Southeastern Ohio Athletic League Championships 2009

Chillicothe, OH
Hosted by Chillicothe

Southeastern Ohio Athletic League Championships 2009 vs Southeastern Ohio Athletic League Championship 2010

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -7 109 116
Overall Average -34.70 22:12.64 22:47.34
1st-10th Place +31.50 17:41.60 17:10.10
1st-25th Place +12.60 18:23.44 18:10.84
1st-50th Place +9.38 19:19.30 19:09.92
1st-100th Place +3.71 21:34.70 21:31.00
Common Athletes -- -- 55
Ran Faster -19 18 37
Ran Season Best -- 55 55
Average Time +31.35 21:42.39 21:11.04
Median Time +38.90 20:54.90 20:16.00
Middle 80% Times +45.37 21:21.83 20:36.45
Top 10% Times +33.70 17:36.53 17:02.83
Top 25% Times +30.91 18:16.34 17:45.43
Top 50% Times +32.34 19:09.16 18:36.82
Bottom 50% Times +29.24 23:29.10 22:59.86
Bottom 25% Times -5.28 26:25.29 26:30.57
Bottom 10% Times -1:17.95 29:02.72 30:20.67
Average Difference +31.35 -- --
Median Difference -0.30 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +42.70 -- --
Top 10% Difference +12.03 -- --
Top 50% Difference +29.43 -- --
Top 25% Difference +34.54 -- --
Top 50% Difference +29.43 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +32.15 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -7.58 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -54.12 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Wes Cochran Warren +56.40 17:15.40 16:19.00
Mitchell Grose Marietta +1:52.80 18:28.80 16:36.00
Reed Fobes Marietta +1:26.60 18:17.60 16:51.00
Alex Wesel Marietta -12.70 17:09.30 17:22.00
Derrick Kettering Warren -3.70 17:31.30 17:35.00
Brad Ullman Warren +16.80 17:50.80 17:34.00
Gage Freeman Warren +17.60 17:55.60 17:38.00
Sam Garrison Marietta +1:25.20 19:04.20 17:39.00
Marcus Harding Warren -2.20 17:56.80 17:59.00
Ian Kilgour Jackson +1:15.40 19:25.40 18:10.00
Tyler Mcmanaway Logan -2:54.70 18:27.30 21:22.00
Nick Hannuksela Marietta +3:45.30 22:22.30 18:37.00
Avery Phillips Marietta +1:29.70 20:08.70 18:39.00
Nathan Diehl Marietta +32.40 19:12.40 18:40.00
Nick Fidler Logan -7.20 18:51.80 18:59.00
Seth Vermillion Logan -3.80 18:53.20 18:57.00
Rob Meyer Logan -50.80 18:54.20 19:45.00
Peyton Adkins Gallia Academy +29.90 19:30.90 19:01.00
Scott Burghy Logan +39.20 19:42.20 19:03.00
Kyle Johnson Portsmouth +30.60 19:41.60 19:11.00
Billy Howell Warren +32.10 19:47.10 19:15.00
Kenton Lawson Logan +47.30 20:08.30 19:21.00
Zack Kammler Portsmouth +1:10.40 20:31.40 19:21.00
Chris Truax Warren +1:31.90 20:54.90 19:23.00
Josh Van Bibber Logan +3:47.60 23:12.60 19:25.00
Matthew Collins Jackson -49.50 19:26.50 20:16.00
Brandon Daughety Warren +26.40 20:07.40 19:41.00
Seth Mcguire Chillicothe +1:34.80 21:25.80 19:51.00
Martin Orr Marietta +7.60 20:10.60 20:03.00
Mckenna Warner Gallia Academy -8.00 20:08.00 20:16.00
Emily Garrison Marietta +13.80 20:44.80 20:31.00
Dalton Carr Marietta +2:00.20 22:31.20 20:31.00
Megan Blevins Warren +1:59.80 22:34.80 20:35.00
Adam Neer Jackson +1:45.50 22:21.50 20:36.00
Julie Fobes Marietta +32.80 21:13.80 20:41.00
Audra Metzler Chillicothe +2:01.40 23:03.40 21:02.00
Samantha Barnes Gallia Academy +13.50 21:19.50 21:06.00
Colleen Miracle Marietta -0.30 21:09.70 21:10.00
Lizzie Frazier Marietta +9.70 21:24.70 21:15.00
Peter Sibicky Marietta +1:43.10 23:20.10 21:37.00
Casey Lawerance Gallia Academy +4:14.10 26:20.10 22:06.00
Logan Greenlee Gallia Academy +4:45.80 26:58.80 22:13.00
Kalli Ross Warren +7.50 22:23.50 22:16.00
Alyssa Mathis Chillicothe -1:10.10 22:37.90 23:48.00
Ben Bush Gallia Academy +2:34.80 25:17.80 22:43.00
Lana Sydenstricke Warren +18.30 23:57.30 23:39.00
Amelia Cain Marietta +13.70 24:04.70 23:51.00
Jessie Frazier Marietta -1:52.90 24:05.10 25:58.00
Jordan Hensler Marietta -9.10 24:38.90 24:48.00
Nate Dresbach Teays Valley -1:37.90 24:58.10 26:36.00
Brittany Zeller Warren -30.20 25:15.80 25:46.00
Katie Dunlap Gallia Academy -56.40 26:04.60 27:01.00
Sarah Stalter Marietta +21.80 27:40.80 27:19.00
Allyson Shoemaker Chillicothe -5:34.10 28:48.90 34:23.00
Marissa Ewing Marietta -2:23.90 38:23.10 40:47.00