56th Annual Malone Invitational 2024

Canton, OH

56th Annual Malone Invitational 2024 vs Malone XC Invitational 2021

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -94 411 505
Overall Average +52.55 24:11.93 23:19.38
1st-10th Place +27.21 17:23.65 16:56.44
1st-25th Place +29.85 17:56.91 17:27.06
1st-50th Place +34.23 18:28.92 17:54.69
1st-100th Place +45.83 19:16.51 18:30.68
Common Athletes -- -- 28
Ran Faster 12 20 8
Ran Season Best -3 2 5
Average Time -30.15 23:15.64 23:45.79
Median Time -21.72 23:16.98 23:38.70
Middle 80% Times -36.58 23:05.24 23:41.83
Top 10% Times -1:30.59 17:16.35 18:46.93
Top 25% Times -1:08.78 18:20.75 19:29.53
Top 50% Times -54.62 19:59.76 20:54.38
Bottom 50% Times -5.69 26:31.51 26:37.20
Bottom 25% Times -8.45 28:38.88 28:47.33
Bottom 10% Times +1:25.35 32:17.12 30:51.77
Average Difference -30.15 -- --
Median Difference -1:24.67 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -25.94 -- --
Top 10% Difference -1:14.90 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:03.46 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:14.41 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:03.46 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +3.16 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -17.05 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +19.30 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Parker Shutty Field -1:38.20 16:52.90 18:31.10
Cole Kuzma Wooster -1:24.01 17:15.09 18:39.10
Daniela Scheffler Uniont. Lake -2:18.25 17:41.05 19:59.30
Tristan Pitts Wadsworth -42.50 18:28.10 19:10.60
Sam Lininger Ak. Springfield -8.99 19:07.81 19:16.80
Jay Souza Ak. Springfield -2:14.65 19:17.65 21:32.30
Jack Frichtl Wooster -14.27 19:42.63 19:56.90
Ryan Poling Wadsworth -1:07.62 20:32.18 21:39.80
Garrett Preusser Wadsworth +5:01.65 25:54.55 20:52.90
Dylan Wilfong Rootstown -1:44.95 21:00.55 22:45.50
Luke Flowers Rootstown -1:52.23 21:17.97 23:10.20
June Price Uniont. Lake -31.47 21:46.83 22:18.30
Nathan Lee Rootstown -1:45.40 22:00.80 23:46.20
Adison Wierzbicki Uniont. Lake +1:14.58 23:16.98 22:02.40
Delaney Laudermilk Uniont. Lake -20.50 22:25.60 22:46.10
Jessica Pollard Field -3:13.15 22:27.45 25:40.60
E'oin Jones Canton McKinley -1:24.67 23:17.53 24:42.20
David Ackerman Canton McKinley +4:44.54 28:23.24 23:38.70
Owen Bucheger Wooster -4:14.69 23:38.71 27:53.40
Margaret McBride Wooster +1:20.89 25:12.79 23:51.90
Reese Joliat Louisville +1:18.02 25:13.12 23:55.10
Lillian Vance Wooster -29.96 25:04.84 25:34.80
Allison Bartiromo Wadsworth -5:10.92 25:05.08 30:16.00
Amelia Lutz Wadsworth -1:42.62 25:30.08 27:12.70
Bella Taylor Wadsworth -1:44.45 25:50.35 27:34.80
Colleen Ramsey Louisville +10.71 26:25.81 26:15.10
Audrey Edwards Wooster +1:20.94 29:57.04 28:36.10
Lindley Smith Wooster +4:47.88 38:31.08 33:43.20