Ontario - Bill Brown Invitational 2024 vs Ontario Bill Brown Invitational 2023

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -79 247 326
Overall Average +1:02.50 23:38.51 22:36.00
1st-10th Place +27.84 17:22.75 16:54.91
1st-25th Place +37.66 17:58.60 17:20.94
1st-50th Place +44.50 18:36.20 17:51.70
1st-100th Place +1:08.41 19:43.35 18:34.94
Common Athletes -- -- 146
Ran Faster -2 72 74
Ran Season Best -4 2 6
Average Time +8.52 22:21.68 22:13.15
Median Time -0.33 21:56.64 21:56.97
Middle 80% Times +0.57 22:03.59 22:03.01
Top 10% Times -21.63 17:37.81 17:59.44
Top 25% Times -9.98 18:25.65 18:35.63
Top 50% Times -13.05 19:31.80 19:44.85
Bottom 50% Times +30.10 25:11.55 24:41.45
Bottom 25% Times +53.56 27:18.03 26:24.47
Bottom 10% Times +1:42.92 29:46.91 28:03.99
Average Difference +8.52 -- --
Median Difference +55.87 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +1.69 -- --
Top 10% Difference -21.18 -- --
Top 50% Difference -15.12 -- --
Top 25% Difference -4.26 -- --
Top 50% Difference -15.12 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +32.16 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +53.49 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:31.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Joseph Webb Vermilion -17.63 16:48.15 17:05.78
Dean Morrison Ontario -16.72 16:51.27 17:07.99
Xavier Trent Ontario -42.21 16:52.00 17:34.21
David Blunk Northmor -13.23 17:24.91 17:38.14
Chaden Sampson Ashland -52.82 17:30.82 18:23.64
Will Lichtenberger Pleasant -25.60 17:33.32 17:58.92
Daniel Grisel Vermilion -28.98 17:36.26 18:05.24
Kaden Hilty Triway -40.45 17:40.03 18:20.48
Rylan Baker Ontario -54.29 17:46.70 18:40.99
Brady Speicher Triway -36.69 17:50.86 18:27.55
Andrew Tackett Marion Harding -51.11 17:51.75 18:42.86
Alex Lovins Bellevue -18.22 17:57.37 18:15.59
Brock Meacham Bellevue +17.21 18:22.53 18:05.32
Elijah Mcginniss Pleasant -7.83 18:06.00 18:13.83
OWEN Lemon Ashland +51.99 18:58.13 18:06.14
Bryce Weyand Upper Sandusky -3:24.05 18:15.51 21:39.56
Zane Robinson Shelby +9.53 18:25.12 18:15.59
Peyton Ward Marion Harding +10.16 18:29.17 18:19.01
Hunter Smith Ashland -37.15 18:22.21 18:59.36
Cameron Arbaugh Ashland +22.80 18:45.48 18:22.68
Ryan Twining New London +38.89 19:01.57 18:22.68
Jameson Reile Upper Sandusky +43.03 19:13.76 18:30.73
Sebastian Swihart Marion Harding -22.13 18:31.13 18:53.26
Ashton Drozda Ontario -17.65 18:37.71 18:55.36
James Henderson Bellevue +21.06 19:04.64 18:43.58
Fritz McCully New London +4.26 18:49.40 18:45.14
Owen Panyard Bellevue +18.40 19:06.28 18:47.88
Henry Minehart Upper Sandusky -25.83 18:48.60 19:14.43
Dane Creswell Northmor +26.80 19:20.79 18:53.99
Michael Ward Ontario -41.39 18:55.68 19:37.07
Ethan Robinson Ashland -2:13.33 18:58.19 21:11.52
Wyatt Love Ash. Crestview +4.80 19:08.53 19:03.73
Owen Yunker Northmor -0.92 19:05.21 19:06.13
Collin Trimble Vermilion +53.74 20:00.03 19:06.29
Layne Begley Bellevue +3:40.93 22:51.30 19:10.37
Zane Lassen Vermilion +43.90 19:59.91 19:16.01
Jacob Meyers Pleasant -1:27.55 19:19.67 20:47.22
Jaxson Schaffer New London +19.51 19:42.51 19:23.00
Peyton Freitag Clear Fork -56.30 19:24.69 20:20.99
Jackson Peters Marion Harding -1:09.49 19:25.36 20:34.85
Zade Fletcher Triway -9.89 19:30.28 19:40.17
Evan Reed Shelby -45.91 19:30.51 20:16.42
Jackson Geist New London -1:01.93 19:31.82 20:33.75
Carter Thomas Northmor -43.57 19:32.39 20:15.96
Benny Wright Bellevue -1:00.40 19:33.95 20:34.35
Anthony Scheibe Northmor -1:17.72 19:39.00 20:56.72
Connor Arbaugh Ashland -45.41 19:40.81 20:26.22
Tate Landis New London +1:34.50 21:19.78 19:45.28
Keegan Sensmeier Shelby +3.83 19:49.54 19:45.71
Josiah Styer Triway +13.13 20:01.65 19:48.52
Britton Kubasek Ashland -26.05 19:58.71 20:24.76
Anna Will Shelby -33.04 20:02.04 20:35.08
Jake Seymour Ontario +11.31 20:30.52 20:19.21
Emma Montgomery Shelby +1:01.16 21:23.87 20:22.71
Kate Lehman Northmor +2:57.60 23:27.00 20:29.40
Hope Morris Upper Sandusky -38.04 20:31.12 21:09.16
Miles Barnhart Ashland -32.69 20:31.81 21:04.50
Audrey Wolford Ash. Crestview -3:17.97 20:44.42 24:02.39
Brayden Burgett Ashland +0.88 20:45.37 20:44.49
Elliot Wall Northmor -1:08.99 20:47.98 21:56.97
Leyna Gerich Ash. Crestview +24.02 21:13.45 20:49.43
Aiden Ruggles New London +2.79 20:54.22 20:51.43
Shane Speicher New London +18.49 21:11.55 20:53.06
Alina Durbin Ash. Crestview -15.50 20:54.82 21:10.32
Joe Bailey Bellevue -21.20 21:03.06 21:24.26
Connor Morgan Ashland -1:13.67 21:08.80 22:22.47
Ryann Brinkman Northmor -58.36 21:16.00 22:14.36
Josh Ramsdell Ashland +3.46 21:19.65 21:16.19
Emma Mahek Shelby +41.79 22:04.10 21:22.31
Emrick Wentworth Ashland -1:23.16 21:25.74 22:48.90
Brody DeHaven Marion Harding -5:09.27 21:28.64 26:37.91
Jocelyn Leightey Upper Sandusky -44.34 21:29.20 22:13.54
Abigail Ault Upper Sandusky +3:59.61 25:29.22 21:29.61
Cole Eschenauer Vermilion -2:01.03 21:34.74 23:35.77
Natalie Hunter Northmor +21.62 21:56.64 21:35.02
Arthur Cain Shelby +1:36.40 23:12.52 21:36.12
Sarah Jordan Pleasant +47.65 22:24.10 21:36.45
Casey Redden Shelby +55.87 22:32.60 21:36.73
Kaiden Parsons Shelby -1:35.83 21:39.57 23:15.40
Evan Hockman Ashland -1:35.48 21:42.35 23:17.83
Alanah Cole Ashland +10.42 21:59.51 21:49.09
Ava Cline Ashland +34.92 22:25.41 21:50.49
Kaden McMaster New London -8.73 21:53.00 22:01.73
Courtney Stiving Shelby +1:35.95 23:30.30 21:54.35
Franklin Weaver Marion Harding -3:11.22 21:56.88 25:08.10
Jamison Keiser Shelby +29.82 22:34.67 22:04.85
Valery Henry New London -12.79 22:10.28 22:23.07
Isaac Good Bellevue +1:25.49 23:35.82 22:10.33
Aiden Rusmisel Triway -28.64 22:13.14 22:41.78
Kenzie Goodlin Ontario -32.20 22:24.46 22:56.66
Beckum Spieldenner Ashland -16.44 22:25.33 22:41.77
Jason Roe Upper Sandusky +4:41.64 27:09.98 22:28.34
Altin Rowland Ashland -44.50 22:29.99 23:14.49
Kaylin Mahon Shelby +26.98 23:04.36 22:37.38
Emmie Kemp Ash. Crestview +31.99 23:13.27 22:41.28
Mason Egner Ontario +21.52 23:03.80 22:42.28
Clara Good New London +38.38 23:21.06 22:42.68
Georgia McFarland Ash. Crestview -22.93 22:43.20 23:06.13
Trace Landis New London +11.15 22:56.65 22:45.50
Brynlee Cundiff Upper Sandusky +1:34.61 24:30.80 22:56.19
Mia Humrichouser Ash. Crestview -4.05 23:01.83 23:05.88
Shelby Cooper Northmor +24.30 23:36.67 23:12.37
Nicole Robinson Pleasant -23.75 23:12.48 23:36.23
Lucy Acker Triway -4:56.46 23:13.92 28:10.38
Journey Ross Ontario +1:54.81 25:10.62 23:15.81
Eliana Fittante Ontario -19.76 23:16.72 23:36.48
Anthony Sidle Triway -1:02.68 23:17.46 24:20.14
Reese Crilow Triway +2:54.37 26:13.20 23:18.83
Rees Lewis Shelby +35.93 23:56.40 23:20.47
Seth McTheny Triway +1:24.00 24:52.07 23:28.07
Ella Wigal Triway +20.72 23:51.86 23:31.14
Haylee Walker Northmor +2:23.49 25:57.68 23:34.19
Elizabeth Ruhl Northmor +1:07.73 24:44.09 23:36.36
Madison Reynolds Ashland +57.70 24:42.94 23:45.24
Nathan Wagenblast Pleasant -58.11 23:45.74 24:43.85
Lydia Baumgartner Pleasant +5:17.33 29:05.55 23:48.22
Madison Smith New London -42.18 23:57.68 24:39.86
Lily Secrist Ontario +40.58 24:58.71 24:18.13
Blake DeWees Ontario +1:06.65 25:28.24 24:21.59
Callie New Clear Fork -1:07.82 24:38.17 25:45.99
Carson Secriskey Shelby -38.99 24:38.27 25:17.26
Addie Busbey Ashland -3:37.42 24:39.02 28:16.44
Katie Statler Northmor -30.09 24:39.69 25:09.78
Olivia Meyers Pleasant -18.46 24:41.99 25:00.45
Macie Witherall Northmor -40.71 24:58.88 25:39.59
Lillian McClain Shelby +4:00.28 29:13.67 25:13.39
Alyson Brokaw Clear Fork +35.13 26:01.28 25:26.15
Ellie Givens Ontario -1:40.79 25:28.43 27:09.22
Grace North Ontario +1:47.09 27:26.68 25:39.59
Ava Lyczkowski Vermilion +9.33 25:52.68 25:43.35
Jillian Curry Shelby +1:01.78 26:50.22 25:48.44
Alexa Lyczkowski Vermilion +48.70 26:58.60 26:09.90
Ella Creswell Northmor +3:51.17 30:20.78 26:29.61
Reece Reynolds Ashland -1:27.22 26:38.12 28:05.34
Harley Barler Northmor +27.68 27:09.54 26:41.86
Ella Reed Shelby +42.06 27:25.41 26:43.35
Ethan Cress Pleasant +5:14.06 32:00.83 26:46.77
Kyleigh Young Marion Harding +55.36 27:53.31 26:57.95
Elina Gilland St. Peter's +2:56.61 30:07.10 27:10.49
Gracen Brockett Ashland -1:06.64 27:41.87 28:48.51
Josie Williams Ashland +4.83 28:04.50 27:59.67
Kylie Berry Pleasant +3:24.19 31:25.16 28:00.97
Katrin Parker Ashland +6:37.59 34:43.88 28:06.29
Allison Hinkle Ashland +33.88 29:29.92 28:56.04
Hope Wheeler Marion Harding +2:48.72 32:06.24 29:17.52
Cera DeLong New London -52.17 29:38.80 30:30.97