Anna Rocket Invitational 2019 vs Anna Rocket Invitational 2018

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -36 421 457
Overall Average -1:11.39 21:49.60 23:00.99
1st-10th Place -44.03 16:14.67 16:58.70
1st-25th Place -42.40 16:39.17 17:21.57
1st-50th Place -40.38 17:04.87 17:45.25
1st-100th Place -44.33 17:42.39 18:26.72
Common Athletes -- -- 218
Ran Faster 176 197 21
Ran Season Best 101 108 7
Average Time -1:36.56 21:20.70 22:57.26
Median Time -1:33.90 20:41.50 22:15.40
Middle 80% Times -1:34.43 21:01.84 22:36.27
Top 10% Times -1:02.24 16:43.38 17:45.62
Top 25% Times -1:04.25 17:30.99 18:35.24
Top 50% Times -1:16.28 18:28.87 19:45.15
Bottom 50% Times -1:56.84 24:12.53 26:09.37
Bottom 25% Times -2:28.61 26:13.85 28:42.46
Bottom 10% Times -2:32.62 28:39.61 31:12.24
Average Difference -1:36.56 -- --
Median Difference -1:26.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:27.75 -- --
Top 10% Difference -55.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:09.35 -- --
Top 25% Difference -56.99 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:09.35 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -2:03.77 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:45.06 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -3:28.69 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Takumi Ford Bellbrook -1:15.50 15:52.30 17:07.80
Cole Cronk Lak. West -1:23.20 16:05.30 17:28.50
Caleb Newlon Bellbrook -1:58.00 16:13.70 18:11.70
Lucas Smith Anna -52.50 16:14.00 17:06.50
Hayden Schmidt Anna -2:24.60 16:15.20 18:39.80
Braden Schaser Lakota -1:53.90 16:15.90 18:09.80
Justin Bland Brookville -15.50 16:21.10 16:36.60
Caden Paavola Indian Lake -1:05.80 16:23.30 17:29.10
Collin Watterson Botkins -1:05.50 16:39.30 17:44.80
Tyler Kovac Lak. West -50.70 16:45.60 17:36.30
Fullenkamp Alan Botkins -1:11.80 16:47.40 17:59.20
Connor Hill Lakota -1:03.20 16:48.90 17:52.10
Bennett Welborn Covington -1:05.00 16:53.90 17:58.90
Zachary Plotkin Lak. West -38.90 16:54.80 17:33.70
Blake Jacobs Houston -1:08.60 17:00.20 18:08.80
Bryce Levine Bellbrook -40.80 17:01.40 17:42.20
Quentin Potempa Lima C.C. -39.20 17:05.70 17:44.90
Jacob Robinson Anna -28.10 17:11.60 17:39.70
Tommy Dafler Brookville -2:13.20 17:12.80 19:26.00
Alex Crane Bellbrook -1:01.80 17:14.30 18:16.10
Bhupinderpaul Takhar Brookville -1:04.50 17:17.40 18:21.90
Caleb Gaier Anna -1:39.40 17:20.30 18:59.70
John Doyle Lak. West -23.40 17:27.80 17:51.20
Prabh Singh Lak. West -30.60 17:34.70 18:05.30
elliot Goubeaux Botkins -57.90 17:36.20 18:34.10
Donovan Brown Botkins -47.00 17:43.70 18:30.70
Collin Frilling Anna -46.50 17:44.70 18:31.20
Jonah Brautigam Fairlawn -1:11.20 17:44.90 18:56.10
Nate Metzger Wapakoneta -44.80 17:49.10 18:33.90
Nick Fry Anna -1:42.60 17:49.10 19:31.70
Connor Davis Lak. West -2:15.50 17:50.10 20:05.60
Luke Wilson Lak. West -36.20 17:50.20 18:26.40
Andrew Watt Brookville -2:10.60 17:52.50 20:03.10
Kyle Van Pelt Bellbrook -53.40 17:54.90 18:48.30
Ethan Vaught Lak. West +18.20 18:16.70 17:58.50
Jacob Wilson Lak. West -1:21.30 17:59.20 19:20.50
Joseph Earl Houston -1:32.50 18:01.50 19:34.00
Isaac Lefeld Bellbrook -1:15.60 18:02.00 19:17.60
Ethan Smithback Lakota -1:26.40 18:03.20 19:29.60
Nathanial Patton Bethel -1:37.10 18:04.10 19:41.20
Ethan Landis Brookville -38.90 18:06.10 18:45.00
Hunter Mowery Houston -3:25.30 18:06.70 21:32.00
Patrick Meiring Houston -48.80 18:07.30 18:56.10
Cody Roush Lakota -1:09.90 18:08.90 19:18.80
Owen Rawson Covington -2:35.00 18:10.10 20:45.10
Mason Turner Lak. West -1:10.20 18:14.00 19:24.20
Grant Hoying Sidney -1:14.00 18:14.90 19:28.90
Cole Steinke Botkins -2:49.50 18:16.80 21:06.30
Keagan Gaskill Spencerville -1:21.80 18:17.20 19:39.00
Ellioit Winkler Bellbrook -1:43.70 18:17.40 20:01.10
Tyrone Haskins Bellbrook -55.80 18:20.00 19:15.80
Grant Honigford Wapakoneta -1:32.50 18:24.30 19:56.80
Jorin Hanson Bellbrook -55.60 18:25.60 19:21.20
Asher Martin Lak. West -1:22.10 18:26.30 19:48.40
Fletcher Metz Covington -1:15.40 18:30.00 19:45.40
Shane Weatherhead Botkins -58.30 18:30.20 19:28.50
Dominic Davis Fairlawn -48.50 18:34.40 19:22.90
Carter Beam Anna -53.80 18:35.40 19:29.20
Justin Pollock Houston -2:03.80 18:36.70 20:40.50
Collin Shanks Lak. West -1:41.10 18:36.80 20:17.90
Owen Boehringer Covington -48.10 18:37.70 19:25.80
Devin Brummitt Covington -2:17.60 18:39.10 20:56.70
Benjamin Zimmerer Lak. West -1:33.30 18:41.20 20:14.50
Joel Fye Brookville -48.70 18:42.50 19:31.20
Hunter Kehn Lakota -1:26.90 18:42.70 20:09.60
Ian Bonifas Sidney -31.70 18:43.40 19:15.10
Noah Schwepe Sidney -2:29.80 18:46.50 21:16.30
Matthew Levenson Lak. West +0.40 18:47.40 18:47.00
Zane Barhorst Covington -4:04.10 18:50.10 22:54.20
Jacob Razics Bellbrook -37.90 18:57.50 19:35.40
Josh Hypes Bellbrook -16.30 19:00.20 19:16.50
Kyle Bonk Lak. West +17.10 19:18.10 19:01.00
Tyler Alexander Covington -2:11.70 19:04.40 21:16.10
Ryan Ely Houston -4.30 19:08.20 19:12.50
Reilly Cozette Lakota -1:43.90 19:08.80 20:52.70
Greg Edwards Lak. West -1:00.90 19:10.00 20:10.90
Jordan Henman Fairlawn -2:58.00 19:10.10 22:08.10
Brandon Pollock Houston -3:36.90 19:12.30 22:49.20
Travis Hoerig Lakota -1:04.40 19:12.50 20:16.90
Luke Marshall Lak. West -1:43.60 19:14.60 20:58.20
Donovan Holbrook Graham Local -24.70 19:15.30 19:40.00
Sam Cartwright Houston -3:50.20 19:20.90 23:11.10
Nathan Rieder Brookville -2:10.30 19:24.50 21:34.80
Aj Gerbic Bellbrook -1:52.80 19:24.50 21:17.30
Hogan Lee Spencerville -43.60 19:28.30 20:11.90
Cade Allison Fairlawn -1:37.50 19:28.90 21:06.40
Adam Jenkins Bellbrook -17.60 19:33.60 19:51.20
Sam Enneking Lak. West -3:37.80 19:38.30 23:16.10
Daniel Amsbaugh Lak. West -10.40 19:39.90 19:50.30
Wesley Jester Houston -3:21.40 19:42.80 23:04.20
Zachary Patterson Lima C.C. -2:25.80 19:47.10 22:12.90
Luke Smallwood Bellbrook -1:30.00 19:54.00 21:24.00
Vincent Ruiz Sidney -1:36.50 19:57.20 21:33.70
Kyle Low Houston -1:14.40 19:59.40 21:13.80
Joel Bruggen Lak. West -36.90 20:01.60 20:38.50
Prem Patel Lak. West -2:13.50 20:01.90 22:15.40
Lillee Stewart Spencerville -1:44.60 20:03.40 21:48.00
Evan Willman Lak. West -15.80 20:08.90 20:24.70
Ava Knouff Houston -1:04.90 20:09.90 21:14.80
Hunter Cox Brookville -1:58.00 20:10.10 22:08.10
Hailey Hoops Brookville -1:31.60 20:13.90 21:45.50
Cole Crim Houston -1:08.90 20:13.90 21:22.80
Emma Koenig Botkins -1:57.70 20:14.40 22:12.10
Alex Vanderhorst Lehman Cath. -8.10 20:23.60 20:31.70
Aj Zavada Graham Local -2:55.20 20:24.50 23:19.70
Anthony Kellner Sidney -2:32.20 20:34.10 23:06.30
Jack Phillipson Bellbrook -34.00 20:35.00 21:09.00
Holly Kamper Graham Local -42.20 20:35.20 21:17.40
Dalton Dunn Lak. West -1:24.40 20:36.10 22:00.50
Isaac Ambos Fairlawn +11.70 20:49.50 20:37.80
Jordan McClurg Bellbrook -5:37.00 20:41.50 26:18.50
Michael Schafer Covington -3:09.30 20:52.80 24:02.10
Zachary Blosser Graham Local -2:18.30 20:56.60 23:14.90
Blake Puskas Brookville -5:42.30 21:02.20 26:44.50
Lauren Doll Wapakoneta -1:53.90 21:03.00 22:56.90
Tristan Flynn Bellbrook -3:22.90 21:05.60 24:28.50
Ella Wagner Indian Lake -2:28.80 21:06.90 23:35.70
Alejandro Alvarez Bethel -1:26.00 21:08.40 22:34.40
Caleb Haas Brookville -32.20 21:12.30 21:44.50
Robert Bickel Brookville -2:41.50 21:12.60 23:54.10
Bethany Althauser Anna -2:11.70 21:14.80 23:26.50
Ayden Rench Covington +20.10 21:36.50 21:16.40
Kylie Balkcom Bethel -1:59.70 21:23.60 23:23.30
Brady Rethman Lak. West +7.00 21:34.80 21:27.80
Americus Land Lak. West -1:51.40 21:30.30 23:21.70
Avery Rench Covington -1:24.90 21:31.20 22:56.10
Reed Miller Spencerville +53.00 22:27.10 21:34.10
Jacob Huhn Indian Lake -8:28.30 21:41.80 30:10.10
Kori Moore Brookville -8:46.70 21:49.80 30:36.50
Daniel Moftakhar Lak. West +58.20 22:49.80 21:51.60
Emilie Penick Brookville -30.30 21:52.70 22:23.00
Lauren Taylor Brookville -26.60 21:54.10 22:20.70
Luke Albery Bellbrook +45.80 22:41.90 21:56.10
Mariana Kellner Sidney -58.40 21:59.20 22:57.60
Tyler Ricketts Wapakoneta +40.50 22:43.70 22:03.20
Myla Cox Fairlawn -1:34.80 22:06.70 23:41.50
Julia Baker Lakota -1:58.60 22:06.80 24:05.40
Gwyneth Barnholtz Lak. West -1:22.20 22:12.80 23:35.00
Cassie Shroyer Wapakoneta -2:52.20 22:13.40 25:05.60
Alex Meyers Lak. West +37.90 22:57.00 22:19.10
Kassandra Martin Lak. West -26.50 22:23.50 22:50.00
Jaden Barhorst Covington -39.20 22:23.70 23:02.90
Makenna Maurer Botkins -47.20 22:25.80 23:13.00
Liam Pryor Lak. West -1:31.30 22:26.60 23:57.90
Scott Petersen Lehman Cath. -1:06.50 22:27.50 23:34.00
Will Davis Brookville +22.70 22:50.90 22:28.20
Kayli Brewer Anna -1:53.80 22:29.10 24:22.90
Maggie Bezy Lehman Cath. -3:15.90 22:31.00 25:46.90
Hope Bixler Anna -1:24.00 22:36.00 24:00.00
Lindsay Schumacher Bellbrook -31.60 22:36.40 23:08.00
Nicole Siegel Sidney -1:43.20 22:43.60 24:26.80
Morgan Smith Brookville +57.40 23:41.80 22:44.40
William Comer Lak. West -4.70 22:47.60 22:52.30
Andrew Rose Covington +4.10 22:52.10 22:48.00
Matt Jenkins Bellbrook -1:43.60 22:49.10 24:32.70
Allie Garman Covington -2:21.00 22:51.00 25:12.00
Montana Stephens Sidney -2:44.30 22:55.60 25:39.90
Caitlyn Rieder Brookville +44.50 23:46.20 23:01.70
Erin Allen Bellbrook -33.90 23:01.80 23:35.70
Alexis Meyer Covington -54.10 23:06.70 24:00.80
Sophia Flood Lehman Cath. -1:57.90 23:07.70 25:05.60
Sage Steinke Sidney -1:18.50 23:08.10 24:26.60
Olivia Rice Brookville -1:39.10 23:08.40 24:47.50
Brian Kahler Bellbrook +1:45.50 24:55.60 23:10.10
Gellisa Lin Bellbrook -1:28.50 23:16.10 24:44.60
Kiersten Linkey Lakota -6:38.20 23:26.40 30:04.60
Cooper Westwood Bellbrook -8:27.30 23:29.10 31:56.40
Katrina Meiring Houston -39.30 23:33.50 24:12.80
Camryn Smith Sidney -1:28.50 23:33.60 25:02.10
Rachel Wahl Indian Lake -1:02.40 23:35.60 24:38.00
Corrine Johnston Lak. West -2:13.00 23:44.00 25:57.00
Abigail Oehler Lak. West -4:24.90 23:57.10 28:22.00
Aly Bernat Lak. West -1:16.80 23:57.30 25:14.10
Maya Thompson Sidney -3:09.80 23:59.10 27:08.90
Alayna Welch Wapakoneta -3:14.10 23:59.90 27:14.00
Maddie Main Bellbrook -2:16.80 24:04.10 26:20.90
Madison Prenger Anna -29.30 24:05.90 24:35.20
Natalie Fisher Bellbrook -3:05.80 24:14.10 27:19.90
Madison Spaeth Bethel +26.30 24:51.80 24:25.50
Kevin Pray Bellbrook -2:59.50 24:30.80 27:30.30
Emily Brock Bellbrook -2:14.20 24:38.20 26:52.40
Katie Deal Sidney -3:01.90 24:43.20 27:45.10
Bailey Mantor Houston -27.70 24:54.80 25:22.50
Alissa Warren Bellbrook -1:55.80 24:57.50 26:53.30
Mimi Kundu Bellbrook -1:57.20 24:59.90 26:57.10
Kyla Wilson Brookville -3:50.80 25:10.60 29:01.40
Andrea Goodes Wapakoneta -1:40.70 25:16.40 26:57.10
Savana Ranzenberger Lakota -3:10.60 25:25.40 28:36.00
Savannah Garber Sidney -1:44.60 25:26.60 27:11.20
Andrew Wiseman Lehman Cath. -2:11.40 25:27.80 27:39.20
Emma Daugherty Bethel -2:31.10 25:30.10 28:01.20
Kassie Panson Bellbrook -1:39.40 25:30.20 27:09.60
Casey Topp Lehman Cath. -5:31.30 25:31.90 31:03.20
Jake Mangette Lima C.C. -1:55.80 25:32.10 27:27.90
Libby Knapke Houston -4.00 25:32.70 25:36.70
Holly Conklin Bellbrook -4:57.60 25:33.30 30:30.90
Andrea Mantor Houston -1:28.90 25:35.50 27:04.40
Amberly Broxterman Lak. West -3:12.60 25:58.30 29:10.90
Madalyn Zimmerer Lak. West -1:32.50 26:13.80 27:46.30
Shelby Hurst Bellbrook -2:10.00 26:19.30 28:29.30
Anna Mcewen Lak. West -4:09.50 26:24.20 30:33.70
Claire Kohler Wapakoneta -1:13.90 26:32.50 27:46.40
Josie Rhodes Bethel -1:50.10 26:56.00 28:46.10
Jacqui Bouchard Bellbrook -1:54.80 27:02.10 28:56.90
McKenna O'Donnell Sidney -18.20 27:09.60 27:27.80
Kierstyn Oberdorf Houston +42.00 28:29.60 27:47.60
Lilly Toller Anna -3:23.40 27:49.60 31:13.00
Sarah Hjort Lak. West -1:31.20 28:00.30 29:31.50
Emily Schafer Covington -5:32.80 29:06.90 34:39.70
Mikayla Kinzeler Bellbrook +13.40 29:22.90 29:09.50
Quinnteana Rios Lima C.C. +1:19.30 30:43.80 29:24.50
Megan Marlow Anna -3:45.80 29:26.20 33:12.00
Nikita Scheifele Indian Lake -2:58.00 29:32.00 32:30.00
Heidi Raber Bellbrook +1:25.40 31:23.60 29:58.20
Dasha Crocker Bellbrook -1:37.90 30:43.70 32:21.60
Nygeria Lloyd Spencerville -4:07.10 31:21.70 35:28.80
Cindy Li Bellbrook -2.50 32:12.80 32:15.30
Yelena Weaver Covington -33.40 34:07.10 34:40.50