Best in the West - Botkins Invitational 2022

Botkins , OH
Hosted by Botkins

Best in the West - Botkins Invitational 2022 vs Best in the West-Botkins Invitational 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +71 296 225
Overall Average +12.56 22:14.12 22:01.56
1st-10th Place +8.33 17:00.64 16:52.31
1st-25th Place +13.38 17:37.52 17:24.14
1st-50th Place +5.60 18:06.55 18:00.94
1st-100th Place -15.72 18:48.06 19:03.79
Common Athletes -- -- 42
Ran Faster 4 23 19
Ran Season Best -5 2 7
Average Time -16.90 21:23.87 21:40.77
Median Time -1:06.70 20:25.90 21:32.60
Middle 80% Times -21.51 21:18.18 21:39.69
Top 10% Times -40.64 17:15.26 17:55.90
Top 25% Times -42.74 17:52.19 18:34.93
Top 50% Times -53.04 18:41.10 19:34.15
Bottom 50% Times +19.25 24:06.63 23:47.39
Bottom 25% Times +38.27 26:02.62 25:24.35
Bottom 10% Times +1:15.10 28:17.56 27:02.46
Average Difference -16.90 -- --
Median Difference +57.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -28.39 -- --
Top 10% Difference -45.02 -- --
Top 50% Difference -49.64 -- --
Top 25% Difference -32.86 -- --
Top 50% Difference -49.64 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +15.85 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +5.28 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -17.80 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Axton Fosnaugh Wapakoneta -1:03.10 16:50.50 17:53.60
Keaton Schnippel Botkins -35.00 16:58.20 17:33.20
John Young Anna -1:14.90 16:59.40 18:14.30
Carter Pleiman Botkins -20.50 17:42.30 18:02.80
Wes Vondenhuevel Houston -31.60 17:45.90 18:17.50
Cash Schadl Wapakoneta -1:43.70 17:48.20 19:31.90
Noah Shimp Versailles +35.90 18:31.50 17:55.60
Paige Steinke Anna -3:08.50 17:58.30 21:06.80
Dylan Riffell Versailles -1:25.80 18:24.60 19:50.40
Austin Rogers Botkins +31.60 19:03.20 18:31.60
Ethan Davis Houston -25.50 18:39.70 19:05.20
Grant Beasley Versailles -1:12.50 18:55.50 20:08.00
Austin Davis Anna -8:37.80 19:10.10 27:47.90
Henry Stammen Versailles -43.70 19:10.60 19:54.30
Patrick Miller Versailles -2:12.50 19:12.10 21:24.60
Lucas Langenkamp Houston -37.00 19:17.30 19:54.30
Brittany Arnold Botkins +11.10 19:39.20 19:28.10
Jacob Ruhenkamp Versailles -2:18.40 19:31.30 21:49.70
Meredith Barga Versailles +13.70 20:15.60 20:01.90
Logan Linson Lehman Cath. -2:24.10 20:04.80 22:28.90
Kaleb Putman New Knoxville +29.70 20:50.40 20:20.70
Kolvyn Clausing Wapakoneta -44.70 20:24.90 21:09.60
Jacob Yenser Botkins -1:07.10 20:25.90 21:33.00
Holly Langenkamp Versailles +57.00 22:05.30 21:08.30
Christian Denning Botkins -50.70 21:17.00 22:07.70
Jack Gerling Versailles +1:45.80 23:10.20 21:24.40
Alicia Crawford Houston +1:12.10 22:44.70 21:32.60
Nathan Doll Wapakoneta +1:24.20 23:05.20 21:41.00
Carly Graves Versailles +35.20 22:21.20 21:46.00
Alex Kellersmith Houston -2:06.20 21:49.20 23:55.40
Jocelyn McDonald Fairlawn +1:21.70 23:34.20 22:12.50
Will Steinbrunner Versailles +19.30 22:33.40 22:14.10
Madalyn DeMange Versailles -1:40.40 22:38.20 24:18.60
Carley Timmerman Versailles +1:36.40 24:18.20 22:41.80
Alejandro Adams Spencerville +14.20 23:45.40 23:31.20
Alyssa Meyer Versailles +2:12.10 25:53.60 23:41.50
Alaina Jutte Botkins +21.20 24:19.40 23:58.20
Ella Pohlman Spencerville +2:04.00 26:54.60 24:50.60
Zoe Billenstein Versailles +3:09.00 28:06.90 24:57.90
Ava Bertke Anna +6:52.10 32:43.20 25:51.10
Katelynn Rockwood Houston -52.00 26:25.10 27:17.10
Lauren Rismiller Versailles -2:00.30 27:18.00 29:18.30