Seventh Grade Boys Results
Team Standings:
Place School Point Total
1 Mason 39
2 Kings 135
3 Plains 145
4 Sycamore 168
5 Loveland 181
6 Lebanon 185
7 Ridge 188
8 Milford 192
9 Liberty 283
10 Hopewell 310
11 Madeira 347
Individual Results:
Place Athlete School Time
1 Berlin, Ray Sycamore 11:46
2 Broerman, Ryan Kings 12:05
3 Austin, Drew Loveland 12:07
4 Bartlett, Trevor Kings 12:09
5 Bauer, Jake Mason 12:14
6 Art, Stephen Plains 12:23
7 Marsteller, Noah Mason 12:32
8 Elliott, Rob Mason 12:33
9 Henry, Taylor Mason 12:33
10 Schulz, John Mason 12:38
11 Lieser, Jake Lebanon 12:41
12 Tramontin, Juan Mason 12:43
13 Williams, David Mason 12:46
14 Stucker, Paul Sycamore 12:54
15 Cottle, Chase Mason 12:55
16 Norman, Casey Milford 13:00
17 Lacey, Tristan Ridge 13:00
18 Welage, Matt Mason 13:01
19 Lucke, Jared Mason 13:02
20 Chapman, Zack Loveland 13:03
21 Madonis, Alex Hopewell 13:04
22 Bell, Alec Mason 13:05
23 Kenner, Cooper Madeira 13:07
24 Cole, Nathan Sycamore 13:07
25 Masterson, James Lebanon 13:09
26 Phillips, Justin Liberty 13:10
27 Stiles, Zach Plains 13:10
28 Simbartl, Nicholas Plains 13:14
29 Craycraft, Graham Milford 13:15
30 King, Jacob Ridge 13:16
31 Keener, Myles Madeira 13:16
32 Wilson, Zach Kings 13:16
33 Rentfrow, Ian Mason 13:20
34 Zhan, Andrew Mason 13:25
35 Kolb, Ryan Lebanon 13:25
36 LaPlant, Jacob Plains 13:31
37 Cooper, Clay Kings 13:32
38 Haynes, Logan Ridge 13:32
39 O’Toole, Jack Milford 13:33
40 Aquilio, Gregory Liberty 13:36
41 Beck, Ian Mason 13:38
42 Li, Jeffrey Mason 13:38
43 Hummer, Brighton Loveland 13:38
44 Shu, Michael Mason 13:41
45 Rook, Billy Mason 13:42
46 Peters, Scott Mason 13:42
47 Valentine, Mark Ridge 13:44
48 Quimby, Ethan Plains 13:46
49 Roll, Jarod Milford 13:47
50 Marshall, Cole Mason 13:48
51 Marotta, Tyler Mason 13:49
52 Jarvis, Nick Lebanon 13:50
53 Sutter, Ty Hopewell 13:51
54 Roth, Sam Liberty 13:52
55 Hill, Colin Mason 13:53
56 Bretl, Evan Ridge 13:57
57 Woehler, Mark Loveland 13:58
58 Hoffman, Matt Loveland 13:58
59 Wenzler, Mitchell Milford 14:01
60 Minds, Kevin Kings 14:02
61 Fagin, Jacob Mason 14:05
62 Gilmour, Drew Lebanon 14:06
63 Mattis, Joey Sycamore 14:06
64 Kendrick, Scott Loveland 14:07
65 Mader, Trent Kings 14:10
66 Fitzgerald, Kevin Sycamore 14:13
67 Drach, Alec Plains 14:15
68 Wires, Bryson Kings 14:16
69 Carle, Ethan Loveland 14:16
70 Hummel, Brandon Hopewell 14:20
71 Bouajram, Sam Sycamore 14:21
72 Lee, David Sycamore 14:28
73 Nigro, Tony Mason 14:29
74 Truesdell, Matt Loveland 14:31
75 Harding, Jacob Milford 14:31
76 Kanaly, Andrew Liberty 14:32
77 Wellens, Kyle Mason 14:36
78 Carter, Nic Hopewell 14:39
79 Specht, Jack Mason 14:41
80 Andre, Will Madeira 14:44
81 Winoker, Zach Loveland 14:44
82 Soppannish, John Vail 14:47
83 Parker, Dean Loveland 14:48
84 Jantzen, Chris Kings 14:54
85 Heyn, Mike Sycamore 14:54
86 Quante, Tyler Madeira 14:57
87 McDonough, Zach Liberty 14:59
88 Palmer, Joshua Hopewell 15:03
89 Alcorn, Joshua Kings 15:05
90 Hayden, Declan Kings 15:08
91 Hinton, Ben Plains 15:10
92 Risola, Cory Hopewell 15:13
93 Ensman, Joel Lebanon 15:18
94 Hollingsworth, Zach Lebanon 15:22
95 Corfman, Phillip Hopewell 15:29
96 Baird, Matt Lebanon 15:30
97 Schalk, Christopher Kings 15:31
98 Taylor, David Liberty 15:33
99 Pownell, Chasse Mason 15:33
100 Ealy, Gray Hopewell 15:40
101 Goetz, Max Kings 15:45
102 Gallo, Cameron Plains 15:49
103 Wang, David Sycamore 15:52
104 Graska, Patrick Liberty 15:53
105 Gainey, Cameron Vail 16:04
106 Brown, Max Sycamore 16:05
107 Rasulis, Taylor Sycamore 16:07
108 McGary, Chase Mason 16:11
109 McConnaughey, Jordan Milford 16:13
110 Erftenbeck, Jonathan Ridge 16:16
111 Hawk, Ryan Ridge 16:17
112 Welty, Steven Lebanon 16:23
113 Seger, Chris Sycamore 16:24
114 Peterson, Brian Hopewell 16:26
115 Dietz, Conner Ridge 16:31
116 Valentine, Nick Plains 16:32
117 Fox, Jon Plains 16:35
118 Clark, Harrison Liberty 16:43
119 Pfaller, Stefan Loveland 16:48
120 Frese, Michael Ridge 17:06
121 DeRossett, Zach Plains 17:08
122 Gottliebson, Max Sycamore 17:19
123 Thompson, Donald Ridge 17:25
124 Rackley, Brayden Milford 17:28
125 Andemicael, Iassu Mason 17:29
126 McMillen, Evan Lebanon 17:31
127 McGee, Jacob Madeira 17:34
128 Seig, Darien Liberty 17:52
129 Potter, Nichols Hopewell 18:06
130 Williams, Quinn Madeira 18:07
131 Rodriguez, Mateo Kings 19:23
132 Pedoto, Aaron Mason 19:45
133 Dougherty, Jack Madeira 19:48
134 Holford, Ryan Plains 20:03
Seventh Grade Girls Results
Team Standings:
Place School Point Total
1 Mason 43
2 Loveland 89
3 Sycamore 111
4 Hopewell 177
5 Milford 209
6 Liberty 210
7 Lebanon 239
8 Ridge 270
9 Plains 314
Individual Results:
Place Athlete School Time
1 Fischer, Hannah Loveland 12:36
2 McManus, Kelly Plains 12:47
3 Ford, Leah Mason 12:56
4 Jensen, Sydney Mason 13:05
5 Mays, Ashley Loveland 13:13
6 Fry, Molly Sycamore 13:21
7 Ruben, Claire Loveland 13:26
8 Luther, Erin Ridge 13:28
9 Beresford, Amanda Hopewell 13:29
10 Chunn, Hannah Kings 13:40
11 Murphy, Megan Mason 13:46
12 Hulbert, Katie Mason 13:48
13 Deniston, Isabelle Mason 13:49
14 McGowan, Abi Sycamore 13:50
15 Berkely, Malia Liberty 13:51
16 Solimini, Maddie Mason 13:51
17 Hilliard, Piper Milford 13:53
18 Granat, Elizabeth Kings 13:55
19 Adkins, Audrey Mason 13:56
20 Hessin, Maria Mason 13:56
21 Ross, Sierra Milford 13:57
22 Hewitt, Shelby Lebanon 13:58
23 Knuf, Miranda Ridge 14:02
24 White, Lien Kings 14:03
25 Dellecave, Kacie Mason 14:04
26 Busch, Katie Sycamore 14:05
27 Dimerling, Tori Mason 14:12
28 Burch, Molly Plains 14:14
29 Shassere, Lauren Sycamore 14:15
30 Seiber, Cara Hopewell 14:17
31 Decker, Jordan Mason 14:19
32 Johnson, Maddie Loveland 14:23
33 Saxion, Sarah Lebanon 14:24
34 Doran, Charlotte Mason 14:29
35 Thompson, Christy Hopewell 14:30
36 McNamara-Marsand, Ali Sycamore 14:30
37 Guilian, Adayla Liberty 14:31
38 Awwad, Susie Mason 14:33
39 Linn, Amy Mason 14:34
40 Combs, Claire Liberty 14:36
41 Haupt, Rachel Sycamore 14:37
42 Dalziel, Carolyn Milford 14:39
43 Wei, Jessica Sycamore 14:42
44 Harter, Kaylee Loveland 14:45
45 Lord, Alison Hopewell 14:52
46 Salach, Olivia Sycamore 14:54
47 Dukart, Nora Sycamore 14:58
48 Miller, Madison Mason 14:58
49 Myrie, Nia Mason 14:59
50 Kingsland, Ashley Lebanon 15:02
51 Davis, Evie Mason 15:04
52 Thompson, Sarah Sycamore 15:08
53 Bauer, Hailey Loveland 15:11
54 Rice, Kaylee Liberty 15:11
55 Gear, Frannie Loveland 15:12
56 Sprouse, Hannah Loveland 15:13
57 Pinnanath, Sanika Mason 15:15
58 Gump, Hannah Hopewell 15:17
59 Combs, Autumn Hopewell 15:23
60 Domina, Corryn Hopewell 15:27
61 White, Brooke Mason 15:31
62 Salvucci, Sarah Milford 15:33
63 Shinkle, Mollie Madeira 15:33
64 Graska, Erin Liberty 15:35
65 Elam, Grace Lebanon 15:35
66 Wade, Olivia Mason 15:36
67 Adams, Lindsey Milford 15:38
68 Kern, Brooke Ridge 15:39
69 Jameson, Madeline Lebanon 15:42
70 Kohls, Sara Ridge 15:53
71 Akbik, Haya Sycamore 15:54
72 Anaple, Grace Sycamore 15:58
73 Rile, Lexy Sycamore 16:00
74 Locasto, Katie Loveland 16:01
75 Schneider, Kirsten Loveland 16:04
76 Bucher, Kasha Lebanon 16:06
77 Buckel, Rachel Kings 16:16
78 Williams, Ariel Hopewell 16:21
79 Burge, Emma Sycamore 16:26
80 Clegg, Melissa Plains 16:27
81 Schweppe, Katie Madeira 16:30
82 Cline, Serina Mason 16:36
83 Cronin, Shea Sycamore 16:41
84 Hu, Kedi Mason 16:43
85 Causby, Sarah Milford 16:46
86 Daas, Oula Hopewell 16:48
87 Walsh, Caroline Mason 16:48
88 Davis, Marissa Hopewell 16:52
89 Day, Haiky Milford 16:54
90 Dawes, Cassie Mason 16:55
91 Lee, Sandy Mason 17:03
92 Hawke, Mimi Sycamore 17:04
93 Medina, Gabriela Mason 17:13
94 Baig, Aminah Mason 17:15
95 Nalluri, Shreya Mason 17:23
96 King, Arianne Lebanon 17:25
97 Wildnauer, McKenna Mason 17:26
98 Danzinger, Kira Mason 17:26
99 Engel, Katie Plains 17:35
100 Boone, Megan Mason 17:41
101 Hartup, Emily Ridge 17:49
102 Eldridge, Amanda Loveland 17:56
103 Murphy, Katherine Lebanon 17:59
104 Soto, Isabelle Mason 18:05
105 Marshall, Kylie Plains 18:15
106 Tepe, Rachel Mason 18:23
107 Uecker, Elizabeth Mason 18:27
108 Tensmeyer, Anna Maderia 18:28
109 Higgins, Hannah Mason 18:31
110 Maharg, Amanda Liberty 18:32
111 Campbell, Ashley Ridge 18:51
112 Lucken, Alex Sycamore 18:58
113 Zimmer, Abbie Plains 18:59
114 Stone, Reagan Plains 19:14
115 Stone, Madison Plains 19:19
116 Profitt, Evelyn Ridge 19:22
117 Haas, Regan Ridge 19:24
118 Roberts, Hannah Madeira 19:27
119 Widner, Victoria Sycamore 19:41
120 Lefton, Claire Sycamore 19:53
121 Cash, Kelsey Liberty 20:10
122 Cabello, Astrid Sycamore 20:36
Eighth Grade Boys Results
Team Standings:
Place School Point Total
1 Mason 52
2 Kings 67
3 Loveland 114
4 Sycamore 126
5 Liberty 141
6 Lebanon 218
7 Plains 249
8 Ridge 267
9 Milford 294
10 Hopewell 329
11 Madeira 605
Individual Results:
Place Athlete School Time
1 Grismer, Nick Mason 11:04
2 Garner, Kyle Loveland 11:05
3 Lienhardt, Mark Ridge 11:16
4 Jaeger, David Liberty 11:24
5 Shanks, Brennon Sycamore 11:25
6 Garner, Kevin Loveland 11:31
7 Anderson, Tyler Liberty 11:36
8 Elkins, Eli Kings 11:37
9 Money, Alex Mason 11:39
10 Bateman, Kane Milford 11:46
11 Buckler, Blayne Kings 11:47
12 Brant, Lukas Kings 11:48
13 Cranshaw, Michael Mason 11:48
14 Brackman, Matthew Mason 11:49
15 Waggoner, Michael Mason 11:50
16 Ludken, Adam Sycamore 11:52
17 Widdig, Luke Kings 11:58
18 Wendell, Sam Mason 11:59
19 Diebel, Noah Kings 12:02
20 Verma, Michael Mason 12:03
21 McGowan, Will Mason 12:05
22 Ellis, Dean Mason 12:05
23 Lienhardt, Sean Ridge 12:08
24 Brockwell, Max Kings 12:10
25 Burpee, Zach Loveland 12:11
26 Neimesiter, Cory Hopewell 12:12
27 Harmon, Isaac Sycamore 12:13
28 Christman, Michael Madeira 12:15
29 Morris, John Mason 12:19
30 Brady, Sean Lebanon 12:21
31 Getter, AJ Loveland 12:22
32 Ehrlich, Vance Lebanon 12:22
33 Gess, Nick Mason 12:24
34 Soltis, Danny Mason 12:26
35 Cooper, Ben Kings 12:28
36 Ehling, Ryan Mason 12:31
37 Lauck, Chase Mason 12:32
38 Johnson, Nick Sycamore 12:33
39 Metzger, Joseph Mason 12:34
40 Henderson, Daniel Sycamore 12:35
41 Hoffmeister, Doug Sycamore 12:35
42 Barrios, Arturo Liberty 12:36
43 Przygocki, Johnny Liberty 12:38
44 Love, Jake Plains 12:47
45 Harrison, Bryce Liberty 12:47
46 Johnston, Luke Ridge 12:49
47 Halfhill, Mathew Plains 12:51
48 Oeters, Joshua Plains 12:51
49 Willis, Aaron Lebanon 12:53
50 Pap, Joey Loveland 12:57
51 Youst, Zach Lebanon 13:00
52 Nabb, Carver Mason 13:04
53 Augustine, Andrew Plains 13:05
54 Frankowski, Nick Sycamore 13:05
55 Brown, John Milford 13:06
56 Fletcher, Josh Lebanon 13:06
57 Morris, Nick Plains 13:07
58 Whyle, Anthony Hopewell 13:07
59 Kuhlman, Bryant Liberty 13:08
60 Curry, Kevin Mason 13:09
61 Palmer, Josh Loveland 13:10
62 Powell, William Kings 13:10
63 Hopkins, Michael Lebanon 13:12
64 Seppelt, Brian Mason 13:15
65 Steward, Brady Milford 13:16
66 Lentz, Kurt Lebanon 13:16
67 Lewis, Kaleb Vail 13:16
68 Do, Tommy Hopewell 13:18
69 Lyons, Jacob Hopewell 13:19
70 Coyle, Sam Mason 13:19
71 Fry, Jack Sycamore 13:20
72 Henley, Michael Plains 13:21
73 Newton, Grant Milford 13:21
74 Venzin, Anthony Loveland 13:22
75 Quante, Matthew Mason 13:22
76 Toney, Alex Sycamore 13:23
77 Flanagan, Connor Loveland 13:27
78 Orellana, Ricky Sycamore 13:28
79 Albino, Eric Kings 13:29
80 Heffernan, Landen Lebanon 13:29
81 Stubelt, Brian Liberty 13:30
82 Iaos, Adam Sycamore 13:31
83 Leyda, Eric Liberty 13:32
84 Burgett, Sam Plains 13:33
85 Kemp, Ethan Lebanon 13:34
86 Morris, Jeff Liberty 13:36
87 Boughton, Ben Sycamore 13:38
88 Lykins, Gunnar Ridge 13:39
89 Lilly, Dalton Mason 13:39
90 Adams, Luke Lebanon 13:43
91 Knight, Colin Milford 13:45
92 Hannah, Will Milford 13:52
93 Hove, Justin Mason 13:54
94 Hay, Andrew Kings 13:55
95 Gapinski, Zach Mason 13:55
96 Wilson, Kyle Plains 13:57
97 Church, Austin Sycamore 13:58
98 Maowad, Matt Lebanon 13:59
99 Muff, Keegan Mason 14:01
100 Snead, Dylan Mason 14:01
101 Kaiser, Chase Plains 14:02
102 Albino, Michael Kings 14:04
103 Burrows, Ryan Liberty 14:04
104 Domeck, Nathan Mason 14:06
105 Kuntz, Joshua Kings 14:06
106 Montgomery, Caleb Plains 14:07
107 VanSkaik, Troy Ridge 14:07
108 Palmer, Justin Hopewell 14:08
109 Pavuk, Noah Hopewell 14:13
110 Moreno, Joe Sycamore 14:17
111 Hutchinson, Eric Lebanon 14:18
112 Oehrle, Kyle Ridge 14:18
113 DeJesus Garcias, Samuel Ridge 14:19
114 Martin, Luke Liberty 14:19
115 Roth, Daniel Liberty 14:20
116 Forsythe, Grant Mason 14:20
117 Cain, Sam Milford 14:20
118 Staffan, Will Lebanon 14:21
119 Oberholzer, Robert Loveland 14:26
120 Brown, Jackson Mason 14:32
121 Meyers, Zachary Plains 14:33
122 McDonel, Duncan Lebanon 14:34
123 Wilson, Nathaniel Ridge 14:39
124 Waikel, Austin Ridge 14:40
125 Matthews, Josh Milford 14:47
126 Ourada, Holden Plains 14:48
127 Sutton, Andrew Lebanon 14:49
128 Swartz, Kaleb Loveland 14:49
129 Barriga, Tommy Mason 14:52
130 Demessie, Bluye Mason 14:53
131 Taylor, Austin Lebanon 14:56
132 Harper, Jack Madeira 14:56
133 Manley, Matthew Hopewell 14:57
134 Keenan, Matthew Mason 14:57
135 Reddington, Josh Mason 14:58
136 Cunningham, Conner Ridge 14:58
137 Mount, Zach Lebanon 14:59
138 Erskine, CJ Madeira 15:00
139 Kirk, Ryan Milford 15:02
140 Terry, Matthew Mason 15:04
141 Weng, Jonathan Sycamore 15:08
142 Rook, Nick Mason 15:11
143 Winnestagger, Grant Sycamore 15:13
144 Carney, Thomas Liberty 15:15
145 Quinn, Mason Plains 15:23
146 Dittrich, Peter Liberty 15:26
147 Bishop, Steven Lebanon 15:28
148 Hughes, Bradly Hopewell 15:29
149 Meyer, Frankie Madeira 15:31
150 Kearney, David Lebanon 15:32
151 Kennedy, Ben Mason 15:33
152 Turain, Baxter Plains 15:38
153 Gibson, Jacob Sycamore 15:39
154 Johsnon, Alex Plains 15:40
155 Hoppe, Liam Mason 15:51
156 D’Hyverda de las Dees, Fernando Mason 15:53
157 Kelly, Drew Mason 15:54
158 Long, Jason Madeira 15:55
159 Murthy, Rohan Mason 15:57
160 Graeter, Red Madeira 16:00
161 Arnold, Justin Milford 16:03
162 Hezlep, Tyler Milford 16:07
163 Lindquist, Graham Hopewell 16:13
164 Conyers, Alec Liberty 16:25
165 Hepp, Andrew Kings 16:33
166 Klieber, Brandon Kings 16:39
167 Ramsey, Griffin Sycamore 16:45
168 Skola, Brian Ridge 16:51
169 Koulouris, Alex Mason 16:58
170 Gregory, Nathanael Plains 17:02
171 Sammeroff, Rael Liberty 17:10
172 Dietz, Anthony Milford 17:12
173 Eveslage, Alex Milford 17:26
174 Conner, Nick Liberty 17:27
175 Peck, Phys Mason 17:48
176 Choudhary, Rishabh Ridge 18:36
177 Rankey, Mark Sycamore 19:45
178 Russell, Wilson Mason 19:46
179 Datlon, Aiden Ridge 21:38
180 McCarren, Noah Lebanon 22:47
Eighth Grade Girls Results
Team Standings:
Place School Point Total
1 Mason 58
2 Sycamore 78
3 Plains 114
4 Loveland 146
5 Milford 148
6 Liberty 164
7 Lebanon 165
8 Ridge 320
9 Middletown Vail 343
Individual Results:
Place Athlete School Time
1 Vanforssen, Abbie Liberty 12:06
2 Daziel, Anne Milford 12:11
3 McDowell, Delaney Mason 12:26
4 Aull, Lara Plains 12:35
5 Belcher, Abby Sycamore 12:39
6 Menyhert, Rose Sycamore 12:41
7 Volpenhein, Julia Mason 12:46
8 Martinson, Ellen Sycamore 12:48
9 Hill, Sydney Plains 13:03
10 Huffman, Hannah Lebanon 13:10
11 Newland, Justice Lebanon 13:17
12 Temple, Julia Ridge 13:20
13 Harden, Kaitlin Mason 13:21
14 Bachmann, Shelby Kings 13:23
15 Quinn, Megan Plains 13:27
16 Wright, Katie Loveland 13:28
17 Brush, Erin Mason 13:30
18 Negri, Alberta Mason 13:33
19 Best, Haley Milford 13:38
20 Elam, Natalie Liberty 13:39
21 Landis, Eleanor Loveland 13:42
22 Wilson, Alyssa Liberty 13:44
23 Sloan, Chandler Mason 13:45
24 Reckers, Katelyn Mason 13:49
25 Waters, Elaine Madeira 13:50
26 Kleindorfer, Rachel Sycamore 13:55
27 Vance, Emily Loveland 13:57
28 Seiller, Maddie Mason 14:01
29 Bauer, Maddie Hopewell 14:05
30 Clabbers, Emily Mason 14:08
31 Emter, Katelyn Mason 14:10
32 Gibson, Kira Loveland 14:11
33 Mattis, Julia Sycamore 14:12
34 Fornshell, Hanna Lebanon 14:14
35 Spoleit, Katie Lebanon 14:16
36 Viterisi, Liza Mason 14:16
37 Freeberg, Alicia Mason 14:24
38 Babbitt, Sarah Plains 14:25
39 Pavey, Carley Hopewell 14:31
40 Best, Lauren Milford 14:36
41 Laswon, Alyssa Vail 14:39
42 Dick, Maddie Liberty 14:41
43 Nielsen, Olivia Milford 14:42
44 Ellis, Sam Milford 14:43
45 Whitehead, Lauren Mason 14:46
46 Schroeder, Morgon Hopewell 14:47
47 Scharner, Megan Kings 14:57
48 Helmes, Taylor Plains 14:57
49 Hochwalt-Naumann, Eddalee Ridge 15:01
50 Harmeyer, Ali Loveland 15:03
51 Conrad, Zoe Vail 15:06
52 Haggard, Katy Sycamore 15:06
53 Wood, Taylor Mason 15:07
54 Tang, Tina Mason 15:07
55 Garrett, Anna Sycamore 15:14
56 Wiegel, Sydney Mason 15:18
57 Angsuadt, Bethany Mason 15:20
58 Hirst, Catherine Milford 15:23
59 Sams, Olivia Milford 15:23
60 White, Chloe Mason 15:25
61 Wei, Chauyie Mason 15:28
62 Miller, Ariana Sycamore 15:30
63 Miller, Abby Sycamore 15:35
64 Hadden, Kendra Hopewell 15:44
65 Pinkerton, Kristy Sycamore 15:50
66 Bishop, Madison Loveland 15:53
67 Hauser, Abby Mason 15:54
68 Hoover, Katherine Mason 15:56
69 Cole, Melanie Mason 15:57
70 Moftakhar, Niki Ridge 16:05
71 Letscher, Sarah Madeira 16:09
72 Verma, Minnie Mason 16:15
73 Gordon, Ally Vail 16:16
74 Beaucage, Maria Sycamore 16:16
75 Voss, Vivian Lebanon 16:17
76 Macheledt, Hailey Mason 16:18
77 Matson, Carley Milford 16:20
78 Fort, Marie Sycamore 16:21
79 Ponsock, Kim Liberty 16:21
80 Thomas, Shannon Sycamore 16:21
81 Harrison, Katy Sycamore 16:25
82 Studer, Amanda Liberty 16:31
83 Lyons, Bree Milford 16:32
84 Elliott, Abby Lebanon 16:33
85 Seiter, Lydia Madeira 16:43
86 Rechnitzer, Alma Sycamore 16:45
87 Miller, Joscelynne Vail 16:6
88 Wolf, Grace Kings 16:54
89 Doerflein, Anna Mason 17:47
90 Su, Jo Ann Mason 18:05
91 English, Gail Vail 18:06
92 Frandy, Rebekah Vail 18:15
93 Sherer, Sydney Ridge 18:28
94 Parigen, Caitlin Mason 18:30
95 Sulfsted, Megan Sycamore 18:36
96 Carlstrand, Ebba Ridge 19:14
97 Patel, Anushka Ridge 19:16
98 Hensley, Torie Vail 20:08
99 Lee, Savanna Loveland 20:14
100 McMahon, Emily Kings 25:45
Kings Invitational Records
(Reflecting Course Change in 2007)
7th Grade Boys Aaron Matheus Kings 11:23 2008
7th Grade Girls Samantha Siler Sycamore 12:30 2007
Kristen Sevier Kings 12:30 2008
8th Grade Boys Aaron Matheus Kings 10:56 2008
8th Grade Girls Abbie Vanforssen Liberty 12:06 2010
Thank you for attending our 2010 Invitational!
Best of luck in your league meet!
Hope to see you next year on the corresponding week
of the 2011 season!