Lake Erie League Championship 2008

Bedford, OH
Hosted by Bedford

Complete Results

Licensed to Bedford Senior High School                    Hy-Tek's Meet Manager
            Lake Erie League Championships - 5/13/2008 to 5/15/2008            
                    Erie and Lake Division - Boys and Girls                    
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Erie
        Meet: % 14.76  2003        Lesley Wilson, Bedford                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Campbell, Lauren          11 Maple Height             15.64   1.4   10  
  2 Robinson, Sheral          10 Admiral King             15.67   1.4    8  
  3 Armstrong, Nikki          12 Southview                16.26   1.4    6  
  4 Whaley-Garrison, Nile     12 Maple Height             16.48   1.4    4  
  5 Brown, Ashley             12 Shaw                     16.70   1.4    2  
  6 Arnold, Lashanda          11 Southview                17.09   1.4    1  
  7 Johnson, Noelle           11 Warrensville             17.11   1.4 
  8 Marable, Kara              9 Warrensville             20.81   1.4 
Event 6  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Lake
        Meet: % 14.0h  1998        Dalanda Jackson, Shaker                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Harbour, Tamica           11 Euclid                   14.69   0.6   10  
  2 Campbell, Paris           12 Euclid                   14.87   0.6    8  
  3 Boyd, Andrea              12 Bedford                  15.46   0.6    6  
  4 Sims, Melanie             12 Cle. Heights             16.04   0.6    4  
  5 Thompson, Jewlisa         12 Shaker Heigh             16.06   0.6    2  
  6 Ardo, Alex                12 Mentor                   17.38   0.6    1  
  7 Sumpter, Valencia         10 Bedford                  17.66   0.6 
  8 Tan, Rachel                9 Mentor                   18.00   0.6 
Event 7  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Erie
        Meet: % 13.59  1999        Lee Evans, Bedford                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Houston, Anthony          11 Maple Height             15.36   0.7   10  
  2 Black, Cordell            11 Warrensville             15.58   0.7    8  
  3 Maholic, Adam             12 Admiral King             15.60   0.7    6  
  4 Weems, Sean                9 Maple Height             15.85   0.7    4  
  5 Baker, Meredith           12 Warrensville             18.22   0.7    2  
  6 McGrier, Lynwood           9 Southview                21.16   0.7    1  
Event 8  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Lake
        Meet: % 13.90  2004        Nick Ivancic, Mentor                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Gueye, Amadou             11 Shaker Heigh             14.83  +0.0   10  
  2 Joiner-Shaw, Marquette    11 Shaker Heigh             15.70  +0.0    8  
  3 Bruecker, Tom             12 Mentor                   16.70  +0.0    6  
  4 May, Dionte'z             12 Cle. Heights             17.51  +0.0    4  
  5 Jones, Davante            10 Euclid                   17.72  +0.0    2  
  6 Palmer, Kevin             11 Mentor                   17.80  +0.0    1  
  7 Atlas, Bryan              12 Cle. Heights             18.24  +0.0 
Event 9  Girls 100 Meter Dash Erie
        Meet: % 12.33  5/8/2007    Alexis Washington, Southview                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Washington, Alexis        11 Southview                12.54   0.4   10  
  2 Jones, Tiffany            12 Maple Height             12.61   0.4    8  
  3 Arnold, Andrea            10 Maple Height             12.64   0.4    6  
  4 Rugley, Ashlei            11 Warrensville             12.90   0.4    4  
  5 Phillips, Vickie          12 Shaw                     13.02   0.4    2  
  6 McClain, Alyce             9 Warrensville             13.10   0.4    1  
  7 Valentin, Micaela         11 Southview                14.43   0.4 
Event 10  Girls 100 Meter Dash Lake
        Meet: % 11.68  2003        Tianna Madison, Elyria                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Campbell, Paris           12 Euclid                   12.66   1.4   10  
  2 Sims, Melanie             12 Cle. Heights             12.78   1.4    8  
  3 Johnson, Whitney          11 Euclid                   12.91   1.4    6  
  4 Zupec, Melissa            11 Mentor                   13.12   1.4    4  
  5 Shaughnessy, Michelle     11 Mentor                   13.19   1.4    2  
  6 Shlaes, Molly             12 Shaker Heigh             13.57   1.4    1  
  7 Brown, Myasiah             9 Bedford                  14.19   1.4 
  8 Bullock, Maegan           10 Bedford                  14.27   1.4 
Event 11  Boys 100 Meter Dash Erie
        Meet: % 10.70  1999        Justin Russell, Bedford                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Witherspoon, Blake        12 Southview                10.85   1.6   10  
  2 Robinson, Ryan            12 Maple Height             11.27   1.6    8  
  3 Chisholm, Darius          11 Warrensville             11.42   1.6    6  
  4 Atkinson, Terrance        12 Admiral King             11.43   1.6    4  
  5 Fortson, Devine           11 Shaw                     11.46   1.6    2  
  6 Morris, Joshua            11 Southview                11.71   1.6    1  
  7 Clements, Raymar          11 Warrensville             11.80   1.6 
  8 Binns, Brandon             9 Maple Height             11.89   1.6 
Event 12  Boys 100 Meter Dash Lake
        Meet: % 10.7h  1994        Leland Jernigan, Cleveland Heights          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Underwood, Bryan          11 Cle. Heights             11.00   0.6   10  
  2 Hardy, Jonathan           10 Cle. Heights             11.19   0.6    8  
  3 Coleman, Marcus           10 Bedford                  11.33   0.6    6  
  4 Jennings, Devon           12 Euclid                   11.42   0.6    4  
  5 Lawson, Roman             11 Shaker Heigh             11.64   0.6    2  
  6 Gill, Jeffvon             11 Euclid                   11.66   0.6    1  
  7 Magby, Sequayah           10 Bedford                  11.71   0.6 
  8 Weaver, Rhahmahn           9 Shaker Heigh             11.75   0.6 
Event 13  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Erie
        Meet: % 1:40.61  1999        Bedford                                   
                         Harper, Davis, Johnson, Burks                     
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Warrensville Heights                                1:43.05    10  
     1) McClain, Alyce 9                2) Tompkins, Maria 11             
     3) Rugley, Ashlei 11               4) Lykes, Angelique 11            
  2 Shaw                                                1:45.14     8  
     1) Brown, Ashley 12                2) Phillips, Vickie 12            
     3) Lewis, Coressia 12              4) Craig, Jamice 10               
  3 Maple Heights                                       1:49.15     6  
     1) Tisdel, Makeela 10              2) Strozier, Sierra 9             
     3) Sardon, Taylor 11               4) Wilson, Shantell 11            
Event 14  Girls 4x200 Meter Relay Lake
        Meet: % 1:37.08  1998        Cl. Hts.                                  
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Cle. Heights                                        1:45.14    10  
     1) Wilson, Chardinae 12            2) Jones, Kiandra 10              
     3) Dickerson, Ayana 12             4) Sims, Melanie 12               
  2 Mentor                                              1:49.25     8  
     1) Zupec, Melissa 11               2) Lowery, Megan 10               
     3) Gerhardstein, Brittany 10       4) Shaughnessy, Michelle 11       
  3 Shaker Heights                                      1:50.06     6  
     1) Thompson, Jewlisa 12            2) Morrow, Kortney 10             
     3) Shlaes, Molly 12                4) Jones, Shyear 10               
  4 Bedford                                             1:51.65     4  
     1) Boyd, Andrea 12                 2) Caver, Marcades 11             
     3) Brown, Myasiah 9                4) Simmons, Clorena 12            
 -- Euclid                                                   DQ  
     1) Kochevar, Cecilia 9             2) Ward, Tory 11                  
     3) Moore, Amber 12                 4) Glenn, Chanel 12               
Event 15  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Erie
        Meet: % 1:29.11  2004        Warrensville                              
                         Hasan, Smith, Rowell, White                       
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Shaw                                                1:30.66    10  
     1) Fortson, Devine 11              2) Fortson, Carmine 11            
     3) Williams, Tyrone 10             4) Cook, Chris 12                 
  2 Warrensville Heights                                1:33.88     8  
     1) Christian, Jerry 11             2) Chisholm, Darius 11            
     3) Rates, DeJuan 10                4) Wiggins, Emmanuel 12           
  3 Admiral King                                        1:35.28     6  
     1) Charlton, Wesley 9              2) Rivera, Alex 10                
     3) Maholic, Adam 12                4) Atkinson, Terrance 12          
  4 Maple Heights                                       1:37.82     4  
     1) Wiggins, Deonte 12              2) Weems, Sean 9                  
     3) Robinson, Ryan 12               4) Roberts, Fred 10               
  5 Southview                                           1:41.89     2  
     1) Windham, Kalvin 12              2) Palmer, Denzel 9               
     3) Lorenzana, Ricco 9              4) Burt, Andre 10                 
Event 16  Boys 4x200 Meter Relay Lake
        Meet: % 1:27.55  5/10/2007   Cleveland Heights                         
                         J Royal, R Marshall, I Adams, W El-Halaby         
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Cle. Heights                                        1:28.50    10  
     1) Settles, Jerrell 11             2) Hardy, Jonathan 10             
     3) Cowsette, Dontave 12            4) Underwood, Bryan 11            
  2 Shaker Heights                                      1:30.02     8  
     1) Lawson, Roman 11                2) Cleveland Jr., Keith 11        
     3) Ashford, Perez 11               4) Laird, Matt 11                 
  3 Mentor                                              1:38.56     6  
     1) Fox, Matt 9                     2) Spence, Steve 10               
     3) Penicka, Ricky 9                4) Lehoe, Kevin 10                
 -- Euclid                                                   DQ  
     1) Jennings, Devon 12              2) Gill, Jeffvon 11               
     3) Franklin, John 11               4) Smith, Travis 12               
Event 17  Girls 1600 Meter Run Erie
        Meet: % 5:24.16  2005        Nicole Surman, Maple                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hill, Asia                10 Warrensville           5:38.35    10  
  2 Jones, Leah               11 Maple Height           5:45.06     8  
  3 Davis, Brittany           12 Maple Height           5:53.23     6  
  4 Mack, Danielle            10 Warrensville           5:54.28     4  
  5 Harkless, Heather          9 Admiral King           6:26.73     2  
  6 Hardy, Cody               10 Admiral King           6:36.82     1  
  7 Williams, Ashley          10 Southview              7:27.38  
  8 Earl, Rashay              10 Southview              8:13.09  
Event 18  Girls 1600 Meter Run Lake
        Meet: % 5:00.10  2002        Michelle Sikes, Lakewood                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Christian        12 Cle. Heights           5:04.31    10  
  2 Whitlow, Kayla            10 Euclid                 5:20.18     8  
  3 Arko, Kristina            12 Euclid                 5:22.18     6  
  4 Binczyk, Alyssa            9 Shaker Heigh           5:30.21     4  
  5 Cabrerra, Natalia         12 Shaker Heigh           5:32.14     2  
  6 Howard, Shequea           11 Cle. Heights           5:39.55     1  
  7 Ruckstuhl, Kristen         9 Mentor                 5:41.79  
  8 Kreider, Deanna            9 Mentor                 5:54.72  
  9 Ciprian, Arielle           9 Bedford                5:55.12  
Event 19  Boys 1600 Meter Run Erie
        Meet: % 4:36.67  2001        Justin Collier, Normandy                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Andrew           12 Warrensville           4:52.91    10  
  2 Moore, James               9 Warrensville           5:03.38     8  
  3 Riffe, Ryan                9 Admiral King           5:26.85     6  
  4 Cruz, Nicholas             9 Southview              5:28.22     4  
  5 Alford, Anthony           10 Maple Height           5:46.02     2  
  6 Ivcic, Sam                10 Maple Height           5:53.68     1  
  7 Johnson, Josh              9 Admiral King           5:55.17  
  8 Soto, Ruben                9 Southview              6:31.03  
Event 20  Boys 1600 Meter Run Lake
        Meet: % 4:21.4h  1994        Dave Cooper, Parma                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Phyfer, Connor            12 Mentor                 4:27.47    10  
  2 Schulz, Stephen           11 Mentor                 4:32.34     8  
  3 Weinstein, Gabe           11 Shaker Heigh           4:41.13     6  
  4 Katt, Adam                12 Cle. Heights           4:41.98     4  
  5 Katz, Eian                11 Shaker Heigh           4:43.46     2  
  6 Dumm, Seth                10 Cle. Heights           4:45.02     1  
  7 Sweet, Zach               11 Euclid                 4:46.94  
Event 21  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Erie
        Meet: % 49.23  2001        Warrensville                                
                       Jordan, Osborne, Watson, Wheeler                  
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Maple Heights                                         49.46    10  
     1) Jones, Tiffany 12               2) Campbell, Lauren 11            
     3) Sardon, Taylor 11               4) Tisdel, Makeela 10             
  2 Shaw                                                  49.93     8  
     1) Brown, Ashley 12                2) Lewis, Coressia 12             
     3) Rice, Diamond 10                4) Phillips, Vickie 12            
  3 Southview                                             50.38     6  
     1) Arnold, Lashanda 11             2) Armstrong, Nikki 12            
     3) Evans, Ashley 10                4) Washington, Alexis 11          
  4 Warrensville Heights                                  50.95     4  
     1) Cross, LaShae 11                2) McClain, Alyce 9               
     3) Cooper, Ciera 9                 4) Rugley, Ashlei 11              
Event 22  Girls 4x100 Meter Relay Lake
        Meet: % 47.82  2003        Elyria                                      
                       Whitely, C. Makison, Davis, T. Madison            
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Euclid                                                49.63    10  
     1) Johnson, Whitney 11             2) Johnson, Leah 11               
     3) Creary, Tiffany 12              4) Campbell, Paris 12             
  2 Cle. Heights                                          51.09     8  
     1) Dixon, Sasha 12                 2) Vanleer, Aaliyah 12            
     3) Wilson, Chardinae 12            4) Sims, Melanie 12               
  3 Shaker Heights                                        51.22     6  
     1) Shlaes, Molly 12                2) Weaver, Tashay 10              
     3) Brownlee, Unique 9              4) Jones, Shyear 10               
  4 Mentor                                                51.44     4  
     1) Zupec, Melissa 11               2) Ardo, Alex 12                  
     3) Shaughnessy, Michelle 11        4) Lowery, Megan 10               
  5 Bedford                                               52.08     2  
     1) Boyd, Andrea 12                 2) Brown, Myasiah 9               
     3) Caver, Marcades 11              4) Simmons, Clorena 12            
Event 23  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Erie
        Meet: % 42.09  1999        Bedford                                     
                       G. Jones, R. Perez, J. Russell, L. Evans          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Maple Heights                                         43.56    10  
     1) Stubbs, Andre 9                 2) Wallace, Donte 12              
     3) Wiggins, Deonte 12              4) Robinson, Ryan 12              
  2 Southview                                             43.67     8  
     1) Windham, Kevin 12               2) Earl, Ricky 10                 
     3) Morris, Joshua 11               4) Witherspoon, Blake 12          
  3 Shaw                                                  43.73     6  
     1) Fortson, Devine 11              2) White, Phillip 10              
     3) Cook, Chris 12                  4) Fortson, Carmine 11            
  4 Warrensville Heights                                  43.97     4  
     1) Christian, Jerry 11             2) Clements, Raymar 11            
     3) Rates, DeJuan 10                4) Chisholm, Darius 11            
 -- Admiral King                                            DNF  
     1) Nelson, J.J. 9                  2) Carter, James 9                
     3) Burnett-Gibbs, Davente 10       4) Atkinson, Terrance 12          
Event 24  Boys 4x100 Meter Relay Lake
        Meet: % 41.90  2003        Shaker                                      
                       Little, Malone, Hunter, Dukes                     
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Cle. Heights                                          42.54    10  
     1) Hardy, Jonathan 10              2) El-Halaby, Wael 12             
     3) Bounds, Ryan 9                  4) Underwood, Bryan 11            
  2 Euclid                                                42.72     8  
     1) Jennings, Devon 12              2) Smith, Travis 12               
     3) Gill, Jeffvon 11                4) Franklin, John 11              
  3 Bedford                                               44.36     6  
     1) Magby, Sequayah 10              2) Jester, Tiron 12               
     3) Mohammed, Tariq 10              4) Coleman, Marcus 10             
  4 Mentor                                                45.71     4  
     1) Cudak, Jon 11                   2) Bruecker, Tom 12               
     3) Michal, Matt 11                 4) Zimmerman, Ian 12              
 -- Shaker Heights                                           FS  
     1) Lawson, Roman 11                2) Ashford, Perez 11              
     3) Laird, Matt 11                  4) Horton, Devon 10               
Event 25  Girls 400 Meter Dash Erie
        Meet: % 56.70  2000        Erica Burks, Bedford                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Lykes, Angelique          11 Warrensville             56.16%   10  
  2 Arnold, Andrea            10 Maple Height             56.79     8  
  3 Barron, Daianna           10 Warrensville             57.59     6  
  4 Craig, Jamice             10 Shaw                   1:00.17     4  
  5 Black, Michelle           10 Maple Height           1:02.37     2  
  6 St. Clair, Chandler       12 Shaw                   1:03.54     1  
  7 Legard, Shakyla           10 Admiral King           1:09.16  
Event 26  Girls 400 Meter Dash Lake
        Meet: % 52.82  2006        Jessica Beard, Euclid                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dickerson, Ayana          12 Cle. Heights             59.49    10  
  2 Johnson, Leah             11 Euclid                 1:00.71     8  
  3 Jones, Kiandra            10 Cle. Heights           1:01.09     6  
  4 Rogers, Stephanie         12 Mentor                 1:02.33     4  
  5 Walker, Katelyn           10 Shaker Heigh           1:03.06     2  
  6 Morrow, Kortney           10 Shaker Heigh           1:03.85     1  
  7 Kochevar, Cecilia          9 Euclid                 1:03.98  
  8 Berman, Carley             9 Mentor                 1:05.57  
Event 27  Boys 400 Meter Dash Erie
        Meet: % 48.70  1999        Willie Davis, Shaw                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Marable, Keith            12 Warrensville             49.80    10  
  2 Wiggins, Emmanuel         12 Warrensville             52.23     8  
  3 Wilbert, Eric             11 Maple Height             52.65     6  
  4 Price, Devaun             10 Shaw                     53.41     4  
  5 Roberts, Fred             10 Maple Height             53.72     2  
  6 White, Phillip            10 Shaw                     54.14     1  
  7 Rivera, Alex              10 Admiral King             55.13  
  8 Palmer, Denzel             9 Southview                55.92  
Event 28  Boys 400 Meter Dash Lake
        Meet: % 47.82  1998        Hank Harris, Cl. Hts.                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Cowsette, Dontave         12 Cle. Heights             48.73    10  
  2 Cleveland Jr., Keith      11 Shaker Heigh             49.60     8  
  3 El-Halaby, Wael           12 Cle. Heights             50.15     6  
  4 Ashford, Perez            11 Shaker Heigh             51.21     4  
  5 Nelson Manuel, Xavier     12 Euclid                   53.14     2  
  6 O'Neill, Devin            11 Mentor                   53.43     1  
  7 Amos, Ken                 11 Euclid                   54.18  
  8 Matson, Connor             9 Mentor                   56.03  
Event 29  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Erie
        Meet: % 45.10  1999        Cyrita Johnson, Bedford                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Tompkins, Maria           11 Warrensville             47.32    10  
  2 Armstrong, Nikki          12 Southview                47.70     8  
  3 Bohanon, Tiana            10 Shaw                     48.79     6  
  4 Campbell, Lauren          11 Maple Height             49.26     4  
  5 Robinson, Sheral          10 Admiral King             49.42     2  
  6 Wilson, Shantell          11 Maple Height             50.47     1  
  7 Marable, Kara              9 Warrensville             54.21  
Event 30  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Lake
        Meet: % 42.97  2000        Dalanda Jackson, Shaker                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Harbour, Tamica           11 Euclid                   45.93    10  
  2 Thompson, Jewlisa         12 Shaker Heigh             46.31     8  
  3 Johnson, Whitney          11 Euclid                   47.91     6  
  4 Caver, Marcades           11 Bedford                  49.36     4  
  5 Harker, Alyssa            11 Mentor                   49.38     2  
  6 Tan, Rachel                9 Mentor                   51.01     1  
  7 Brownlee, Unique           9 Shaker Heigh             52.61  
  8 Dixon, Sasha              12 Cle. Heights             53.10  
Event 31  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Erie
        Meet: % 37.8h  1999        Lee Evans, Bedford                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Weems, Sean                9 Maple Height             41.99    10  
  2 Berry, Girard             10 Maple Height             42.19     8  
  3 Black, Cordell            11 Warrensville             42.20     6  
  4 McGrier, Lynwood           9 Southview                45.86     4  
  5 Baker, Meredith           12 Warrensville             47.45     2  
  6 Burge, James              10 Southview                49.14     1  
 -- Maholic, Adam             12 Admiral King                FS  
Event 32  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Lake
        Meet: % 37.09  2004        Nick Ivancic, Mentor                        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Owens, Elijha              9 Shaker Heigh             41.81    10  
  2 Atlas, Bryan              12 Cle. Heights             41.89     8  
  3 Gueye, Amadou             11 Shaker Heigh             42.25     6  
  4 Bruecker, Tom             12 Mentor                   42.29     4  
  5 Lehoe, Kevin              10 Mentor                   42.73     2  
  6 May, Dionte'z             12 Cle. Heights             44.35     1  
  7 Pettis, Darnell           11 Bedford                  44.76  
 -- Jones, Davante            10 Euclid                     DNF  
Event 33  Girls 800 Meter Run Erie
        Meet: % 2:20.23  5/10/2007   Chandler St. Clair, Shaw                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hill, Asia                10 Warrensville           2:21.49    10  
  2 Johnson, Noelle           11 Warrensville           2:22.47     8  
  3 Arnold, Ariel             11 Maple Height           2:22.59     6  
  4 Stanard, Leslie           12 Maple Height           2:31.47     4  
  5 Holder, Shauntae          11 Shaw                   2:39.70     2  
  6 McCart, Hannah             9 Admiral King           2:49.62     1  
  7 Mele, Natalia              9 Admiral King           2:59.96  
 -- Wynn, Sundae              12 Shaw                        DQ  
Event 34  Girls 800 Meter Run Lake
        Meet: % 2:18.76  2002        Julie Schlenkerman, Lakewood              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Christian        12 Cle. Heights           2:17.17%   10  
  2 Whitlow, Kayla            10 Euclid                 2:24.08     8  
  3 Howard, Shequea           11 Cle. Heights           2:28.72     6  
  4 McCord, Lindsay           11 Shaker Heigh           2:29.40     4  
  5 Brown, Jennifer           10 Euclid                 2:30.19     2  
  6 Penkowski, Mariel         10 Mentor                 2:34.40     1  
  7 Binczyk, Alyssa            9 Shaker Heigh           2:34.49  
  8 Svigel, Monica            12 Mentor                 2:35.96  
  9 Ciprian, Arielle           9 Bedford                2:47.02  
Event 35  Boys 800 Meter Run Erie
        Meet: % 1:56.06  2004        Eddie Bowens, Southview                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Marable, Keith            12 Warrensville           2:05.19    10  
  2 Collins, Nathan           10 Warrensville           2:10.51     8  
  3 Finley, Sean              11 Admiral King           2:12.29     6  
  4 Simmons, Thomas           11 Maple Height           2:13.50     4  
  5 Hill, George              10 Shaw                   2:14.94     2  
  6 Arnold, Otis               9 Maple Height           2:15.10     1  
  7 Cruz, Nicholas             9 Southview              2:22.25  
  8 Cuevas, Joseph             9 Southview              2:31.40  
Event 36  Boys 800 Meter Run Lake
        Meet: % 1:54.08  5/10/2007   Jared Hall, Cleveland Heights             
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hall, Jared               12 Cle. Heights           1:53.75%   10  
  2 Watts, Sylvester          12 Cle. Heights           1:55.61     8  
  3 O'Neill, Devin            11 Mentor                 2:01.88     6  
  4 Schulz, Stephen           11 Mentor                 2:03.21     4  
  5 Macklin, Terance          12 Bedford                2:03.22     2  
  6 Walker, Rayshawn          12 Euclid                 2:03.85     1  
  7 Benton, Kevin             11 Shaker Heigh           2:08.49  
  8 Katz, Eian                11 Shaker Heigh           2:09.85  
  9 Jackson, Keith            12 Bedford                2:10.13  
 10 Burnette, Khemet          12 Euclid                 2:12.01  
Event 37  Girls 200 Meter Dash Erie
        Meet: % 24.99  5/10/2007   Andrea Arnold, Maple Height                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Jones, Tiffany            12 Maple Height             24.71%  1.6   10  
  2 Lykes, Angelique          11 Warrensville             24.89%  1.6    8  
  3 Barron, Daianna           10 Warrensville             25.22   1.6    6  
  4 Lewis, Coressia           12 Shaw                     25.45   1.6    4  
  5 Washington, Alexis        11 Southview                25.62   1.6    2  
  6 Arnold, Andrea            10 Maple Height             25.71   1.6    1  
  7 Phillips, Vickie          12 Shaw                     27.46   1.6 
  8 Evans, Ashley             10 Southview                28.23   1.6 
Event 38  Girls 200 Meter Dash Lake
        Meet: % 24.13  2003        Tianna Madison, Elyria                      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Jones, Kiandra            10 Cle. Heights             26.28   0.6   10  
  2 Johnson, Leah             11 Euclid                   26.42   0.6    8  
  3 Glenn, Chanel             12 Euclid                   27.28   0.6    6  
  4 Wilson, Chardinae         12 Cle. Heights             27.47   0.6    4  
  5 Zupec, Melissa            11 Mentor                   28.05   0.6    2  
  6 Gerhardstein, Brittany    10 Mentor                   28.29   0.6    1  
  7 Simmons, Clorena          12 Bedford                  28.54   0.6 
  8 Weaver, Tashay            10 Shaker Heigh             28.70   0.6 
Event 39  Boys 200 Meter Dash Erie
        Meet: % 21.9h  1999        Willie Davis, Shaw                          
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Witherspoon, Blake        12 Southview                21.83%  0.7   10  
  2 Williams, Tyrone          10 Shaw                     23.09   0.7    8  
  3 Christian, Jerry          11 Warrensville             23.15   0.7    6  
  4 Atkinson, Terrance        12 Admiral King             23.26   0.7    4  
  5 Wiggins, Emmanuel         12 Warrensville             23.44   0.7    2  
  6 Morris, Joshua            11 Southview                23.96   0.7    1  
  7 Binns, Brandon             9 Maple Height             23.97   0.7 
Event 40  Boys 200 Meter Dash Lake
        Meet: % 21.98  5/13/2008   Bryan Underwood, Cle. Heights               
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Smith, Travis             12 Euclid                   21.91%  1.1   10  
  2 Underwood, Bryan          11 Cle. Heights             22.10   1.1    8  
  3 El-Halaby, Wael           12 Cle. Heights             22.33   1.1    6  
  4 Cleveland Jr., Keith      11 Shaker Heigh             22.87   1.1    4  
  5 Mitchell, Brian           12 Bedford                  23.13   1.1    2  
  6 Horton, Devon             10 Shaker Heigh             23.59   1.1    1  
  7 Gill, Jeffvon             11 Euclid                   23.98   1.1 
  8 Mohammed, Tariq           10 Bedford                  24.01   1.1 
Event 42  Girls 3200 Meter Run Lake
        Meet: % 10:52.4h  2003        Michelle Sikes, Lakewood                 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Christian        12 Cle. Heights          11:30.69    10  
  2 Arko, Kristina            12 Euclid                11:43.07     8  
  3 Rownd, Kathryn            10 Shaker Heigh          11:51.09     6  
  4 Spielman, Kathryn         12 Shaker Heigh          11:56.75     4  
  5 Iafelice, Jessie           9 Mentor                12:22.31     2  
  6 Colo, Calleigh            11 Euclid                12:37.73     1  
  7 Lowrie, Kellen             9 Cle. Heights          12:45.94  
 -- Ruckstuhl, Kristen         9 Mentor                      DQ  
Event 44  Boys 3200 Meter Run Lake
        Meet: % 9:38.28  2002        Aaron Johnson-Peck, Lakewood              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Hudd, Jimmy               11 Mentor                 9:56.45    10  
  2 Janosko, Kenny            11 Mentor                10:04.67     8  
  3 Sweet, Zach               11 Euclid                10:18.04     6  
  4 Katt, Adam                12 Cle. Heights          10:29.47     4  
  5 Dumm, Seth                10 Cle. Heights          10:30.13     2  
  6 Weinstein, Gabe           11 Shaker Heigh          10:30.14     1  
  7 Carl, Mike                11 Shaker Heigh          11:06.09  
Event 45  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Erie
        Meet: % 3:55.34  5/10/2007   Warrensville                              
                         N Johnson, M Tompkins, A Lykes, D Barron          
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Warrensville Heights                                3:51.16%   10  
     1) Tompkins, Maria 11              2) Hill, Asia 10                  
     3) Barron, Daianna 10              4) Lykes, Angelique 11            
  2 Maple Heights                                       3:56.79     8  
     1) Arnold, Ariel 11                2) Arnold, Andrea 10              
     3) Tisdel, Makeela 10              4) Jones, Tiffany 12              
  3 Shaw                                                4:09.29     6  
     1) Wynn, Sundae 12                 2) Craig, Jamice 10               
     3) Rice, Diamond 10                4) St. Clair, Chandler 12         
  4 Admiral King                                        4:43.60     4  
     1) Legard, Shakyla 10              2) Noble, Deidre 10               
     3) Harkless, Heather 9             4) Duff, Brittany 10              
  5 Southview                                           4:43.62     2  
     1) Arnold, Lashanda 11             2) Valentin, Micaela 11           
     3) Pulliam, Breanna 9              4) Williams, Ashley 10            
Event 46  Girls 4x400 Meter Relay Lake
        Meet: % 3:54.47  1992        Cl. Hts.                                  
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Cle. Heights                                        4:05.82    10  
     1) Jones, Kiandra 10               2) Dickerson, Ayana 12            
     3) Timmons, Tania 10               4) Howard, Shequea 11             
  2 Shaker Heights                                      4:09.71     8  
     1) Jones, Shyear 10                2) Walker, Katelyn 10             
     3) Morrow, Kortney 10              4) Thompson, Jewlisa 12           
  3 Mentor                                              4:17.78     6  
     1) Rogers, Stephanie 12            2) Berman, Carley 9               
     3) Shaughnessy, Michelle 11        4) Harker, Alyssa 11              
Event 47  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Erie
        Meet: % 3:22.28  2001        Bedford                                   
                         C. Jones, E. Scott, R. Sweet, K. Williams         
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Shaw                                                3:28.24    10  
     1) Fortson, Devine 11              2) White, Phillip 10              
     3) Price, Devaun 10                4) Williams, Tyrone 10            
  2 Maple Heights                                       3:29.92     8  
     1) Weems, Sean 9                   2) Wilbert, Eric 11               
     3) Roberts, Fred 10                4) Wiggins, Deonte 12             
  3 Warrensville Heights                                3:33.78     6  
     1) Wiggins, Emmanuel 12            2) Chisholm, Darius 11            
     3) Marable, Keith 12               4) Moore, Kashiff 12              
  4 Southview                                           4:03.21     4  
     1) Burge, James 10                 2) Cuevas, Joseph 9               
     3) McGrier, Lynwood 9              4) Burt, Andre 10                 
 -- Admiral King                                             DQ  
     1) Rivera, Alex 10                 2) Calhoun, Kristian 9            
     3) Finley, Sean 11                 4) Maholic, Adam 12               
Event 48  Boys 4x400 Meter Relay Lake
        Meet: % 3:16.64  5/10/2007   Cleveland Heights                         
                         D Cowsette, J Hall, W El-Halaby, M Love           
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Cle. Heights                                        3:18.58    10  
     1) Watts, Sylvester 12             2) El-Halaby, Wael 12             
     3) Hall, Jared 12                  4) Cowsette, Dontave 12           
  2 Shaker Heights                                      3:22.57     8  
     1) Ashford, Perez 11               2) Owens, Elijha 9                
     3) Laird, Matt 11                  4) Cleveland Jr., Keith 11        
  3 Euclid                                              3:30.87     6  
     1) Nelson Manuel, Xavier 12        2) Amos, Ken 11                   
     3) Walker, Rayshawn 12             4) Burnette, Khemet 12            
  4 Mentor                                              3:38.32     4  
     1) O'Neill, Devin 11               2) Kunka, Phil 11                 
     3) Michal, Matt 11                 4) Schulz, Stephen 11             
  5 Bedford                                             3:39.57     2  
     1) Mitchell, Brian 12              2) Baker, Eric 12                 
     3) Chambers, Leon 9                4) Pettis, Darnell 11             
Event 49  Girls Discus Throw Erie
        Meet: % 127-04  2002        Cecely Appleton, Bedford                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Caynon, Destinee          12 Warrensville            104-06    10  
  2 Akram, Yasmeen            12 Warrensville            104-02     8  
  3 Love, Arielle              9 Maple Height             97-11     6  
  4 Quinn, Sanita              9 Southview                95-04     4  
  5 Charles, Ariel            11 Admiral King             92-05     2  
  6 Thomas, Nichole            9 Maple Height             90-00     1  
  7 Coleman, Brenda           10 Admiral King             72-02  
  8 Williams, Ashley          10 Southview                42-02  
Event 51  Boys Discus Throw Erie
        Meet: % 154-05  1999        Randy Johnson, Warrensville                
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Wilkens, Korraun          11 Maple Height            131-04    10  
  2 Koonce, Marvon            12 Shaw                    128-11     8  
  3 Blackman, Calvin          10 Maple Height            123-08     6  
  4 Talton, Jerome            10 Shaw                    119-04     4  
  5 Marable, Kevin            12 Warrensville             97-02     2  
  6 Kriso, A.J.                9 Admiral King             97-01     1  
  7 Fontanez, Eugenio          9 Southview                95-01  
  8 Clements, Raymar          11 Warrensville             94-10  
Event 55  Boys High Jump Erie
        Meet: %  6-05  5/10/2007   Jerrill Hall, Maple Height                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Robinson, Ryan            12 Maple Height           5-06.00    10  
  2 Martemus, Joshua           9 Warrensville           5-04.00     7  
  2 Cook, Chris               12 Shaw                   5-04.00     7  
  4 Houston, Anthony          11 Maple Height          J5-04.00     4  
  5 Price, Devaun             10 Shaw                  J5-04.00     2  
 -- Porter, Lawrence          11 Warrensville                NH  
 -- Burt, Andre               10 Southview                   NH  
Event 56  Boys High Jump Lake
        Meet: %  6-05              Matt Balint, Bill Mamie, Normandy(98), Mento
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 King, Dwayne              11 Cle. Heights           6-10.00%   10  
  2 Jester, Tiron             12 Bedford                6-06.00%    8  
  3 Mamie, Bill               11 Mentor                 6-02.00     6  
  4 Rollins, Brandon          12 Euclid                 5-08.00     3  
  4 Mierke, Nick              11 Mentor                 5-08.00     3  
  6 Wood, Alex                11 Bedford               J5-08.00     0.5
  6 Amos, Ken                 11 Euclid                J5-08.00     0.5
  8 May, Dionte'z             12 Cle. Heights           5-06.00  
 -- Balester, Matt            11 Shaker Heigh                NH  
 -- Agee, Kenneth             11 Shaker Heigh                DQ  
Event 57  Girls Long Jump Erie
        Meet: % 17-03.50  2000        Gaynell Reese, Bedford                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Tompkins, Maria           11 Warrensville          18-04.00%  NWI   10  
  2 Cross, LaShae             11 Warrensville          16-00.50   NWI    8  
  3 Noble, Deidre             10 Admiral King          16-00.00   NWI    6  
  4 Evans, Ashley             10 Southview             15-06.75   NWI    4  
  5 Campbell, Lauren          11 Maple Height          15-04.00   NWI    2  
  6 Legard, Shakyla           10 Admiral King          13-10.50   NWI    1  
 -- Whaley-Garrison, Nile     12 Maple Height              FOUL   NWI 
Event 58  Girls Long Jump Lake
        Meet: % 19-11.75  2002        Tianna Makison, Elyria                   
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Caver, Marcades           11 Bedford               16-04.50   NWI   10  
  2 Boyd, Andrea              12 Bedford               16-02.75   NWI    8  
  3 Harbour, Tamica           11 Euclid                16-02.50   NWI    6  
  4 Lowery, Megan             10 Mentor                15-06.75   NWI    4  
  5 Shlaes, Molly             12 Shaker Heigh          15-02.00   NWI    2  
  6 Dixon, Sasha              12 Cle. Heights          15-01.00   NWI    1  
  7 Ardo, Alex                12 Mentor                14-11.25   NWI 
  8 Adams, Adria              10 Cle. Heights          14-10.50   NWI 
  9 Campbell, Paris           12 Euclid                14-09.00   NWI 
 10 Coulter, Sarah             9 Shaker Heigh          13-08.00   NWI 
Event 62  Girls Shot Put Lake
        Meet: % 46-02  2002        Alexis McCall, Elyria                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Vanleer, Aaliyah          12 Cle. Heights          36-01.75    10  
  2 Turner, Brittany          11 Bedford               34-08.50     8  
  3 Allen, Brianna            12 Shaker Heigh          33-03.50     6  
  4 Butler, Kathy             11 Mentor                32-01.00     4  
  5 Joiner, Erriel            11 Euclid                27-06.50     2  
  6 Walton, Shannon           11 Bedford               27-03.25     1  
  7 Tresville, Brittany       10 Shaker Heigh          27-03.00  
  8 Sanders, Brooke           11 Cle. Heights          26-08.00  
Event 64  Boys Shot Put Lake
        Meet: % 57-07  2004        Brandon Smith, Euclid                       
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Conway, Henry             11 Shaker Heigh          46-10.50    10  
  2 Zimmerman, Ian            12 Mentor                41-06.75     8  
  3 Exum, Devaugn             11 Bedford               40-10.50     6  
  4 Nebe, Nick                10 Euclid                40-09.00     4  
  5 Harris, Mike              11 Shaker Heigh          38-11.25     2  
  6 Darden, Brayn             12 Cle. Heights          37-08.25     1  
  7 Hunter, Fredrick          12 Cle. Heights          37-04.75  
  8 Pecklar, Kevin            10 Mentor                37-02.50  
  9 Scott, Nick               12 Bedford               34-08.50  
Event 65  Girls Pole Vault Erie
        Meet: %  7-06              Heathe Webb, Ariel Baker, Garfield (04), Map
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Dennis, Bianca            10 Maple Height           8-06.00%   10  
  2 Johnson, Felisha          12 Maple Height           6-06.00     8  
Event 66  Girls Pole Vault Lake
        Meet: % 10-00              Megan Crysler, Pembroke Strickland, Mentor (
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Cimperman, Allison        11 Mentor                 9-09.00    10  
  2 Atterberry, Brittany      12 Euclid                 9-00.00     8  
  3 Sason, Kelly              10 Mentor                 8-06.00     6  
  4 Lieberman, Aubree         11 Cle. Heights           7-00.00     4  
  5 Smith, Clarissa           11 Bedford               J7-00.00     2  
  6 Blount, Zaniqua           12 Euclid                 6-06.00     1  
                Women - Erie - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Warrensville Heights       179        2) Maple Heights             168   
    3) Southview                   61        4) Shaw                       53   
    5) Admiral King                41                                           
                Women - Lake - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Euclid                     161.50     2) Cle. Heights              147   
    3) Mentor                      85        4) Shaker Heights             74   
    5) Bedford                     45.50                                        
                 Men - Erie - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Warrensville Heights       153        2) Maple Heights             141   
    3) Shaw                       100        4) Southview                  61   
    5) Admiral King                42                                           
                 Men - Lake - Team Rankings - 17 Events Scored
    1) Cle. Heights               149        2) Mentor                    127   
    3) Shaker Heights             105        4) Euclid                     77.50
    5) Bedford                     56.50