Teays Valley Viking Invitational 2009

Ashville, OH
Hosted by Teays Valley

Teays Valley Viking Invitational 2009 vs Teays Valley Viking Invitational 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +30 212 182
Overall Average -47.21 22:56.16 23:43.37
1st-10th Place -57.60 16:55.48 17:53.08
1st-25th Place -45.32 17:39.66 18:24.98
1st-50th Place -50.63 18:30.30 19:20.93
1st-100th Place -1:00.87 19:46.28 20:47.15
Common Athletes -- -- 50
Ran Faster 28 39 11
Ran Season Best -- 50 50
Average Time -1:08.79 22:34.58 23:43.37
Median Time -1:14.50 22:20.70 23:35.20
Middle 80% Times -1:16.46 22:15.81 23:32.27
Top 10% Times -55.40 17:09.84 18:05.24
Top 25% Times -1:09.50 17:56.59 19:06.09
Top 50% Times -1:19.70 19:18.33 20:38.03
Bottom 50% Times -57.88 25:50.83 26:48.71
Bottom 25% Times -50.64 27:51.60 28:42.24
Bottom 10% Times -20.84 30:29.52 30:50.36
Average Difference -1:08.79 -- --
Median Difference -2:50.50 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:20.10 -- --
Top 10% Difference -54.28 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:14.37 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:09.00 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:14.37 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:03.22 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -56.05 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +7.12 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Tyler Conn Teays Valley -1:15.30 16:36.20 17:51.50
Taylor Conn Teays Valley -1:47.30 16:38.90 18:26.20
Chris Yanichko Jonathan Alder -1:13.80 16:52.40 18:06.20
Chris Varian Teays Valley -15.70 17:38.70 17:54.40
Nathan Hoy Fairfield Union -38.50 18:03.00 18:41.50
Scott Blubaugh Logan Elm -2:05.70 18:06.00 20:11.70
James Whitt Berne Union +0.70 18:08.60 18:07.90
Scott Loudermilk Amanda-Clearcreek -2:12.20 18:12.30 20:24.50
Seth Eckel Teays Valley -1:26.10 18:19.10 19:45.20
Austin Butler Bloom-Carroll -1:02.20 18:20.50 19:22.70
Dominic Koah Teays Valley -1:50.70 18:37.90 20:28.60
Zane Grabans Teays Valley -38.10 18:45.50 19:23.60
Corey Jasper Fairfield Union -2:49.30 18:56.60 21:45.90
Wayne Lewis Berne Union -32.10 19:03.10 19:35.20
Shayne Burns Bloom-Carroll -1:05.50 19:27.80 20:33.30
Cameron Thomas Fairfield Union -1:51.80 20:01.50 21:53.30
Haydn Mcmanus Fairfield Union -1:27.20 20:32.90 22:00.10
Brett Reiselt Bloom-Carroll -1:36.30 20:40.20 22:16.50
Joey Wright Logan Elm -2:50.50 20:44.70 23:35.20
Aaron Wortman Amanda-Clearcreek -2:31.80 20:45.90 23:17.70
Mark Troubaugh Logan Elm -1:49.60 20:56.70 22:46.30
Brooke Gardner Logan Elm -1:16.10 21:06.90 22:23.00
Amber Foreman Amanda-Clearcreek -1:54.50 21:27.90 23:22.40
Isaac Larue Amanda-Clearcreek +38.50 22:20.70 21:42.20
Jenna Cripps Berne Union -26.00 22:15.10 22:41.10
Rachel Sutterfield Bloom-Carroll -2:19.30 22:19.80 24:39.10
Derek Edgington Logan Elm -1:16.00 22:24.60 23:40.60
Cheryl Boldoser Logan Elm -3:38.60 22:40.90 26:19.50
Briana Cahill Chillicothe +7.40 22:57.20 22:49.80
Katie Lane Berne Union -51.50 23:22.40 24:13.90
Sara Toskin Teays Valley -1:07.80 23:34.80 24:42.60
Cassandra Thompson Bloom-Carroll -30.00 23:56.70 24:26.70
Ashley Savage Bloom-Carroll -1:58.20 24:07.00 26:05.20
Ashley Bailey Amanda-Clearcreek +8.30 24:17.70 24:09.40
Madison Lamoreaux Teays Valley -7.80 24:29.20 24:37.00
Cassie Stewart Chillicothe -3:55.20 24:33.50 28:28.70
Jessica Tharp Berne Union +8.00 25:17.90 25:09.90
Willis Fugitt Bloom-Carroll -1:51.00 25:15.30 27:06.30
Caitlyn Loeffler Bloom-Carroll -2:21.10 25:28.00 27:49.10
Marissa Bussard Bloom-Carroll -2:19.00 25:30.30 27:49.30
Ellie Johnson Amanda-Clearcreek +40.40 26:25.40 25:45.00
Ruth Kasler Teays Valley -2:43.80 26:00.90 28:44.70
Chelsea Conn Teays Valley +11.60 26:15.70 26:04.10
Emily Dieterich Teays Valley -57.90 26:37.50 27:35.40
Erin Hipwell Teays Valley +3:12.30 30:23.60 27:11.30
Ashley Holbrook Teays Valley +3:18.80 30:35.20 27:16.40
Elizabeth Maher Teays Valley +43.40 28:33.40 27:50.00
Abigail Jude Fairfield Union -7:33.90 28:07.50 35:41.40
Kylie Bailey Amanda-Clearcreek -48.50 28:41.40 29:29.90
Lukas Wolfe Logan Elm +2:26.90 34:14.00 31:47.10