #  476 Karabatsos, Maggi   9 Magnificat               76-11                  
 43       Gray, Arlyn         11 Solon                    76-04                  
 44       Gant, Alexis        11 Sandusky                 74-04                  
 45 #  523 Cipro, Maria        9 Medina                   71-00                  
 46 #  954 Kulis, Katie       10 Roosevelt                70-06                  
 46 #  921 Harris, Braydn     10 Roosevelt                70-06                  
 48       Hiltner, Maria      11 Syl. Northview           69-11                  
 49 #  482 Lautzenheiser, An  12 Avon Lake                69-07    0.33          
 50       Chapetta, Syd       11 Syl. Northview           68-03                  
 51       Bradt, Haven         9 Berea-Midpark            67-07                  
 52 #  560 Wally, Leanna      10 Ashland                  65-10                  
 53       Lowther, Lilly      10 Bay                      65-02                  
 54       Flessner, Caroline  10 Walsh Jesuit             58-08                  
 55 #  406 Kachure, Sam       12 Steele                   56-09                  
 56 #  496 Baines, Janiya      9 Shaw                     55-03                  
 57 #  454 Champe, Aderika     9 Steele                   54-00                  
 58 #  946 Brown, Maddie      10 Beaumont                 52-05                  
 59       Nicholson, Emily    10 Walsh Jesuit             46-09                  
 60 #  490 Brown, Marnay      10 Shaw                     46-08                  
 61       Spencer, Kariya     11 Walsh Jesuit             45-09                  
 -- #  492 Tomoto, Dominique  11 Shaw                        ND                  

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 23  Girls Shot Put
 Four Attempts 2-1-1                                                             
        Meet: ! 111-10.50  1997        Magnificat                                
     Stadium: # 111-10.50  1997        Magnificat                                
Ind. Stadium: &  47-04.50  1999        Alexis McCall, Elyria                     
   Ind. Best: *     47-04  1999        Alexis McCall, Elyria                     
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
Flight  1                                                                        
  1 #  162 Coleman, Jordan    11 Perkins               36-09.00    2             
  2       Brunow, Caitlyn     12 Sandusky              31-04.00    0.66          
  3 #  160 Barnette, Kaylyn   10 Perkins               30-00.00    2             
  4       Trussell, Alexeeus  12 Sandusky              29-08.00    0.66          
  5 #  585 Buckland, Nicole   10 Medina                29-07.00                  
  6 #  492 Tomoto, Dominique  11 Shaw                  29-05.00                  
  7 #  156 Trevino, Kayla      9 Perkins               28-09.25    2             
  8 #  490 Brown, Marnay      10 Shaw                  27-03.00                  
  9       Gant, Alexis        11 Sandusky              26-08.00    0.66          
 10 #  589 Calloway, Jess      9 Medina                25-06.00                  
 11 #  496 Baines, Janiya      9 Shaw                  25-02.00                  
 12 #  523 Cipro, Maria        9 Medina                25-00.25                  
Flight  2                                                                        
  1 #  340 Williams, Sophia   11 Svsm                  45-08.25                  
  2       Goodwin, Morgan     12 Solon                 35-06.00    1             
  3 #  663 Dunn, Kelsey       12 Twinsburg             35-02.50    1.33          
  4 #  774 Hocevar, Lydia     12 Strongsville          33-00.75    1.66          
  5 #  731 Robinson, Drew     12 Strongsville          32-09.75    1.66          
  6       Gough, Rachel        9 Solon                 30-01.25    1             
  7 #  699 Carthen, Nighyah    9 Twinsburg             29-07.75    1.33          
  8 #  751 Clifford, Bridget  11 Strongsville          29-07.50    1.66          
  9 #  667 Pagano, Amanda     12 Twinsburg             28-09.50    1.33          
 10       Scott, Sheridan     11 Syl. Northview        28-08.25                  
 11       Bailey, Mattia      10 Solon                 27-03.25    1             
 12       Sulewski, Alana      9 Syl. Northview        25-09.50                  
 13       Chapetta, Syd       11 Syl. Northview        23-09.75                  
Flight  3                                                                        
  1       King, Emily         12 Steele                35-02.75                  
  2 #  268 Kreeger, Julia     10 Westlake              31-09.50                  
  3 #  275 Anitas, Evangelia  11 Westlake              29-01.75                  
  4 #  552 Cline, Tylah       11 Ashland               28-08.50                  
  5 #  172 Daniels, Skyler    10 Warren G Harding      27-08.00                  
  6 #  551 Sanders, Abigail   10 Ashland               27-05.50                  
  7 #  536 Friesen, Kaylee     9 Ashland               26-01.25                  
  8       Spencer, Kariya     11 Walsh Jesuit          25-02.50                  
  9 #  261 Hedges, Peyton     12 Westlake              24-04.00                  
 10       Flessner, Caroline  10 Walsh Jesuit          23-01.00                  
 11       Nicholson, Emily    10 Walsh Jesuit          21-05.25                  
 12 #  406 Kachure, Sam       12 Steele                20-04.75                  
 13 #  454 Champe, Aderika     9 Steele                18-01.50                  
Flight  4                                                                        
  1 #  338 Sedlak, Hannah     12 Avon                  37-01.75    3.33          
  2 #  373 Radcliffe, Molly    9 Avon                  33-01.25    3.33          
  3 #  364 Ulery, Amanda      11 Avon                  33-01.00    3.33          
  4       Lucky, Savannah     12 Beaumont              32-01.00    0.33          
  5 #  477 Harper, Alexandra  12 Avon Lake             31-08.00                  
  6 #  936 Gran, Elsa         12 Beaumont              28-02.00    0.33          
  7 #  474 Eisele, Grace       9 Avon Lake             27-01.50                  
  8 #  946 Brown, Maddie      10 Beaumont              25-05.00    0.33          
  9 #  482 Lautzenheiser, An  12 Avon Lake             24-01.00                  
 10       Lowther, Lilly      10 Bay                   20-07.25                  
Flight  5                                                                        
  1 #  389 Daly, Meg          11 Brunswick             37-02.75    2.66          
  2 #  941 Bowser, Miranda    11 Roosevelt             33-06.50                  
  3       Reece, Kayla        12 Berea-Midpark         33-01.25                  
  4 #  386 Geiss, Ashley      11 Brunswick             31-05.75    2.66          
  5 #  373 Main, Molly        11 Brunswick             30-04.25    2.66          
  6 #  138 Walters, Cameryn    9 Kenston               29-06.50                  
  7 #  482 Brusio, Alexis     10 Magnificat            28-09.50                  
  8 #  137 Svoboda, Emmalee   11 Kenston               27-00.00                  
  9 #  476 Karabatsos, Maggi   9 Magnificat            26-04.50                  
 10 #  954 Kulis, Katie       10 Roosevelt             25-04.00                  
 11       Dick, Hannah        11 Berea-Midpark         24-05.00                  
 12       Mollohan, Lauren    12 Kenston               23-06.50                  
 13       Touminen, Essi      12 Berea-Midpark         23-01.50                  
 14 #  921 Harris, Braydn     10 Roosevelt             21-02.75                  
 Four Attempts 2-1-1                                                             
        Meet: ! 111-10.50  1997        Magnificat                                
     Stadium: # 111-10.50  1997        Magnificat                                
Ind. Stadium: &  47-04.50  1999        Alexis McCall, Elyria                     
   Ind. Best: *     47-04  1999        Alexis McCall, Elyria                     
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1 #  340 Williams, Sophia   11 Svsm                  45-08.25                  
  2 #  389 Daly, Meg          11 Brunswick             37-02.75    2.66          
  3 #  338 Sedlak, Hannah     12 Avon                  37-01.75    3.33          
  4 #  162 Coleman, Jordan    11 Perkins               36-09.00    2             
  5       Goodwin, Morgan     12 Solon                 35-06.00    1             
  6       King, Emily         12 Steele                35-02.75                  
  7 #  663 Dunn, Kelsey       12 Twinsburg             35-02.50    1.33          
  8 #  941 Bowser, Miranda    11 Roosevelt             33-06.50                  
  9       Reece, Kayla        12 Berea-Midpark         33-01.25                  
  9 #  373 Radcliffe, Molly    9 Avon                  33-01.25    3.33          
 11 #  364 Ulery, Amanda      11 Avon                  33-01.00    3.33          
 12 #  774 Hocevar, Lydia     12 Strongsville          33-00.75    1.66          
 13 #  731 Robinson, Drew     12 Strongsville          32-09.75    1.66          
 14       Lucky, Savannah     12 Beaumont              32-01.00    0.33          
 15 #  268 Kreeger, Julia     10 Westlake              31-09.50                  
 16 #  477 Harper, Alexandra  12 Avon Lake             31-08.00                  
 17 #  386 Geiss, Ashley      11 Brunswick             31-05.75    2.66          
 18       Brunow, Caitlyn     12 Sandusky              31-04.00    0.66          
 19 #  373 Main, Molly        11 Brunswick             30-04.25    2.66          
 20       Gough, Rachel        9 Solon                 30-01.25    1             
 21 #  160 Barnette, Kaylyn   10 Perkins               30-00.00    2             
 22       Trussell, Alexeeus  12 Sandusky              29-08.00    0.66          
 23 #  699 Carthen, Nighyah    9 Twinsburg             29-07.75    1.33          
 24 #  751 Clifford, Bridget  11 Strongsville          29-07.50    1.66          
 25 #  585 Buckland, Nicole   10 Medina                29-07.00                  
 26 #  138 Walters, Cameryn    9 Kenston               29-06.50                  
 27 #  492 Tomoto, Dominique  11 Shaw                  29-05.00                  
 28 #  275 Anitas, Evangelia  11 Westlake              29-01.75                  
 29 #  482 Brusio, Alexis     10 Magnificat            28-09.50                  
 29 #  667 Pagano, Amanda     12 Twinsburg             28-09.50    1.33          
 31 #  156 Trevino, Kayla      9 Perkins               28-09.25    2             
 32 #  552 Cline, Tylah       11 Ashland               28-08.50                  
 33       Scott, Sheridan     11 Syl. Northview        28-08.25                  
 34 #  936 Gran, Elsa         12 Beaumont              28-02.00    0.33          
 35 #  172 Daniels, Skyler    10 Warren G Harding      27-08.00                  
 36 #  551 Sanders, Abigail   10 Ashland               27-05.50                  
 37       Bailey, Mattia      10 Solon                 27-03.25    1             
 38 #  490 Brown, Marnay      10 Shaw                  27-03.00                  
 39 #  474 Eisele, Grace       9 Avon Lake             27-01.50                  
 40 #  137 Svoboda, Emmalee   11 Kenston               27-00.00                  
 41       Gant, Alexis        11 Sandusky              26-08.00    0.66          
 42 #  476 Karabatsos, Maggi   9 Magnificat            26-04.50                  
 43 #  536 Friesen, Kaylee     9 Ashland               26-01.25                  
 44       Sulewski, Alana      9 Syl. Northview        25-09.50                  
 45 #  589 Calloway, Jess      9 Medina                25-06.00                  
 46 #  946 Brown, Maddie      10 Beaumont              25-05.00    0.33          
 47 #  954 Kulis, Katie       10 Roosevelt             25-04.00                  
 48       Spencer, Kariya     11 Walsh Jesuit          25-02.50                  
 49 #  496 Baines, Janiya      9 Shaw                  25-02.00                  
 50 #  523 Cipro, Maria        9 Medina                25-00.25                  
 51       Dick, Hannah        11 Berea-Midpark         24-05.00                  
 52 #  261 Hedges, Peyton     12 Westlake              24-04.00                  
 53 #  482 Lautzenheiser, An  12 Avon Lake             24-01.00                  
 54       Chapetta, Syd       11 Syl. Northview        23-09.75                  
 55       Mollohan, Lauren    12 Kenston               23-06.50                  
 56       Touminen, Essi      12 Berea-Midpark         23-01.50                  
 57       Flessner, Caroline  10 Walsh Jesuit          23-01.00                  
 58       Nicholson, Emily    10 Walsh Jesuit          21-05.25                  
 59 #  921 Harris, Braydn     10 Roosevelt             21-02.75                  
 60       Lowther, Lilly      10 Bay                   20-07.25                  
 61 #  406 Kachure, Sam       12 Steele                20-04.75                  
 62 #  454 Champe, Aderika     9 Steele                18-01.50                  

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 9  Boys High Jump
 3-6 Alive - 5'06",5'09",6'00",6'02",6'04",6'03" then 1"                         
        Meet: !   19-02  2009        Strongsville, Muff,Krizman,Hassen           
     Stadium: #   19-02  2009        Strongsville, Muff,Krizman,Hassen           
Ind. Stadium: & 7-00.50  1987        Mark Cannon, Elyria                         
   Ind. Best: *    6-09  1986        Mark Cannon, Elyria                         
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1       Easter, Etaijen     11 Twinsburg              6-04.00                  
  2       Gillette, Joe       11 Strongsville           6-02.00    3.33          
  2 #  458 Stempowski, Caleb  10 Steele                 6-02.00                  
  4 #  827 Hannah, Tyler      11 Lakewood               6-00.00    2             
  4 #  993 Uzoigwe, Christop  11 St. Francis            6-00.00    2.50          
  6 #  899 Eicher, Andrew     10 St. Ignatius           5-09.00    1.50          
  7 #  815 Sommerfield, Nate  10 St. Ignatius           5-09.00    1.50          
  7 #  976 Sonnenberg, Grant  11 St. Francis            5-09.00    2.50          
  7 #  242 Walls, Kevin       11 Westlake               5-09.00    1             
  7       Hoerig, Mitchell    12 Strongsville           5-09.00    3.33          
  7 #  231 Bauer, Dominic     12 Westlake               5-09.00    1             
  7 #  121 Kimmons, Elijah    10 St. John's Jesuit      5-09.00                  
  7       Aske, Andrew        11 Strongsville           5-09.00    3.33          
  7 #  329 Clark, ShaDaryll   11 Berea-Midpark          5-09.00    2.66          
  7 #  392 Levesque, Adrian   12 Berea-Midpark          5-09.00    2.66          
  7 #  150 Swartz, Michael    12 Kenston                5-09.00    2             
  7 #  140 Bereck, Mark       11 Kenston                5-09.00    2             
 18 #  843 Boyd, Jay          12 Lakewood               5-06.00    2             
 19 #  322 Vega, Luis         12 Berea-Midpark          5-06.00    2.66          
 20       Rosa, Anthony       11 Walsh Jesuit           5-06.00                  
 20 #  101 Dicker, Andy       12 Kenston                5-06.00    2             
 20 #  346 Weisner, Conrad    10 Syl. Northview         5-06.00                  
 20 #  343 Gross, Logan       11 Brunswick              5-06.00    0.50          
 20 #  318 Daniel, Jalen      11 Brunswick              5-06.00    0.50          
 20 #  311 Jackson, John      11 Svsm                   5-06.00                  
 20 #  123 Campbell, Derick   12 Perkins                5-06.00                  
 --       Mays, Adam          11 Twinsburg                   NH                  
 -- #  104 Cayson, Timmon     10 Warren G Harding            NH                  
 -- #  135 Perkins, Emarion    9 Warren G Harding            NH                  
 --       Besset, James       11 Twinsburg                   NH                  
 --       Sitarz, John        11 Walsh Jesuit                NH                  
 --       Garro, Nick         10 Walsh Jesuit                NH                  
 -- #  102 Brantley, Jordan   10 Warren G Harding            NH                  
 --       Johnson, Maji       10 St. John's Jesuit           NH                  
 --       Manuel, Josh        11 Solon                       NH                  
 --       Shenk, Max          11 Solon                       NH                  
 -- #  557 Blake, Zachary     12 Medina                      NH                  
 -- #  484 Manuel, Jason      11 Shaw                        NH                  
 -- #  492 Sanders, Clayveon  11 Shaw                        NH                  
 -- #  494 Polk, Jerome       11 Shaw                        NH                  
 -- #  340 Simmons, Jarrett   12 Syl. Northview              NH                  
 -- #  329 Piecuch, Jake       9 Brunswick                   NH                  
 -- #  332 Music, Ethan        9 Syl. Northview              NH                  
 -- #  842 Mahar, Austin      12 Lakewood                    NH                  
 --       King, Tristan       12 St. John's Jesuit           NH                  

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:40 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 34  Girls Pole Vault
 3-6 Alive - 7'6", 8', 8'6", 9', 9'6", 10', 10'3" then 3"                        
        Meet: ! 29-06  2009        Cloverleaf, S.Foster,Lloyd,J.Foster           
     Stadium: # 29-06  2009        Cloverleaf, Foster,Lloyd,Foster               
Ind. Stadium: & 13-00  2009        Katie Nageotte, Olmsted Falls                 
   Ind. Best: * 12-01  2017        Allie Stern, Walsh Jesuit                     
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1 Walker, Sydney            11 Steele                11-00.00    5             
  2 Lotarski, Angelina        10 Brunswick             10-06.00    3             
  3 #329 Zurinski, Chloe       9 Avon                  10-00.00    2.50          
  3 #734 Kinsey, Mara         12 Bay                   10-00.00    4             
  5 #466 Tackas, Allison      12 Steele                 9-06.00    5             
  5 #717 Milligan, Maeve       9 Bay                    9-06.00    4             
  7 Knouff, Abby               9 Walsh Jesuit           9-00.00    1             
  8 #257 Brennan, Haley       10 Westlake               9-00.00                  
  8 #109 Leffler, Madison     12 Perkins                9-00.00    2             
 10 #340 Craddock, Hannah      9 Brunswick              8-06.00    3             
 10 Bolomey, Sydney           12 Solon                  8-06.00    1.50          
 10 #306 Dilik, Melia         12 Avon                   8-06.00    2.50          
 10 #756 Brengartner, Brooke   9 Strongsville           8-06.00                  
 14 #111 Andres, Josie        10 Perkins                8-00.00    2             
 14 Kruggel, Kaitlyn          12 Berea-Midpark          8-00.00    1             
 16 Santoro, Melissa          12 Berea-Midpark          7-00.00    1             
 16 #303 Krejsa, Helena       12 Svsm                   7-00.00                  
 16 #105 Paglia, Micayla       9 Kenston                7-00.00                  
 16 Carlisle, Hannah          12 Solon                  7-00.00    1.50          
 16 #922 McCarty, Isabella    11 Roosevelt              7-00.00                  
 -- #517 Wagner, Gillian      10 Medina                      NH                  
 -- #133 Kesler, Eden         10 Kenston                     NH                  
 -- #923 Park, Hailey          9 Roosevelt                   NH                  
 -- #225 Tobin, Emilie         9 Westlake                    NH                  
 -- Frye, Lizzie               9 Syl. Northview              NH                  
 -- #505 Tome, Maddie         10 Medina                      NH                  
 -- #655 Turle, Kaela         10 Twinsburg                   NH                  
 -- #601 Vander Weit, Taryn   11 Twinsburg                   NH                  
                            Event 34  Girls Pole Vault Relay                     
                            Team Rankings - Field Event Relay                    
                                  Members Per Team - 3                           
                Rank  Team                            Total Mark  Points         
                   1  Steele                            20-06.00      10         
                   2  Bay                               19-06.00       8         
                   3  Brunswick                         19-00.00       6         
                   4  Avon                              18-06.00       5         
                   5  Perkins                           17-00.00       4         
                   6  Solon                             15-06.00       3         
                   7  Berea-Midpark                     15-00.00       2         
                   8  Walsh Jesuit                       9-00.00       1         
                   9  Westlake                           9-00.00       0         
                  10  Strongsville                       8-06.00       0         
                  11  Roosevelt                          7-00.00       0         
                  11  Kenston                            7-00.00       0         
                  11  Svsm                               7-00.00       0         

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 18  Girls 3200 Meter Run
        Meet: ! 10:32.91  2017        Rebecca Craddock, Brunswick                
     Stadium: # 10:32.91  2017        Rebecca Craddock, Brunswick                
 State-Div.I: % 10:14.91  2013        Annie Heffernan, Cin. St. Ursula Academy   
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1       Howell, Olivia      11 Solon                 10:56.90   10             
  2 #  310 Bardwell, Emily    10 Brunswick             10:59.18    8             
  3 #  503 Keller, Juliette   10 Medina                11:12.02    6             
  4 #  314 Lisle, Leah        12 Svsm                  11:21.25    5             
  5       Steingass, Emma      9 Syl. Northview        11:21.50    4             
  6 #  600 Hartman, Makenzie  11 Twinsburg             11:48.10    3             
  7 #  742 Knauss, Jocelyn    12 Strongsville          12:00.39    2             
  8 #  503 Honaker, Danielle  10 Ashland               12:14.19    1             
  9 #  330 Koehler, Shanna    11 Avon                  12:19.92                  
 10       Lally, Emma         10 Walsh Jesuit          12:30.74                  
 11 #  217 Templeton, Elizab  12 Westlake              12:32.16                  
 12 #  707 Garrity, Meredith  11 Bay                   12:32.65                  
 13 #  432 Becker, Chloe      10 Magnificat            12:34.49                  
 14       Agresta, Samantha   11 Berea-Midpark         12:34.92                  
 15 #  104 Smelcer, Kyrsten   10 Perkins               13:07.21                  
 16 #  916 Salisbury, Melina  11 Roosevelt             13:12.03                  
 17       Lasso, Rachel       12 Steele                13:16.36                  
 18 #  118 Bennett, Sarah     10 Kenston               13:30.84                  
 19       Rieter, Summer      10 Sandusky              14:54.41                  
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71    
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64    
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50    
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30    
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50 
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17    
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50 
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8    
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4    
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50 
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2    
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                            

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:30 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 1  Boys 3200 Meter Run
        Meet: ! 9:09.48  2010        Colby Alexander, Strongsville               
     Stadium: # 9:09.19  2007        Christopher Lemon, Toledo St. John          
 State-Div.I: % 8:54.96  2016        Andrew Jordan, Pat.Watkins Memorial         
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1       Wyler, Brian        12 Strongsville           9:37.23   10             
  2 #  519 Cummings, Caleb    11 Medina                 9:37.99    8             
  3 #  113 McConnell, Jakob   11 Kenston                9:43.07    6             
  4       Esper, Logan        11 Solon                  9:47.82    5             
  5 #  878 Saunders, Brett    12 St. Ignatius           9:48.46    4             
  6       Reed, Jack          12 Avon                   9:57.24    3             
  7 #  131 Duffield, Joel     12 Perkins                9:57.52    2             
  8       Shah, Adam          11 Walsh Jesuit          10:01.85    1             
  9 #  809 Burtzlaff, Joe     12 Lakewood              10:04.16                  
 10       Ramirez, Jorge      11 St. Francis           10:10.57                  
 11       Kirsch, Matthew     10 Steele                10:14.49                  
 12 #  330 Masters, Simon     10 Syl. Northview        10:22.13                  
 13 #  749 McKenna, Everest   11 Bay                   10:31.36                  
 14 #  300 Bradt, Ethan       11 Berea-Midpark         10:35.09                  
 15 #  144 Marra, Roman       10 St. John's Jesuit     10:39.62                  
 16       Carlton, Jordan     10 Roosevelt             10:58.07                  
 17       Abrams, Chad        12 Twinsburg             11:14.33                  
 18 #  206 Eadie, Matthew      9 Westlake              11:20.17                  
 19 #  313 Bartschi, Alex     12 Brunswick             11:22.31                  
 20 #  176 Reinhardt, Brenda  10 Sandusky              12:31.01                  
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81    
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51    
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28    
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26    
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21    
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20    
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18    
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13    
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11    
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10    
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9    
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5    
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1    

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 27  Girls 4x1600 Meter Relay
 CALIFORNIA EXCHANGE                                                             
        Meet: ! 20:46.05  2009        Magnificat, Magnificat                     
                          A Fischer, C Fischer, K Stultz, M Chambers             
     Stadium: # 20:46.05  2009        Magnificat                                 
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate
  1 Medina                                             21:53.46   10             
     1) #519 Henning, Carmela 11        2) #576 Miller, Maddie 11                
     3) #536 Roberts, Olivia 10         4) #510 Campbell, Jessica 10             
  2 Twinsburg                                          22:13.81    8             
     1) #602 O'Connor, Emily 12         2) #604 Vasiliauskas, Katie 9            
     3) #640 DeFabio, Angela 11         4) #611 McKenna, Gillian 10              
  3 Brunswick                                          22:15.00    6             
     1) #301 Gatten, Nichole 10         2) #363 Wolf, Alyssa 11                  
     3) #308 Cannon, Devin 10           4) #341 Borges, Hailey 11                
  4 Kenston                                            22:44.34    5             
     1) #108 Taylor, Kate 11            2) #110 Pleune, Ellie 9                  
     3) #122 Witmer-Rich, Amelia 9      4) #104 Gormley, Loren 12                
  5 Strongsville                                       22:45.44    4             
     1) #715 Globokar, Marquis 9        2) #729 Ogrean, Hannah 12                
     3) #732 Vapenik, Megan 10          4) #706 Moran, Ariana 12                 
  6 Steele                                             22:51.50    3             
     1) #428 Haff, Kaylee 9             2) #424 Leonard, Camyrn 12               
     3) #436 Hill, Cassidy 11           4) #408 Monteleone, Antonia 11           
  7 Solon                                              23:55.44    2             
     1) Mabey, Elsa 11                  2) Povitsky, Pauline 12                  
     3) Jiang, Vivian 12                4) Yenibahar, Sanem 9                    
  8 Avon                                               24:12.76    1             
     1) #301 Sipler, Kerry 12           2) #354 Gothier, Amanda 10               
     3) Sidloski, Abby 11               4) #302 Reilley, Sarah 9                 
  9 Bay                                                24:32.13                  
     1) #722 Ray, Audrey 10             2) #727 Pirinelli, Gabby 10              
     3) Lang, Annie 10                  4) #736 Sirignano, Kendall 9             
 10 Syl. Northview                                     24:32.14                  
     1) Vandenbroek, Meghan 11          2) O'Donnell, Erin 11                    
     3) Adya, Sarah 12                  4) Goecke, Abby 9                        
 11 Westlake                                           24:47.42                  
     1) #226 Irwin, Olivia 10           2) #205 Walsh, Teagan 10                 
     3) #211 Fernandez, Alexandra 9     4) #290 Clarke, Olivia 9                 
 12 Berea-Midpark                                      24:56.89                  
     1) Brown, Hope 12                  2) Brown, Faith 12                       
     3) Rentsch, Olivia 10              4) Miller, Dana 11                       
 13 Svsm                                               25:05.62                  
     1) #327 Porchowski, Sadie 9        2) #306 Leeser, Mikaela 11               
     3) #315 Bame, Emily 9              4) #312 Sollenberger, Sarah 9            
 14 Magnificat                                         25:07.69                  
     1) #454 Maloney, Sophie 10         2) #431 Sales, Mary 11                   
     3) #478 Kilbane, Molly 11          4) #415 McCabe, Claire 11                
 15 Walsh Jesuit                                       25:17.40                  
     1) Steiner, Sophia 11              2) Reimund, Daria 11                     
     3) Bohacek, Madison 11             4) Zsembik, Danielle 9                   
 16 Roosevelt                                          25:37.20                  
     1) #905 Valetta, Emma 9            2) #927 Moisio, Katelyn 9                
     3) #936 Bryk, Rhiannon 10          4) #916 Salisbury, Melina 11             
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71    
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64    
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50    
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30    
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50 
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17    
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50 
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8    
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4    
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50 
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2    
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                            

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 11  Boys 4x1600 Meter Relay
 CALIFORNIA EXCHANGE                                                             
        Meet: ! 17:45.53  2008        Medina                                     
                          S Maynard, J Arthur, H Heaton, D Roys                  
     Stadium: # 17:45.53  2008        Medina                                     
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate
  1 Medina                                             17:59.68   10             
     1) #534 Stamper, Alex 12           2) Robertson, Zachary 12                 
     3) #540 Custer, Harry 10           4) #531 Wickert, Jakob 12                
  2 St. Ignatius                                       18:06.91    8             
     1) #854 Saul, Nick 11              2) #864 Biehl, Andrew 11                 
     3) #842 Blouch, Matt 11            4) #826 McGuire, Liam 12                 
  3 Ashland                                            18:12.53    6             
     1) #504 McFrederick, Reid 11       2) #517 Mendenhall, Josh 12              
     3) #530 Mendenhall, Kaden 10       4) #510 Arimi, Daniel 11                 
  4 St. Edward                                         18:23.28    5             
     1) #705 Conway, Daniel 11          2) #711 Wright, Trevor 12                
     3) #732 Butze, Jake 12             4) #710 Hauptman, Alex 11                
  5 Strongsville                                       18:42.45    4             
     1) Housum, Tyler 10                2) Mott, Jack 11                         
     3) Juda, Joe 11                    4) Housum, Jared 12                      
  6 Solon                                              18:55.03    3             
     1) Visse, Chantz 12                2) Yousef, Kareem 10                     
     3) Finnerty, Brian 12              4) Close, Nathan 9                       
  7 Kenston                                            19:19.97    2             
     1) #130 Pleune, Casey 10           2) #124 Turk, Jack 9                     
     3) #149 Grendell, Will 12          4) #160 Knapp, Jordan 10                 
  8 Bay                                                19:29.47    1             
     1) #740 Jennings, Justin 12        2) #721 Ifft, Trevor 10                  
     3) #708 Ault, Micah 9              4) #702 Warren, Will 9                   
  9 Avon                                               19:41.13                  
     1) Laforet, Joe 10                 2) Abedeljaber, Mahammad 10              
     3) Wendling, Alex 12               4) Wieber, Jett 9                        
 10 Syl. Northview                                     19:46.54                  
     1) #328 Maple, Colin 11            2) #325 Losey, Cooper 11                 
     3) #331 McNamee, Connor 11         4) #326 Losey, Owen 9                    
 11 Steele                                             19:49.38                  
     1) #444 Del Valle, Gabriel 10      2) #462 Barnes, Ethan 10                 
     3) #467 Raesler, Jacob 9           4) #442 Kovach, Tyler 12                 
 12 Twinsburg                                          20:10.54                  
     1) Dickson, Alex 12                2) Suder, Mitchell 10                    
     3) Weiss, Peter 12                 4) D'Isidoro, Jonathan 12                
 13 St. Francis                                        20:11.04                  
     1) Corson, Devin 10                2) Price, Jackson 9                      
     3) Sweeney, Connor 11              4) Miller, Theo 10                       
 14 Brunswick                                          20:20.19                  
     1) #349 Almady, Carter 10          2) #317 Johnson, Chris 11                
     3) #316 Keefer, Jacob 11           4) #320 Uber, Colton 10                  
 15 Westlake                                           20:22.62                  
     1) #200 Walsh, Collin 10           2) #247 Engle, Duncan 12                 
     3) #214 Floyd, Will 12             4) #232 Kneisel, Zach 12                 
 16 Walsh Jesuit                                       20:23.09                  
     1) McGreal, Mitch 12               2) Cutri, Jonathan 11                    
     3) Jain, Samir 12                  4) Muakkassa, Ryan 11                    
 17 Svsm                                               20:40.85                  
     1) #301 Powers, Chase 9            2) #337 Denne, Matthew 9                 
     3) #305 Steel, Nick 10             4) #340 Moll, Brennan 11                 
 18 Berea-Midpark                                      20:57.47                  
     1) #379 Poole, Eric 11             2) #312 Treiber, Ty 11                   
     3) #343 Luszcynski, Shane 10       4) #348 Richards-diaz, Eric 11           
 19 Sandusky                                           21:02.33                  
     1) #104 Calderon, Josh 10          2) #177 Greene, Robert 9                 
     3) #181 Colaizzi, Taylor 10        4) #101 Rhodes, Malci 11                 
 20 St. John's Jesuit                                  21:16.63                  
     1) #164 White, Ethan 9             2) #156 Riley, Shane 11                  
     3) Kang, Alex 11                   4) #152 Ingham, Sam 9                    
 21 Roosevelt                                          22:03.22                  
     1) #919 Pazderak, Owen 11          2) #988 Berardinelli, Seth 9             
     3) #935 Gruber, Stephen 11         4) #902 Arthur, Henry 10                 
 -- Lakewood                                                 DQ                  
     1) #826 Peppard-Kramer, Cormac 10  2) #829 Kelly, Joe 9                     
     3) #830 McCallum, Patrick 10       4) #851 Toledo, Gabriel 9                
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81    
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51    
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28    
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26    
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21    
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20    
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18    
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13    
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11    
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10    
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9    
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5    
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1    

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License               4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                          63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                   
Event 19  Girls 100 Meter Dash
Top 9 Advance by Time
        Meet: ! 12.09  2001        Tianna Madison, Elyria                         
     Stadium: # 11.73  1986        Carvella Holmes, Toledo Scott                  
 State-Div.I: % 11.59  2000        Kahalilah Carpenter, Columbus Brookhave        
  State Tied: + 11.59  2017        Abby Steiner, Dublin Coffman                   
    Comp#  Name                Year School                 Prelims  Alternate        
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -2.0                                                
  1 #  614 Bussey, Nya        11 Twinsburg                12.55q                  
  2 #  101 Myles, Elyse       10 Kenston                  13.08q                  
  3 #  552 Pankow, Alli       11 Medina                   13.33q                  
  4 #  127 Howard, Olivia     10 Perkins                  13.41q 13.402           
  5 #  403 Bellack, Sydney    12 Magnificat               13.95                   
  6 #  122 Moore, Amisha      11 Warren G Harding         14.08                   
  7       Okeke, Joy          10 Syl. Northview           14.10                   
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.2                                                
  1 #  366 Neitzel, Maddy     12 Brunswick                12.77q 12.766           
  2 #  417 Parker, Deyanna    11 Shaw                     12.96q                  
  3 #  501 Pean, Kaely        12 Ashland                  13.41q 13.402           
  4 #  400 Kubasak, Tori      10 Steele                   13.69                   
  5       Jackson, Bria       10 Solon                    14.00                   
  6 #  725 Mertic, Makaela    10 Bay                      14.24                   
  7 #  928 Thomas, Taryn       9 Roosevelt                14.92                   
Heat  3 Preliminaries   Wind: +0.0                                                
  1 #  750 Cobb, Karson       10 Strongsville             12.77q 12.762           
  2 #  280 Thomas, Samantha   10 Westlake                 13.06q                  
  3 #  311 Jones, Sanrae      10 Avon                     13.66                   
  4 #  319 Sanders, Jamie      9 Svsm                     13.75                   
  5       Brown, Shantaris    12 Sandusky                 13.91                   
  6       McCree, Nzuri       12 Berea-Midpark            14.13                   
        Meet: ! 12.09  2001        Tianna Madison, Elyria                         
     Stadium: # 11.73  1986        Carvella Holmes, Toledo Scott                  
 State-Div.I: % 11.59  2000        Kahalilah Carpenter, Columbus Brookhaven       
  State Tied: + 11.59  2017        Abby Steiner, Dublin Coffman                   
    Comp#  Name                Year School                 Prelims  Wind H# Alternate
  1 #  614 Bussey, Nya        11 Twinsburg                12.55q -2.0  1          
  2 #  750 Cobb, Karson       10 Strongsville             12.77q +0.0  3 12.762   
  3 #  366 Neitzel, Maddy     12 Brunswick                12.77q -0.2  2 12.766   
  4 #  417 Parker, Deyanna    11 Shaw                     12.96q -0.2  2          
  5 #  280 Thomas, Samantha   10 Westlake                 13.06q +0.0  3          
  6 #  101 Myles, Elyse       10 Kenston                  13.08q -2.0  1          
  7 #  552 Pankow, Alli       11 Medina                   13.33q -2.0  1          
  8 #  127 Howard, Olivia     10 Perkins                  13.41q -2.0  1 13.402   
  8 #  501 Pean, Kaely        12 Ashland                  13.41q -0.2  2 13.402   
 10 #  311 Jones, Sanrae      10 Avon                     13.66  +0.0  3          
 11 #  400 Kubasak, Tori      10 Steele                   13.69  -0.2  2          
 12 #  319 Sanders, Jamie      9 Svsm                     13.75  +0.0  3          
 13       Brown, Shantaris    12 Sandusky                 13.91  +0.0  3          
 14 #  403 Bellack, Sydney    12 Magnificat               13.95  -2.0  1          
 15       Jackson, Bria       10 Solon                    14.00  -0.2  2          
 16 #  122 Moore, Amisha      11 Warren G Harding         14.08  -2.0  1          
 17       Okeke, Joy          10 Syl. Northview           14.10  -2.0  1          
 18       McCree, Nzuri       12 Berea-Midpark            14.13  +0.0  3          
 19 #  725 Mertic, Makaela    10 Bay                      14.24  -0.2  2          
 20 #  928 Thomas, Taryn       9 Roosevelt                14.92  -0.2  2          

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License               4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                          63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                   
Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
Top 9 Advance by Time
        Meet: ! 10.6h  1994        Charles Fountain, Mansfield                    
     Stadium: # 10.50  1991        Jonathon Burrell, Marshall                     
 State-Div.I: % 10.38  2006        Brandon Saine, Piqua                           
  State Tied: + 10.38  1993        Jonathon Burell, Cle. John Marshall            
    Comp#  Name                Year School                 Prelims  Alternate        
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.3                                                
  1       Gillette, Joe       11 Strongsville             11.40q 11.397           
  2 #  242 Walls, Kevin       11 Westlake                 11.49q                  
  3 #  309 Browning, David    12 Berea-Midpark            11.71                   
  4 #  145 Merrill, Kee-shau  12 Kenston                  11.73                   
  5 #  318 Younger, Leonard   12 Svsm                     11.77                   
  6 #  305 Zamiska, Cole      12 Brunswick                11.79                   
  7 #  549 Reef, Owen         11 Ashland                  11.81                   
  8 #  811 Khawam, Elias      12 Lakewood                 12.04                   
  9 #  105 Jones, Christian   11 Sandusky                 12.65                   
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.6                                                
  1 #  866 Zuccaro, Phil      12 St. Ignatius             11.02q                  
  2 #  549 Lebada, Anthony    12 Medina                   11.31q                  
  3 #  984 Corbitt, Richard   12 St. Francis              11.36q 11.352           
  4 #  110 Hunter, Simeon     11 Perkins                  11.40q 11.391           
  5 #  142 Adams, Kayron      11 Warren G Harding         11.51q                  
  6       Perusek, Nick       10 Avon                     11.86                   
  7 #  313 Simms, Trent       10 Syl. Northview           12.06                   
  8 #  104 Sumpter, Rasan     12 St. John's Jesuit        12.20                   
Heat  3 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.3                                                
  1       Wilks, Thomas       12 Solon                    11.36q 11.351           
  2       McClain, Cam'Ron    12 Twinsburg                11.52q                  
  3 #  730 Kolesar, Caden     11 St. Edward               11.60                   
  4       Rico, Cole          12 Walsh Jesuit             11.74                   
  5       Riess, Jared        11 Bay                      11.84                   
  6 #  400 Tarbush, Stockton  10 Steele                   12.34                   
  7 #  493 Davis, Daeshawn    11 Shaw                     12.37                   
        Meet: ! 10.6h  1994        Charles Fountain, Mansfield                    
     Stadium: # 10.50  1991        Jonathon Burrell, Marshall                     
 State-Div.I: % 10.38  2006        Brandon Saine, Piqua                           
  State Tied: + 10.38  1993        Jonathon Burell, Cle. John Marshall            
    Comp#  Name                Year School                 Prelims  Wind H# Alternate
  1 #  866 Zuccaro, Phil      12 St. Ignatius             11.02q -0.6  2          
  2 #  549 Lebada, Anthony    12 Medina                   11.31q -0.6  2          
  3       Wilks, Thomas       12 Solon                    11.36q -0.3  3 11.351   
  4 #  984 Corbitt, Richard   12 St. Francis              11.36q -0.6  2 11.352   
  5 #  110 Hunter, Simeon     11 Perkins                  11.40q -0.6  2 11.391   
  6       Gillette, Joe       11 Strongsville             11.40q -1.3  1 11.397   
  7 #  242 Walls, Kevin       11 Westlake                 11.49q -1.3  1          
  8 #  142 Adams, Kayron      11 Warren G Harding         11.51q -0.6  2          
  9       McClain, Cam'Ron    12 Twinsburg                11.52q -0.3  3          
 10 #  730 Kolesar, Caden     11 St. Edward               11.60  -0.3  3          
 11 #  309 Browning, David    12 Berea-Midpark            11.71  -1.3  1          
 12 #  145 Merrill, Kee-shau  12 Kenston                  11.73  -1.3  1          
 13       Rico, Cole          12 Walsh Jesuit             11.74  -0.3  3          
 14 #  318 Younger, Leonard   12 Svsm                     11.77  -1.3  1          
 15 #  305 Zamiska, Cole      12 Brunswick                11.79  -1.3  1          
 16 #  549 Reef, Owen         11 Ashland                  11.81  -1.3  1          
 17       Riess, Jared        11 Bay                      11.84  -0.3  3          
 18       Perusek, Nick       10 Avon                     11.86  -0.6  2          
 19 #  811 Khawam, Elias      12 Lakewood                 12.04  -1.3  1          
 20 #  313 Simms, Trent       10 Syl. Northview           12.06  -0.6  2          
 21 #  104 Sumpter, Rasan     12 St. John's Jesuit        12.20  -0.6  2          
 22 #  400 Tarbush, Stockton  10 Steele                   12.34  -0.3  3          
 23 #  493 Davis, Daeshawn    11 Shaw                     12.37  -0.3  3          
 24 #  105 Jones, Christian   11 Sandusky                 12.65  -1.3  1          

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License               4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                          63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                   
Event 20  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
Top 9 Advance by Time
        Meet: ! 14.48  2015        Aysha Muhammad, Mentor                         
     Stadium: # 14.09  2004        Christina Madison, Elyria                      
 State-Div.I: % 13.64  2000        Dalanda Jackson, Shaker Heights                
    Comp#  Name                Year School                 Prelims  Alternate        
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.1                                                
  1 #  110 Hall, Charity      12 Warren G Harding         16.47q                  
  2 #  514 Clardy, Emma       12 Medina                   16.55q                  
  3       Page, Aubri         12 Sandusky                 18.27                   
  4 #  102 Visci, Lauren       9 Perkins                  18.44                   
  5 #  401 Manuel, Jasmine    11 Shaw                     18.62                   
  6 #  201 Reilly, Laura      12 Westlake                 19.19                   
  7 #  116 Koenig, Sydney     12 Kenston                  19.26                   
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.5                                                
  1 #  730 Greene, McKenzie   12 Strongsville             15.77q                  
  2 #  326 Sharer, Kamryn     12 Avon                     16.35q                  
  3 #  405 Dimacchia, Macey   10 Steele                   17.73q                  
  4       Hildebrand, A'Maia  12 Berea-Midpark            18.48                   
  5 #  452 Peterson, Devon    10 Magnificat               19.36                   
  6       Dickerson, Kaila    12 Syl. Northview           20.48                   
Heat  3 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.9                                                
  1 #  371 Mushanagzhiki, Ny  12 Brunswick                15.99q                  
  2 #  308 Foster, Sara       12 Svsm                     16.39q                  
  3       Leskovec, Maria     10 Solon                    16.45q                  
  4 #  526 McQuillen, Katie   10 Ashland                  17.13q                  
  5 #  906 Wiltinger, Elizab  11 Roosevelt                18.32                   
  6 #  733 Rychel, Jessica    12 Bay                      18.81                   
  7       Niemiec, Grace       9 Walsh Jesuit             19.71                   
        Meet: ! 14.48  2015        Aysha Muhammad, Mentor                         
     Stadium: # 14.09  2004        Christina Madison, Elyria                      
 State-Div.I: % 13.64  2000        Dalanda Jackson, Shaker Heights                
    Comp#  Name                Year School                 Prelims  Wind H# Alternate
  1 #  730 Greene, McKenzie   12 Strongsville             15.77q -1.5  2          
  2 #  371 Mushanagzhiki, Ny  12 Brunswick                15.99q -0.9  3          
  3 #  326 Sharer, Kamryn     12 Avon                     16.35q -1.5  2          
  4 #  308 Foster, Sara       12 Svsm                     16.39q -0.9  3          
  5       Leskovec, Maria     10 Solon                    16.45q -0.9  3          
  6 #  110 Hall, Charity      12 Warren G Harding         16.47q -1.1  1          
  7 #  514 Clardy, Emma       12 Medina                   16.55q -1.1  1          
  8 #  526 McQuillen, Katie   10 Ashland                  17.13q -0.9  3          
  9 #  405 Dimacchia, Macey   10 Steele                   17.73q -1.5  2          
 10       Page, Aubri         12 Sandusky                 18.27  -1.1  1          
 11 #  906 Wiltinger, Elizab  11 Roosevelt                18.32  -0.9  3          
 12 #  102 Visci, Lauren       9 Perkins                  18.44  -1.1  1          
 13       Hildebrand, A'Maia  12 Berea-Midpark            18.48  -1.5  2          
 14 #  401 Manuel, Jasmine    11 Shaw                     18.62  -1.1  1          
 15 #  733 Rychel, Jessica    12 Bay                      18.81  -0.9  3          
 16 #  201 Reilly, Laura      12 Westlake                 19.19  -1.1  1          
 17 #  116 Koenig, Sydney     12 Kenston                  19.26  -1.1  1          
 18 #  452 Peterson, Devon    10 Magnificat               19.36  -1.5  2          
 19       Niemiec, Grace       9 Walsh Jesuit             19.71  -0.9  3          
 20       Dickerson, Kaila    12 Syl. Northview           20.48  -1.5  2          

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License               4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                          63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                   
Event 3  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
Top 9 Advance by Time
        Meet: ! 13.75  2011        Donovan Robertson, Berea                       
     Stadium: # 13.61  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                       
 State-Div.I: % 13.30  1990        Chris Nelloms, Dayton Dunbar                   
    Comp#  Name                Year School                 Prelims  Alternate        
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.3                                                
  1       Abusway, Moe        11 Strongsville             14.66q                  
  2 #  837 Wetula, John       11 St. Ignatius             15.37q                  
  3       Rennette, Mike      12 Avon                     15.40q                  
  4 #  235 Park, Daniel        9 Westlake                 16.41                   
  5 #  128 Washington, Emman  10 Perkins                  16.62                   
  6 #  329 Piecuch, Jake       9 Brunswick                17.87                   
  7 #  135 Perkins, Emarion    9 Warren G Harding         20.04                   
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.5                                                
  1 #  548 McDaniel, Hudson   12 Ashland                  14.78q                  
  2       Finney, Justin      11 Solon                    14.81q                  
  3 #  329 Clark, ShaDaryll   11 Berea-Midpark            15.46q                  
  4       Edgerson, Julius    12 Twinsburg                15.96q                  
  5       Miller, Ben         12 Walsh Jesuit             16.23q                  
  6 #  121 Michel, Alex       12 Sandusky                 16.83                   
  7 #  361 Lewis, Darin        9 Svsm                     18.36                   
  8 #  102 Taha, Adam         12 St. John's Jesuit        19.31                   
Heat  3 Preliminaries   Wind: -2.2                                                
  1 #  827 Hannah, Tyler      11 Lakewood                 15.51q                  
  2       Shorts, Michael     11 Steele                   16.52                   
  3 #  900 Grimes, Duane      12 Harvey High School       16.76                   
  4 #  121 Hill, Will         12 Kenston                  16.94                   
  5 #  560 Tyna, Gavin        12 Medina                   17.06                   
  6 #  312 Blanks, Jeffery    12 Syl. Northview           17.71                   
  7 #  977 Berner, Chris      11 St. Francis              17.82                   
  8 #  471 Pierce, Kishon      9 Shaw                     19.42                   
        Meet: ! 13.75  2011        Donovan Robertson, Berea                       
     Stadium: # 13.61  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                       
 State-Div.I: % 13.30  1990        Chris Nelloms, Dayton Dunbar                   
    Comp#  Name                Year School                 Prelims  Wind H# Alternate
  1       Abusway, Moe        11 Strongsville             14.66q -1.3  1          
  2 #  548 McDaniel, Hudson   12 Ashland                  14.78q -0.5  2          
  3       Finney, Justin      11 Solon                    14.81q -0.5  2          
  4 #  837 Wetula, John       11 St. Ignatius             15.37q -1.3  1          
  5       Rennette, Mike      12 Avon                     15.40q -1.3  1          
  6 #  329 Clark, ShaDaryll   11 Berea-Midpark            15.46q -0.5  2          
  7 #  827 Hannah, Tyler      11 Lakewood                 15.51q -2.2  3          
  8       Edgerson, Julius    12 Twinsburg                15.96q -0.5  2          
  9       Miller, Ben         12 Walsh Jesuit             16.23q -0.5  2          
 10 #  235 Park, Daniel        9 Westlake                 16.41  -1.3  1          
 11       Shorts, Michael     11 Steele                   16.52  -2.2  3          
 12 #  128 Washington, Emman  10 Perkins                  16.62  -1.3  1          
 13 #  900 Grimes, Duane      12 Harvey High School       16.76  -2.2  3          
 14 #  121 Michel, Alex       12 Sandusky                 16.83  -0.5  2          
 15 #  121 Hill, Will         12 Kenston                  16.94  -2.2  3          
 16 #  560 Tyna, Gavin        12 Medina                   17.06  -2.2  3          
 17 #  312 Blanks, Jeffery    12 Syl. Northview           17.71  -2.2  3          
 18 #  977 Berner, Chris      11 St. Francis              17.82  -2.2  3          
 19 #  329 Piecuch, Jake       9 Brunswick                17.87  -1.3  1          
 20 #  361 Lewis, Darin        9 Svsm                     18.36  -0.5  2          
 21 #  102 Taha, Adam         12 St. John's Jesuit        19.31  -0.5  2          
 22 #  471 Pierce, Kishon      9 Shaw                     19.42  -2.2  3          
 23 #  135 Perkins, Emarion    9 Warren G Harding         20.04  -1.3  1          

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:30 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 28  Girls 800 Sprint Medley
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 100, 100, 200, 400                                       
        Meet: ! 1:48.34  2008        Gilmour Academy                                
                         A. Dahlhausen, K. Drew, C Longino-Thomas, B Simko          
     Stadium: # 1:48.34  2008        Gilmour Acadamy                                
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 Roosevelt                                           1:56.22    2                
     1) #915 Lofton, Shayla 9           2) #903 Dennis, Jordan 11                   
     3) #930 Friedman, Makhia 9         4) #900 Spurlock, Korrin 12                 
  2 Berea-Midpark                                       1:56.93                     
     1) Santiago, Heaven 9              2) Dodd, Jayley 12                          
     3) Carnegie, Journee 11            4) Buxton, Rachel 12                        
  3 Solon                                               1:58.12                     
     1) Vara, Arianna 9                 2) Jackson, Bria 10                         
     3) Nash, Destiny 9                 4) Ngozi, Ada 10                            
  4 Bay                                                 1:58.75                     
     1) #725 Mertic, Makaela 10         2) #713 LaMotte, Ellie 10                   
     3) #749 Ransom, Ava 10             4) #730 Reed, Olivia 10                     
  5 Syl. Northview                                      1:59.40                     
     1) Langenderfer, Kaitlyn 11        2) Keller, Madison 12                       
     3) Lang, Isabella 9                4) Delbosque, Angelina 10                   
  6 Shaw                                                2:13.81                     
     1) #409 Lamberton, Daejahnae 12    2) #424 Powell, Delita 10                   
     3) #407 Pickett, Carlena 11        4) #422 Kennedy, Kansas 12                  
Section  2                                                                          
  1 Kenston                                             1:54.00    6                
     1) #100 Gabram, Izzy 11            2) #102 Hajdu, Julie 12                     
     3) #112 Patrick, Rhianna 11        4) #101 Myles, Elyse 10                     
  2 Medina                                              1:55.08    4                
     1) #514 Clardy, Emma 12            2) Smith, Abby 10                           
     3) #552 Pankow, Alli 11            4) #526 Smith, Katie 11                     
  3 Walsh Jesuit                                        1:55.17    3                
     1) Carr, Marissa 11                2) Szilvas, Angela 10                       
     3) Smith, Leah 10                  4) Ziegler, Cate 11                         
  4 Ashland                                             1:56.27    1                
     1) #544 Etzwiler, Ellie 10         2) #509 Friesen, Tara 11                    
     3) #511 Schuster, Nikki 12         4) #501 Pean, Kaely 12                      
  5 Magnificat                                          1:59.62                     
     1) #403 Bellack, Sydney 12         2) #438 Piazza, Sophia 10                   
     3) #452 Peterson, Devon 10         4) #430 Kuhlman, Ella 9                     
  6 Perkins                                             2:02.43                     
     1) #117 Jenkins, Brenna 9          2) #129 Dorsey, Kylie 9                     
     3) #127 Howard, Olivia 10          4) #112 Sweat, Mira 9                       
  7 Sandusky                                            2:15.40                     
     1) Oba-Thomas, Aaliyah 10          2) Rice, Octavia 9                          
     3) Brown, Shantaris 12             4) Page, Aubri 12                           
Section  3                                                                          
  1 Twinsburg                                           1:49.91   10                
     1) #660 McDonald, Brionna 11       2) #631 Willis, Alyssa 10                   
     3) #624 Myles, Mariah 11           4) #628 Robinson, Nia 11                    
  2 Brunswick                                           1:51.23    8                
     1) #362 Bykova, Nellie 12          2) #330 Haynes, Madison 10                  
     3) #366 Neitzel, Maddy 12          4) #347 Holden, Ashli 10                    
  3 Steele                                              1:54.52    5                
     1) #418 Giannuzzi, Gabriela 12     2) #423 Armbruster, Brooke 12               
     3) #400 Kubasak, Tori 10           4) #409 Siegenthaler, Gracen 12             
  4 Svsm                                                1:56.58                     
     1) #305 Morgan, Perrin 9           2) #358 Metzle, Diane 9                     
     3) #319 Sanders, Jamie 9           4) #304 Claxton, Aminah 10                  
  5 Beaumont                                            1:57.74                     
     1) #924 Toppin, Kendall 10         2) #912 O'Neill, JoJo 9                     
     3) #915 Christian, Danielle 12     4) #913 Rubadue, Elizabeth 9                
  6 Avon                                                1:59.75                     
     1) #311 Jones, Sanrae 10           2) #307 Longrich, Katie 12                  
     3) #324 Steinert, Madelyn 12       4) #356 Gannon, Kelsey 11                   
  7 Westlake                                            2:04.63                     
     1) #242 Beck, Claire 10            2) #273 George, Domenica 10                 
     3) #276 Santora, Torrey 12         4) #284 Sucher, Lila 9                      
 -- Strongsville                                             DQ                     
     1) #738 Schwab, Lorissa 10         2) #750 Cobb, Karson 10                     
     3) #718 Kappel, Katie 10           4) #727 Birch, Sophia 9                     
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 100, 100, 200, 400                                       
        Meet: ! 1:48.34  2008        Gilmour Academy                                
                         A. Dahlhausen, K. Drew, C Longino-Thomas, B Simko          
     Stadium: # 1:48.34  2008        Gilmour Acadamy                                
    School                                               Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 Twinsburg                                           1:49.91   3  10             
     1) #660 McDonald, Brionna 11       2) #631 Willis, Alyssa 10                   
     3) #624 Myles, Mariah 11           4) #628 Robinson, Nia 11                    
  2 Brunswick                                           1:51.23   3   8             
     1) #362 Bykova, Nellie 12          2) #330 Haynes, Madison 10                  
     3) #366 Neitzel, Maddy 12          4) #347 Holden, Ashli 10                    
  3 Kenston                                             1:54.00   2   6             
     1) #100 Gabram, Izzy 11            2) #102 Hajdu, Julie 12                     
     3) #112 Patrick, Rhianna 11        4) #101 Myles, Elyse 10                     
  4 Steele                                              1:54.52   3   5             
     1) #418 Giannuzzi, Gabriela 12     2) #423 Armbruster, Brooke 12               
     3) #400 Kubasak, Tori 10           4) #409 Siegenthaler, Gracen 12             
  5 Medina                                              1:55.08   2   4             
     1) #514 Clardy, Emma 12            2) Smith, Abby 10                           
     3) #552 Pankow, Alli 11            4) #526 Smith, Katie 11                     
  6 Walsh Jesuit                                        1:55.17   2   3             
     1) Carr, Marissa 11                2) Szilvas, Angela 10                       
     3) Smith, Leah 10                  4) Ziegler, Cate 11                         
  7 Roosevelt                                           1:56.22   1   2             
     1) #915 Lofton, Shayla 9           2) #903 Dennis, Jordan 11                   
     3) #930 Friedman, Makhia 9         4) #900 Spurlock, Korrin 12                 
  8 Ashland                                             1:56.27   2   1             
     1) #544 Etzwiler, Ellie 10         2) #509 Friesen, Tara 11                    
     3) #511 Schuster, Nikki 12         4) #501 Pean, Kaely 12                      
  9 Svsm                                                1:56.58   3                 
     1) #305 Morgan, Perrin 9           2) #358 Metzle, Diane 9                     
     3) #319 Sanders, Jamie 9           4) #304 Claxton, Aminah 10                  
 10 Berea-Midpark                                       1:56.93   1                 
     1) Santiago, Heaven 9              2) Dodd, Jayley 12                          
     3) Carnegie, Journee 11            4) Buxton, Rachel 12                        
 11 Beaumont                                            1:57.74   3                 
     1) #924 Toppin, Kendall 10         2) #912 O'Neill, JoJo 9                     
     3) #915 Christian, Danielle 12     4) #913 Rubadue, Elizabeth 9                
 12 Solon                                               1:58.12   1                 
     1) Vara, Arianna 9                 2) Jackson, Bria 10                         
     3) Nash, Destiny 9                 4) Ngozi, Ada 10                            
 13 Bay                                                 1:58.75   1                 
     1) #725 Mertic, Makaela 10         2) #713 LaMotte, Ellie 10                   
     3) #749 Ransom, Ava 10             4) #730 Reed, Olivia 10                     
 14 Syl. Northview                                      1:59.40   1                 
     1) Langenderfer, Kaitlyn 11        2) Keller, Madison 12                       
     3) Lang, Isabella 9                4) Delbosque, Angelina 10                   
 15 Magnificat                                          1:59.62   2                 
     1) #403 Bellack, Sydney 12         2) #438 Piazza, Sophia 10                   
     3) #452 Peterson, Devon 10         4) #430 Kuhlman, Ella 9                     
 16 Avon                                                1:59.75   3                 
     1) #311 Jones, Sanrae 10           2) #307 Longrich, Katie 12                  
     3) #324 Steinert, Madelyn 12       4) #356 Gannon, Kelsey 11                   
 17 Perkins                                             2:02.43   2                 
     1) #117 Jenkins, Brenna 9          2) #129 Dorsey, Kylie 9                     
     3) #127 Howard, Olivia 10          4) #112 Sweat, Mira 9                       
 18 Westlake                                            2:04.63   3                 
     1) #242 Beck, Claire 10            2) #273 George, Domenica 10                 
     3) #276 Santora, Torrey 12         4) #284 Sucher, Lila 9                      
 19 Shaw                                                2:13.81   1                 
     1) #409 Lamberton, Daejahnae 12    2) #424 Powell, Delita 10                   
     3) #407 Pickett, Carlena 11        4) #422 Kennedy, Kansas 12                  
 20 Sandusky                                            2:15.40   2                 
     1) Oba-Thomas, Aaliyah 10          2) Rice, Octavia 9                          
     3) Brown, Shantaris 12             4) Page, Aubri 12                           
 -- Strongsville                                             DQ   3                 
     1) #738 Schwab, Lorissa 10         2) #750 Cobb, Karson 10                     
     3) #718 Kappel, Katie 10           4) #727 Birch, Sophia 9                     
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71       
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64       
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50       
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30       
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50    
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17       
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50    
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8       
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4       
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50    
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2       
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                               

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:30 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 12  Boys 800 Sprint Medley
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 100, 100, 200, 400                                       
        Meet: ! 1:34.03  2016        St. Ignatius, St. Ignatius                     
                         J Norris, J Cook, P Zuccaro, C Kruchan                     
     Stadium: # 1:34.03  2016        St. Ignatius, St. Ignatius                     
                         J Norris, J Cook, P Zuccaro, C Kruchan                     
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 Warren G Harding                                    1:36.73    4                
     1) #102 Brantley, Jordan 10        2) #118 Frazier, Sterling 12                
     3) #142 Adams, Kayron 11           4) #106 Harvey, Dezmond 12                  
  2 St. Francis                                         1:37.73                     
     1) #984 Corbitt, Richard 12        2) #980 Bumphis, Todd 10                    
     3) #983 King, Josh 10              4) #966 Russell, Jamani 9                   
  3 Syl. Northview                                      1:41.24                     
     1) #313 Simms, Trent 10            2) #336 Powalski, Colton 11                 
     3) #309 Ellis, Anthony 11          4) #303 Singh, Gabe 9                       
  4 St. John's Jesuit                                   1:42.46                     
     1) #104 Sumpter, Rasan 12          2) #131 Townley, George 10                  
     3) #115 Rogers, Cameron 12         4) #133 Valentine, James 11                 
  5 Westlake                                            1:43.55                     
     1) #217 Wait, Tim 12               2) #203 Rummel, Logan 11                    
     3) #211 Asturi, Dominic 11         4) #224 Fusco, Anthony 11                   
 -- Kenston                                                 DNF                     
     1) #100 Talley, Dorion 11          2) #145 Merrill, Kee-shaun 12               
     3) #111 Iklodi, Matt 11            4) #123 Stanley, Bransen 11                 
Section  2                                                                          
  1 Sandusky                                            1:36.86    3                
     1) #129 Pickens, Tyron 12          2) #115 Reed, Tarrence 11                   
     3) #110 Sherman, Eian 11           4) #114 Stewart, Tevin 11                   
  2 Walsh Jesuit                                        1:37.04    2                
     1) Miller, Ben 12                  2) Sitarz, John 11                          
     3) Rico, Cole 12                   4) Clark, Garrett 12                        
  3 St. Ignatius                                        1:37.59    1                
     1) #870 Phillips, Andrew 12        2) #845 Kennedy, Connor 12                  
     3) #822 Devengencie, Dominic 10    4) #832 Hall, Kyle 12                       
  4 Berea-Midpark                                       1:41.19                     
     1) #393 Lyons, C.J. 12             2) #355 Bannister, Jaylen 12                
     3) #360 Miller, Anthoney 11        4) #333 Eble, Zach 11                       
  5 Steele                                              1:41.23                     
     1) #461 Keron, Nick 12             2) #400 Tarbush, Stockton 10                
     3) #458 Stempowski, Caleb 10       4) #440 Martinez, Josue 10                  
  6 Perkins                                             1:41.68                     
     1) #114 Butler, Justin 10          2) #108 Campbell, Chris 9                   
     3) #102 Nyman, Josiah 12           4) #143 Henry, Noah 12                      
  7 Lakewood                                            1:43.35                     
     1) #804 Nijem, Ahmad 11            2) #825 Jackson, Milan 10                   
     3) #806 Jefferson, Kyren 11        4) #811 Khawam, Elias 12                    
  8 Roosevelt                                           1:43.96                     
     1) #983 McDougal, Cole 12          2) #928 Jones, Nathan 12                    
     3) #954 Larison, Daniel 10         4) #906 Grant, Ryan 12                      
 -- Avon                                                     DQ                     
     1) Perusek, Nick 10                2) Love, Johnny 9                           
     3) Zamborsky, Cole 10              4) Greer, Jordan 10                         
Section  3                                                                          
  1 Strongsville                                        1:34.67   10                
     1) Abusway, Moe 11                 2) Griffin, Taylor 11                       
     3) Malczewski, Jack 11             4) Anderson, Riley 11                       
  2 Medina                                              1:34.83    8                
     1) #549 Lebada, Anthony 12         2) #544 Hull, Lavelle 10                    
     3) #505 Montgomery, Gavin 12       4) #546 Kelly, Michael 10                   
  3 Ashland                                             1:35.35    6                
     1) #549 Reef, Owen 11              2) #526 Davis, Tyler 12                     
     3) #525 Fitzcharles, Collin 11     4) #548 McDaniel, Hudson 12                 
  4 Solon                                               1:36.66    5                
     1) Parries, Greg 10                2) Wilks, Thomas 12                         
     3) Raphael, Trevon 11              4) Smith, Gurvan 11                         
  5 Brunswick                                           1:38.36   1:38.352          
     1) #306 Peppers, Josh 12           2) #307 Mewhinney, Ben 11                   
     3) #305 Zamiska, Cole 12           4) #318 Daniel, Jalen 11                    
  6 Twinsburg                                           1:38.36   1:38.355          
     1) Dreams, Kory 10                 2) McClain, Cam'Ron 12                      
     3) East, Kaleb 11                  4) Easter, Etaijen 11                       
  7 Svsm                                                1:39.19                     
     1) #333 Cooper, Russell 11         2) #309 Watson, Amaurion 9                  
     3) #322 Snipes, Nathan 10          4) #324 Rock, Desmond 12                    
  8 St. Edward                                          1:43.75                     
     1) #719 Savoy, Matthew 10          2) #772 Castleberry, Jaylen 9               
     3) #742 Castleberry, Jordan 11     4) #716 Nguyen, Randy 12                    
  9 Shaw                                                1:44.81                     
     1) #481 Worship, Trevon 11         2) #493 Davis, Daeshawn 11                  
     3) #482 Jackson, Tymell 11         4) #475 Pruitt, Brandon 11                  
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 100, 100, 200, 400                                       
        Meet: ! 1:34.03  2016        St. Ignatius, St. Ignatius                     
                         J Norris, J Cook, P Zuccaro, C Kruchan                     
     Stadium: # 1:34.03  2016        St. Ignatius, St. Ignatius                     
                         J Norris, J Cook, P Zuccaro, C Kruchan                     
    School                                               Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 Strongsville                                        1:34.67   3  10             
     1) Abusway, Moe 11                 2) Griffin, Taylor 11                       
     3) Malczewski, Jack 11             4) Anderson, Riley 11                       
  2 Medina                                              1:34.83   3   8             
     1) #549 Lebada, Anthony 12         2) #544 Hull, Lavelle 10                    
     3) #505 Montgomery, Gavin 12       4) #546 Kelly, Michael 10                   
  3 Ashland                                             1:35.35   3   6             
     1) #549 Reef, Owen 11              2) #526 Davis, Tyler 12                     
     3) #525 Fitzcharles, Collin 11     4) #548 McDaniel, Hudson 12                 
  4 Solon                                               1:36.66   3   5             
     1) Parries, Greg 10                2) Wilks, Thomas 12                         
     3) Raphael, Trevon 11              4) Smith, Gurvan 11                         
  5 Warren G Harding                                    1:36.73   1   4             
     1) #102 Brantley, Jordan 10        2) #118 Frazier, Sterling 12                
     3) #142 Adams, Kayron 11           4) #106 Harvey, Dezmond 12                  
  6 Sandusky                                            1:36.86   2   3             
     1) #129 Pickens, Tyron 12          2) #115 Reed, Tarrence 11                   
     3) #110 Sherman, Eian 11           4) #114 Stewart, Tevin 11                   
  7 Walsh Jesuit                                        1:37.04   2   2             
     1) Miller, Ben 12                  2) Sitarz, John 11                          
     3) Rico, Cole 12                   4) Clark, Garrett 12                        
  8 St. Ignatius                                        1:37.59   2   1             
     1) #870 Phillips, Andrew 12        2) #845 Kennedy, Connor 12                  
     3) #822 Devengencie, Dominic 10    4) #832 Hall, Kyle 12                       
  9 St. Francis                                         1:37.73   1                 
     1) #984 Corbitt, Richard 12        2) #980 Bumphis, Todd 10                    
     3) #983 King, Josh 10              4) #966 Russell, Jamani 9                   
 10 Brunswick                                           1:38.36   3  1:38.352       
     1) #306 Peppers, Josh 12           2) #307 Mewhinney, Ben 11                   
     3) #305 Zamiska, Cole 12           4) #318 Daniel, Jalen 11                    
 11 Twinsburg                                           1:38.36   3  1:38.355       
     1) Dreams, Kory 10                 2) McClain, Cam'Ron 12                      
     3) East, Kaleb 11                  4) Easter, Etaijen 11                       
 12 Svsm                                                1:39.19   3                 
     1) #333 Cooper, Russell 11         2) #309 Watson, Amaurion 9                  
     3) #322 Snipes, Nathan 10          4) #324 Rock, Desmond 12                    
 13 Berea-Midpark                                       1:41.19   2                 
     1) #393 Lyons, C.J. 12             2) #355 Bannister, Jaylen 12                
     3) #360 Miller, Anthoney 11        4) #333 Eble, Zach 11                       
 14 Steele                                              1:41.23   2                 
     1) #461 Keron, Nick 12             2) #400 Tarbush, Stockton 10                
     3) #458 Stempowski, Caleb 10       4) #440 Martinez, Josue 10                  
 15 Syl. Northview                                      1:41.24   1                 
     1) #313 Simms, Trent 10            2) #336 Powalski, Colton 11                 
     3) #309 Ellis, Anthony 11          4) #303 Singh, Gabe 9                       
 16 Perkins                                             1:41.68   2                 
     1) #114 Butler, Justin 10          2) #108 Campbell, Chris 9                   
     3) #102 Nyman, Josiah 12           4) #143 Henry, Noah 12                      
 17 St. John's Jesuit                                   1:42.46   1                 
     1) #104 Sumpter, Rasan 12          2) #131 Townley, George 10                  
     3) #115 Rogers, Cameron 12         4) #133 Valentine, James 11                 
 18 Lakewood                                            1:43.35   2                 
     1) #804 Nijem, Ahmad 11            2) #825 Jackson, Milan 10                   
     3) #806 Jefferson, Kyren 11        4) #811 Khawam, Elias 12                    
 19 Westlake                                            1:43.55   1                 
     1) #217 Wait, Tim 12               2) #203 Rummel, Logan 11                    
     3) #211 Asturi, Dominic 11         4) #224 Fusco, Anthony 11                   
 20 St. Edward                                          1:43.75   3                 
     1) #719 Savoy, Matthew 10          2) #772 Castleberry, Jaylen 9               
     3) #742 Castleberry, Jordan 11     4) #716 Nguyen, Randy 12                    
 21 Roosevelt                                           1:43.96   2                 
     1) #983 McDougal, Cole 12          2) #928 Jones, Nathan 12                    
     3) #954 Larison, Daniel 10         4) #906 Grant, Ryan 12                      
 22 Shaw                                                1:44.81   3                 
     1) #481 Worship, Trevon 11         2) #493 Davis, Daeshawn 11                  
     3) #482 Jackson, Tymell 11         4) #475 Pruitt, Brandon 11                  
 -- Kenston                                                 DNF   1                 
     1) #100 Talley, Dorion 11          2) #145 Merrill, Kee-shaun 12               
     3) #111 Iklodi, Matt 11            4) #123 Stanley, Bransen 11                 
 -- Avon                                                     DQ   2                 
     1) Perusek, Nick 10                2) Love, Johnny 9                           
     3) Zamborsky, Cole 10              4) Greer, Jordan 10                         
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81       
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51       
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28       
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26       
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21       
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20       
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18       
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13       
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11       
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10       
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9       
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5       
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1       

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 13  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay
 1 RACE - 2-3 TO A LANE - BREAK AT THE END OF 2nd TURN                           
        Meet: ! 7:57.82  2017        Solon, Solon                                
                         M Shannon, D Cohen, M Gross, L Esper                    
     Stadium: # 7:47.16  2008        Medina                                      
 State-Div.I: % 7:36.33  2014        Cincinnati St. Xavier                       
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate
  1 Perkins                                             8:05.99   10             
     1) #131 Duffield, Joel 12          2) #106 Clinton, Da'Quise 10             
     3) #103 Russell, Ashton 10         4) #122 Brown, Parker 11                 
  2 Bay                                                 8:06.86    8             
     1) #735 Nortz, Samuel 12           2) #703 Coe, Samuel 12                   
     3) #706 Hamil, Khaled 10           4) Slyepkan, Ivan 11                     
  3 Svsm                                                8:09.37    6             
     1) #320 White, Patrick 12          2) #342 O'Brien, Sean 12                 
     3) #325 Phillips, Alex 11          4) #302 Sollenberger, Matthew 11         
  4 Solon                                               8:12.69    5             
     1) Calhoun, Kristofer 10           2) Shannon, Mark 12                      
     3) Ciccero, Johnny 9               4) Phipps, Eli 12                        
  5 Walsh Jesuit                                        8:12.78    4             
     1) Ondracek, Nathaniel 11          2) Connolly, Ben 12                      
     3) Gronowski, Gavin 12             4) Kornick, Gabe 12                      
  6 St. Ignatius                                        8:17.36    3             
     1) #854 Saul, Nick 11              2) Ripepi, Joe 12                        
     3) #842 Blouch, Matt 11            4) #864 Biehl, Andrew 11                 
  7 Kenston                                             8:20.03    2             
     1) #162 Secura, Joe 10             2) #157 Markel, Sam 12                   
     3) #142 Sandoval, Jacob 12         4) #107 Silk, Kyle 11                    
  8 Fairview                                            8:20.18    1             
     1) #423 Miles, Paul 12             2) #429 El-Kulak, Mohammed 12            
     3) #408 Krumhansl, Nolan 9         4) #415 Palisin, Jack 12                 
  9 Steele                                              8:21.68                  
     1) #427 Baumgartner, Devin 11      2) #471 Kirsch, Bradley 11               
     3) #438 Hill, Josh 11              4) #420 Guerra, Fredrick 11              
 10 Berea-Midpark                                       8:23.79                  
     1) #341 Kamel, Adam 12             2) #389 Howard, Ben 12                   
     3) #318 Garibotti, Brandon 11      4) #321 Alten, Evan 9                    
 11 Medina                                              8:31.98                  
     1) #550 McKee, Noah 12             2) #547 Dravenstott, Alan 12             
     3) #564 Schontzler, Cameron 9      4) #505 Prostor, Andrew 12               
 12 St. Edward                                          8:33.01                  
     1) #771 Dowell, Michael 12         2) #732 Butze, Jake 12                   
     3) #725 Perkowski, Jared 12        4) Vichill, Andrew 10                    
 13 Strongsville                                        8:45.38                  
     1) Malloy, Matt 11                 2) Healey, Shane 11                      
     3) Zwolenik, Tyler 12              4) Novak, Justin 12                      
 14 St. Francis                                         8:50.52                  
     1) Szymanski, Jacob 11             2) Forrester, Connor 9                   
     3) Williams, Patrick 11            4) Ramirez, Jorge 11                     
 15 Lakewood                                            8:51.37                  
     1) #815 Toole, Joey 11             2) #826 Peppard-Kramer, Cormac 10        
     3) #809 Burtzlaff, Joe 12          4) #851 Toledo, Gabriel 9                
 16 Westlake                                            8:55.33                  
     1) #205 Clemons, Lance 10          2) #200 Walsh, Collin 10                 
     3) #232 Kneisel, Zach 12           4) #247 Engle, Duncan 12                 
 17 Roosevelt                                           8:56.27                  
     1) Carlton, Jordan 10              2) #942 Alexander, Brian 11              
     3) #903 Brawley, Jacob 11          4) #922 Ledet, Christian 12              
 18 St. John's Jesuit                                   8:57.14                  
     1) #144 Marra, Roman 10            2) #119 Hill, Julian 11                  
     3) #156 Riley, Shane 11            4) #175 King, Gabriel 9                  
 19 Twinsburg                                           9:00.28                  
     1) Robinson, Darren 10             2) Abrams, Chad 12                       
     3) Harsa, Christian 10             4) D'Isidoro, Jonathan 12                
 20 Avon                                                9:01.37                  
     1) Huebler, Brandon 10             2) Wendling, Alex 12                     
     3) Laforet, Joe 10                 4) Abedeljaber, Mahammad 10              
 21 Warren G Harding                                    9:02.37                  
     1) #138 Faulk, Cullen 10           2) #101 Stanyard, Reed 10                
     3) #132 Cobb-Davis, Corey 11       4) #134 King, Cameren 11                 
 22 Brunswick                                           9:15.78                  
     1) #304 Kraft, Brandon 9           2) #327 Peters, Joey 9                   
     3) #362 Ernst, Gavyn 9             4) #353 Lavinder, Noah 9                 
 23 Sandusky                                            9:41.77                  
     1) #104 Calderon, Josh 10          2) #177 Greene, Robert 9                 
     3) #181 Colaizzi, Taylor 10        4) #101 Rhodes, Malci 11                 
 24 Shaw                                               10:01.02                  
     1) #489 Stevens, Benjamin 11       2) #482 Jackson, Tymell 11               
     3) #470 Crawford, Taron 9          4) #494 Polk, Jerome 11                  
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81    
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51    
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28    
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26    
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21    
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20    
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18    
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13    
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11    
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10    
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9    
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5    
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1    

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 29  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
 1 RACE - 2-3 TO A LANE - BREAK AT THE END OF 2nd TURN                           
        Meet: ! 9:31.26  2009        Magnificat, Magnificat                      
                         A Marquard, M Whitmore, K Stultz, M Chambers            
     Stadium: # 9:07.20  2009        Magnificat                                  
                         E.Riley, M.Whitmore, K.Stultz, M.Chambers               
 State-Div.I: % 8:56.62  2017        Mason                                       
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate
  1 Avon                                                9:39.77   10             
     1) Pelfrey, Evelyn 11              2) #356 Gannon, Kelsey 11                
     3) #303 Firment, Sydnie 12         4) #302 Firment, Lexie 12                
  2 Beaumont                                            9:45.39    8             
     1) #905 Lisac, Ella 9              2) #954 Rulison, Ashley 11               
     3) #952 Ciecierski, Addison 10     4) #959 Mlynek, Mia 10                   
  3 Magnificat                                          9:45.77    6             
     1) #440 Bush, Lindsay 11           2) #410 Aldinger, Abby 12                
     3) #418 Dunstan, Katie 12          4) #430 Kuhlman, Ella 9                  
  4 Brunswick                                           9:49.28    5             
     1) #347 Holden, Ashli 10           2) #363 Wolf, Alyssa 11                  
     3) #318 Wallace, Lexi 9            4) #341 Borges, Hailey 11                
  5 Steele                                              9:51.98    4             
     1) #402 Del Valle, Alicia 12       2) #403 Potyrala, Kalyn 11               
     3) #484 Snowden, Kayla 11          4) #450 Bailey, Victoria 10              
  6 Svsm                                               10:08.31    3             
     1) #314 Lisle, Leah 12             2) #313 Hagey, Theresa 9                 
     3) #315 Bame, Emily 9              4) #322 Zraik, Nina 11                   
  7 Medina                                             10:17.83    2             
     1) #516 Kole, Reagan 9             2) #507 Dudash, Avery 12                 
     3) #562 Kole, Savannah 11          4) #547 Sternberg, Carly 12              
  8 Twinsburg                                          10:27.74    1             
     1) #604 Vasiliauskas, Katie 9      2) #646 Mold, Rebecca 10                 
     3) #608 Perera, Desha 10           4) #640 DeFabio, Angela 11               
  9 Bay                                                10:29.93                  
     1) #731 Crabb, Aubrey 12           2) #711 Wall, Madison 11                 
     3) #718 Coe, Abby 12               4) #715 Goebel, Audrey 12                
 10 Walsh Jesuit                                       10:30.58                  
     1) Figler, Amelia 10               2) Smith, Leah 10                        
     3) Sutkus, Evie 9                  4) Wychanko, Lorelei 10                  
 11 Berea-Midpark                                      10:33.83                  
     1) Thai, Megan 10                  2) Ellis, Allison 12                     
     3) Agresta, Samantha 11            4) Brown, Hope 12                        
 12 Strongsville                                       10:37.81                  
     1) #706 Moran, Ariana 12           2) #704 Banez, Sophia 12                 
     3) #735 Minch, Maddie 12           4) #702 Castle, Sarah 12                 
 13 Roosevelt                                          10:50.78                  
     1) #900 Spurlock, Korrin 12        2) #909 Atkinson, Riley 12               
     3) #905 Valetta, Emma 9            4) #927 Moisio, Katelyn 9                
 14 Solon                                              10:53.10                  
     1) Erkkila, Hailey 12              2) Visse, Jenna 11                       
     3) Kloboves, Leah 11               4) Kvaka, Adrienne 12                    
 15 Syl. Northview                                     10:56.99                  
     1) Vandenbroek, Meghan 11          2) O'Donnell, Erin 11                    
     3) Adya, Sarah 12                  4) Goecke, Abby 9                        
 16 Kenston                                            11:12.58                  
     1) #132 Yurkovich, Brianna 11      2) #122 Witmer-Rich, Amelia 9            
     3) #109 Busby, Alexa 9             4) #106 Moss, Kate 12                    
 17 Westlake                                           11:21.21                  
     1) #289 Bogart, Maisey 12          2) #243 Bogart, Jolie 12                 
     3) #290 Clarke, Olivia 9           4) #211 Fernandez, Alexandra 9           
 18 Perkins                                            11:45.05                  
     1) #126 Staveskie, Aaliyah 11      2) #118 Baum, Hannah 11                  
     3) #107 Ohly, Kamryn 9             4) #125 Conner, Emily 12                 
 19 Sandusky                                           12:47.88                  
     1) Cremean, Sierra 12              2) Rieter, Summer 10                     
     3) Ransom, McKenna 10              4) Lonz, Grace 10                        
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71    
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64    
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50    
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30    
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50 
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17    
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50 
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8    
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4    
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50 
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2    
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                            

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                   4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                            63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                            
                                    Amherst, Ohio                                     
Event 3  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles
        Meet: ! 13.75  2011        Donovan Robertson, Berea                           
     Stadium: # 13.61  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                           
 State-Div.I: % 13.30  1990        Chris Nelloms, Dayton Dunbar                       
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Wind Points Alternate
  1       Abusway, Moe        11 Strongsville             14.63  -2.1  10             
  2 #  548 McDaniel, Hudson   12 Ashland                  14.87  -2.1   8             
  3 #  827 Hannah, Tyler      11 Lakewood                 14.90  -2.1   6             
  4       Finney, Justin      11 Solon                    14.94  -2.1   5             
  5 #  837 Wetula, John       11 St. Ignatius             15.38  -2.1   4             
  6 #  329 Clark, ShaDaryll   11 Berea-Midpark            15.39  -2.1   3             
  7       Rennette, Mike      12 Avon                     15.69  -2.1   2             
  8       Miller, Ben         12 Walsh Jesuit             15.95  -2.1   1             
  9       Edgerson, Julius    12 Twinsburg                16.04  -2.1                 
 10 #  235 Park, Daniel        9 Westlake                                             
 11       Shorts, Michael     11 Steele                                               
 12 #  128 Washington, Emman  10 Perkins                                              
 13 #  900 Grimes, Duane      12 Harvey High School                                   
 14 #  121 Michel, Alex       12 Sandusky                                             
 15 #  121 Hill, Will         12 Kenston                                              
 16 #  560 Tyna, Gavin        12 Medina                                               
 17 #  312 Blanks, Jeffery    12 Syl. Northview                                       
 18 #  977 Berner, Chris      11 St. Francis                                          
 19 #  329 Piecuch, Jake       9 Brunswick                                            
 20 #  361 Lewis, Darin        9 Svsm                                                 
 21 #  102 Taha, Adam         12 St. John's Jesuit                                    
 22 #  471 Pierce, Kishon      9 Shaw                                                 
 23 #  135 Perkins, Emarion    9 Warren G Harding                                     
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                      
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81         
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51         
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28         
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26         
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21         
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20         
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18         
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13         
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11         
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10         
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9         
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5         
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1         

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                   4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                            63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                            
                                    Amherst, Ohio                                     
Event 20  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles
        Meet: ! 14.48  2015        Aysha Muhammad, Mentor                             
     Stadium: # 14.09  2004        Christina Madison, Elyria                          
 State-Div.I: % 13.64  2000        Dalanda Jackson, Shaker Heights                    
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Wind Points Alternate
  1 #  730 Greene, McKenzie   12 Strongsville             15.77  -1.6  10             
  2 #  371 Mushanagzhiki, Ny  12 Brunswick                16.03  -1.6   8             
  3 #  326 Sharer, Kamryn     12 Avon                     16.09  -1.6   6             
  4 #  308 Foster, Sara       12 Svsm                     16.15  -1.6   5             
  5 #  110 Hall, Charity      12 Warren G Harding         16.20  -1.6   4             
  6       Leskovec, Maria     10 Solon                    16.63  -1.6   3             
  7 #  514 Clardy, Emma       12 Medina                   16.64  -1.6   2             
  8 #  405 Dimacchia, Macey   10 Steele                   16.82  -1.6   1             
  9 #  526 McQuillen, Katie   10 Ashland                  17.27  -1.6                 
 10       Page, Aubri         12 Sandusky                                             
 11 #  906 Wiltinger, Elizab  11 Roosevelt                                            
 12 #  102 Visci, Lauren       9 Perkins                                              
 13       Hildebrand, A'Maia  12 Berea-Midpark                                        
 14 #  401 Manuel, Jasmine    11 Shaw                                                 
 15 #  733 Rychel, Jessica    12 Bay                                                  
 16 #  201 Reilly, Laura      12 Westlake                                             
 17 #  116 Koenig, Sydney     12 Kenston                                              
 18 #  452 Peterson, Devon    10 Magnificat                                           
 19       Niemiec, Grace       9 Walsh Jesuit                                         
 20       Dickerson, Kaila    12 Syl. Northview                                       
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                      
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71         
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64         
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50         
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30         
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50      
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17         
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50      
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8         
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4         
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50      
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2         
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                                 

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                   4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                            63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                            
                                    Amherst, Ohio                                     
Event 2  Boys 100 Meter Dash
        Meet: ! 10.6h  1994        Charles Fountain, Mansfield                        
     Stadium: # 10.50  1991        Jonathon Burrell, Marshall                         
 State-Div.I: % 10.38  2006        Brandon Saine, Piqua                               
  State Tied: + 10.38  1993        Jonathon Burell, Cle. John Marshall                
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Wind Points Alternate
  1 #  866 Zuccaro, Phil      12 St. Ignatius             11.24  -2.5  10             
  2 #  984 Corbitt, Richard   12 St. Francis              11.35  -2.5   8             
  3 #  549 Lebada, Anthony    12 Medina                   11.44  -2.5   6             
  4 #  242 Walls, Kevin       11 Westlake                 11.46  -2.5   5             
  5 #  110 Hunter, Simeon     11 Perkins                  11.47  -2.5   4             
  6       Wilks, Thomas       12 Solon                    11.51  -2.5   3             
  7       Gillette, Joe       11 Strongsville             11.58  -2.5   2             
  8       McClain, Cam'Ron    12 Twinsburg                11.61  -2.5   1             
  9 #  142 Adams, Kayron      11 Warren G Harding         11.65  -2.5                 
 10 #  730 Kolesar, Caden     11 St. Edward                                           
 11 #  309 Browning, David    12 Berea-Midpark                                        
 12 #  145 Merrill, Kee-shau  12 Kenston                                              
 13       Rico, Cole          12 Walsh Jesuit                                         
 14 #  318 Younger, Leonard   12 Svsm                                                 
 15 #  305 Zamiska, Cole      12 Brunswick                                            
 16 #  549 Reef, Owen         11 Ashland                                              
 17       Riess, Jared        11 Bay                                                  
 18       Perusek, Nick       10 Avon                                                 
 19 #  811 Khawam, Elias      12 Lakewood                                             
 20 #  313 Simms, Trent       10 Syl. Northview                                       
 21 #  104 Sumpter, Rasan     12 St. John's Jesuit                                    
 22 #  400 Tarbush, Stockton  10 Steele                                               
 23 #  493 Davis, Daeshawn    11 Shaw                                                 
 24 #  105 Jones, Christian   11 Sandusky                                             
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                      
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81         
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51         
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28         
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26         
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21         
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20         
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18         
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13         
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11         
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10         
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9         
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5         
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1         

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                   4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                            63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                            
                                    Amherst, Ohio                                     
Event 19  Girls 100 Meter Dash
        Meet: ! 12.09  2001        Tianna Madison, Elyria                             
     Stadium: # 11.73  1986        Carvella Holmes, Toledo Scott                      
 State-Div.I: % 11.59  2000        Kahalilah Carpenter, Columbus Brookhaven           
  State Tied: + 11.59  2017        Abby Steiner, Dublin Coffman                       
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Wind Points Alternate
  1 #  614 Bussey, Nya        11 Twinsburg                12.54  -1.3  10             
  2 #  366 Neitzel, Maddy     12 Brunswick                12.85  -1.3   8             
  3 #  750 Cobb, Karson       10 Strongsville             12.92  -1.3   6             
  4 #  417 Parker, Deyanna    11 Shaw                     12.98  -1.3   5             
  5 #  280 Thomas, Samantha   10 Westlake                 13.05  -1.3   4             
  6 #  101 Myles, Elyse       10 Kenston                  13.11  -1.3   3             
  7 #  552 Pankow, Alli       11 Medina                   13.32  -1.3   2             
  8 #  127 Howard, Olivia     10 Perkins                  13.65  -1.3   1             
  8 #  501 Pean, Kaely        12 Ashland                                              
 10 #  311 Jones, Sanrae      10 Avon                                                 
 11 #  400 Kubasak, Tori      10 Steele                                               
 12 #  319 Sanders, Jamie      9 Svsm                                                 
 13       Brown, Shantaris    12 Sandusky                                             
 14 #  403 Bellack, Sydney    12 Magnificat                                           
 15       Jackson, Bria       10 Solon                                                
 16 #  122 Moore, Amisha      11 Warren G Harding                                     
 17       Okeke, Joy          10 Syl. Northview                                       
 18       McCree, Nzuri       12 Berea-Midpark                                        
 19 #  725 Mertic, Makaela    10 Bay                                                  
 20 #  928 Thomas, Taryn       9 Roosevelt                                            
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                      
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71         
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64         
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50         
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30         
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50      
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17         
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50      
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8         
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4         
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50      
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2         
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                                 

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 21  Girls 1600 Meter Run
        Meet: ! 4:51.1h  1978        Ann Henderson, Brecksville                  
     Stadium: # 4:47.23  2010        Madeline Chambers, Magnificat               
 State-Div.I: % 4:41.37  2007        Emily Infeld, Beaumont                      
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1       Howell, Olivia      11 Solon                  5:00.60   10             
  2 #  310 Bardwell, Emily    10 Brunswick              5:08.97    8             
  3       Jankowski, Morgan   11 Berea-Midpark          5:08.99    6             
  4       Kill, Jenna         12 Syl. Northview         5:09.79    5             
  5 #  313 Hagey, Theresa      9 Svsm                   5:18.00    4             
  6 #  333 Frombach, Jules    11 Avon                   5:21.28    3             
  7 #  110 Pleune, Ellie       9 Kenston                5:26.25    2             
  8 #  611 McKenna, Gillian   10 Twinsburg              5:34.72    1             
  9 #  536 Roberts, Olivia    10 Medina                 5:37.66                  
 10 #  525 Barrios, Veronica  10 Ashland                5:37.99                  
 11 #  205 Walsh, Teagan      10 Westlake               5:38.40                  
 12 #  423 McCarthy, Shannon  11 Magnificat             5:41.74                  
 13 #  732 Vapenik, Megan     10 Strongsville           5:41.75                  
 14 #  424 Leonard, Camyrn    12 Steele                 5:45.52                  
 15       Reimund, Daria      11 Walsh Jesuit           5:58.07                  
 16 #  124 Conner, Hailey     10 Perkins                6:05.27                  
 17 #  722 Ray, Audrey        10 Bay                    6:09.07                  
 18 #  936 Bryk, Rhiannon     10 Roosevelt              6:17.12                  
 19 #  104 Frazzini, Abigail   9 Warren G Harding       6:25.19                  
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71    
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64    
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50    
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30    
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50 
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17    
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50 
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8    
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4    
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50 
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2    
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                            

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 4  Boys 1600 Meter Run
        Meet: ! 4:18.7h  1975        Peter Kummant, Amherst                      
     Stadium: # 4:11.23  2007        Christopher Lemon, Toledo St. John          
 State-Div.I: % 4:05.13  1988        Bob Kennedy, Westerville North              
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate
  1 #  438 Hill, Josh         11 Steele                 4:23.02   10             
  2       Adkins, Ryan        11 Twinsburg              4:23.82    8             
  3 #  826 McGuire, Liam      12 St. Ignatius           4:24.13    6             
  4 #  113 McConnell, Jakob   11 Kenston                4:26.29    5             
  5       Esper, Logan        11 Solon                  4:30.73    4             
  6       Ondracek, Nathanie  11 Walsh Jesuit           4:36.72    3             
  7 #  570 Loeper, Alexander  12 Medina                 4:38.92    2             
  8       Gardner, Luke       11 Avon                   4:43.53    1             
  9       Mazzone, Neil       11 Strongsville           4:46.34                  
 10 #  333 Cocita, Anthony    11 Berea-Midpark          4:46.82                  
 11 #  703 Coe, Samuel        12 Bay                    4:48.26                  
 12 #  301 Powers, Chase       9 Svsm                   4:48.56                  
 13 #  142 Seiple, Liam       10 St. John's Jesuit      4:49.18                  
 14       Condrich, Daniel    10 St. Edward             4:49.68                  
 15 #  325 Losey, Cooper      11 Syl. Northview         4:54.51                  
 16       Cendol, Ryan        12 St. Francis            4:55.20                  
 17 #  214 Floyd, Will        12 Westlake               5:03.56                  
 18 #  103 Russell, Ashton    10 Perkins                5:07.07                  
 19 #  101 Stanyard, Reed     10 Warren G Harding       5:13.71                  
 20 #  304 Kraft, Brandon      9 Brunswick              5:17.92                  
 21 #  486 Romero, Martin      9 Shaw                   5:58.47                  
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81    
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51    
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28    
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26    
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21    
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20    
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18    
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13    
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11    
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10    
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9    
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5    
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1    

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 30  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME                                                            
        Meet: ! 48.38  2016        Warren G Harding, Warren G Har                   
                       G Bercheni, A Jackson, K Cox, J Richardson                   
     Stadium: # 47.37  2012        Lorain High                                      
 State-Div.I: % 45.99  2012        Reynoldsburg                                     
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 Warren G Harding                                      55.03                     
     1) #110 Hall, Charity 12           2) #122 Moore, Amisha 11                    
     3) #106 Brocious, Alexis 9         4) #101 Mathis-Rodgers, Da'Nae 11           
  2 Westlake                                              55.30                     
     1) #252 Snellings, Bethany 9       2) #273 George, Domenica 10                 
     3) #242 Beck, Claire 10            4) #257 Brennan, Haley 10                   
  3 Sandusky                                              55.58                     
     1) Brown, Shantaris 12             2) Nuby, Taszeana 11                        
     3) Oba-Thomas, Aaliyah 10          4) Rice, Octavia 9                          
  4 Bay                                                   56.30                     
     1) #746 Sinnema, Kate 10           2) #701 Juhasz, Isabel 10                   
     3) #713 LaMotte, Ellie 10          4) #725 Mertic, Makaela 10                  
  5 Magnificat                                            57.15                     
     1) #452 Peterson, Devon 10         2) #438 Piazza, Sophia 10                   
     3) #457 Puckett, Lilly 9           4) #470 Powers, Grace 9                     
Section  2                                                                          
  1 Shaw                                                  51.92    3                
     1) #424 Powell, Delita 10          2) #407 Pickett, Carlena 11                 
     3) #406 Dennis, Morgan 11          4) #417 Parker, Deyanna 11                  
  2 Perkins                                               52.13    1                
     1) #117 Jenkins, Brenna 9          2) #129 Dorsey, Kylie 9                     
     3) #109 Leffler, Madison 12        4) #127 Howard, Olivia 10                   
  3 Solon                                                 53.77                     
     1) Beverly, Jennifer 11            2) Vara, Arianna 9                          
     3) Nash, Destiny 9                 4) Thomas, Jordyn 10                        
  4 Walsh Jesuit                                          53.79                     
     1) Stevens, Alana 10               2) Bachmann, Katie 11                       
     3) Carr, Marissa 11                4) Szilvas, Angela 10                       
  5 Syl. Northview                                        53.85                     
     1) Langenderfer, Kaitlyn 11        2) Lang, Isabella 9                         
     3) Delbosque, Angelina 10          4) Okeke, Joy 10                            
  6 Ashland                                               54.11                     
     1) #507 Krichbaum, Kendra 9        2) #544 Etzwiler, Ellie 10                  
     3) #506 Pokrzywa, Naomi 10         4) #526 McQuillen, Katie 10                 
  7 Svsm                                                  55.84                     
     1) #301 Mathis, Olivia 9           2) #331 Walters, Ariella 10                 
     3) #345 Shadie, Kamryn 9           4) #305 Morgan, Perrin 9                    
 -- Roosevelt                                                FS                     
     1) #903 Dennis, Jordan 11          2) #930 Friedman, Makhia 9                  
     3) #928 Thomas, Taryn 9            4) #915 Lofton, Shayla 9                    
Section  3                                                                          
  1 Twinsburg                                             48.95   10                
     1) #660 McDonald, Brionna 11       2) #631 Willis, Alyssa 10                   
     3) #622 Griffin, Camari 12         4) #614 Bussey, Nya 11                      
  2 Brunswick                                             49.69    8                
     1) #330 Haynes, Madison 10         2) #371 Mushanagzhiki, Nyree 12             
     3) #362 Bykova, Nellie 12          4) #366 Neitzel, Maddy 12                   
  3 Strongsville                                          50.50    6                
     1) #738 Schwab, Lorissa 10         2) #750 Cobb, Karson 10                     
     3) #718 Kappel, Katie 10           4) #731 Robinson, Drew 12                   
  4 Kenston                                               50.91    5                
     1) #100 Gabram, Izzy 11            2) #102 Hajdu, Julie 12                     
     3) #112 Patrick, Rhianna 11        4) #101 Myles, Elyse 10                     
  5 Medina                                                51.77    4                
     1) #514 Clardy, Emma 12            2) #552 Pankow, Alli 11                     
     3) Smith, Abby 10                  4) #526 Smith, Katie 11                     
  6 Avon                                                  51.98    2                
     1) #311 Jones, Sanrae 10           2) #326 Sharer, Kamryn 12                   
     3) #324 Steinert, Madelyn 12       4) Goodelle, Juliet 9                       
  7 Steele                                                52.47                     
     1) #418 Giannuzzi, Gabriela 12     2) #471 Dudziak, Anna 10                    
     3) #423 Armbruster, Brooke 12      4) #400 Kubasak, Tori 10                    
  8 Berea-Midpark                                         53.19                     
     1) Santiago, Heaven 9              2) Dodd, Jayley 12                          
     3) Carnegie, Journee 11            4) Buxton, Rachel 12                        
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME                                                            
        Meet: ! 48.38  2016        Warren G Harding, Warren G Har                   
                       G Bercheni, A Jackson, K Cox, J Richardson                   
     Stadium: # 47.37  2012        Lorain High                                      
 State-Div.I: % 45.99  2012        Reynoldsburg                                     
    School                                               Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 Twinsburg                                             48.95   3  10             
     1) #660 McDonald, Brionna 11       2) #631 Willis, Alyssa 10                   
     3) #622 Griffin, Camari 12         4) #614 Bussey, Nya 11                      
  2 Brunswick                                             49.69   3   8             
     1) #330 Haynes, Madison 10         2) #371 Mushanagzhiki, Nyree 12             
     3) #362 Bykova, Nellie 12          4) #366 Neitzel, Maddy 12                   
  3 Strongsville                                          50.50   3   6             
     1) #738 Schwab, Lorissa 10         2) #750 Cobb, Karson 10                     
     3) #718 Kappel, Katie 10           4) #731 Robinson, Drew 12                   
  4 Kenston                                               50.91   3   5             
     1) #100 Gabram, Izzy 11            2) #102 Hajdu, Julie 12                     
     3) #112 Patrick, Rhianna 11        4) #101 Myles, Elyse 10                     
  5 Medina                                                51.77   3   4             
     1) #514 Clardy, Emma 12            2) #552 Pankow, Alli 11                     
     3) Smith, Abby 10                  4) #526 Smith, Katie 11                     
  6 Shaw                                                  51.92   2   3             
     1) #424 Powell, Delita 10          2) #407 Pickett, Carlena 11                 
     3) #406 Dennis, Morgan 11          4) #417 Parker, Deyanna 11                  
  7 Avon                                                  51.98   3   2             
     1) #311 Jones, Sanrae 10           2) #326 Sharer, Kamryn 12                   
     3) #324 Steinert, Madelyn 12       4) Goodelle, Juliet 9                       
  8 Perkins                                               52.13   2   1             
     1) #117 Jenkins, Brenna 9          2) #129 Dorsey, Kylie 9                     
     3) #109 Leffler, Madison 12        4) #127 Howard, Olivia 10                   
  9 Steele                                                52.47   3                 
     1) #418 Giannuzzi, Gabriela 12     2) #471 Dudziak, Anna 10                    
     3) #423 Armbruster, Brooke 12      4) #400 Kubasak, Tori 10                    
 10 Berea-Midpark                                         53.19   3                 
     1) Santiago, Heaven 9              2) Dodd, Jayley 12                          
     3) Carnegie, Journee 11            4) Buxton, Rachel 12                        
 11 Solon                                                 53.77   2                 
     1) Beverly, Jennifer 11            2) Vara, Arianna 9                          
     3) Nash, Destiny 9                 4) Thomas, Jordyn 10                        
 12 Walsh Jesuit                                          53.79   2                 
     1) Stevens, Alana 10               2) Bachmann, Katie 11                       
     3) Carr, Marissa 11                4) Szilvas, Angela 10                       
 13 Syl. Northview                                        53.85   2                 
     1) Langenderfer, Kaitlyn 11        2) Lang, Isabella 9                         
     3) Delbosque, Angelina 10          4) Okeke, Joy 10                            
 14 Ashland                                               54.11   2                 
     1) #507 Krichbaum, Kendra 9        2) #544 Etzwiler, Ellie 10                  
     3) #506 Pokrzywa, Naomi 10         4) #526 McQuillen, Katie 10                 
 15 Warren G Harding                                      55.03   1                 
     1) #110 Hall, Charity 12           2) #122 Moore, Amisha 11                    
     3) #106 Brocious, Alexis 9         4) #101 Mathis-Rodgers, Da'Nae 11           
 16 Westlake                                              55.30   1                 
     1) #252 Snellings, Bethany 9       2) #273 George, Domenica 10                 
     3) #242 Beck, Claire 10            4) #257 Brennan, Haley 10                   
 17 Sandusky                                              55.58   1                 
     1) Brown, Shantaris 12             2) Nuby, Taszeana 11                        
     3) Oba-Thomas, Aaliyah 10          4) Rice, Octavia 9                          
 18 Svsm                                                  55.84   2                 
     1) #301 Mathis, Olivia 9           2) #331 Walters, Ariella 10                 
     3) #345 Shadie, Kamryn 9           4) #305 Morgan, Perrin 9                    
 19 Bay                                                   56.30   1                 
     1) #746 Sinnema, Kate 10           2) #701 Juhasz, Isabel 10                   
     3) #713 LaMotte, Ellie 10          4) #725 Mertic, Makaela 10                  
 20 Magnificat                                            57.15   1                 
     1) #452 Peterson, Devon 10         2) #438 Piazza, Sophia 10                   
     3) #457 Puckett, Lilly 9           4) #470 Powers, Grace 9                     
 -- Roosevelt                                                FS   2                 
     1) #903 Dennis, Jordan 11          2) #930 Friedman, Makhia 9                  
     3) #928 Thomas, Taryn 9            4) #915 Lofton, Shayla 9                    
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71       
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64       
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50       
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30       
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50    
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17       
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50    
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8       
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4       
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50    
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2       
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                               

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 14  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME -                                                          
        Meet: ! 42.64  2004        Toledo Start                                     
     Stadium: # 41.69  1987        DeVilbiss                                        
 State-Div.I: % 40.79  2002        Middletown                                       
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 St. Edward                                            45.13                     
     1) #729 Nash, Logan 10             2) #711 Johnson, Rich 11                    
     3) #730 Kolesar, Caden 11          4) #717 Turchyn, Drew 10                    
  2 Syl. Northview                                        46.26                     
     1) #314 Abdo, Ali 11               2) #309 Ellis, Anthony 11                   
     3) #336 Powalski, Colton 11        4) #313 Simms, Trent 10                     
  3 Perkins                                               46.88                     
     1) #143 Henry, Noah 12             2) #108 Campbell, Chris 9                   
     3) #102 Nyman, Josiah 12           4) #114 Butler, Justin 10                   
  4 St. John's Jesuit                                     47.08                     
     1) #107 Michael, Jaiden 9          2) #134 Parks, Aaron 9                      
     3) #105 Stange, Joe 9              4) #169 Jordan, Erion 9                     
  5 Lakewood                                              47.28                     
     1) #803 Al-Hamdini, Ali 11         2) #806 Jefferson, Kyren 11                 
     3) #804 Nijem, Ahmad 11            4) #825 Jackson, Milan 10                   
 -- Walsh Jesuit                                             DQ                     
     1) Watkins, Tevin 11               2) Sitarz, John 11                          
     3) Cottrell, Justin 11             4) Fouche, Josh 10                          
Section  2                                                                          
  1 Westlake                                              44.63    2                
     1) #217 Wait, Tim 12               2) #245 Norris, Austin 9                    
     3) #218 Smith, Josiah 12           4) #242 Walls, Kevin 11                     
  2 Berea-Midpark                                         44.88                     
     1) #331 Rivera, Ryan 11            2) #355 Bannister, Jaylen 12                
     3) #360 Miller, Anthoney 11        4) #309 Browning, David 12                  
  3 Kenston                                               45.70                     
     1) #100 Talley, Dorion 11          2) #145 Merrill, Kee-shaun 12               
     3) #111 Iklodi, Matt 11            4) #121 Hill, Will 12                       
  4 Svsm                                                  45.77                     
     1) #361 Lewis, Darin 9             2) #310 Manley, Desmond 10                  
     3) #312 Stevens, Mason 10          4) #300 Cook, Marquel 10                    
  5 Avon                                                  45.84                     
     1) Perusek, Nick 10                2) Love, Johnny 9                           
     3) Walker, Cal 11                  4) Moyer, Nick 11                           
  6 Shaw                                                  46.28                     
     1) #481 Worship, Trevon 11         2) #493 Davis, Daeshawn 11                  
     3) #489 Stevens, Benjamin 11       4) #482 Jackson, Tymell 11                  
  7 Steele                                                47.45                     
     1) #435 Pullin, Ethan 9            2) #400 Tarbush, Stockton 10                
     3) #461 Keron, Nick 12             4) #440 Martinez, Josue 10                  
 -- St. Francis                                             DNF                     
     1) #980 Bumphis, Todd 10           2) #983 King, Josh 10                       
     3) #985 Krause, Joe 10             4) #984 Corbitt, Richard 12                 
Section  3                                                                          
  1 Medina                                                42.75   10                
     1) #523 Shannon, Demetrius 12      2) #544 Hull, Lavelle 10                    
     3) #549 Lebada, Anthony 12         4) #505 Montgomery, Gavin 12                
  2 Brunswick                                             43.18    8                
     1) #306 Peppers, Josh 12           2) #307 Mewhinney, Ben 11                   
     3) #302 Raiff, Sam 11              4) #305 Zamiska, Cole 12                    
  3 Solon                                                 43.70    6                
     1) Parries, Greg 10                2) Wilks, Thomas 12                         
     3) Shannon, Brett 11               4) Raphael, Trevon 11                       
  4 Strongsville                                          43.71    5                
     1) Malczewski, Jack 11             2) Griffin, Taylor 11                       
     3) Anderson, Riley 11              4) Gillette, Joe 11                         
  5 St. Ignatius                                          44.06    4                
     1) #845 Kennedy, Connor 12         2) #831 Griffiths, Luke 10                  
     3) #822 Devengencie, Dominic 10    4) #866 Zuccaro, Phil 12                    
  6 Warren G Harding                                      44.14    3                
     1) #111 Ware, Niy'Gerrin 12        2) #142 Adams, Kayron 11                    
     3) #106 Harvey, Dezmond 12         4) #118 Frazier, Sterling 12                
  7 Twinsburg                                             44.66    1                
     1) Dreams, Kory 10                 2) East, Kaleb 11                           
     3) Campbell, Gilbert 11            4) McClain, Cam'Ron 12                      
  8 Sandusky                                              44.69                     
     1) #110 Sherman, Eian 11           2) #115 Reed, Tarrence 11                   
     3) #129 Pickens, Tyron 12          4) #114 Stewart, Tevin 11                   
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME -                                                          
        Meet: ! 42.64  2004        Toledo Start                                     
     Stadium: # 41.69  1987        DeVilbiss                                        
 State-Div.I: % 40.79  2002        Middletown                                       
    School                                               Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 Medina                                                42.75   3  10             
     1) #523 Shannon, Demetrius 12      2) #544 Hull, Lavelle 10                    
     3) #549 Lebada, Anthony 12         4) #505 Montgomery, Gavin 12                
  2 Brunswick                                             43.18   3   8             
     1) #306 Peppers, Josh 12           2) #307 Mewhinney, Ben 11                   
     3) #302 Raiff, Sam 11              4) #305 Zamiska, Cole 12                    
  3 Solon                                                 43.70   3   6             
     1) Parries, Greg 10                2) Wilks, Thomas 12                         
     3) Shannon, Brett 11               4) Raphael, Trevon 11                       
  4 Strongsville                                          43.71   3   5             
     1) Malczewski, Jack 11             2) Griffin, Taylor 11                       
     3) Anderson, Riley 11              4) Gillette, Joe 11                         
  5 St. Ignatius                                          44.06   3   4             
     1) #845 Kennedy, Connor 12         2) #831 Griffiths, Luke 10                  
     3) #822 Devengencie, Dominic 10    4) #866 Zuccaro, Phil 12                    
  6 Warren G Harding                                      44.14   3   3             
     1) #111 Ware, Niy'Gerrin 12        2) #142 Adams, Kayron 11                    
     3) #106 Harvey, Dezmond 12         4) #118 Frazier, Sterling 12                
  7 Westlake                                              44.63   2   2             
     1) #217 Wait, Tim 12               2) #245 Norris, Austin 9                    
     3) #218 Smith, Josiah 12           4) #242 Walls, Kevin 11                     
  8 Twinsburg                                             44.66   3   1             
     1) Dreams, Kory 10                 2) East, Kaleb 11                           
     3) Campbell, Gilbert 11            4) McClain, Cam'Ron 12                      
  9 Sandusky                                              44.69   3                 
     1) #110 Sherman, Eian 11           2) #115 Reed, Tarrence 11                   
     3) #129 Pickens, Tyron 12          4) #114 Stewart, Tevin 11                   
 10 Berea-Midpark                                         44.88   2                 
     1) #331 Rivera, Ryan 11            2) #355 Bannister, Jaylen 12                
     3) #360 Miller, Anthoney 11        4) #309 Browning, David 12                  
 11 St. Edward                                            45.13   1                 
     1) #729 Nash, Logan 10             2) #711 Johnson, Rich 11                    
     3) #730 Kolesar, Caden 11          4) #717 Turchyn, Drew 10                    
 12 Kenston                                               45.70   2                 
     1) #100 Talley, Dorion 11          2) #145 Merrill, Kee-shaun 12               
     3) #111 Iklodi, Matt 11            4) #121 Hill, Will 12                       
 13 Svsm                                                  45.77   2                 
     1) #361 Lewis, Darin 9             2) #310 Manley, Desmond 10                  
     3) #312 Stevens, Mason 10          4) #300 Cook, Marquel 10                    
 14 Avon                                                  45.84   2                 
     1) Perusek, Nick 10                2) Love, Johnny 9                           
     3) Walker, Cal 11                  4) Moyer, Nick 11                           
 15 Syl. Northview                                        46.26   1                 
     1) #314 Abdo, Ali 11               2) #309 Ellis, Anthony 11                   
     3) #336 Powalski, Colton 11        4) #313 Simms, Trent 10                     
 16 Shaw                                                  46.28   2                 
     1) #481 Worship, Trevon 11         2) #493 Davis, Daeshawn 11                  
     3) #489 Stevens, Benjamin 11       4) #482 Jackson, Tymell 11                  
 17 Perkins                                               46.88   1                 
     1) #143 Henry, Noah 12             2) #108 Campbell, Chris 9                   
     3) #102 Nyman, Josiah 12           4) #114 Butler, Justin 10                   
 18 St. John's Jesuit                                     47.08   1                 
     1) #107 Michael, Jaiden 9          2) #134 Parks, Aaron 9                      
     3) #105 Stange, Joe 9              4) #169 Jordan, Erion 9                     
 19 Lakewood                                              47.28   1                 
     1) #803 Al-Hamdini, Ali 11         2) #806 Jefferson, Kyren 11                 
     3) #804 Nijem, Ahmad 11            4) #825 Jackson, Milan 10                   
 20 Steele                                                47.45   2                 
     1) #435 Pullin, Ethan 9            2) #400 Tarbush, Stockton 10                
     3) #461 Keron, Nick 12             4) #440 Martinez, Josue 10                  
 -- St. Francis                                             DNF   2                 
     1) #980 Bumphis, Todd 10           2) #983 King, Josh 10                       
     3) #985 Krause, Joe 10             4) #984 Corbitt, Richard 12                 
 -- Walsh Jesuit                                             DQ   1                 
     1) Watkins, Tevin 11               2) Sitarz, John 11                          
     3) Cottrell, Justin 11             4) Fouche, Josh 10                          
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81       
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51       
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28       
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26       
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21       
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20       
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18       
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13       
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11       
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10       
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9       
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5       
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1       

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 22  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 30"                                                      
        Meet: ! 44.15  2016        Jasmine Harris, Orange                           
     Stadium: # 40.88  2010        Kaila Barber, Midpark                            
 State-Div.I: % 40.79  2000        Tiffany Flomo, Groveport Madison                 
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 #  733 Rychel, Jessica    12 Bay                    4:54.19                     
  2 #  415 Collins, Demaria   12 Shaw                   4:55.34                     
  3 #  481 LaVelle, Ellen     10 Magnificat             4:56.06                     
  4       Dickerson, Kaila    12 Syl. Northview         4:59.76                     
  5       Nuby, Taszeana      11 Sandusky               5:02.14                     
Section  2                                                                          
  1 #  915 Christian, Daniel  12 Beaumont                 50.95    2.50 50.948      
  2 #  717 Drlik, Maddie      11 Strongsville             51.22                     
  3       Farinacci, Mary     11 Walsh Jesuit             51.89                     
  4 #  405 Dimacchia, Macey   10 Steele                   52.08                     
  5 #  110 Hall, Charity      12 Warren G Harding         52.78                     
  6 #  122 Schaefer, Maddie   10 Perkins                  53.98                     
  7 #  906 Wiltinger, Elizab  11 Roosevelt                55.30                     
  8 #  114 Paglia, Dara       12 Kenston                  55.48                     
Section  3                                                                          
  1 #  308 Foster, Sara       12 Svsm                     44.51   10                
  2 #  280 Thomas, Samantha   10 Westlake                 44.88    8                
  3       Ermakov, Shura      10 Berea-Midpark            45.69    6                
  4 #  362 Bykova, Nellie     12 Brunswick                47.87    5                
  5       Gough, Abigail      11 Solon                    48.50    4                
  6       Goodelle, Juliet     9 Avon                     50.95    2.50 50.948      
  7 #  630 Henderson, Julia   11 Twinsburg                51.06    1                
  8 #  583 Lisser, Crosbee    12 Medina                   51.85                     
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 30"                                                      
        Meet: ! 44.15  2016        Jasmine Harris, Orange                           
     Stadium: # 40.88  2010        Kaila Barber, Midpark                            
 State-Div.I: % 40.79  2000        Tiffany Flomo, Groveport Madison                 
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 #  308 Foster, Sara       12 Svsm                     44.51   3  10             
  2 #  280 Thomas, Samantha   10 Westlake                 44.88   3   8             
  3       Ermakov, Shura      10 Berea-Midpark            45.69   3   6             
  4 #  362 Bykova, Nellie     12 Brunswick                47.87   3   5             
  5       Gough, Abigail      11 Solon                    48.50   3   4             
  6       Goodelle, Juliet     9 Avon                     50.95   3   2.50 50.948   
  6 #  915 Christian, Daniel  12 Beaumont                 50.95   2   2.50 50.948   
  8 #  630 Henderson, Julia   11 Twinsburg                51.06   3   1             
  9 #  717 Drlik, Maddie      11 Strongsville             51.22   2                 
 10 #  583 Lisser, Crosbee    12 Medina                   51.85   3                 
 11       Farinacci, Mary     11 Walsh Jesuit             51.89   2                 
 12 #  405 Dimacchia, Macey   10 Steele                   52.08   2                 
 13 #  110 Hall, Charity      12 Warren G Harding         52.78   2                 
 14 #  122 Schaefer, Maddie   10 Perkins                  53.98   2                 
 15 #  906 Wiltinger, Elizab  11 Roosevelt                55.30   2                 
 16 #  114 Paglia, Dara       12 Kenston                  55.48   2                 
 17 #  733 Rychel, Jessica    12 Bay                    4:54.19   1                 
 18 #  415 Collins, Demaria   12 Shaw                   4:55.34   1                 
 19 #  481 LaVelle, Ellen     10 Magnificat             4:56.06   1                 
 20       Dickerson, Kaila    12 Syl. Northview         4:59.76   1                 
 21       Nuby, Taszeana      11 Sandusky               5:02.14   1                 
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71       
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64       
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50       
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30       
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50    
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17       
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50    
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8       
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4       
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50    
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2       
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                               

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 5  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 36"                                                      
        Meet: ! 37.15  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                         
     Stadium: # 36.58  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                         
 State-Div.I: % 35.96  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                         
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 #  136 Felton, Jabari      9 Warren G Harding         44.44                     
  2 #  352 Dulaney, Yale      12 Svsm                     44.62                     
  3 #  135 Krzyston, Greg     11 St. John's Jesuit        46.05                     
  4 #  705 Hamil, Zak         12 Bay                      46.43                     
  5 #  989 Fouad, Mohammad    11 Roosevelt                46.73                     
  6       Russ, Bailey         9 Walsh Jesuit             48.38                     
Section  2                                                                          
  1 #  245 Norris, Austin      9 Westlake                 42.25    1                
  2 #  411 Deshuk, Dominic    10 Steele                   42.77                     
  3 #  156 Cordiak, Nick      12 Kenston                  42.85                     
  4 #  534 Smith, Adam        12 Medina                   42.91                     
  5 #  121 Michel, Alex       12 Sandusky                 43.04                     
  6 #  128 Washington, Emman  10 Perkins                  43.22                     
  7 #  303 Singh, Gabe         9 Syl. Northview           43.85                     
  8 #  333 Maruschak, Adam    11 Brunswick                43.86                     
Section  3                                                                          
  1       Dillard, Isaiah     12 Solon                    39.26   10                
  2       Abusway, Moe        11 Strongsville             39.58    8                
  3 #  827 Hannah, Tyler      11 Lakewood                 39.61    6                
  4       Rennette, Mike      12 Avon                     41.30    5                
  5 #  335 Daughtery, Ian     11 Berea-Midpark            41.43    4                
  6 #  900 Grimes, Duane      12 Harvey High School       41.88    3                
  7       Caplice, Billy      12 Twinsburg                42.00    2                
  8 #  833 Pike, Max          12 St. Ignatius             42.41                     
  9 #  475 Pruitt, Brandon    11 Shaw                     45.66                     
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 36"                                                      
        Meet: ! 37.15  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                         
     Stadium: # 36.58  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                         
 State-Div.I: % 35.96  2012        Donovan Robertson, Berea                         
    Comp#  Name                Year School                  Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1       Dillard, Isaiah     12 Solon                    39.26   3  10             
  2       Abusway, Moe        11 Strongsville             39.58   3   8             
  3 #  827 Hannah, Tyler      11 Lakewood                 39.61   3   6             
  4       Rennette, Mike      12 Avon                     41.30   3   5             
  5 #  335 Daughtery, Ian     11 Berea-Midpark            41.43   3   4             
  6 #  900 Grimes, Duane      12 Harvey High School       41.88   3   3             
  7       Caplice, Billy      12 Twinsburg                42.00   3   2             
  8 #  245 Norris, Austin      9 Westlake                 42.25   2   1             
  9 #  833 Pike, Max          12 St. Ignatius             42.41   3                 
 10 #  411 Deshuk, Dominic    10 Steele                   42.77   2                 
 11 #  156 Cordiak, Nick      12 Kenston                  42.85   2                 
 12 #  534 Smith, Adam        12 Medina                   42.91   2                 
 13 #  121 Michel, Alex       12 Sandusky                 43.04   2                 
 14 #  128 Washington, Emman  10 Perkins                  43.22   2                 
 15 #  303 Singh, Gabe         9 Syl. Northview           43.85   2                 
 16 #  333 Maruschak, Adam    11 Brunswick                43.86   2                 
 17 #  136 Felton, Jabari      9 Warren G Harding         44.44   1                 
 18 #  352 Dulaney, Yale      12 Svsm                     44.62   1                 
 19 #  475 Pruitt, Brandon    11 Shaw                     45.66   3                 
 20 #  135 Krzyston, Greg     11 St. John's Jesuit        46.05   1                 
 21 #  705 Hamil, Zak         12 Bay                      46.43   1                 
 22 #  989 Fouad, Mohammad    11 Roosevelt                46.73   1                 
 23       Russ, Bailey         9 Walsh Jesuit             48.38   1                 
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81       
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51       
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28       
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26       
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21       
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20       
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18       
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13       
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11       
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10       
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9       
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5       
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1       

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:30 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 31  Girls Distance Medley
 1200 - 400 - 800 - 1600                                                         
        Meet: ! 12:27.62  2017        Medina, Medina                             
                          J Keller, A Tenaglia, J Campbell, T Cullings           
     Stadium: # 12:30.49  2006        Mantua Crestwood                           
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate
  1 Medina                                             12:24.52!  10             
     1) #519 Henning, Carmela 11        2) #527 Dobson, Angela 11                
     3) #510 Campbell, Jessica 10       4) #503 Keller, Juliette 10              
  2 Strongsville                                       12:55.60    8             
     1) #715 Globokar, Marquis 9        2) #769 Lesniak, Emilia 11               
     3) #729 Ogrean, Hannah 12          4) #742 Knauss, Jocelyn 12               
  3 Beaumont                                           12:56.75    6             
     1) #954 Rulison, Ashley 11         2) #924 Toppin, Kendall 10               
     3) #952 Ciecierski, Addison 10     4) #959 Mlynek, Mia 10                   
  4 Steele                                             13:01.48    5             
     1) #428 Haff, Kaylee 9             2) #450 Bailey, Victoria 10              
     3) #403 Potyrala, Kalyn 11         4) #402 Del Valle, Alicia 12             
  5 Brunswick                                          13:04.67    4             
     1) Pasadyn, Felicia 11             2) #353 Grabowski, Maddy 10              
     3) #349 Mancini, Rachel 11         4) #301 Gatten, Nichole 10               
  6 Twinsburg                                          13:07.78    3             
     1) #602 O'Connor, Emily 12         2) #640 DeFabio, Angela 11               
     3) #646 Mold, Rebecca 10           4) #600 Hartman, Makenzie 11             
  7 Avon                                               13:11.43    2             
     1) #302 Firment, Lexie 12          2) Pelfrey, Evelyn 11                    
     3) #303 Firment, Sydnie 12         4) #333 Frombach, Jules 11               
  8 Syl. Northview                                     13:11.98    1             
     1) Kill, Jenna 12                  2) O'Donnell, Erin 11                    
     3) Vandenbroek, Meghan 11          4) Steingass, Emma 9                     
  9 Kenston                                            13:13.51                  
     1) #108 Taylor, Kate 11            2) #111 Powell, Gabrielle 11             
     3) #104 Gormley, Loren 12          4) #110 Pleune, Ellie 9                  
 10 Svsm                                               13:30.42                  
     1) #322 Zraik, Nina 11             2) #329 Tobin, Natalie 10                
     3) #304 Powers, Quincy 10          4) #314 Lisle, Leah 12                   
 11 Berea-Midpark                                      13:31.52                  
     1) Jankowski, Morgan 11            2) Howard, Kenzie 9                      
     3) Ellis, Allison 12               4) Thai, Megan 10                        
 12 Bay                                                13:58.66                  
     1) #731 Crabb, Aubrey 12           2) #718 Coe, Abby 12                     
     3) #711 Wall, Madison 11           4) #715 Goebel, Audrey 12                
 13 Roosevelt                                          14:03.80                  
     1) #900 Spurlock, Korrin 12        2) #930 Friedman, Makhia 9               
     3) #909 Atkinson, Riley 12         4) #916 Salisbury, Melina 11             
 14 Solon                                              14:06.20                  
     1) Povitsky, Pauline 12            2) Smith, Aaliyah 10                     
     3) Jiang, Vivian 12                4) Mabey, Elsa 11                        
 15 Ashland                                            14:07.00                  
     1) #503 Honaker, Danielle 10       2) #512 Lemon, Emilie 9                  
     3) #525 Barrios, Veronica 10       4) #505 McBride, Ella 10                 
 16 Westlake                                           14:12.70                  
     1) #226 Irwin, Olivia 10           2) #243 Bogart, Jolie 12                 
     3) #205 Walsh, Teagan 10           4) #217 Templeton, Elizabeth 12          
 17 Walsh Jesuit                                       14:34.94                  
     1) Sutkus, Evie 9                  2) Steiner, Sophia 11                    
     3) Elbin, Sarah 10                 4) Wychanko, Lorelei 10                  
 18 Perkins                                            15:11.00                  
     1) #104 Smelcer, Kyrsten 10        2) #118 Baum, Hannah 11                  
     3) #126 Staveskie, Aaliyah 11      4) #124 Conner, Hailey 10                
 -- Magnificat                                               DQ                  
     1) #440 Bush, Lindsay 11           2) #476 Karabatsos, Maggie 9             
     3) #430 Kuhlman, Ella 9            4) #454 Maloney, Sophie 10               
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71    
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64    
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50    
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30    
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50 
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17    
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50 
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8    
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4    
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50 
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2    
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                            

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License              4/21/2018 - 4:30 PM
                         63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                          
                                  Amherst, Ohio                                  
Event 15  Boys Distance Medley
 1200 - 400 - 800 - 1600                                                         
        Meet: ! 10:27.01  2013        Twinsburg, Twinsburg                       
                          N Schank, T King, R Scanlon, G Crichlow                
     Stadium: # 10:27.01  2013        Twinsburg                                  
                          N Schank, T King, R Scanlon                            
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate
  1 Medina                                             10:39.63   10             
     1) #534 Stamper, Alex 12           2) #514 LoSchiavo, Michael 12            
     3) #540 Custer, Harry 10           4) Robertson, Zachary 12                 
  2 St. Edward                                         10:48.60    8             
     1) #711 Wright, Trevor 12          2) #771 Dowell, Michael 12               
     3) #710 Hauptman, Alex 11          4) #705 Conway, Daniel 11                
  3 Strongsville                                       10:54.01    6             
     1) Housum, Tyler 10                2) Juda, Joe 11                          
     3) Mott, Jack 11                   4) Wyler, Brian 12                       
  4 Solon                                              10:56.60    5             
     1) Finnerty, Brian 12              2) Cunningham, Josh 10                   
     3) Phipps, Eli 12                  4) Visse, Chantz 12                      
  5 Steele                                             11:03.21    4             
     1) #427 Baumgartner, Devin 11      2) #469 Brogan, Ben 11                   
     3) #471 Kirsch, Bradley 11         4) #438 Hill, Josh 11                    
  6 Svsm                                               11:04.07    3             
     1) #320 White, Patrick 12          2) #342 O'Brien, Sean 12                 
     3) #325 Phillips, Alex 11          4) #302 Sollenberger, Matthew 11         
  7 Avon                                               11:04.87    2             
     1) Reed, Jack 12                   2) Vargo, Ryan 11                        
     3) Wieber, Jett 9                  4) Gardner, Luke 11                      
  8 Kenston                                            11:04.93    1             
     1) #113 McConnell, Jakob 11        2) #162 Secura, Joe 10                   
     3) #157 Markel, Sam 12             4) #130 Pleune, Casey 10                 
  9 St. Ignatius                                       11:14.35                  
     1) #806 Zucca, Steve 10            2) #852 Nolan, Cormac 10                 
     3) #875 Mayer, John 10             4) #814 Soria, Nathan 11                 
 10 Bay                                                11:19.95                  
     1) #740 Jennings, Justin 12        2) #735 Nortz, Samuel 12                 
     3) Slyepkan, Ivan 11               4) #706 Hamil, Khaled 10                 
 11 Twinsburg                                          11:25.86                  
     1) Adkins, Ryan 11                 2) Dickson, Alex 12                      
     3) Weiss, Peter 12                 4) Suder, Mitchell 10                    
 12 Berea-Midpark                                      11:48.71                  
     1) #318 Garibotti, Brandon 11      2) #331 Rivera, Ryan 11                  
     3) #312 Treiber, Ty 11             4) #300 Bradt, Ethan 11                  
 13 Roosevelt                                          11:58.26                  
     1) Carlton, Jordan 10              2) #903 Brawley, Jacob 11                
     3) #922 Ledet, Christian 12        4) #942 Alexander, Brian 11              
 14 Warren G Harding                                   12:04.24                  
     1) #101 Stanyard, Reed 10          2) #104 Cayson, Timmon 10                
     3) #132 Cobb-Davis, Corey 11       4) #138 Faulk, Cullen 10                 
 15 St. Francis                                        12:06.26                  
     1) Corson, Devin 10                2) Ramirez, Jorge 11                     
     3) Koenig, Scott 12                4) Williams, Patrick 11                  
 16 Lakewood                                           12:06.96                  
     1) #815 Toole, Joey 11             2) #804 Nijem, Ahmad 11                  
     3) #808 Graber, Ryan 10            4) #830 McCallum, Patrick 10             
 17 Brunswick                                          12:08.66                  
     1) #341 Almady, Jordan 12          2) #317 Johnson, Chris 11                
     3) #320 Uber, Colton 10            4) #316 Keefer, Jacob 11                 
 18 Walsh Jesuit                                       12:09.44                  
     1) Cutri, Jonathan 11              2) Fouche, Josh 10                       
     3) Musso, Steven 11                4) Eggleston, Brennan 9                  
 19 Westlake                                           12:32.09                  
     1) #206 Eadie, Matthew 9           2) #205 Clemons, Lance 10                
     3) #247 Engle, Duncan 12           4) #200 Walsh, Collin 10                 
 20 Perkins                                            12:46.19                  
     1) #123 Singler, Collin 9          2) #101 Fantozzi, Jacob 10               
     3) #133 Joliff, Spencer 12         4) #150 Butts, Kyle 12                   
 21 St. John's Jesuit                                  13:15.55                  
     1) #152 Ingham, Sam 9              2) King, Tristan 12                      
     3) #178 Allen, Andrew 10           4) #175 King, Gabriel 9                  
 22 Sandusky                                           14:12.16                  
     1) #176 Reinhardt, Brendan 10      2) #179 Graves, David 9                  
     3) #186 Roth, Anthony 9            4) #181 Colaizzi, Taylor 10              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                 
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81    
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51    
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28    
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26    
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21    
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20    
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18    
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13    
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11    
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10    
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9    
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5    
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1    

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:30 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 32  Girls 4x100 Meter Shuttle Hurdle
 33" RUN AGAINST TIME - START FINISH AT NORTH END                                   
 Lanes 1, 3, 5, & 7 Run South - Lanes 2, 4, 6, & 8 Run North                        
 In the event of scratches, heets will be combined                                  
        Meet: ! 1:04.76  2016        Warren G Harding, Warren G Har                 
                         G Bercheni, R Morris, C Hall, A Jackson                    
     Stadium: # 1:04.76  2016        Warren G Harding, Warren G Har                 
                         G Bercheni, R Morris, C Hall, A Jackson                    
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 Steele                                              1:17.65                     
     1) #426 Twining, Kendall 9         2) #438 Kelly, Sara 9                       
     3) #446 Melendez, Amaya 9          4) #405 Dimacchia, Macey 10                 
  2 Sandusky                                            1:25.52                     
     1) Page, Aubri 12                  2) Nuby, Taszeana 11                        
     3) Valliant, Janiyah 9             4) Williams, Atyana 10                      
  3 Svsm                                                1:28.21                     
     1) #329 Tobin, Natalie 10          2) #341 Lenz, Alexis 10                     
     3) #316 Brindo, Ella 9             4) #362 Fazio, Samantha 11                  
Section  2                                                                          
  1 Berea-Midpark                                       1:13.89    2                
     1) Reece, Kayla 12                 2) Hildebrand, A'Maiah 12                   
     3) Vargo, Mia 11                   4) Ermakov, Shura 10                        
  2 Westlake                                            1:18.01                     
     1) #236 Nieves, Delitza 12         2) #244 Bauer, Hanna 10                     
     3) #252 Snellings, Bethany 9       4) #201 Reilly, Laura 12                    
Section  3                                                                          
  1 Medina                                              1:08.95    5                
     1) #508 Clardy, Sarah 9            2) #581 Nicol, Riley 9                      
     3) #539 Luthy, Madison 11          4) #514 Clardy, Emma 12                     
  2 Perkins                                             1:13.69    3                
     1) #102 Visci, Lauren 9            2) #122 Schaefer, Maddie 10                 
     3) #120 Printy, Caroline 9         4) #109 Leffler, Madison 12                 
  3 Kenston                                             1:16.07    1                
     1) #114 Paglia, Dara 12            2) #131 Vild, Lily 10                       
     3) #144 Koch, Zoe 10               4) #100 Gabram, Izzy 11                     
  4 Walsh Jesuit                                        1:21.54                     
     1) Harvey, Natalie 9               2) Farinacci, Mary 11                       
     3) Crenshaw, Kyah 10               4) Niemiec, Grace 9                         
Section  4                                                                          
  1 Solon                                               1:07.57   10                
     1) Davis, Seanita 11               2) Gough, Abigail 11                        
     3) Leskovec, Maria 10              4) Ngozi, Ada 10                            
  2 Brunswick                                           1:08.21    8                
     1) #312 Krauth, Alexa 10           2) #342 Hilke, Emma 9                       
     3) #362 Bykova, Nellie 12          4) #371 Mushanagzhiki, Nyree 12             
  3 Strongsville                                        1:08.34    6                
     1) #717 Drlik, Maddie 11           2) #769 Lesniak, Emilia 11                  
     3) #718 Kappel, Katie 10           4) #730 Greene, McKenzie 12                 
  4 Avon                                                1:11.34    4                
     1) #326 Sharer, Kamryn 12          2) #305 Ptacek, Molly 12                    
     3) #306 Lyons, Sylvia 9            4) Goodelle, Juliet 9                       
 33" RUN AGAINST TIME - START FINISH AT NORTH END                                   
 Lanes 1, 3, 5, & 7 Run South - Lanes 2, 4, 6, & 8 Run North                        
 In the event of scratches, heets will be combined                                  
        Meet: ! 1:04.76  2016        Warren G Harding, Warren G Har                 
                         G Bercheni, R Morris, C Hall, A Jackson                    
     Stadium: # 1:04.76  2016        Warren G Harding, Warren G Har                 
                         G Bercheni, R Morris, C Hall, A Jackson                    
    School                                               Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 Solon                                               1:07.57   4  10             
     1) Davis, Seanita 11               2) Gough, Abigail 11                        
     3) Leskovec, Maria 10              4) Ngozi, Ada 10                            
  2 Brunswick                                           1:08.21   4   8             
     1) #312 Krauth, Alexa 10           2) #342 Hilke, Emma 9                       
     3) #362 Bykova, Nellie 12          4) #371 Mushanagzhiki, Nyree 12             
  3 Strongsville                                        1:08.34   4   6             
     1) #717 Drlik, Maddie 11           2) #769 Lesniak, Emilia 11                  
     3) #718 Kappel, Katie 10           4) #730 Greene, McKenzie 12                 
  4 Medina                                              1:08.95   3   5             
     1) #508 Clardy, Sarah 9            2) #581 Nicol, Riley 9                      
     3) #539 Luthy, Madison 11          4) #514 Clardy, Emma 12                     
  5 Avon                                                1:11.34   4   4             
     1) #326 Sharer, Kamryn 12          2) #305 Ptacek, Molly 12                    
     3) #306 Lyons, Sylvia 9            4) Goodelle, Juliet 9                       
  6 Perkins                                             1:13.69   3   3             
     1) #102 Visci, Lauren 9            2) #122 Schaefer, Maddie 10                 
     3) #120 Printy, Caroline 9         4) #109 Leffler, Madison 12                 
  7 Berea-Midpark                                       1:13.89   2   2             
     1) Reece, Kayla 12                 2) Hildebrand, A'Maiah 12                   
     3) Vargo, Mia 11                   4) Ermakov, Shura 10                        
  8 Kenston                                             1:16.07   3   1             
     1) #114 Paglia, Dara 12            2) #131 Vild, Lily 10                       
     3) #144 Koch, Zoe 10               4) #100 Gabram, Izzy 11                     
  9 Steele                                              1:17.65   1                 
     1) #426 Twining, Kendall 9         2) #438 Kelly, Sara 9                       
     3) #446 Melendez, Amaya 9          4) #405 Dimacchia, Macey 10                 
 10 Westlake                                            1:18.01   2                 
     1) #236 Nieves, Delitza 12         2) #244 Bauer, Hanna 10                     
     3) #252 Snellings, Bethany 9       4) #201 Reilly, Laura 12                    
 11 Walsh Jesuit                                        1:21.54   3                 
     1) Harvey, Natalie 9               2) Farinacci, Mary 11                       
     3) Crenshaw, Kyah 10               4) Niemiec, Grace 9                         
 12 Sandusky                                            1:25.52   1                 
     1) Page, Aubri 12                  2) Nuby, Taszeana 11                        
     3) Valliant, Janiyah 9             4) Williams, Atyana 10                      
 13 Svsm                                                1:28.21   1                 
     1) #329 Tobin, Natalie 10          2) #341 Lenz, Alexis 10                     
     3) #316 Brindo, Ella 9             4) #362 Fazio, Samantha 11                  
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71       
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64       
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50       
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30       
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50    
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17       
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50    
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8       
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4       
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50    
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2       
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                               

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:30 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 16  Boys 4x110 Meter Shuttle Hurdle
 36" RUN AGAINST TIME - START FINISH AT NORTH END                                   
 Lanes 1, 3, 5, & 7 Run South - Lanes 2, 4, 6, & 8 Run North                        
 In the event of scratches, heets will be combined                                  
        Meet: ! 1:00.41  2010        Medina, Medina                                 
                         D Rymer, W Bailey, S Chester, C Febus                      
     Stadium: # 1:00.41  2010        Medina                                         
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 Syl. Northview                                      1:08.90    2                
     1) #303 Singh, Gabe 9              2) #314 Abdo, Ali 11                        
     3) #346 Weisner, Conrad 10         4) #312 Blanks, Jeffery 12                  
  2 Svsm                                                1:11.17                     
     1) #352 Dulaney, Yale 12           2) #361 Lewis, Darin 9                      
     3) #358 Jackson, Ohadji 9          4) #311 Jackson, John 11                    
  3 Warren G Harding                                    1:16.31                     
     1) #136 Felton, Jabari 9           2) #105 Klaholz, Jack 9                     
     3) #135 Perkins, Emarion 9         4) #139 Warfield, Zacchaeus 10              
Section  2                                                                          
  1 St. John's Jesuit                                   1:14.24                     
     1) #102 Taha, Adam 12              2) #131 Townley, George 10                  
     3) #135 Krzyston, Greg 11          4) #109 Beier, Blaise 9                     
  2 Avon                                                1:14.66                     
     1) Vargo, Ryan 11                  2) Vancs, Josh 11                           
     3) Maria, Colin 11                 4) Perzinger, Noah 11                       
Section  3                                                                          
  1 Twinsburg                                           1:06.32    4                
     1) Caplice, Billy 12               2) Laverdiere, Cade 9                       
     3) Cribley, Ethan 9                4) Edgerson, Julius 12                      
  2 Westlake                                            1:08.13    3                
     1) #218 Smith, Josiah 12           2) #231 Bauer, Dominic 12                   
     3) #235 Park, Daniel 9             4) #245 Norris, Austin 9                    
  3 Kenston                                             1:10.26                     
     1) #156 Cordiak, Nick 12           2) #102 Pitz, Cole 9                        
     3) #144 Castro, Alex 10            4) #121 Hill, Will 12                       
  4 Medina                                              1:11.05                     
     1) #528 Smith, Alexander 11        2) #557 Blake, Zachary 12                   
     3) #508 Groat, Cody 9              4) #560 Tyna, Gavin 12                      
Section  4                                                                          
  1 Lakewood                                            1:03.67    5                
     1) #827 Hannah, Tyler 11           2) #805 Brown, Devon 11                     
     3) #822 Muhammad, Ahmed 11         4) #842 Mahar, Austin 12                    
  2 Brunswick                                           1:09.52    1                
     1) #333 Maruschak, Adam 11         2) #324 Hasselbusch, Heath 10               
     3) #327 Peters, Joey 9             4) #329 Piecuch, Jake 9                     
Section  5                                                                          
  1 Solon                                                 59.42!  10                
     1) Howell, David 12                2) Gulley, Daylon 9                         
     3) Finney, Justin 11               4) Dillard, Isaiah 12                       
  2 Berea-Midpark                                       1:02.32    8                
     1) #329 Clark, ShaDaryll 11        2) #335 Daughtery, Ian 11                   
     3) #389 Howard, Ben 12             4) #325 Wolak, Luke 10                      
  3 Strongsville                                        1:02.84    6                
     1) Hoerig, Mitchell 12             2) Malczewski, Jack 11                      
     3) Aske, Andrew 11                 4) Abusway, Moe 11                          
 36" RUN AGAINST TIME - START FINISH AT NORTH END                                   
 Lanes 1, 3, 5, & 7 Run South - Lanes 2, 4, 6, & 8 Run North                        
 In the event of scratches, heets will be combined                                  
        Meet: ! 1:00.41  2010        Medina, Medina                                 
                         D Rymer, W Bailey, S Chester, C Febus                      
     Stadium: # 1:00.41  2010        Medina                                         
    School                                               Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 Solon                                                 59.42!  5  10             
     1) Howell, David 12                2) Gulley, Daylon 9                         
     3) Finney, Justin 11               4) Dillard, Isaiah 12                       
  2 Berea-Midpark                                       1:02.32   5   8             
     1) #329 Clark, ShaDaryll 11        2) #335 Daughtery, Ian 11                   
     3) #389 Howard, Ben 12             4) #325 Wolak, Luke 10                      
  3 Strongsville                                        1:02.84   5   6             
     1) Hoerig, Mitchell 12             2) Malczewski, Jack 11                      
     3) Aske, Andrew 11                 4) Abusway, Moe 11                          
  4 Lakewood                                            1:03.67   4   5             
     1) #827 Hannah, Tyler 11           2) #805 Brown, Devon 11                     
     3) #822 Muhammad, Ahmed 11         4) #842 Mahar, Austin 12                    
  5 Twinsburg                                           1:06.32   3   4             
     1) Caplice, Billy 12               2) Laverdiere, Cade 9                       
     3) Cribley, Ethan 9                4) Edgerson, Julius 12                      
  6 Westlake                                            1:08.13   3   3             
     1) #218 Smith, Josiah 12           2) #231 Bauer, Dominic 12                   
     3) #235 Park, Daniel 9             4) #245 Norris, Austin 9                    
  7 Syl. Northview                                      1:08.90   1   2             
     1) #303 Singh, Gabe 9              2) #314 Abdo, Ali 11                        
     3) #346 Weisner, Conrad 10         4) #312 Blanks, Jeffery 12                  
  8 Brunswick                                           1:09.52   4   1             
     1) #333 Maruschak, Adam 11         2) #324 Hasselbusch, Heath 10               
     3) #327 Peters, Joey 9             4) #329 Piecuch, Jake 9                     
  9 Kenston                                             1:10.26   3                 
     1) #156 Cordiak, Nick 12           2) #102 Pitz, Cole 9                        
     3) #144 Castro, Alex 10            4) #121 Hill, Will 12                       
 10 Medina                                              1:11.05   3                 
     1) #528 Smith, Alexander 11        2) #557 Blake, Zachary 12                   
     3) #508 Groat, Cody 9              4) #560 Tyna, Gavin 12                      
 11 Svsm                                                1:11.17   1                 
     1) #352 Dulaney, Yale 12           2) #361 Lewis, Darin 9                      
     3) #358 Jackson, Ohadji 9          4) #311 Jackson, John 11                    
 12 St. John's Jesuit                                   1:14.24   2                 
     1) #102 Taha, Adam 12              2) #131 Townley, George 10                  
     3) #135 Krzyston, Greg 11          4) #109 Beier, Blaise 9                     
 13 Avon                                                1:14.66   2                 
     1) Vargo, Ryan 11                  2) Vancs, Josh 11                           
     3) Maria, Colin 11                 4) Perzinger, Noah 11                       
 14 Warren G Harding                                    1:16.31   1                 
     1) #136 Felton, Jabari 9           2) #105 Klaholz, Jack 9                     
     3) #135 Perkins, Emarion 9         4) #139 Warfield, Zacchaeus 10              
                          Men - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Solon                       87        2) Strongsville               81       
    3) Medina                      56        4) St. Ignatius               51       
    5) Perkins                     36        6) Ashland                    28       
    6) Berea-Midpark               28        8) Twinsburg                  26       
    9) Kenston                     22       10) Lakewood                   21       
   11) Avon                        21       12) Avon Lake                  20       
   13) Steele                      19       14) St. Francis                18       
   15) Westlake                    18       16) St. Edward                 13       
   17) Brunswick                   12       18) Warren G Harding           11       
   19) Walsh Jesuit                11       20) Rocky River                10       
   21) Bay                          9       21) SVSM                        9       
   23) Sandusky                     8       24) Syl. Northview              5       
   25) Harvey High School           3       26) Fairview                    1       

 Lightning Event Management - Contractor License                 4/21/2018 - 4:29 PM
                           63rd  Comet Relays - 4/21/2018                           
                                   Amherst, Ohio                                    
Event 33  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 3 TURN STAGGER                                           
        Meet: ! 3:57.91  1999        Bedford                                        
                         Harper, Davis, Johnson, Burks                              
     Stadium: # 3:47.0h  1980        Motor City TC Detroit                          
 State-Div.I: % 3:43.83  2009        Reynoldsburg                                   
    School                                               Finals  Points Alternate   
Section  1                                                                          
  1 Westlake                                            4:25.22                     
     1) #284 Sucher, Lila 9             2) #238 Sinreich, Macy 9                    
     3) #289 Bogart, Maisey 12          4) #280 Thomas, Samantha 10                 
  2 Perkins                                             4:27.75                     
     1) #129 Dorsey, Kylie 9            2) #120 Printy, Caroline 9                  
     3) #109 Leffler, Madison 12        4) #112 Sweat, Mira 9                       
  3 Bay                                                 4:32.16                     
     1) #728 Rice, Helen 11             2) #749 Ransom, Ava 10                      
     3) #711 Wall, Madison 11           4) #730 Reed, Olivia 10                     
  4 Warren G Harding                                    4:46.37                     
     1) #108 Toles, D'Ann 12            2) #110 Hall, Charity 12                    
     3) #122 Moore, Amisha 11           4) #104 Frazzini, Abigail 9                 
Section  2                                                                          
  1 Solon                                               4:10.75    6                
     1) Ngozi, Ada 10                   2) Erkkila, Hailey 12                       
     3) Grant, Taylor 12                4) Howell, Olivia 11                        
  2 Steele                                              4:19.10                     
     1) #400 Kubasak, Tori 10           2) #450 Bailey, Victoria 10                 
     3) #462 Ruth, Hannah 12            4) #484 Snowden, Kayla 11                   
  3 Walsh Jesuit                                        4:20.32                     
     1) Ziegler, Cate 11                2) Carr, Marissa 11                         
     3) Smith, Leah 10                  4) Figler, Amelia 10                        
  4 Kenston                                             4:23.29                     
     1) #112 Patrick, Rhianna 11        2) #108 Taylor, Kate 11                     
     3) #111 Powell, Gabrielle 11       4) #107 Morrison, Nyla 9                    
  5 Syl. Northview                                      4:23.82                     
     1) Vandenbroek, Meghan 11          2) Delbosque, Angelina 10                   
     3) O'Donnell, Erin 11              4) Kill, Jenna 12                           
  6 Ashland                                             4:29.73                     
     1) #509 Friesen, Tara 11           2) #506 Pokrzywa, Naomi 10                  
     3) #512 Lemon, Emilie 9            4) #525 Barrios, Veronica 10                
 -- Strongsville                                             DQ                     
     1) #769 Lesniak, Emilia 11         2) #729 Ogrean, Hannah 12                   
     3) #717 Drlik, Maddie 11           4) #730 Greene, McKenzie 12                 
Section  3                                                                          
  1 Twinsburg                                           4:01.79   10                
     1) #624 Myles, Mariah 11           2) #630 Henderson, Julia 11                 
     3) #622 Griffin, Camari 12         4) #628 Robinson, Nia 11                    
  2 Avon                                                4:06.31    8                
     1) Pelfrey, Evelyn 11              2) #333 Frombach, Jules 11                  
     3) #303 Firment, Sydnie 12         4) #302 Firment, Lexie 12                   
  3 Medina                                              4:13.93    5                
     1) #527 Dobson, Angela 11          2) #526 Smith, Katie 11                     
     3) #516 Kole, Reagan 9             4) #572 Tenaglia, Ava 10                    
  4 Beaumont                                            4:14.73    4                
     1) #915 Christian, Danielle 12     2) #913 Rubadue, Elizabeth 9                
     3) #959 Mlynek, Mia 10             4) #954 Rulison, Ashley 11                  
  5 Berea-Midpark                                       4:16.50    3                
     1) Ermakov, Shura 10               2) Howard, Kenzie 9                         
     3) Jankowski, Morgan 11            4) Buxton, Rachel 12                        
  6 Brunswick                                           4:18.08    2                
     1) #349 Mancini, Rachel 11         2) Pasadyn, Felicia 11                      
     3) #340 Craddock, Hannah 9         4) #353 Grabowski, Maddy 10                 
  7 Svsm                                                4:19.01    1                
     1) #308 Foster, Sara 12            2) #310 White, Maria 12                     
     3) #329 Tobin, Natalie 10          4) #304 Claxton, Aminah 10                  
  8 Magnificat                                          4:19.96                     
     1) #476 Karabatsos, Maggie 9       2) #440 Bush, Lindsay 11                    
     3) #430 Kuhlman, Ella 9            4) #435 Wazevich, Bridget 11                
 3 SECTIONS AGAINST TIME - 3 TURN STAGGER                                           
        Meet: ! 3:57.91  1999        Bedford                                        
                         Harper, Davis, Johnson, Burks                              
     Stadium: # 3:47.0h  1980        Motor City TC Detroit                          
 State-Div.I: % 3:43.83  2009        Reynoldsburg                                   
    School                                               Finals  H# Points Alternate
  1 Twinsburg                                           4:01.79   3  10             
     1) #624 Myles, Mariah 11           2) #630 Henderson, Julia 11                 
     3) #622 Griffin, Camari 12         4) #628 Robinson, Nia 11                    
  2 Avon                                                4:06.31   3   8             
     1) Pelfrey, Evelyn 11              2) #333 Frombach, Jules 11                  
     3) #303 Firment, Sydnie 12         4) #302 Firment, Lexie 12                   
  3 Solon                                               4:10.75   2   6             
     1) Ngozi, Ada 10                   2) Erkkila, Hailey 12                       
     3) Grant, Taylor 12                4) Howell, Olivia 11                        
  4 Medina                                              4:13.93   3   5             
     1) #527 Dobson, Angela 11          2) #526 Smith, Katie 11                     
     3) #516 Kole, Reagan 9             4) #572 Tenaglia, Ava 10                    
  5 Beaumont                                            4:14.73   3   4             
     1) #915 Christian, Danielle 12     2) #913 Rubadue, Elizabeth 9                
     3) #959 Mlynek, Mia 10             4) #954 Rulison, Ashley 11                  
  6 Berea-Midpark                                       4:16.50   3   3             
     1) Ermakov, Shura 10               2) Howard, Kenzie 9                         
     3) Jankowski, Morgan 11            4) Buxton, Rachel 12                        
  7 Brunswick                                           4:18.08   3   2             
     1) #349 Mancini, Rachel 11         2) Pasadyn, Felicia 11                      
     3) #340 Craddock, Hannah 9         4) #353 Grabowski, Maddy 10                 
  8 Svsm                                                4:19.01   3   1             
     1) #308 Foster, Sara 12            2) #310 White, Maria 12                     
     3) #329 Tobin, Natalie 10          4) #304 Claxton, Aminah 10                  
  9 Steele                                              4:19.10   2                 
     1) #400 Kubasak, Tori 10           2) #450 Bailey, Victoria 10                 
     3) #462 Ruth, Hannah 12            4) #484 Snowden, Kayla 11                   
 10 Magnificat                                          4:19.96   3                 
     1) #476 Karabatsos, Maggie 9       2) #440 Bush, Lindsay 11                    
     3) #430 Kuhlman, Ella 9            4) #435 Wazevich, Bridget 11                
 11 Walsh Jesuit                                        4:20.32   2                 
     1) Ziegler, Cate 11                2) Carr, Marissa 11                         
     3) Smith, Leah 10                  4) Figler, Amelia 10                        
 12 Kenston                                             4:23.29   2                 
     1) #112 Patrick, Rhianna 11        2) #108 Taylor, Kate 11                     
     3) #111 Powell, Gabrielle 11       4) #107 Morrison, Nyla 9                    
 13 Syl. Northview                                      4:23.82   2                 
     1) Vandenbroek, Meghan 11          2) Delbosque, Angelina 10                   
     3) O'Donnell, Erin 11              4) Kill, Jenna 12                           
 14 Westlake                                            4:25.22   1                 
     1) #284 Sucher, Lila 9             2) #238 Sinreich, Macy 9                    
     3) #289 Bogart, Maisey 12          4) #280 Thomas, Samantha 10                 
 15 Perkins                                             4:27.75   1                 
     1) #129 Dorsey, Kylie 9            2) #120 Printy, Caroline 9                  
     3) #109 Leffler, Madison 12        4) #112 Sweat, Mira 9                       
 16 Ashland                                             4:29.73   2                 
     1) #509 Friesen, Tara 11           2) #506 Pokrzywa, Naomi 10                  
     3) #512 Lemon, Emilie 9            4) #525 Barrios, Veronica 10                
 17 Bay                                                 4:32.16   1                 
     1) #728 Rice, Helen 11             2) #749 Ransom, Ava 10                      
     3) #711 Wall, Madison 11           4) #730 Reed, Olivia 10                     
 18 Warren G Harding                                    4:46.37   1                 
     1) #108 Toles, D'Ann 12            2) #110 Hall, Charity 12                    
     3) #122 Moore, Amisha 11           4) #104 Frazzini, Abigail 9                 
 -- Strongsville                                             DQ   2                 
     1) #769 Lesniak, Emilia 11         2) #729 Ogrean, Hannah 12                   
     3) #717 Drlik, Maddie 11           4) #730 Greene, McKenzie 12                 
                        Women - Team Rankings - 16 Events Scored                    
    1) Brunswick                  102        2) Strongsville               71       
    3) Avon                        67.50     4) Twinsburg                  64       
    5) Medina                      58        6) Solon                      50       
    7) Kenston                     32        8) Berea-Midpark              30       
    9) SVSM                        28       10) Beaumont                   21.50    
   11) Steele                      18       12) Perkins                    17       
   13) Westlake                    16       14) Walsh Jesuit               10.50    
   15) Syl. Northview              10       16) Shaw                        8       
   17) Magnificat                   6       18) Warren G Harding            4       
   19) Ashland                      3       20) Bay                         2.50    
   21) Sandusky                     2       21) Roosevelt                   2       
   23) Avon Lake                    1                                               

Event	17 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay
Meet	: 3:23.0h ! 1995 T. Worthington
Shebak, Davis,	Wheatley, Mead
Stadium	: 3:15.96 # 1986 John Adams
State-Div	.I: 3:13.05 % 2010 Trotwood- Madison
pl		team	mark
1		Perkins	3:26.62
1) #106 Clinton, Da'Quise	10 2) #122 Brown, Parker	11
3) #131 Duffield, Joel	12 4) #110 Hunter, Simeon	11
2		Solon	3:27.56
1) Calhoun, Kristofer	10 2) Shannon, Mark	12
3) Shannon, Brett	11 4) Smith, Gurvan	11
3		Medina	3:28.46
1) #507 Hutz, Jack	11 2) #567 Kelly, Christopher	11
3) #523 Shannon, Demetrius	12 4) #531 Wickert, Jakob	12
4		Avon	3:31.44
1) Zamborsky, Cole	10 2) Rennette, Mike	12
3) Wendling, Will	10 4) Greer, Jordan	10
5		Brunswick	3:32.28
1) #330 Tiernay, Luke	10 2) #318 Daniel, Jalen	11
3) #360 Polojack, Gage	10 4) #302 Raiff, Sam	11
6		Berea-Midpark	3:32.97
1) #341 Kamel, Adam	12 2) #333 Eble, Zach	11
3) #335 Daughtery, Ian	11 4) #389 Howard, Ben	12
Lightning Event Management - Contractor License Hy-Tek's MEET MANAGER	4:43 PM	4/21/2018 Page	19
63rd Comet Relays - 4/21/2018
Amherst, Ohio
Results - All
Finals ... (Event	17 Boys 4x400 Meter Relay)

7		Sandusky	3:33.76
1) #108 Johnson, Jonteris	11 2) #110 Sherman, Eian	11
3) #129 Pickens, Tyron	12 4) #114 Stewart, Tevin	11
8		Strongsville	3:33.87
1) Malczewski, Jack	11 2) Arslanian, Andrew	9
3) Hoerig, Mitchell	12 4) Anderson, Riley	11
9		Twinsburg	3:35.98
1) East, Kaleb	11 2) Dickson, Alex	12
3) Yarbrough, Tyrese	11 4) Caplice, Billy	12
10		Steele	3:36.12
1) #427 Baumgartner, Devin	11 2) #440 Martinez, Josue	10
3) #469 Brogan, Ben	11 4) #471 Kirsch, Bradley	11
11		Westlake	3:41.74
1) #218 Smith, Josiah	12 2) #224 Fusco, Anthony	11
3) #245 Norris, Austin	9 4) #242 Walls, Kevin	11
12		Syl. Northview	3:42.42
1) #303 Singh, Gabe	9 2) #309 Ellis, Anthony	11
3) #336 Powalski, Colton	11 4) #313 Simms, Trent	10
13		St. Edward	3:42.42
1) #717 Turchyn, Drew	10 2) #729 Nash, Logan	10
3) #734 Simon, Nate	10 4) #773 Dzuro, Garrett	12
14		Kenston	3:44.98
1) #150 Swartz, Michael	12 2) #157 Markel, Sam	12
3) #107 Silk, Kyle	11 4) #160 Knapp, Jordan	10
15		St. John's Jesuit	3:45.54
1) #131 Townley, George	10 2) #133 Valentine, James	11
3) #132 Sandri, Santiago	10 4) #119 Hill, Julian	11
16		Lakewood	3:46.01
1) #811 Khawam, Elias	12 2) #805 Brown, Devon	11
3) #810 Dolatowski, Calvin	12 4) Cuffaro, Charles	10
17		Shaw	3:53.16
1) #475 Pruitt, Brandon	11 2) #482 Jackson, Tymell	11
3) #476 Sowell, Cincere	10 4) #494 Polk, Jerome	11
18		Warren G Harding	3:55.80
1) #136 Felton, Jabari	9 2) #104 Cayson, Timmon	10
3) #102 Brantley, Jordan	10 4) #103 Anderson, Jamel	10
19		Walsh Jesuit	3:58.99
1) Fouche, Josh	10 2) Cutri, Jonathan	11
3) Watkins, Tevin	11 4) Cottrell, Justin	11