Norwalk Truckers CC Invite 2020

Norwalk, OH
Hosted by Norwalk

Norwalk Truckers CC Invite 2020 vs Norwalk Truckers CC Invite 2019

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +51 204 153
Overall Average -25.13 22:44.52 23:09.65
1st-10th Place -0.90 17:23.50 17:24.40
1st-25th Place -11.44 17:52.80 18:04.24
1st-50th Place -38.12 18:27.96 19:06.08
1st-100th Place -1:14.57 19:31.92 20:46.49
Common Athletes -- -- 50
Ran Faster 4 27 23
Ran Season Best -- 1 1
Average Time +4.78 21:48.82 21:44.04
Median Time -20.00 21:12.00 21:32.00
Middle 80% Times -3.75 21:29.03 21:32.78
Top 10% Times +10.00 17:58.00 17:48.00
Top 25% Times +2.62 18:38.38 18:35.77
Top 50% Times -7.92 19:33.88 19:41.80
Bottom 50% Times +17.48 24:03.76 23:46.28
Bottom 25% Times +40.77 26:01.08 25:20.31
Bottom 10% Times +1:07.80 28:18.00 27:10.20
Average Difference +4.78 -- --
Median Difference +5.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -3.18 -- --
Top 10% Difference +4.80 -- --
Top 50% Difference -5.12 -- --
Top 25% Difference +4.38 -- --
Top 50% Difference -5.12 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +14.68 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +41.54 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:08.40 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Wyatt Hale Norwalk +1.00 17:24.00 17:23.00
David Graves Sandusky +1:58.00 19:39.00 17:41.00
Owen Murphy Perkins -11.00 17:44.00 17:55.00
Trenton Rupert Willard +25.00 18:12.00 17:47.00
Bryce Bodle Perkins -1:15.00 18:09.00 19:24.00
Colin Ellis Perkins +13.00 18:27.00 18:14.00
Caleb Wenzel Bellevue +1:11.00 19:31.00 18:20.00
Luke Brown Norwalk -47.00 18:21.00 19:08.00
Alex Schock Perkins +44.00 19:09.00 18:25.00
Ryan Cleveland Bellevue -4.00 18:51.00 18:55.00
A.j. Bores Perkins -32.00 19:04.00 19:36.00
Paul Coffelt Bellevue -1.00 19:05.00 19:06.00
Derek Horvath Bellevue -45.00 19:08.00 19:53.00
Fernando Huerta Willard -50.00 19:14.00 20:04.00
David Lugo Bellevue +19.00 20:10.00 19:51.00
Steven Willer Norwalk -31.00 20:20.00 20:51.00
Mia Ingalls Columbian -38.00 20:29.00 21:07.00
Devin Teill Bellevue -2.00 20:29.00 20:31.00
Brock Widman Bellevue -44.00 20:32.00 21:16.00
Joseph Lyons Norwalk -27.00 20:36.00 21:03.00
Caden Stenger Perkins -1:09.00 20:37.00 21:46.00
Aaron Stephens Willard -11.00 20:45.00 20:56.00
Derek Graves Sandusky -35.00 20:49.00 21:24.00
Jacob Michel Sandusky +19.00 21:12.00 20:53.00
Kelsie Weingart Columbian -48.00 21:10.00 21:58.00
Carter Deering Perkins -1:41.00 21:12.00 22:53.00
Nicholas Lukac Norwalk -35.00 21:14.00 21:49.00
Owen Wagner Norwalk -1:48.00 21:15.00 23:03.00
Annalyce Bowles Columbian +43.00 21:58.00 21:15.00
Bollenbacher Rylee Bellevue +15.00 21:42.00 21:27.00
Travis Smith Perkins -30.00 21:32.00 22:02.00
Parker Smith Bellevue + 21:32.00 21:32.00
Ali Woessner Columbian +5.00 21:44.00 21:39.00
Dominique Weisz Bellevue +1:11.00 22:52.00 21:41.00
Poll Dallas Columbian -44.00 21:44.00 22:28.00
Ethan Holstein Norwalk +2:01.00 23:51.00 21:50.00
Kylie Moser Norwalk +2:24.00 25:00.00 22:36.00
Serena Ingalls Columbian +22.00 23:01.00 22:39.00
Williams Brodey Bellevue +1:03.00 24:01.00 22:58.00
Lydia Cole Columbian -27.00 23:34.00 24:01.00
Megan Verhoff Bellevue -30.00 23:56.00 24:26.00
Hope Alda Bellevue +26.00 24:40.00 24:14.00
Ana Henderson Norwalk +3.00 24:43.00 24:40.00
Courtney Fox Bellevue +33.00 25:35.00 25:02.00
Grace Booze Bellevue -14.00 25:02.00 25:16.00
Haley Henry Willard +1:59.00 27:08.00 25:09.00
Reinhart Katey Columbian -12.00 25:31.00 25:43.00
Eva Hines Columbian +3:01.00 28:49.00 25:48.00
Sydney Fox Norwalk -7.00 29:06.00 29:13.00
Emma Laughlin Norwalk +1:01.00 30:52.00 29:51.00