Newcomerstown Invitational 2022

Newcomerstown, OH
Hosted by Newcomerstown

Newcomerstown Invitational 2022 vs Newcomerstown Invitational 2020

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -107 269 376
Overall Average +1:27.04 24:07.41 22:40.37
1st-10th Place +1:19.74 17:35.98 16:16.24
1st-25th Place +1:13.53 18:09.47 16:55.94
1st-50th Place +1:17.45 18:52.39 17:34.93
1st-100th Place +1:24.58 19:48.02 18:23.44
Common Athletes -- -- 71
Ran Faster 9 40 31
Ran Season Best -21 5 26
Average Time -14.39 22:51.27 23:05.66
Median Time +32.06 22:35.62 22:03.56
Middle 80% Times -7.44 22:41.02 22:48.46
Top 10% Times -17.08 17:50.51 18:07.59
Top 25% Times -23.83 18:40.66 19:04.49
Top 50% Times -27.96 19:49.57 20:17.52
Bottom 50% Times -0.42 25:14.89 25:15.31
Bottom 25% Times -22.76 28:01.01 28:23.76
Bottom 10% Times -49.32 30:21.05 31:10.38
Average Difference -14.39 -- --
Median Difference +1:21.55 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -8.47 -- --
Top 10% Difference -3.47 -- --
Top 50% Difference -33.23 -- --
Top 25% Difference -15.23 -- --
Top 50% Difference -33.23 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +7.12 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -24.65 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -14.67 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Kendell West Meadowbrook +1:31.87 17:48.47 16:16.60
Carson Steiner Dalton -46.49 17:11.15 17:57.64
Kody Clendenning John Glenn -2:20.31 17:12.82 19:33.13
Braylon Buchanan John Glenn -11.16 17:40.87 17:52.03
Drew Tumblin River View -1:56.35 17:58.46 19:54.81
Evan Siedel Conotton Valley -18.65 18:12.95 18:31.60
Caiden Lake John Glenn -52.68 18:15.32 19:08.00
Blake Miller Caldwell +8.54 18:24.30 18:15.76
Logan Dodd Barnesville +54.26 19:11.72 18:17.46
Ian Davis John Glenn -1:12.58 18:24.07 19:36.65
Seth Kandel Malvern -53.45 18:26.97 19:20.42
Charles Garbrandt Harrison Central +1:13.49 20:07.42 18:53.93
Caleb Barcalow Canton South +52.80 19:48.49 18:55.69
Nicholas Hatfield Cambridge -3:05.31 19:08.89 22:14.20
Gaetano Capodicasa East Knox +18.65 19:27.92 19:09.27
Keegan Mathers Cambridge -1:06.57 19:38.00 20:44.57
Vincent Phillips Barnesville -2:07.32 19:42.43 21:49.75
Aiden Hays Harrison Central -1:54.36 19:49.56 21:43.92
George Malicky Hiland -1:07.95 19:49.56 20:57.51
Ben Moser Malvern -1:45.14 19:49.96 21:35.10
Isaac Himes Dalton -2:06.28 19:51.15 21:57.43
Gavin Milburn Claymont -1:44.13 19:52.85 21:36.98
Jacob Banister Meadowbrook -32.03 20:01.35 20:33.38
Brent Malcomb Harrison Central +1.00 20:02.97 20:01.97
Ty Reed Cambridge +35.51 20:53.46 20:17.95
Taylor Severt East Knox -34.59 20:38.11 21:12.70
Brea Wilfong John Glenn -1:11.42 20:46.11 21:57.53
Aubrey Johnson Barnesville +21.95 21:20.01 20:58.06
Sam Ellis Ridgewood -18.46 21:06.41 21:24.87
Krista Glaser Sandy Valley +4:29.44 25:37.89 21:08.45
Deana Petersen Sandy Valley +3:08.55 24:17.04 21:08.49
Marah Bethel Barnesville +18.42 21:27.26 21:08.84
Cooper Bell Barnesville -4.86 21:11.42 21:16.28
Alaina Swiney Ridgewood -1:13.70 21:29.82 22:43.52
Josh Atkinson Cambridge +1:21.55 22:56.50 21:34.95
Janae Hostetler Dalton +2:24.84 24:01.19 21:36.35
Brady Drake Barnesville -13.26 21:50.30 22:03.56
Levi Kuhn Conotton Valley +1:55.23 23:54.37 21:59.14
Bryce Wallace Harrison Central -2:26.14 22:08.59 24:34.73
Brianna Chenevey Dalton +4.26 22:19.59 22:15.33
Riley Ward Buckeye Trail +39.74 23:02.38 22:22.64
Trystan King Cambridge +1:54.33 24:22.58 22:28.25
Taylor Forbes Meadowbrook -1.52 22:35.62 22:37.14
Ava Fivecoat Dalton +29.06 23:09.80 22:40.74
Natalie Kinsey Claymont -2:50.94 22:46.55 25:37.49
Emalee Laswell Caldwell -3:11.65 22:47.15 25:58.80
Waverly Yurco John Glenn -13.89 22:51.73 23:05.62
Bobby Yackey Claymont +1:59.10 25:00.59 23:01.49
Laurie Baughman John Glenn -46.73 23:03.70 23:50.43
Lydia Black River View -3:04.26 23:18.80 26:23.06
Maddy Edwards Harrison Central +27.27 24:22.27 23:55.00
Ayla Yater Barnesville +20.15 24:22.94 24:02.79
Kirsten Courtright River View +1:22.33 25:29.15 24:06.82
Cameron Beaver Crooksville +3:30.72 27:57.63 24:26.91
Kylie Moore Barnesville +37.69 25:05.62 24:27.93
Nolan Miller Dalton +1:49.36 26:59.36 25:10.00
Kailey Nugent Barnesville -2:17.99 25:14.84 27:32.83
Cortney Bookless River View -1:33.74 25:29.13 27:02.87
Kaylee Graham Barnesville +3:02.73 28:35.07 25:32.34
Amelia Spidell Strasburg-Franklin +2:20.08 27:52.44 25:32.36
Matthew Taylor Crooksville +3:40.07 29:12.49 25:32.42
Gretchin Dulkoski Harrison Central -1:27.25 25:42.88 27:10.13
Emily Clark Cambridge -4:17.93 25:44.71 30:02.64
Leah Allen River View -1:02.86 25:45.84 26:48.70
Grace Sheets Crooksville -12.75 25:53.83 26:06.58
Ella Vannatter East Knox -25.69 27:01.54 27:27.23
Samantha Jackson Buckeye Trail +28.74 27:45.33 27:16.59
Rachel Wertz Dalton +5:18.80 33:22.18 28:03.38
Emily Nevi Malvern -5:32.42 29:41.96 35:14.38
Danielle Drapp Harrison Central -6:19.90 32:03.48 38:23.38
Cali Lee Barnesville -1:19.39 34:03.18 35:22.57