OHSAA District Cross Country - Lorain Community College 2009

Elyria, OH
Hosted by Elyria

OHSAA District Cross Country - Lorain Community College 2009 vs OHSAA District Cross Country Meet - Lorain County CC 2008

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -22 365 387
Overall Average +30.40 21:32.79 21:02.39
1st-10th Place +36.54 17:00.37 16:23.82
1st-25th Place +36.78 17:20.74 16:43.97
1st-50th Place +37.29 17:45.39 17:08.11
1st-100th Place +38.34 18:20.30 17:41.96
Common Athletes -- -- 162
Ran Faster -82 40 122
Ran Season Best -- 161 161
Average Time +31.74 20:56.86 20:25.12
Median Time +44.83 20:43.67 19:58.84
Middle 80% Times +33.68 20:49.08 20:15.41
Top 10% Times +11.48 17:15.43 17:03.95
Top 25% Times +17.27 17:58.92 17:41.65
Top 50% Times +27.96 18:56.08 18:28.12
Bottom 50% Times +35.53 22:57.65 22:22.12
Bottom 25% Times +26.45 24:16.18 23:49.73
Bottom 10% Times +33.97 26:00.12 25:26.15
Average Difference +31.74 -- --
Median Difference +2:59.60 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +32.61 -- --
Top 10% Difference +14.02 -- --
Top 50% Difference +19.90 -- --
Top 25% Difference +10.43 -- --
Top 50% Difference +19.90 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +43.59 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +31.22 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +45.65 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Marty Coolidge Elyria Catholic +1:06.10 16:57.15 15:51.05
Michael Brajdic Bay +17.05 16:25.99 16:08.94
Hunter Heaton Medina +32.05 16:52.85 16:20.80
David Knack Medina +35.65 17:15.74 16:40.09
Matt Link Avon Lake +19.40 17:09.27 16:49.87
Tom Eldridge Magnificat +18.10 17:09.50 16:51.40
Eric Stoddard Magnificat +23.66 17:22.90 16:59.24
Jimmy Adams Avon Lake +2.84 17:04.16 17:01.32
Nick Banks Bay -1:02.28 17:02.42 18:04.70
Miles Pittak Steele +16.86 17:25.60 17:08.74
Kevin Paradise Medina +7.87 17:18.88 17:11.01
Dan Kuhman Elyria Catholic +15.81 17:34.26 17:18.45
Matt Lockyer St. Edward -22.62 17:22.91 17:45.53
Bryce Steindl Elyria Catholic +12.93 17:40.21 17:27.28
Mike Parsons Avon Lake +13.03 17:40.98 17:27.95
Nathan Geiss Brunswick -19.79 17:31.59 17:51.38
Tyler Kvach Avon -6.22 17:33.29 17:39.51
Trevor Norris Avon Lake -27.03 17:35.57 18:02.60
Grant Budic Olmsted Falls +2:01.47 19:40.70 17:39.23
Zach Davis Med Highland +21.56 18:08.33 17:46.77
Matt Wiehe Elyria Catholic +5.60 17:53.05 17:47.45
Kevin Lenahan St. Edward +37.69 18:26.55 17:48.86
James Marks Elyria +2:59.60 20:53.06 17:53.46
Gabe Cruz Clearview +33.25 18:28.27 17:55.02
Keith Novarese Elyria +1:04.25 19:00.64 17:56.39
Kevin Carroll St. Edward +21.40 18:18.68 17:57.28
Tom Derr Olmsted Falls +22.24 18:19.90 17:57.66
Alex Meyers Bay +37.23 18:37.01 17:59.78
Joe Vanbolderen Buckeye -10.00 18:02.07 18:12.07
Martin Russ Magnificat +32.64 18:35.98 18:03.34
Justin Housley Avon Lake -1.70 18:04.04 18:05.74
Brian Zeuch Bay +9.68 18:16.45 18:06.77
Addam Kitchen Vermilion +1:12.36 19:22.11 18:09.75
Josh Tayler Elyria +4:23.29 22:34.83 18:11.54
Jared Mcfadden Black River -53.00 18:12.25 19:05.25
Adam Valco Med Highland +1:08.69 19:25.89 18:17.20
Adam Bevins Avon +56.96 19:16.82 18:19.86
Alex Rokakis Magnificat +7.60 18:27.75 18:20.15
Tommy Kvach Avon +36.89 19:01.05 18:24.16
Brent Milbaugh Avon Lake -37.23 18:29.03 19:06.26
Clay Vild Brunswick -26.27 18:33.50 18:59.77
Scott Burger Vermilion +58.70 19:35.43 18:36.73
John Ziebro Black River -47.78 18:38.46 19:26.24
Brian Koziel Elyria Catholic +5.31 18:44.42 18:39.11
Tyler Bokman Olmsted Falls +9.64 18:49.29 18:39.65
Joe Pedicini Olmsted Falls +1:29.19 20:10.12 18:40.93
Daniel D'amico Buckeye +22.35 19:03.31 18:40.96
Mark Chase Holy Name +1:06.15 19:48.06 18:41.91
Wade Clark Fair. Park Fairview +22.24 19:04.52 18:42.28
Jash Ayers Midview +26.11 19:10.64 18:44.53
Jack Byrne Steele +34.42 19:23.07 18:48.65
Adrien Hall Steele +31.89 19:21.45 18:49.56
Patrick Fisher Med Highland +19.93 19:10.40 18:50.47
Brian Hom Fair. Park Fairview +13.27 19:04.85 18:51.58
Preston Rathge Firelands +9.58 19:01.43 18:51.85
Brian Maddock Elyria +1:43.28 20:39.42 18:56.14
Colin Watson Clearview +1:20.97 20:21.13 19:00.16
Joe Yost No. Ridgeville -1:12.42 19:01.08 20:13.50
Katy Link Avon Lake +33.41 19:39.37 19:05.96
Brad Shook Buckeye +15.61 19:22.47 19:06.86
Nick Placko Firelands +26.46 19:33.72 19:07.26
Anna Boyert Medina +38.59 19:47.18 19:08.59
Ryan Bliss +2:15.09 21:26.13 19:11.04
Zach Bradley Brookside +3:17.18 22:29.12 19:11.94
Dan Skrodzki Holy Name +51.73 20:05.92 19:14.19
Dan Dimarino Holy Name +59.11 20:20.76 19:21.65
Aaron Kella No. Ridgeville +1:43.42 21:06.76 19:23.34
Tom Ziebro Black River -53.31 19:24.89 20:18.20
Matt Frantz Padua Franciscan -52.94 19:28.10 20:21.04
Selena Pasadyn Brunswick +2:55.03 22:23.99 19:28.96
Chris Gilmore Fair. Park Fairview -22.49 19:29.37 19:51.86
Colton Giordano Padua Franciscan +28.09 19:58.17 19:30.08
Jarrod Brown +1:07.39 20:38.05 19:30.66
Jeff Miller Med Highland +11.68 19:42.41 19:30.73
Benjamin Baptiste Elyria +2:06.67 21:37.49 19:30.82
Rob Michael No. Ridgeville +3.89 19:44.53 19:40.64
Eric Collins Avon +59.10 20:40.53 19:41.43
Justin Caithaml Midview +17.65 20:01.19 19:43.54
Brian Spangler Keystone +57.95 20:43.49 19:45.54
William Spangler Keystone -0.15 19:45.96 19:46.11
Magen Murphy Medina +1:56.43 21:43.50 19:47.07
Rachel Botoulas Olmsted Falls +1:45.69 21:33.35 19:47.66
Seth Jeffers Firelands +2:00.43 21:51.17 19:50.74
Ben Kitchen Vermilion +46.30 20:42.73 19:56.43
Chris French Keystone +1:09.50 21:08.34 19:58.84
Loren Mcdaniel Brunswick +19.84 20:18.72 19:58.88
Erin Schneider Avon +57.14 20:57.68 20:00.54
Kevin Watson Clearview +1:00.89 21:07.53 20:06.64
Logan Rathge Firelands +1:18.65 21:25.64 20:06.99
Miranda Weed Avon Lake +26.64 20:34.84 20:08.20
Alex Larsick No. Ridgeville -23.53 20:14.04 20:37.57
Kasey Schuler Steele +1:06.34 21:22.49 20:16.15
Will Hall +23.10 20:40.00 20:16.90
Nikki Boltja Medina +31.27 20:49.72 20:18.45
Marissa Mchugh Medina +1:37.15 22:08.26 20:31.11
Hanna Sterle Bay +5.62 20:38.00 20:32.38
Matt Muzik Clearview +1:23.33 21:59.07 20:35.74
Erica Kelly Steele -1:13.77 20:37.84 21:51.61
Jenny Timoteo Brunswick -14.63 20:39.51 20:54.14
Britney March Elyria +2:04.23 22:43.97 20:39.74
Elyse Bierut Magnificat +3.03 20:43.67 20:40.64
Jeremy Carandang Midview +1:09.95 21:51.40 20:41.45
Mary Gorsek Medina +10.43 20:58.17 20:47.74
Luke Horneck +56.65 21:45.34 20:48.69
Nikki Blair Keystone +1:35.32 22:25.30 20:49.98
Maggie Rothgery Elyria +2:00.58 22:52.32 20:51.74
Sarah Walters Steele -46.63 20:53.58 21:40.21
Brittney Towner Magnificat +34.16 21:28.50 20:54.34
Kayla Welch Avon +42.89 21:44.66 21:01.77
Becca Lamb No. Ridgeville -1:38.27 21:02.12 22:40.39
Alexa Rick Elyria Catholic -46.88 21:06.02 21:52.90
Megan Auzenbergs Magnificat +56.22 22:05.15 21:08.93
Allexx Mueller Brunswick -47.52 21:12.32 21:59.84
Maddie Toth Avon +21.64 21:41.76 21:20.12
Lisa Griebel Bay +1:33.92 22:54.31 21:20.39
Kelsey Barnes Bay +1:25.34 22:50.65 21:25.31
Catherine Benedict Holy Name +1:09.29 22:35.61 21:26.32
Megan O'keefe Magnificat +30.43 21:57.91 21:27.48
Lauren Hutka Midview +8.07 21:43.79 21:35.72
Maddie Duncan Midview +29.35 22:06.72 21:37.37
Caitlyn Tipple No. Ridgeville -2:18.07 21:40.04 23:58.11
Devin Woods +16.36 21:58.36 21:42.00
Emily Starr Avon -35.31 21:47.61 22:22.92
Jane Duskey Avon Lake +49.60 22:46.12 21:56.52
Bryan Fox Keystone +5.43 22:02.08 21:56.65
Natasha Myhal Holy Name +2:39.58 24:36.83 21:57.25
Lauren LeDuc Avon Lake -1.45 22:01.46 22:02.91
Cait Shaw Keystone +2:09.82 24:11.32 22:01.50
Mary Catherine Powers Holy Name +41.47 22:46.79 22:05.32
Hannah Buehrle Med Highland +33.02 22:40.38 22:07.36
Amanda Demczyk Buckeye +1:39.71 23:49.13 22:09.42
Bri Buckley Keystone +52.90 23:03.01 22:10.11
Cheyenne Kovach Padua Franciscan -1:52.95 22:14.11 24:07.06
Caitlin Dahlin Olmsted Falls +38.67 22:58.21 22:19.54
Keegan Radeff Brookside -41.60 22:19.62 23:01.22
Kara Cremean Vermilion -1:34.12 22:22.17 23:56.29
Gabriella Patarini Midview +59.66 23:22.16 22:22.50
Kristin Kenny Avon Lake -29.80 22:32.40 23:02.20
Grace Dill Elyria Catholic +16.27 22:57.13 22:40.86
Kelsey Sikon No. Ridgeville +38.49 23:21.82 22:43.33
Andrea Price Elyria Catholic +10.81 22:58.47 22:47.66
Courtney Neigh Brookside +1:33.47 24:23.00 22:49.53
Kristin Concheck Elyria Catholic -28.24 23:00.73 23:28.97
Daniella Chambers Buckeye +1:31.65 24:39.40 23:07.75
Michelle Carandang Midview -14.73 23:15.46 23:30.19
Mollie Moran Holy Name -1:11.46 23:16.50 24:27.96
Sondra Palivoda Padua Franciscan +42.66 24:02.21 23:19.55
Katelynn Siwierka Elyria -42.40 23:34.67 24:17.07
Morgan Rogers No. Ridgeville -57.52 23:47.82 24:45.34
Tessa Comnick No. Ridgeville +1.95 23:49.79 23:47.84
Stephanie Malinich No. Ridgeville +18.03 24:27.65 24:09.62
Meghan Butler Firelands +2:13.53 26:34.93 24:21.40
Paige Tesmer Midview -1.28 24:35.76 24:37.04
Amal Degirolamo Padua Franciscan +27.79 25:07.07 24:39.28
Megan Wilkinson Fair. Park Fairview +3.79 24:45.28 24:41.49
John Findley Lorain +31.61 26:19.45 25:47.84
Bre Benjamin Keystone -16.81 25:48.63 26:05.44
Amanda Larsen Fair. Park Fairview -18.55 26:10.90 26:29.45
Betsy Thayer Vermilion -29.06 26:52.97 27:22.03
Julia Lachowski Fair. Park Fairview -33.92 27:12.69 27:46.61
Jordan Cusamano Clearview +2:30.23 29:52.87 27:22.64
Zoe Fries Brookside +4:54.89 32:21.13 27:26.24