Stebbins Quad #1 2024

Riverside, OH
Hosted by Stebbins
Timing/Results FinishTiming

Athlete Entries

High School Boys 100 Meter Dash 34 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davenport, Zae'meon 11.50 Lebanon
Foster, Brandon 11.58 West Carrollton
Shabazz, Akim 11.71 Northmont
Evans, Logan 11.90 West Carrollton
Davis, Kevin 11.97 West Carrollton
Gaston, Kj 12.00 Northmont
Locklin, Tony 12.00 Northmont
Smith, Jayden 12.00 Northmont
Smith, Josiah 12.05 Troy
Briner, Nathan 12.14 Lebanon
Lagandaon, Nikolai 12.18 Lebanon
Banks, Landon 12.19 Troy
Uzhca, Austin 12.22 West Carrollton
Jefferson, Marcell 12.48 Stebbins
Grier, Cayden 12.56 West Carrollton
Wilson, Brenen 12.57 Stebbins
Owens, Evan 12.58 Troy
Reeves, Samson 12.65 Troy
Newton, Trey 12.70h Stebbins
Freeman, Karon 12.88 West Carrollton
Marks, Samar 12.98 West Carrollton
Nguyen, Tyson 12.99 West Carrollton
Parker, Benjamin 13.16 Lebanon
Cummings, Landon 13.16 Troy
Addis, Hudson 13.46 Troy
Foster, Kingston 13.50h Troy
George, Nathan 13.50h Troy
Adekoya, Simeon 13.58 Troy
Brooks, Tavion 14.10 Stebbins
Ariza Osuna, Mathias 14.30h Stebbins
DeLeon, Abner 14.34 Troy
Patel, Dhruv 14.50h Troy
Whitaker, Daniel 14.55 Lebanon
Barnes, Austin 15.29 Lebanon
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High School Boys 110 Meter Hurdles 15 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roehl, Ian 17.62 Lebanon
Barnes, Krystian 19.33 West Carrollton
Wilondja, Shurkarani 19.43 Northmont
Perkins, Kenyon 19.44 West Carrollton
Smith, Aidan 19.56 Lebanon
Marvin, Jerry 19.78 West Carrollton
Meza, Isayah 20.53 Troy
Lynch, Gabriel 21.07 Lebanon
Moore, Printiss 21.11 Northmont
Hurd, Logan 21.21 Troy
Buckley, Nate 21.26 Troy
Sundrup, Samuel 22.01 Lebanon
Piper, Tayveon 22.23 Stebbins
Walker, Matthew 23.00 Stebbins
Reeves, Zadok 23.00 Troy
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High School Boys 1600 Meter Run 28 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Long, Aiden 4:55.00 Lebanon
Ralston, Brandon 5:05.00 Lebanon
Earley, Micah 5:08.00 Lebanon
Lamb, Adam 5:12.41 Lebanon
White, Ethan 5:15.62 Troy
Walters, Colin 5:17.64 Troy
Sarver, Tyler 5:22.00h Lebanon
Sarver, Austin 5:22.29 Lebanon
Otis, Nicholas 5:25.06 Lebanon
Jensvold, Vinny 5:25.27 West Carrollton
Duckworth, Derrick 5:26.53 West Carrollton
Branton, Jesse 5:26.78 West Carrollton
Jensvold, Nicky 5:28.24 West Carrollton
Bayne, Erik 5:28.27 Lebanon
Cotter, Casey 5:32.44 West Carrollton
Thurston, Jack 5:32.47 Lebanon
Towle, Michael 5:34.55 West Carrollton
Timmerman, Adam 5:35.69 Troy
Montesdeoca, Ethan 5:44.02 West Carrollton
Davis, Kaden 5:46.89 West Carrollton
Carter, Silas 5:50.76 Troy
Broncano, Sergio 5:51.20 Troy
Markeson, Ethan 5:51.72 Troy
Dobrzeniecki, Holden 5:51.73 Troy
Matheney, Kaeden 5:54.31 Stebbins
Heuker, Tyler 6:06.06 Troy
Otoski, Conner 6:17.61 Stebbins
Derringer, Jacob 6:20.00h Stebbins
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High School Boys 200 Meter Dash 39 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Davenport, Zae'meon 23.75 Lebanon
Jackson, Samson 24.09 West Carrollton
Drake, Nehemiah 24.68 Northmont
Jones, Kingston 24.90 Lebanon
Jones, Anthony 25.00 Northmont
Smith, Josiah 25.14 Troy
Banks, Landon 25.17 Troy
Wilson, Brenen 25.42 Stebbins
Cummings, Landon 25.50 Troy
Owens, Evan 25.68 Troy
Newton, Trey 25.71 Stebbins
Bullion, Elijah 25.80h Stebbins
Unger, Dylan 26.00 Troy
Hurd, Aj 26.00 Troy
Vaughn, Manny 26.00 Northmont
LaRue, Shane 26.00 Northmont
Couch, Reis 26.00 Troy
Craft, Nate 26.00 Troy
Jefferson, Marcell 26.04 Stebbins
Fabik, Tevin 26.38 Lebanon
Gascho, Nate 26.50h Troy
Miller, Bryston 26.50h Troy
Arrington, Jaydon 26.50h Troy
Brooks, Tavion 26.50h Stebbins
Rodriguez, Caleb 27.00h Stebbins
Raglin-Diaz, Hezekiah 27.00h Troy
Grier, Cayden 27.02 West Carrollton
Evans, Logan 27.09 West Carrollton
Parker, Benjamin 27.13 Lebanon
Freeman, Karon 27.22 West Carrollton
Elcook, Jayden 27.32 Lebanon
Piper, Tayveon 27.50h Stebbins
Uzhca, Austin 27.55 West Carrollton
Nguyen, Tyson 28.08 West Carrollton
Childress, Dax 28.50 Lebanon
Cunningham, Isaiah 28.55 West Carrollton
Shaw, Kaelan 28.71 Lebanon
Whitaker, Daniel 30.34 Lebanon
Harris, Dante 33.13 Lebanon
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High School Boys 300 Meter Hurdles 14 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Roehl, Ian 45.09 Lebanon
Smith, Aidan 47.15 Lebanon
Lynch, Gabriel 49.13 Lebanon
Wilondja, Shurkarani 49.86 Northmont
Meza, Isayah 50.53 Troy
Moore, Printiss 50.96 Northmont
Vonhof, Kilian 51.35 Lebanon
Walker, Matthew 51.51 Stebbins
Buckley, Nate 51.91 Troy
Hurd, Logan 52.15 Troy
Perkins, Kenyon 52.55 West Carrollton
Reeves, Zadok 53.00 Troy
Sundrup, Samuel 54.47 Lebanon
Marvin, Jerry 54.77 West Carrollton
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High School Boys 3200 Meter Run 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Kodilah, Mohamad 12:38.68 West Carrollton
Mills, Larry 12:41.65 West Carrollton
Matheney, Kaeden 13:19.43 Stebbins
Gonzalez, Anthony 13:38.13 Stebbins
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High School Boys 400 Meter Dash 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Viverette, Kyren 1:00.09 Northmont
Miller, Nathan 1:00.45 Troy
Simala, Brody 1:01.43 Stebbins
Freeman, Karon 1:02.98 West Carrollton
Grier, Cayden 1:05.00 West Carrollton
Miller, Bryston 1:05.43 Troy
Baxter, Keith 1:07.50h Stebbins
Ariza Osuna, Mathias 1:07.99 Stebbins
Portillo, Yahir 1:09.00 West Carrollton
Hunter, Kyren 1:09.00 West Carrollton
Marks, Samar 1:10.00 West Carrollton
Harris, Dante 1:18.40 Lebanon
Foster, Brandon 53.09 West Carrollton
Homan, Devin 53.48 Stebbins
Hill, Chris 55.00 Northmont
Rushing, Carter 55.00 Northmont
Drake, Nehemiah 55.00 Northmont
Basra, Bobby 55.41 West Carrollton
Tully, Landon 56.49 Lebanon
Africa, Sawyer 56.50 Lebanon
Willcox, Aiden 56.51 Lebanon
Milburn, Russell 58.31 Lebanon
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High School Boys 4x100 Meter Relay 8 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 44.03 Northmont
Relay Team A 45.93 Troy
Relay Team B 45.93 Troy
Relay Team A 46.08 West Carrollton
Relay Team A 46.80 Lebanon
Relay Team B 49.00 Lebanon
Relay Team A 50.12 Stebbins
Relay Team B 52.02 West Carrollton
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High School Boys 4x200 Meter Relay 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:34.33 Northmont
Relay Team A 1:35.02 West Carrollton
Relay Team A 1:37.62 Troy
Relay Team B 1:37.62 Troy
Relay Team A 1:48.20 Stebbins
Relay Team A 1:50.89 Lebanon
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High School Boys 4x400 Meter Relay 5 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 3:35.31 Northmont
Relay Team A 3:45.00 Lebanon
Relay Team A 3:53.42 West Carrollton
Relay Team B 3:55.00 Lebanon
Relay Team A 3:58.09 Stebbins
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High School Boys 4x800 Meter Relay 7 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:10.00 Lebanon
Relay Team B 10:13.34 Stebbins
Relay Team A 10:13.34 Stebbins
Relay Team A 9:16.25 West Carrollton
Relay Team B 9:16.25 West Carrollton
Relay Team A 9:21.67 Troy
Relay Team B 9:21.67 Troy
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High School Boys 800 Meter Run 26 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Weaver, Konnor 2:15.87 Stebbins
Towle, Michael 2:16.22 West Carrollton
Earley, Micah 2:17.00 Lebanon
Getchev, Slaven 2:17.00 Lebanon
Sarver, Tyler 2:18.84 Lebanon
Lamb, Adam 2:19.00 Lebanon
Long, Aiden 2:20.00 Lebanon
Sanders, Owen 2:21.33 Northmont
White, Ethan 2:21.94 Troy
Otis, Nicholas 2:22.93 Lebanon
Sarver, Austin 2:23.34 Lebanon
Thurston, Jack 2:24.54 Lebanon
Bayne, Erik 2:31.28 Lebanon
Portillo, Yahir 2:32.00 West Carrollton
Farrier, Maverick 2:34.67 Troy
Hunter, Kyren 2:35.00 West Carrollton
Timmerman, Adam 2:35.90 Troy
Christianson, James 2:36.81 Lebanon
Davis, Kaden 2:38.00 West Carrollton
Montesdeoca, Ethan 2:38.02 West Carrollton
Smith, Jordan 2:38.59 Lebanon
Mendiola, Alex 2:45.05 Stebbins
Perkins, Cameron 2:45.96 Stebbins
Baxter, Keith 2:49.65 Stebbins
Ansberry, Elijah 2:49.74 Lebanon
Evans, Aidan 3:02.94 Troy
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High School Boys Discus 23 entries

Athlete Seed Team
York, Karson 111-1 Troy
Vincent, Nick 103-4 Stebbins
Bowman, Ethan 103-3 Troy
York, Hunter 102-0 Troy
Wickman, Kyle 97-9 Troy
Kaiser, Ryan 97-8 Troy
Bramlage, Nolan 90-0 West Carrollton
Franciscus, Connor 78-4 Lebanon
Tinti, Magnus 77-6 Lebanon
Ingram, Joseph 75-0 West Carrollton
Sun, Dylan 74-3 Northmont
Molton, Brady 74-2 Northmont
Gough, Caleb 70-1 Northmont
Krauz, Nathan 69-10 Stebbins
Bishop, Nicholas 69-6 Lebanon
Bowers, Mason 69-4 Lebanon
Shaw, Kaelan 66-11 Lebanon
Carsner, Braydon 60-1 Northmont
Lamar, Noah 60-0 Lebanon
Kirby, Gavin 60-0 Lebanon
Meece, Hunter 60-0 Lebanon
Jones, Elliot 60-0 Lebanon
Dekker, William 55-5 Stebbins
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High School Boys High Jump 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Miller, Nathan 5-4 Troy
Owens, Evan 5-3 Troy
Harris, Anthony 5-3 Stebbins
Fabik, Tevin 5-3 Lebanon
Uzhca, Austin 5-3 West Carrollton
Barnes, Krystian 5-3 West Carrollton
Marks, Samar 5-3 West Carrollton
Jacobs, Micah 5-3 Northmont
Gascho, Nate 5-0 Troy
Smith, Jayden 5-0 Northmont
Drake, Nehemiah 5-0 Northmont
Derringer, Jacob Stebbins
Homan, Devin Stebbins
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High School Boys Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jefferson, Marcell 19-0.5 Stebbins
Lagandaon, Nikolai 18-11.75 Lebanon
Wilson, Brenen 18-8.25 Stebbins
Africa, Sawyer 16-7.5 Lebanon
Shabazz, Akim 16-7.5 Northmont
Basra, Bobby 16-5.75 West Carrollton
Minniear, Michael 16-3.75 Troy
Smith, Jayden 16-2 Northmont
Jacobs, Micah 16-2 Northmont
Jones, Kingston 16-1.25 Lebanon
Homan, Devin 16-0 Stebbins
Elcook, Jayden 16-0 Lebanon
McConnell, Andre 15-11 Stebbins
Addis, Hudson 15-8.5 Troy
Barnes, Krystian 15-7.25 West Carrollton
Childress, Dax 15-2 Lebanon
Marks, Samar 15-0 West Carrollton
Uzhca, Austin 15-0 West Carrollton
Adekoya, Simeon 14-6.5 Troy
Foster, Kingston 14-2.25 Troy
Milburn, Russell 13-10 Lebanon
Brooks, Tavion 13-1 Stebbins
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High School Boys Pole Vault 6 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Jensvold, Nicky 10-6 West Carrollton
Cotter, Casey 10-0 West Carrollton
Jensvold, Vinny 8-6 West Carrollton
Meza, Isayah 8-0 Troy
Farrier, Ian 7-6 Troy
Miramontes, Tristan 6-6 Troy
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High School Boys Shot Put 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Knorpp, Kyle 47-1 Troy
York, Karson 38-5.5 Troy
Ingram, Joseph 37-9.25 West Carrollton
Couch, Evan 36-10 Troy
Schisler, Mason 35-11.5 Troy
Franciscus, Connor 35-4.5 Lebanon
Molton, Brady 34-0.5 Northmont
Barbosa, Payton 33-11 West Carrollton
Vincent, Nick 33-6.5 Stebbins
Meece, Hunter 33-5.5 Lebanon
Bramlage, Nolan 33-0 West Carrollton
Yow, Damari 33-0 West Carrollton
Bishop, Nicholas 31-1 Lebanon
Sun, Dylan 30-3.75 Northmont
Lamar, Noah 28-11 Lebanon
Krauz, Nathan 28-9 Stebbins
Gough, Caleb 26-3.5 Northmont
Shaw, Kaelan 24-11.5 Lebanon
Kirby, Gavin 24-9 Lebanon
Bowers, Mason 24-2.5 Lebanon
Jones, Elliot 23-9 Lebanon
Branham, Ben 22-2 Northmont
Tinti, Magnus 21-7 Lebanon
Dekker, William 20-0 Stebbins
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High School Girls 100 Meter Dash 33 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nevels, Meara 13.48 West Carrollton
Frost, Selena 13.48 West Carrollton
Lansing, Carly 13.61 Lebanon
Bankston, Lindsey 13.90h Northmont
Oliver, Da'Zyre 13.90h Northmont
Strickland, Ari 13.95 Lebanon
Gladden, Ta'ziah 14.21 West Carrollton
Reid, Ta'Tyana 14.23 Northmont
Craig, Mariyah 14.56 West Carrollton
Lemons, Emma 14.58 West Carrollton
Kitchens, Nevaeh 14.70 Northmont
Clements, Mya 14.79 Stebbins
Smith, Da'Nyah 15.12 West Carrollton
Biggs, Peyton 15.12 Lebanon
Grundy, Nyla 15.22 West Carrollton
Bennett, Chaniece 15.23 West Carrollton
Maddix, Eva 15.50h Stebbins
Liu, Livy 15.64 Lebanon
Pierett, Catherine 15.81 Lebanon
Ballard, Jaelyn 15.91 Stebbins
Barr, Jaliah 16.22 Troy
Perez, Summer 16.67 Troy
Medina, Natalia 16.88 Troy
Lloyd, Jai'ana 17.05 Troy
Afzal, Marlee 17.09 Troy
Goble, Addisyn 17.23 Lebanon
Zonner, Emma 17.45 Troy
Atkinson, Meredith 18.04 Troy
Weese, Kayann 18.29 Lebanon
Page, Alainna 18.41 Stebbins
Jackson, Payton 19.06 Lebanon
Hernadez, Selene 19.29 Lebanon
Ajcac-Tepez, Ojania 20.21 Troy
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High School Girls 100 Meter Hurdles 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Bashada, Adriana 17.67 Lebanon
Mills, Aniya 18.76 West Carrollton
Hauser, Zoe 19.35 Lebanon
Wright, Ahmya 19.47 West Carrollton
Donovan, Olivia 19.68 Lebanon
Goosby, Gabrielle 19.92 West Carrollton
Walker, Jariyah 19.95 West Carrollton
Frampton, Maia 20.01 Lebanon
LeRoy, Ta'Nevaeh 20.99 Stebbins
Seevers, Eliza 21.53 Lebanon
Myles, Raniah 21.54 West Carrollton
Mallory , Olivia 21.82 Northmont
Haley, Kenna 22.56 Troy
Harper, Mikayla 23.88 Stebbins
Holsey, Alexis 24.00 Stebbins
Bricker, Brooklyn 26.66 Troy
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High School Girls 1600 Meter Run 17 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Lopez, Lilia 6:15.11 Northmont
Potthast, Melanie 6:18.12 Lebanon
Thurston, Julia 6:27.06 Lebanon
Melvin, Hailey 6:50.30 Troy
Davis, Brooke 6:55.17 Troy
Meredith, Claire 6:56.01 Troy
Burke, Nadia 6:57.70 Lebanon
White, Macy 6:59.95 Troy
Shoemaker, Brylee 7:10.34 Troy
Enneking, Kara 7:11.16 Troy
Walden, JoJo 7:16.04 Stebbins
Enneking, Elizabeth 7:20.00 Troy
Shook, Muireann 7:25.25 Lebanon
Abbott, Maddie 7:30.12 Northmont
Welbaum, Alaina 7:33.51 Troy
Ugalde, Esli 7:43.38 Stebbins
Wayne, Kaitlyn 7:55.10 Northmont
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High School Girls 200 Meter Dash 29 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Thompson-Carson, Iyanna 27.00 West Carrollton
Foster, Serenity 27.00h West Carrollton
Roddy, Kamryn 28.50 Lebanon
Sorrell, Rylee 29.11 Lebanon
Craig, Mariyah 29.12 West Carrollton
Grundy, Nyla 29.53 West Carrollton
Donovan, Olivia 29.82 Lebanon
Hudson, Bailey 29.90h Northmont
Williamson, Brooklyn 30.06 West Carrollton
Myles, Raniah 30.09 West Carrollton
Strickland, Ari 30.18 Lebanon
Norris, Jaya 30.20h Northmont
Clements, Mya 30.28 Stebbins
Westfall, Ava 30.78 Lebanon
Henderson, De'Jae 30.81 Northmont
Bennett, Chaniece 30.89 West Carrollton
Deleon, Rebecca 31.14 Troy
Heuker, Allie 32.35 Troy
Aberle, Khloe 32.45 Troy
Cupp, Marlee 33.42 Troy
Kroger, Emme 34.00h Lebanon
Perez, Summer 34.15 Troy
Harris, Christa 34.17 Lebanon
Rowland, Skyler 34.36 Troy
Weese, Kayann 34.50h Lebanon
Richie, Aniya 34.53 Northmont
Barr, Jaliah 34.68 Troy
Ballard, Jaelyn 34.85 Stebbins
Zonner, Emma 36.54 Troy
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High School Girls 300 Meter Hurdles 13 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Frampton, Maia 1:00.74 Lebanon
Bashada, Adriana 51.60 Lebanon
Hauser, Zoe 53.21 Lebanon
Westfall, Ava 55.42 Lebanon
Mills, Aniya 55.63 West Carrollton
LeRoy, Ta'Nevaeh 56.89 Stebbins
Myles, Raniah 58.83 West Carrollton
Goosby, Gabrielle 58.83 West Carrollton
Wright, Ahmya 58.84 West Carrollton
Walker, Jariyah 58.85 West Carrollton
Holsey, Alexis 58.91 Stebbins
Applegate, Lily 59.01 Lebanon
Mallory , Olivia 59.45 Northmont
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High School Girls 400 Meter Dash 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Foster, Serenity 1:02.04 West Carrollton
Sorrell, Rylee 1:04.05 Lebanon
Roddy, Kamryn 1:04.17 Lebanon
Williamson, Brooklyn 1:04.22 West Carrollton
Frost, Selena 1:06.00 West Carrollton
Packer, Clara 1:06.70h Lebanon
Lansing, Carly 1:07.00h Lebanon
Osborne, Faye 1:07.65 Northmont
Swift, Isabella 1:09.50h Lebanon
Daugherty, Julia 1:09.84 Northmont
Evers, Kyndal 1:11.10 Northmont
Puckett, Savannah 1:11.33 Northmont
Gabriel, Grace 1:12.92 Lebanon
Harper, Mikayla 1:15.00h Stebbins
Belnavis, Torie 1:15.00h Lebanon
Ayichew, Blain 1:16.00 Troy
Kurmas, Sarah 1:18.00 Troy
Medina, Natalia 1:18.00 Troy
Bricker, Brooklyn 1:18.00 Troy
Luschek, Sophia 1:19.35 Lebanon
Lemons, Emma 1:19.78 West Carrollton
Demange, Ashlyn 1:24.45 Troy
Freese, Piper 1:24.66 Troy
O'Hearn, Emily 1:27.79 Stebbins
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High School Girls 4x100 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 52.25 West Carrollton
Relay Team A 53.47 Troy
Relay Team B 53.47 Troy
Relay Team B 54.34 West Carrollton
Relay Team A 55.42 Lebanon
Relay Team A 56.56 Northmont
Relay Team A 58.96 Stebbins
Relay Team B 59.02 Northmont
Relay Team B 59.42 Lebanon
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High School Girls 4x200 Meter Relay 9 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 1:52.01 West Carrollton
Relay Team A 1:54.95 Troy
Relay Team B 1:54.95 Troy
Relay Team B 1:58.23 West Carrollton
Relay Team A 2:00.10 Northmont
Relay Team A 2:03.50h Lebanon
Relay Team B 2:05.12 Northmont
Relay Team A 2:09.40 Stebbins
Relay Team B 2:09.50h Lebanon
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High School Girls 4x400 Meter Relay 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 4:29.40h Northmont
Relay Team A 4:30.00 Lebanon
Relay Team A 4:33.41 West Carrollton
Relay Team B 4:45.76 Lebanon
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High School Girls 4x800 Meter Relay 3 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Relay Team A 10:56.29 Troy
Relay Team B 10:56.29 Troy
Relay Team A 12:35.14 West Carrollton
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High School Girls 800 Meter Run 24 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Panek, Mae 2:37.31 Lebanon
Sieve, Izzy 2:37.35 Lebanon
York, Natassia 2:47.43 Lebanon
Lopez, Lilia 2:47.75 Northmont
Patel, Raahi 2:50.00h Lebanon
Walden, JoJo 2:51.58 Stebbins
Work, Brooklyn 2:54.63 Lebanon
Meredith, Claire 2:59.50 Troy
Highley, Liberti 3:01.39 Troy
Enneking, Kara 3:05.07 Troy
Abbott, Maddie 3:05.10 Northmont
Shoemaker, Brylee 3:07.50 Troy
Pittman, Avia 3:08.51 West Carrollton
Enneking, Elizabeth 3:10.00 Troy
Davis, Brooke 3:10.74 Troy
Wayne, Kaitlyn 3:15.10h Northmont
Ewing, Krishia 3:18.00h West Carrollton
Welbaum, Alaina 3:25.17 Troy
Ugalde, Esli 3:28.01 Stebbins
Widener, Kaylin 3:28.74 Troy
Szturm, Cayla 3:30.21 Lebanon
Shorter, Emery 3:35.11 Stebbins
Bolling, Lily 3:35.23 Lebanon
Warren, Emily 3:57.14 Northmont
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High School Girls Discus 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Burger, Kaitlyn 92-4 Lebanon
Croft, Tailyn 88-0 Troy
Fluxe, Alexa 85-0 Lebanon
Vasil, Rowan 78-6 Troy
Grigsby, Cydney 75-0 West Carrollton
Larsen, Ava 74-1 Troy
Ross, Molly 73-9 Lebanon
Luschek, Sophia 69-10 Lebanon
Brueckman, Alannah 63-3 Troy
Besingi, Marie 62-11 Northmont
Brewer, Ava 61-10 Northmont
Smith, Kayla 61-0 Northmont
Cavanaugh, Riley 60-10 Troy
Zautadze, Fatima 55-7 Troy
Neldner, Eli 55-1 Troy
Johnson, Anniya 54-0 West Carrollton
Dolly, Sophia 52-7 West Carrollton
Wilkinson-Harper, Yanelle 51-6 Northmont
Stills, Raven 51-4 West Carrollton
Cannon, Courtney 49-0 Stebbins
James, Arianna 43-7 Stebbins
Shipley, Julia 32-9 Troy
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High School Girls High Jump 16 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Packer, Clara 4-8 Lebanon
Evans, Madison 4-6 Northmont
Daugherty, Julia 4-6 Northmont
Pittman, Avia 4-6 West Carrollton
Harper, Mikayla 4-4 Stebbins
Castano, Mariana 4-4 Lebanon
Shavers, Kimora 4-3 Northmont
Dolly, Sophia 4-3 West Carrollton
Reed, Maria 4-3 West Carrollton
Seevers, Eliza 4-2 Lebanon
Crawford, Sarah 4-0 Troy
Hahn, McKenna 4-0 Lebanon
Pierett, Catherine 3-10 Lebanon
Schneider, Emma 3-10 Lebanon
Demange, Ashlyn 3-6 Troy
McAlister, April 3-6 Troy
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High School Girls Long Jump 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Strickland, Ari 15-1 Lebanon
Williams, Lexi 14-0 Lebanon
Eloi, Ariane 13-10 Northmont
Hauser, Zoe 13-8.25 Lebanon
Jones, Kaylee 13-4 Lebanon
Knight, Amira 13-2 Northmont
Tolbert, Jadin 12-9 Stebbins
Byrd, Maciah 12-5.25 Northmont
Frost, Selena 12-4 West Carrollton
Wadle, Madison 12-3.75 Northmont
Gladden, Ta'ziah 12-2 West Carrollton
Coleman, Nayah 12-0 Troy
Boehringer, Raegan 12-0 Troy
Heuker, Allie 12-0 Troy
Dolly, Sophia 11-8.5 West Carrollton
Ewing, Krishia 11-7 West Carrollton
James, Arianna 11-6 Stebbins
Cox, Riley 11-5 Lebanon
Smith, Da'Nyah 11-2 West Carrollton
Page, Alainna 10-0 Stebbins
Afzal, Marlee 9-8.5 Troy
Tipton, Elli 8-8 Lebanon
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High School Girls Pole Vault 4 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Nevels, Meara 9-0 West Carrollton
Williamson, Brooklyn 7-0 West Carrollton
Perez-Rodriguez, Alexinette 6-0 West Carrollton
Lemons, Emma 6-0 West Carrollton
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High School Girls Shot Put 22 entries

Athlete Seed Team
Fast, Logan 31-1 Northmont
Burger, Kaitlyn 28-11.25 Lebanon
Vasil, Rowan 26-3 Troy
Grigsby, Cydney 26-3 West Carrollton
Singleton, Quinlan 26-0 Northmont
Croft, Tailyn 25-3 Troy
Larsen, Ava 25-2.25 Troy
Cavanaugh, Riley 25-0.5 Troy
Fluxe, Alexa 24-5 Lebanon
Dolly, Sophia 24-3 West Carrollton
Zautadze, Fatima 23-6 Troy
Diop, Kantoum 23-6 West Carrollton
Johnson, Anniya 23-3 West Carrollton
Brueckman, Alannah 22-9.5 Troy
Stills, Raven 22-7 West Carrollton
Ross, Molly 22-1.25 Lebanon
Neldner, Eli 21-9.75 Troy
James, Arianna 21-2.5 Stebbins
Azagaku, Karen 21-1 Northmont
Driscoll, Ne'Ajah 20-3 Northmont
Cannon, Courtney 16-5.5 Stebbins
Shipley, Julia 14-1 Troy
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