Shelby County Athletic League Championship 2018 vs Shelby County Athletic League Championship 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +33 153 120
Overall Average +13.65 21:10.34 20:56.68
1st-10th Place -9.24 16:42.78 16:52.02
1st-25th Place -6.21 17:24.37 17:30.58
1st-50th Place -9.40 18:07.88 18:17.29
1st-100th Place -26.28 19:25.81 19:52.09
Common Athletes -- -- 42
Ran Faster 16 29 13
Ran Season Best 12 24 12
Average Time -18.88 20:43.05 21:01.93
Median Time -19.68 20:26.10 20:45.78
Middle 80% Times -20.34 20:40.24 21:00.58
Top 10% Times -23.20 16:37.38 17:00.58
Top 25% Times -32.73 17:17.33 17:50.05
Top 50% Times -32.27 18:11.89 18:44.15
Bottom 50% Times -5.49 23:14.20 23:19.70
Bottom 25% Times -3.37 24:57.22 25:00.59
Bottom 10% Times -6.49 26:54.50 27:00.99
Average Difference -18.88 -- --
Median Difference -32.42 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -21.09 -- --
Top 10% Difference -18.12 -- --
Top 50% Difference -34.11 -- --
Top 25% Difference -25.69 -- --
Top 50% Difference -34.11 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -3.65 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +7.49 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +18.16 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Joe Ballas Ft. Loramie -21.07 16:04.20 16:25.27
Jake Rethman Ft. Loramie -10.76 16:07.40 16:18.16
Tristin Freistuhler Houston -16.80 16:41.50 16:58.30
Ethan Knouff Houston -23.15 17:00.90 17:24.05
Blake Jacobs Houston -1:20.59 17:12.90 18:33.49
Gavin Schultze Ft. Loramie -29.31 17:35.20 18:04.51
elliot Goubeaux Botkins -1:31.04 17:37.80 19:08.84
Gavin George Russia -18.82 17:38.30 17:57.12
Andrew Deloye Russia -41.87 17:53.70 18:35.57
Caleb Gaier Anna -1:11.24 18:00.00 19:11.24
Christopher Elchert Jackson Center +7.90 18:20.30 18:12.40
Patrick Meiring Houston -33.70 18:18.70 18:52.40
Evan Luthman Ft. Loramie -1:17.18 18:30.60 19:47.78
T.j. Esser Jackson Center -14.42 18:34.90 18:49.32
Kaden Mescher Ft. Loramie -2:05.56 18:54.30 20:59.86
Isaac Ambos Fairlawn -1:25.63 18:58.10 20:23.73
Cameron Bowersock Anna +20.16 19:24.10 19:03.94
Joseph Earl Houston -1:28.72 19:05.40 20:34.12
Wesley Jester Houston +2:15.40 21:33.30 19:17.90
Charles Wray Ft. Loramie -47.83 19:31.10 20:18.93
Paige Rethman Ft. Loramie +1:40.52 21:21.30 19:40.78
Jacob Osborne Anna +39.32 20:28.70 19:49.38
Jordan Henman Fairlawn -2:06.53 20:18.50 22:25.03
Claire Meyer Russia -32.42 20:21.70 20:54.12
Hollie Voisard Houston -27.55 20:26.10 20:53.65
Cade Allison Fairlawn -1:41.03 20:31.10 22:12.13
Will Magoto Russia -3.98 20:41.80 20:45.78
Anna Fiessinger Russia +22.89 21:13.70 20:50.81
Hannah Siegel Ft. Loramie +1:15.04 22:53.00 21:37.96
Clare Caldwell Russia +1:14.51 23:08.90 21:54.39
Emma Delaet Russia -38.40 21:59.00 22:37.40
Adrianna Jutte Botkins +1:35.44 23:51.80 22:16.36
Erin Chaney Ft. Loramie +7.00 22:29.10 22:22.10
Deanna Lowry Jackson Center -1.01 22:44.80 22:45.81
Noah Magoto Russia +3:06.71 25:54.00 22:47.29
Nathan Hess Ft. Loramie -1:49.78 22:50.80 24:40.58
Sarah Pinchot Russia -1:41.56 23:03.90 24:45.46
Ashleigh Jurosic Anna -1:50.38 24:08.50 25:58.88
Addie White Houston -42.05 24:25.60 25:07.65
Andrea Monnin Russia +14.15 26:43.50 26:29.35
Lilly Toller Anna -19.97 27:54.30 28:14.27
Molly Batchelder Anna +20.31 29:35.10 29:14.79