Stow Bulldog Invitational 2019

Stow, OH

Stow Bulldog Invitational 2019 vs Stow Bulldog Invitational 2016

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -75 736 811
Overall Average +17.74 22:04.86 21:47.12
1st-10th Place +2.25 16:20.70 16:18.46
1st-25th Place +16.58 16:53.23 16:36.65
1st-50th Place +14.82 17:12.37 16:57.54
1st-100th Place +14.81 17:40.00 17:25.19
Common Athletes -- -- 63
Ran Faster 7 35 28
Ran Season Best -16 26 42
Average Time -7.28 21:31.01 21:38.29
Median Time -14.15 21:02.04 21:16.19
Middle 80% Times -5.03 21:28.50 21:33.52
Top 10% Times -49.88 17:13.59 18:03.46
Top 25% Times -49.74 17:51.77 18:41.51
Top 50% Times -41.82 18:52.70 19:34.53
Bottom 50% Times +27.49 23:28.97 23:01.48
Bottom 25% Times +42.94 25:53.84 25:10.90
Bottom 10% Times +40.83 27:27.60 26:46.77
Average Difference -7.28 -- --
Median Difference +52.61 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +10.52 -- --
Top 10% Difference -46.04 -- --
Top 50% Difference -32.23 -- --
Top 25% Difference -43.17 -- --
Top 50% Difference -32.23 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +19.55 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +15.85 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -46.53 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Jack Wilcoxson Cuy. Falls -26.83 16:39.91 17:06.74
Ethan Smith Hudson -1:25.87 16:53.39 18:19.26
Luke Good Hudson -1:15.19 17:02.20 18:17.39
Cooper Leseure Stow-Munroe Falls -9:23.28 17:11.01 26:34.29
Michael Von Ville Hudson +5:33.07 22:55.28 17:22.21
Mathew Duffy Stow-Munroe Falls -1:08.96 17:23.50 18:32.46
Jack Deptola Aurora (Ohio) -1:59.53 17:34.96 19:34.49
Samuel Siedel Aurora (Ohio) -44.54 17:50.13 18:34.67
Karios Mccune Walsh Jesuit -1:21.30 17:51.86 19:13.16
Jordan Carlton Roosevelt -49.09 17:53.38 18:42.47
Colin Palmieri Hudson -21.31 17:54.48 18:15.79
Alex Virostek Stow-Munroe Falls -2:16.18 17:56.59 20:12.77
Tony Sondles Cuy. Falls +0.45 18:30.84 18:30.39
Zach Strub Firestone -4:07.13 18:40.73 22:47.86
Ben Saneda Mayfield -49.74 18:41.33 19:31.07
Kenna Loveless Tallmadge +18.29 19:04.25 18:45.96
Avery Thomas Firestone -4:24.12 18:49.50 23:13.62
Caden Gilliland Roosevelt -39.38 18:54.47 19:33.85
Zach Langbien Cuy. Falls -27.38 18:55.68 19:23.06
Luke Calder Aurora (Ohio) -41.42 19:13.28 19:54.70
Seth Carr Walsh Jesuit -2:07.95 19:15.68 21:23.63
Justin Schroeck Mayfield -23.28 19:25.41 19:48.69
Addison Johnson Firestone +1:12.85 20:40.34 19:27.49
Ben Hackenberg Hudson +2.96 19:31.08 19:28.12
Danny Larison Roosevelt -29.78 19:38.23 20:08.01
Mitchell Likovetz Hudson +19.65 20:02.16 19:42.51
Karsen Zabell Aurora (Ohio) +50.86 20:33.91 19:43.05
Sterling Hanselma Cuy. Falls -23.93 19:43.28 20:07.21
Riley Pierce Stow-Munroe Falls -1:13.43 19:46.34 20:59.77
Blake Moravcik Stow-Munroe Falls -1:14.31 20:01.88 21:16.19
Amanda Grimm Stow-Munroe Falls +2:15.06 22:47.08 20:32.02
Connor Halford Hudson -1:09.37 20:38.15 21:47.52
Kent Gordon Roosevelt -10.02 20:46.58 20:56.60
Casey Rzeszutko Hudson +1:18.69 22:19.82 21:01.13
Jason Sagun Walsh Jesuit -5:42.61 21:02.04 26:44.65
Elizabeth Barto Aurora (Ohio) +3:13.13 24:15.22 21:02.09
Henry Schuellerma Hudson -1:32.79 21:04.31 22:37.10
Michael Yuhos Hudson +13.29 21:19.78 21:06.49
Megan Shelley Stow-Munroe Falls +1:53.93 23:08.96 21:15.03
Elizabeth Miller Aurora (Ohio) +52.61 22:23.63 21:31.02
Andrew Kimes Aurora (Ohio) -1:25.62 21:32.31 22:57.93
Amy Fulton Hudson -42.32 21:32.80 22:15.12
Abigail Kuhns Stow-Munroe Falls -1:19.21 21:32.91 22:52.12
Patrick Houlihan Stow-Munroe Falls +2:02.55 23:40.25 21:37.70
Sara Gerber Aurora (Ohio) +4:20.27 26:30.33 22:10.06
Anna Blum Mayfield +1:35.64 23:46.73 22:11.09
Emma Hesse Aurora (Ohio) +1:46.48 24:03.11 22:16.63
Kate Walton Aurora (Ohio) +4:02.48 26:30.33 22:27.85
Isabel Wilson Aurora (Ohio) +38.75 23:12.12 22:33.37
Claire Cate Tallmadge +2:22.78 25:02.81 22:40.03
Erin Morgan Hudson +1:52.59 24:34.30 22:41.71
Alex Stein Hudson -44.05 22:48.51 23:32.56
David Molina Roosevelt -2:15.99 23:01.07 25:17.06
Tim Gittins Firestone -6.44 23:51.26 23:57.70
Madison Demyan Aurora (Ohio) +1:55.41 25:49.83 23:54.42
Makenna Rickey Hudson +3:22.98 27:30.22 24:07.24
Reilly Dorn Firestone +40.94 25:08.09 24:27.15
Madison Vestfals Stow-Munroe Falls +2.95 24:31.71 24:28.76
Megan Smith Hudson +1:44.68 26:32.34 24:47.66
Toni Anderson Stow-Munroe Falls -13.72 24:51.89 25:05.61
Megan Schmidt Stow-Munroe Falls +54.11 25:57.79 25:03.68
Madison Yerkey Hudson +56.18 27:21.78 26:25.60
Madison Strub Firestone -26.11 31:50.42 32:16.53