Monroe Junior High Invitational 2022

Monroe, OH
Hosted by Monroe
Timing/Results GHG Timing

Athlete Entries

Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Gamble Montessori
Relay Team A Middletown MS
Relay Team A Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Relay Team A 10:01.94 Morrow Little Miami JH
Relay Team A 10:47.64 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Relay Team A 10:47.64 Trenton Edgewood MS
Relay Team A 11:07.06 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Relay Team A 11:48.00 Wilmington MS
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Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Gamble Montessori
Relay Team A 11:37.83 Morrow Little Miami JH
Relay Team A 12:07.00 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Relay Team A 12:38.71 Trenton Edgewood MS
Relay Team A 12:38.71 Trenton Edgewood MS B
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Middle School Boys 100 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Dilworth, Justin Monroe JH B
Dow, Zee 12.03 Day. Christian
Elijah, Stewart 12.20h Wilmington MS
Copeland, Gavin 12.32 Morrow Little Miami JH
Obanion, Brody 12.45 Trenton Edgewood MS
Phayden, Mawyer 12.50h Wilmington MS
James, Isaiah 12.64 Morrow Little Miami JH
Grayson, Lem 12.66 Middletown MS
Million, Aubrillen 12.66 Middletown MS
Temple, Rexford 12.89 Monroe JH
Tarin, Josiah 13.17 Monroe JH
King, Gavin 13.45 Cincinnati Christian MS
Williams, Ben 13.5 Gamble Montessori
Romero-Guevarro, Johnny 13.50h Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Wells, Paytin 13.63 Trenton Edgewood MS
Schroeder, Colton 13.80h Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Wesco, Jacob 14.00h Middletown Christian MS
Crews, Austin 14.11 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Sturgill, Brayden 14.24 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Ridgeway, Victor 14.25 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Gaulden, Julian 14.34 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Danhires, Josiah 14.70 Gamble Montessori
Fehr, Jacob 14.93 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Andrews, Anders 15.16 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Adams, Noah 15.25 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Taylor, Waylen 15.43 Monroe JH B
McGraw, Jackson 15.72 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Culpepper, Holden 16.60 Cincinnati Christian MS
Hallock, Nate 17.03 Day. Christian
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Middle School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Sloan, Jace Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Jones, Cameron Gamble Montessori
Bailey, Jace Middletown MS
West, Brandon Gamble Montessori
Ceesay, Muhamedou Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Watson, Johaun Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Franke, Kyle 17.74 Trenton Edgewood MS
Fall, Miller 18.93 Trenton Edgewood MS
Lee, Bryant 19.01 Monroe JH
Stephen, Rickman III 19.5 Wilmington MS
Gulley, Jase 19.62 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Vargas, Drew 20.01 Morrow Little Miami JH
Ross, Calvi 20.02 Middletown MS
Howard, Aiden 20.50h Wilmington MS
Mann, Gavin 20.63 Monroe JH
Barnett, Jaxon 21.00h Morrow Little Miami JH B
Skaggs, Caleb 21.00h Middletown Christian MS
Vickers, Liam 21.29 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Whitacre, Carter 21.76 Morrow Little Miami JH
Rouch, Blayze 24.39 Trenton Edgewood MS B
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Middle School Boys 1600 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Agliata, Christian Gamble Montessori
Cripe, Caleb Monroe JH
Michael, Aiden Trenton Edgewood MS B
Race, Eli Monroe JH B
Gamble, Chase Gamble Montessori
West, Dennis Trenton Edgewood MS
Geise, Trent 5:12.00h Camden Preble Shawnee JH
McKay, Tytus 5:17.18 Cincinnati Christian MS
Evans, Justin 5:39.79 Morrow Little Miami JH
Reece, Aiden 5:40.74 Trenton Edgewood MS
Beebe, Riley 5:52.35 Day. Christian
Miller, Brody 5:57.16 Cincinnati Christian MS
Palmer, Nathan 6:01.09 Middletown MS
Hicks, Everett 6:08.18 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Allen, Jake 6:11.54 Morrow Little Miami JH
Hendricks, Caleb 6:17.52 Day. Christian
Noah, Estep 6:18.00h Wilmington MS
Max, Mccoy 6:23.00h Wilmington MS
Larin, Daniel 6:23.96 Middletown MS
France, John 6:31.43 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Laux, Brett 6:42.08 Monroe JH
Wagonfield, Trevor 6:45.98 Trenton Edgewood MS B
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Middle School Boys 200 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Allen, Courday Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Adams, Noah Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Obanion, Brody Trenton Edgewood MS
Arnholt, Jackson Morrow Little Miami JH B
Cooper, Charlie Morrow Little Miami JH B
Smith, Tay 25.00 Middletown MS
Dow, Zee 25.03 Day. Christian
Copeland, Gavin 25.46 Morrow Little Miami JH
Elijah, Stewart 25.90h Wilmington MS
James, Isaiah 26.00h Morrow Little Miami JH
Temple, Rexford 26.37 Monroe JH
Maxwell, Mcdermott 26.80h Wilmington MS
Depew, Dylan 27.38 Monroe JH
King, Gavin 27.43 Cincinnati Christian MS
Danhires, Josiah 28.50h Gamble Montessori
Smith, Roman 29.01 Trenton Edgewood MS
Coleman, Virgil 29.14 Middletown MS
Murray, Jacob 29.46 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Gaulden, Julian 30.34 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Crews, Austin 31.11 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Culpepper, Holden 33.17 Cincinnati Christian MS
Romero-Guevarro, Johnny 33.2 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Schroeder, Colton 34.4 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Hallock, Nate 37.66 Day. Christian
King, Trey 37.94 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
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Middle School Boys 200 Meter Hurdles 18 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ceaser, Laishaun Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Agliata, Christian Gamble Montessori
Ceesay, Muhamedou Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
McGraw, Jackson Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Funk, Owen Monroe JH
Beerse, Macallan Morrow Little Miami JH B
Franke, Kyle 28.57 Trenton Edgewood MS
Fall, Miller 29.57 Trenton Edgewood MS
Stephen, Rickman III 30.10h Wilmington MS
Vargas, Drew 30.37 Morrow Little Miami JH
Howard, Aiden 30.50h Wilmington MS
Singletary, JD 31.06 Middletown MS
Lee, Bryant 31.69 Monroe JH
Ross, Calvi 32.83 Middletown MS
Whitacre, Carter 33.41 Morrow Little Miami JH
Gulley, Jase 34.19 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Carter, Isaac 37.78 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Rouch, Blayze 41.20 Trenton Edgewood MS B
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Middle School Boys 400 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Johnson, Samuel Morrow Little Miami JH B
Rothermel, Solomom Trenton Edgewood MS B
Reed, Mac Cincinnati Christian MS
Picard, Connor Morrow Little Miami JH B
Volle, Hugh Trenton Edgewood MS B
Beebe, Riley Day. Christian
Besingi, Nathan Trenton Edgewood MS
Watson, Johaun Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Adams, Noah Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Lipps, Rodney Trenton Edgewood MS
Singletary, JD Middletown MS
Ledford, Noah Monroe JH B
Gleis, Caleb Cincinnati Christian MS
Carr, Aiden 1:00.98 Wilmington MS
Vargas, Alex 1:02.33 Morrow Little Miami JH
Sloan, Jace 1:02.61 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
King, Peyton 1:03.39 Monroe JH
Roberson, Luke 1:03.91 Morrow Little Miami JH
Skaggs, Caleb 1:05.00h Middletown Christian MS
Williams, Ben 1:05.95 Gamble Montessori
Wesco, Jacob 1:07.00h Middletown Christian MS
Alexander, Kirk 1:07.70h Wilmington MS
West, Brandon 1:08.00h Gamble Montessori
Ridgeway, Victor 1:09.06 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Wagner, Erik 1:15.34 Day. Christian
Hamblin, John 1:17.00h Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Powell, Tyler 1:18.77 Monroe JH B
Egelston, Daniel 57.60 Middletown MS
Reynolds, Bryce 59.85 Monroe JH
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Middle School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:00.78 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Relay Team A 1:08.40 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Relay Team A 48.98 Middletown MS
Relay Team A 49.44 Morrow Little Miami JH
Relay Team A 50.20 Monroe JH
Relay Team A 51.00h Gamble Montessori
Relay Team A 52.83 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Relay Team A 52.83 Trenton Edgewood MS
Relay Team A 54.20h Wilmington MS
Relay Team A 54.27 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Relay Team A 57.80h Camden Preble Shawnee JH
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Middle School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:45.74 Morrow Little Miami JH
Relay Team A 1:47.70 Middletown MS
Relay Team A 1:49.76 Gamble Montessori
Relay Team A 1:50.51 Monroe JH
Relay Team A 1:51.11 Trenton Edgewood MS
Relay Team A 1:51.11 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Relay Team A 1:56.71 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Relay Team A 1:59.49 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Relay Team A 2:01.53 Day. Christian
Relay Team A 2:07.00h Wilmington MS
Relay Team A 2:20.00h Camden Preble Shawnee JH
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Middle School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 11 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Relay Team A Cincinnati Christian MS
Relay Team A 4:08.01 Middletown MS
Relay Team A 4:08.81 Monroe JH
Relay Team A 4:14.47 Morrow Little Miami JH
Relay Team A 4:16.69 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Relay Team A 4:16.69 Trenton Edgewood MS
Relay Team A 4:40.00h Wilmington MS
Relay Team A 4:43.79 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Relay Team A 4:50.00h Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Relay Team A 5:08.01 Gamble Montessori
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Middle School Boys 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Palmer, Nathan Middletown MS
Gayhart, Adrien Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Cash, James Monroe JH B
Henry, Noah Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Ceaser, Joshua Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Ruddy, Ethan 2:21.59 Middletown MS
Krentscher, Seth 2:29.10 Morrow Little Miami JH
McKay, Tytus 2:30.43 Cincinnati Christian MS
Reynolds, Bryce 2:31.93 Monroe JH
Noah, Estep 2:35.00h Wilmington MS
Allen, Jake 2:35.00h Morrow Little Miami JH
Max, Mccoy 2:39.00h Wilmington MS
Reece, Aiden 2:41.19 Trenton Edgewood MS
Judd, Tyson 2:45.00h Morrow Little Miami JH B
Sekela, Jackson 2:45.00h Morrow Little Miami JH B
Miller, Brody 2:49.68 Cincinnati Christian MS
Saplis, Jacob 2:50.55 Monroe JH
Breedlove, Mason 2:51.98 Trenton Edgewood MS
Hendricks, Caleb 2:57.19 Day. Christian
Wagner, Erik 2:58.17 Day. Christian
Graf, Landen 3:14.49 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Myers, Alex 3:18.00h Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Agliata, Christian 3:19.89 Gamble Montessori
Herb, Caleb 3:27.16 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Sanders, Julius 3:31.18 Monroe JH B
Gamble, Chase 3:37.86 Gamble Montessori
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Middle School Boys Discus 27 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Duello, Kolby 102-10 Trenton Edgewood MS
Berling, Carson 94-0 Morrow Little Miami JH
Finney, Landen 93-6.5 Trenton Edgewood MS
Funk, Owen 85-0 Monroe JH
Morris, Jacob 82-10 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Morales, Conner 81-5 Morrow Little Miami JH
Pendleton, Juvonte 78-1 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Crum, Clayton 77-4 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Pruitt, Tyler 75-8 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Shrout, Cooper 74-3 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Keith, Jesse 68-6 Wilmington MS
Banks, Trevor 68-3 Middletown Christian MS
Sallee, Jason 68-0 Monroe JH
Stahmer, Parker 67-0 Monroe JH B
Mcnamee, Bryton 66-9 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Casanova, Benen 65-10 Middletown MS
Sparks, Dustin 64-5 Middletown MS
Long, Brady 57-5 Cincinnati Christian MS
Greene, Dominic 53-03 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Hallock, Nate 53-3 Day. Christian
Spradling, Peyton 52-4 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Beyer, Gaige 50-10 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Rose, Alex 47-0 Day. Christian
Ceaser, Joshua 34-8 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Marcus, Wheeler JR Wilmington MS
Bowling, Lord Cincinnati Christian MS
Hargraves, Royce Monroe JH B
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Middle School Boys High Jump 19 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Vargas, Alex 5-4 Morrow Little Miami JH
Besingi, Nathan 5-2 Trenton Edgewood MS
King, Peyton 5-0 Monroe JH
French, Dylan 4-10 Trenton Edgewood MS
Curtis, Cale 4-8 Middletown MS
Depew, Dylan 4-6 Monroe JH
Sullivan, Keegan 4-6 Trenton Edgewood MS B
White, Tony 4-6 Middletown MS
Quiles, Malik 4-4 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Hicks, Everett 4-2 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Stephen, Rickman III Wilmington MS
Logan, Johnson Wilmington MS
Ceaser, Laishaun Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Rose, Alex Day. Christian
Rivkin, Nikita Morrow Little Miami JH
Garnett, Bo Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Beerse, Macallan Morrow Little Miami JH B
Williams, Ben Gamble Montessori
Jones, Cameron Gamble Montessori
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Middle School Boys Long Jump 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Franke, Kyle 17-3.5 Trenton Edgewood MS
Rom, Truth 16-4.25 Morrow Little Miami JH
Wayne, J.Q. 16-4.25 Morrow Little Miami JH
Fall, Miller 16-3 Trenton Edgewood MS
Tarin, Josiah 15-8 Monroe JH
Reeder, Aden 15-7.5 Monroe JH
Lincoln, Justin 15-7 Middletown MS
Sloan, Jace 14-2 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Murray, Jacob 13-4 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Foxbower, Brody 12-11 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Stamper, Jacob 12-6 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
English, Liam 10-4 Morrow Little Miami JH B
McGraw, Jackson Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Elijah, Stewart Wilmington MS
Phayden, Mawyer Wilmington MS
Allen, Courday Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Watson, Johaun Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Rose, Alex Day. Christian
Noggler, Joseph Morrow Little Miami JH B
Wilson, Rylan Trenton Edgewood MS B
Croley, Jiair Monroe JH B
James, Demetrian Middletown MS
Williams, Ben Gamble Montessori
Jones, Cameron Gamble Montessori
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Middle School Boys Pole Vault 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
BROWNING, Colin 8-6 Trenton Edgewood MS
Lipps, Rodney 8-0 Trenton Edgewood MS
Ballard, Landon 7-6 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Lykins, Peter 6-0 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Beerse, Macallan Morrow Little Miami JH
Ford, Kallum Morrow Little Miami JH
Ford, Kallum Morrow Little Miami JH B
Beerse, Macallan Morrow Little Miami JH B
Pasch, Dylan Monroe JH
Sanders, Julius Monroe JH
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Middle School Boys Shot Put 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Finney, Landen 35-0 Trenton Edgewood MS
Taylor, Waylen 34-2.5 Monroe JH
Shrout, Cooper 33-2 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Dilworth, Justin 33-2 Monroe JH
Duello, Kolby 32-11 Trenton Edgewood MS
Casanova, Benen 31-0 Middletown MS
Morales, Conner 29-8 Morrow Little Miami JH
Morales, Conner 29-8 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Saunders, Chuck 29-8 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Banks, Trevor 29-6 Middletown Christian MS
Newton, Gunner 27-4 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Greene, Dominic 23-9 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Miller, Tyson 22-11 Cincinnati Christian MS
Murray, Josh 21-0 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Ceaser, Christian 18-07 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Bowling, Lord 18-5 Cincinnati Christian MS
Combs, Coby 18-0 Monroe JH B
Hall, Shaine 17-8 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Marcus, Wheeler JR Wilmington MS
Jesse, Keith Wilmington MS
Hengle, Troy Morrow Little Miami JH
Hengle, Troy Morrow Little Miami JH B
Richards, Jonah Monroe JH B
Buschelman, Blake Trenton Edgewood MS B
Sparks, Dustin Middletown MS
Jones, Cameron Gamble Montessori
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Middle School Girls 100 Meter Dash 30 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lebsack, Alexia Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Nance, Emma Monroe JH B
Kennedy, Goings Wilmington MS
Royal, Rihanna Middletown MS
Hamilton, Kate Trenton Edgewood MS B
Williams, Jailyn Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Aunestie, Hudson Wilmington MS
Wright, Berkley Cincinnati Christian MS
Mcintosh, Chyann Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Zegarra, Arianna Monroe JH B
Byrd, Tarajah 13.57 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Brode, Tajah 14.14 Gamble Montessori
Miller, Aniah 14.23 Middletown MS
Hatfield, Baylee 14.44h Morrow Little Miami JH
Richardson, Tabriah 14.50h Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Holtkamp, Mallory 14.70 Morrow Little Miami JH
Rozier, Zoriah 14.86 Cincinnati Christian MS
Fitzwater, Maycie 15.28 Trenton Edgewood MS
Withers, Abigail 15.54h Morrow Little Miami JH B
Hoppe, Charlotte 15.60h Day. Christian
White, Raegan 15.65 Trenton Edgewood MS
Bolser, Leah 15.76 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Vultaggio, Baylee 15.96 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Bowden, Olivia 16.00 Monroe JH
Galan, Anna 16.16 Monroe JH
Stoner, Kayla 16.75 Middletown Christian MS
Pitt, Keltie 17.25 Middletown Christian MS
Sloan, Carah 17.32 Day. Christian
Ferguson, Victoria 17.39 Gamble Montessori
Kenney, Madelyn 23.64 Trenton Edgewood MS B
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Middle School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Argenal Arias, Florela Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Agliata, Gwen Gamble Montessori
Santiago, Sophia Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Bolser, Leah Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Taylor, Killen Wilmington MS
Marshall, Maliyah Middletown MS
Williams, Jailyn Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Miya, Nance Wilmington MS
Wallace, Jada 17.31 Middletown MS
Dews, Peyton 18.89 Morrow Little Miami JH
Ott, Savannah 19.42 Morrow Little Miami JH
Mcintosh, Chyann 19.68 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Faccinto, Emma 19.70 Monroe JH
Besanceney, Macey 20.86 Trenton Edgewood MS
Henley, Desiree 21.13 Trenton Edgewood MS
Gray, Kalynne 21.63 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Weaver, Skylar 22.00h Middletown Christian MS
Denlinger, Jaylnn 22.16 Day. Christian
Kirk, Alissa 22.72 Monroe JH B
Schnelle, Addisyn 22.92 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Russo, Summer 23.08 Monroe JH
Weizman, Lillian 23.94h Morrow Little Miami JH B
Mueller, Sydney 24.69 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Brenda, Ferrell 27.19 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
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Middle School Girls 1600 Meter Run 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Alexa, Benitez Wilmington MS
Mia, Hollingsworth Wilmington MS
Heitmeyer, Ava 5:49.01 Monroe JH
Wilcox, Caroline 5:52.51 Monroe JH
FRANCE, SOPHIA 6:11.38 Morrow Little Miami JH
BROWN, ELLA 6:32.21 Morrow Little Miami JH
Prentice, Amber 6:36.34 Day. Christian
Morris, Alaina 6:45.07 Trenton Edgewood MS
Domigan, Riley 6:51.10 Day. Christian
Pfieffer, Alexis 6:54.15 Trenton Edgewood MS
Reece, Madelyn 7:00.00h Middletown Christian MS
Adkins, Bella 7:03.43 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Allen, Makayla 7:20.59 Trenton Edgewood MS B
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Middle School Girls 200 Meter Dash 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lefevers, Madison Monroe JH
Baker, Clara Morrow Little Miami JH B
Aunestie, Hudson Wilmington MS
Wright, Berkley Cincinnati Christian MS
Rose, Jailyn Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Epperson, Chloe Monroe JH B
Dalton, Bree Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Livingston, DonKeyarra Middletown MS
Stone, Hannah Monroe JH B
Samarra, Crawford Wilmington MS
Rozier, Zoriah Cincinnati Christian MS
Eversole, Leanna Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Montgomery, Sally 29.82 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Foltz, Lexi 29.84h Morrow Little Miami JH
Thomas, Leslie 30.04 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Ferrell, Breanna 30.15 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Holtkamp, Mallory 30.51 Morrow Little Miami JH
Moneyham Sawyer, Christen 30.77 Middletown MS
Ford, Elleana 32.43 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Huddleson, Savanna 33.39 Trenton Edgewood MS
Kolling, Elizabeth 33.60 Trenton Edgewood MS
Fluegge, Kristen 34.00h Middletown Christian MS
Mann, Natalie 34.63 Monroe JH
Rimkus, Lelani 35.22 Day. Christian
Hillman, Samarah 35.31 Gamble Montessori
Reece, Emma 37.09 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Carberry, Isabella 38.00h Middletown Christian MS
Solomon, Kylee 39.12 Trenton Edgewood MS B
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Middle School Girls 200 Meter Hurdles 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davis, Archaniyah Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Ashlynn, Littrell Wilmington MS
Schnelle, Addisyn Trenton Edgewood MS B
Molholland, Jayla Middletown MS
Mcintosh, Chyann Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Allison, Oeder Wilmington MS
Puckett, Savannah Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Marshall, Maliyah Middletown MS
Garnett, Bailey Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Brenda, Ferrell Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Ott, Savannah 32.84 Morrow Little Miami JH
Faccinto, Emma 36.39 Monroe JH
May, Chloe 37.07 Morrow Little Miami JH
Withers, Abigail 37.17 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Besanceney, Macey 37.54 Trenton Edgewood MS
Weaver, Skylar 40.00h Middletown Christian MS
Weizman, Lillian 40.62 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Gray, Kalynne 41.30 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Marconi, Layla 41.61 Trenton Edgewood MS
Agliata, Gwen 49.90 Gamble Montessori
Ferguson, Victoria 58.98 Gamble Montessori
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Middle School Girls 400 Meter Dash 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ball, Amelia Monroe JH B
Gray, Jenna Trenton Edgewood MS B
Ligon, Nevaeh Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Kennedy, Goings Wilmington MS
Taggart, Megan Trenton Edgewood MS B
Phipps, Maeve Monroe JH
Aldridge, Ava Middletown MS
Ashlynn, Littrell Wilmington MS
Brown, Sophie Trenton Edgewood MS
Sloan, Carah Day. Christian
Cruz, Tatiana Monroe JH B
Bishop, Scout Morrow Little Miami JH B
Price, Macy Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Huff, Ky'Aira Middletown MS
Fallon, Makenzie 1:08.47 Trenton Edgewood MS
Brode, Tajah 1:09.55 Gamble Montessori
Dews, Peyton 1:11.00 Morrow Little Miami JH
Bornemann, Ashley 1:16.29 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Puckett, Savannah 1:16.96 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Wolfe, Addison 1:17.00h Morrow Little Miami JH
Kleinschmidt, Peyton 1:17.64 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Stromberg, Madelyn 1:19.66 Monroe JH
Bolser, Leah 1:19.81 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Achoe, Azeena 1:28.00h Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Ferguson, Victoria 1:35.97 Gamble Montessori
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Middle School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wilmington MS
Relay Team A Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Relay Team A Middletown Christian MS
Relay Team A 1:01.00 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Relay Team A 1:01.89 Monroe JH
Relay Team A 1:01.89 Monroe JH B
Relay Team A 1:02.04 Gamble Montessori
Relay Team A 1:25.07 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Relay Team A 55.00 Middletown MS
Relay Team A 55.55 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Relay Team A 56.71 Morrow Little Miami JH
Relay Team A 59.89 Trenton Edgewood MS
Relay Team A 59.89 Trenton Edgewood MS B
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Middle School Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 12 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Wilmington MS
Relay Team A Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Relay Team A Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Relay Team A 1:57.11 Middletown MS
Relay Team A 1:57.44 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Relay Team A 2:05.79 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Relay Team A 2:05.79 Trenton Edgewood MS
Relay Team A 2:07.86 Morrow Little Miami JH
Relay Team A 2:09.20 Monroe JH
Relay Team A 2:09.20 Monroe JH B
Relay Team A 2:09.84 Day. Christian
Relay Team A 2:10.00 Morrow Little Miami JH B
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Middle School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 10 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A Cincinnati Christian MS
Relay Team A Wilmington MS
Relay Team A Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Relay Team A 5:05.42 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Relay Team A 5:05.42 Trenton Edgewood MS
Relay Team A 5:07.72 Morrow Little Miami JH
Relay Team A 5:23.00 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Relay Team A 5:36.21 Middletown MS
Relay Team A 5:56.67 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Relay Team A 7:03.02 Monroe JH
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Middle School Girls 800 Meter Run 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Adams, Ahniyah Middletown MS
Bornemann, Ashley Morrow Little Miami JH B
Bradely, Kamryn Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Jackilyn, Brausch Wilmington MS
Moore, Madison Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Argenal Arias, Florela Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Isaacs, Jaida Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Allen, Makayla Trenton Edgewood MS B
Alexa, Benitez Wilmington MS
Wilcox, Caroline 2:43.11 Monroe JH
Heitmeyer, Ava 2:43.74 Monroe JH
Hartings, Emma 2:52.00 Morrow Little Miami JH
Prentice, Amber 2:57.80 Day. Christian
Wolfe, Addison 2:58.68 Morrow Little Miami JH
Robb, Kaylyn 3:14.74 Trenton Edgewood MS
Katz, Rylee 3:16.70 Cincinnati Christian MS
Domigan, Riley 3:21.77 Day. Christian
Phipps, Maeve 3:21.97 Monroe JH B
Young, Morgan 3:23.30 Trenton Edgewood MS
Vandeventer, Mattie 3:33.02 Monroe JH B
Virdi, Serena 3:36.45 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Reece, Madelyn 3:45.00h Middletown Christian MS
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Middle School Girls Discus 20 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Tener, Lilian 82-3 Morrow Little Miami JH
Ondrovich, Remmie 62-10 Trenton Edgewood MS
Henley, Desiree 60-8 Trenton Edgewood MS
Weber, Lucy 57-5 Morrow Little Miami JH
Fox, Ryleigh 57-1 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Moore, Charlee 53-6 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Mann, Kayleigh 53-1 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Rimkus, Lelani 52-6 Day. Christian
Denlinger, Jaylnn 49-11 Day. Christian
Steinmetz, Vanessa 49-8 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Little, Lillian 49-0 Middletown MS
Morgan, Lanie 47-10 Cincinnati Christian MS
Davidson, Jazzy 43-1 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Brylei, Mitchell Wilmington MS
Kyliee, Cole Wilmington MS
Harris, De'Aijah Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Martinez, Christina Trenton Edgewood MS B
Bowling, Cora Cincinnati Christian MS
Richardson, Tabriah Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Smith, Ka'myaa Middletown MS
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Middle School Girls High Jump 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Agliata, Gwen 5-1 Gamble Montessori
Allen, Ella 4-8 Trenton Edgewood MS
Ferrell, Breanna 4-6 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Carnine, Olivia 4-6 Morrow Little Miami JH
Wilcox, Caroline 4-6 Monroe JH
Marconi, Layla 4-2 Trenton Edgewood MS
Brenda, Ferrell 4-0 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Prentice, Amber 4-0 Day. Christian
Phipps, Maeve 4-0 Monroe JH
Hensley, Kaia 3-10 Morrow Little Miami JH
Whitaker, Aubrey 3-8 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Cornett, Maddy Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Ricketts, Kail Morrow Little Miami JH B
Rodriguez, Ashley Middletown MS
Wilson, Saniyah Middletown MS
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Middle School Girls Long Jump 21 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Brode, Tajah 14-5 Gamble Montessori
Dews, Peyton 13-10 Morrow Little Miami JH
Faccinto, Emma 13-4.5 Monroe JH
Thomas, Leslie 13-0 Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Alexa, Rich 12-7.75 Wilmington MS
Montgomery, Sally 12-6.75 Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Huddleson, Savanna 12-4.5 Trenton Edgewood MS
Allen, Ella 12-1 Trenton Edgewood MS
Agliata, Gwen 11-5 Gamble Montessori
Puckett, Savannah 11-1 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Ketterer, Claire 11-0.5 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Summers, Carissa 10-7.5 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Bryant, Alize 10-3 Middletown MS
Solomon, Kylee 9-10 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Smith, Ka'myaa 9-7.5 Middletown MS
Bedwell, Alyssa 9-3 Monroe JH
Williams, Jailyn Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Byrd, Tarajah Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Lebsack, Alexia Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Chappelow, Kaylin Trenton Edgewood MS B
Ott, Savannah Morrow Little Miami JH
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Middle School Girls Pole Vault 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Heitmeyer, Ava 7-0 Monroe JH
Ball, Amelia 6-0 Monroe JH
Merrill, Emma 5-6 Trenton Edgewood MS
Nicholls, Addyson Morrow Little Miami JH
Young, Morgan Trenton Edgewood MS
Gray, Jenna Trenton Edgewood MS B
Lipps, Molly Trenton Edgewood MS B
Krause, Olivia Morrow Little Miami JH B
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Middle School Girls Shot Put 25 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Ondrovich, Remmie 28-6.5 Trenton Edgewood MS
Hoppe, Charlotte 28-6 Day. Christian
Tener, Lilian 27-4 Morrow Little Miami JH
Little, Lillian 27-1 Middletown MS
Harris, Amelia 24-8 Trenton Edgewood MS
Fox, Ryleigh 24-1 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Simmerman, Madelyn 23-10.5 Morrow Little Miami JH
Niemesh, Anna 23-7 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Morgan, Lanie 23-6.5 Cincinnati Christian MS
Kirk, Alissa 23-3.5 Monroe JH
Tomic, Jade 22-3 Trenton Edgewood MS B
Denlinger, Jaylnn 22-0.5 Day. Christian
Carnine, Jadyn 21-6 Morrow Little Miami JH B
Davidson, Jazzy 19-1 Hamilton New Miami MS & HS
Smith, Ka'myaa 17-8 Middletown MS
Green, Danielle 15-6 Monroe JH
Emily, Goodwin Wilmington MS
Clemintine, Latham Wilmington MS
Davidson, Zoe Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Lykins, Cassie Camden Preble Shawnee JH
Richardson, Tabriah Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Harris, De'Aijah Woodward Career Technical Jr. H.
Bailey, Alissa Trenton Edgewood MS B
Bowling, Cora Cincinnati Christian MS
Adkins, Bella Monroe JH B
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