Meet Information
Online Registration Instructions
Portsmouth West will be hosting Senators OPEN meet and would like to welcome you to the ROCK on April 29th, 2025. We will have FAT timing completed by Tri-State Racer. Unfortunately, we will have a capacity cut off to keep our facility and volunteer assistance to a manageable comfort, to ensure the meet runs smoothly.
Limitations of school participants means there will be NO team due with registration.
In turn we would like to encourage you to get your teams signed up early!
All entries to be completed on OHmilesplit.
Registration is open and closes at 3:00PM the day of the event.
PLEASE try to have all scratch/adds made by that time to help the meet operate smoothly.
- Field events will begin at 5:00PM. Running events will start at 5:30PM with the 4x800m Relay.
- General Admission $6.00 for all spectators and non-participating students.
- Concessions will be available
- Buses are to park and unload at the softball/baseball end of the stadium.
NO THRU TRAFFIC WILL BE PERMITTED around the high school building/ access roads
VISITORS/FANS should park in the student parking lot - closest to US Rt. 52W
-All athletes and coaches enter the North gate. It is the gate by our visiting team's football locker room/weight room facility.
- NO TENTS/CANOPIES on the football field or home bleachers. This would be in respect for viewing visiting fans and officials monitoring the event.
Team areas will be UNDER the home side bleachers. Team areas are allowed on the visitor bleachers or the grass area surrounding the visitor bleachers.
Athlete warm ups are from 3pm until the first call of the 4x800 relay.At this time please have all athletes exit the track. Coaches, please keep athletes off the field unless they are warming up for an event.
- We have bleacher areas near most of the field events. Please encourage parents/fans to use these and stay off the track and football field as much as possible.
We look forward to hosting you and your team.