Lake Erie League Championship 2011

Bedford, OH
Hosted by Bedford

Day 1 Results

Licensed to F.A.T. Fotos, LLC - Contractor License
                                                HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/10/2011
                        Lake Erie League Championships                         
       Erie and Lake Division - Boys and Girls  - 5/10/2011 to 5/12/2011       
                              Bedford High School                              
Event 1  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Erie
        Meet: % 9:41.92  2005        Maple Heights                             
                         McClendon, Surman, Dixon, Thomas                  
     Stadium: * 9:26.47  2004        Collinwood, @Kimberly Relays              
                         Taylor, Adams, Smith, Parr                        
    School                                               Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1 Lorain                                             10:54.0h   10   
  2 Maple Heights                                      11:17.0h    8   
  3 Bedford                                            11:39.6h    6   
Event 2  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay Lake
        Meet: % 9:28.7h  2001        Lakewood                                  
     Stadium: * 9:26.47  2004        Collinwood, @Kimberly Relays              
                         Taylor, Adams, Smith, Parr                        
       State: ! 9:01.05  1999        Beaumont                                  
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Shaker Heights                                      9:31.5h   10   
  2 Mentor                                              9:59.8h    8   
  3 Euclid                                             10:18.3h    6   
  4 Warren G. Harding                                  11:14.0h    5   
Event 3  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Erie
        Meet: % 8:15.02  2001        Shaw                                      
                         Cooper, Johnson, Davis, Corbin                    
     Stadium: * 7:51.76  2007        St. Ignatius, @Kimberly Relays            
                         Kucaj, Fernback, Charillo, Sylvester              
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Lorain                                              8:37.4h   10   
  2 Bedford                                             8:45.0h    8   
  3 Maple Heights                                       8:58.4h    6   
Event 4  Boys 4x800 Meter Relay Lake
        Meet: % 7:53.11  5/13/2008   Cle. Heights, Cle. Heights                
                         S Watts, J Timmons, D Cowsette, J Hall            
     Stadium: * 7:51.76  2007        St. Ignatius, @Kimberly Relays            
                         Kucaj, Fernback, Charillo, Sylvester              
       State: ! 7:41.22  2001        St. Ignatius                              
    School                                               Finals  Points
  1 Mentor                                              8:11.6h   10   
  2 Shaker Heights                                      8:20.6h    8   
  3 Euclid                                              8:50.0h    6   
  4 Warren G. Harding                                   8:53.0h    5   
  5 Cle. Heights                                        9:13.0h    4   
Event 5  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Erie
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 14.76  2003        Lesley Wilson, Bedford                      
     Stadium: * 14.41  2003        Francine Jennings, Rhodes@Kimberly Relays   
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: 2.2 
  1 Farris, Melody            11 Lorain                   15.5hQ 
  2 Hawkins, Destiny          11 Bedford                  18.3hQ 
  3 Velez, Ilianna            11 Lorain                   19.0hq 
  4 Marion, Alexis             9 Shaw                     19.8h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -3.3
  1 Jones, Darnisha           11 Bedford                  15.4hQ 
  2 Reese, Daysia              9 Bedford                  17.0hQ 
  3 O'Neal, Das'Janay          9 Warrensville             18.0hq 
  4 Wilson, Destiny            9 Lorain                   18.1hq 
  5 Edwards, Alicia           10 Shaw                     18.8hq 
Event 6  Girls 100 Meter Hurdles Lake
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 14.0h  1998        Dalanda Jackson, Shaker                     
     Stadium: * 14.41  2003        Francine Jennings, Rhodes@Kimberly Relays   
       State: ! 13.50  1994        Carman Banks, John Adams                    
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.9
  1 Allen, Alexandra          11 Warren G. Ha             15.7hQ 
  2 Jones, Candi              10 Warren G. Ha             16.0hQ 
  3 Brownlee, Unique          12 Shaker Heigh             16.1hq 
  4 Breckenridge, Leah        11 Shaker Heigh             17.2hq 
  5 Harker, Emily             11 Mentor                   18.5h  
  6 Cunningham, Brianna       10 Euclid                   18.9h  
  7 Sotkovsky, Sarah           9 Mentor                   19.0h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.5
  1 Gunn, Artia               11 Euclid                   15.1hQ 
  2 Powell, Breanna           12 Shaker Heigh             16.4hQ 
  3 Price, Ashli              10 Euclid                   16.9hq 
  4 Morris, Imani              9 Warren G. Ha             17.1hq 
  5 Tan, Rachel               12 Mentor                   17.6h  
Event 8  Boys 110 Meter Hurdles Lake
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 13.90  2004        Nick Ivancic, Mentor                        
     Stadium: * 13.59  1999        Lee Evans, Bedford@Bedford Relays           
       State: ! 13.30  1990        Chris Nelloms, Dayton Dunbar                
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.2
  1 Jones, Bryce              11 Cle. Heights             15.0hQ 
  2 Redic, Cameron            11 Cle. Heights             15.9hQ 
  3 Williams, Jamie            9 Warren G. Ha             16.6hq 
  4 Boyd, Mike                12 Mentor                   18.4hq 
  5 Estok, Nick               10 Mentor                   18.4h  
  6 Pelfrey, Ian              10 Shaker Heigh             18.90  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.9
  1 Manningham, Mardel        12 Warren G. Ha             15.6hQ 
  2 Williams, Austin          12 Euclid                   15.8hQ 
  3 Cross, Camerin            10 Cle. Heights             18.0hq 
  4 White, Sean               11 Mentor                   18.1hq 
  5 Jackson, Christian        10 Euclid                   20.3h  
Event 9  Girls 100 Meter Dash Erie
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 12.33  5/8/2007    Alexis Washington, Southview                
     Stadium: * 11.68  2003        Tianna Madison, Elyria@LEL Meet             
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.7
  1 Arnold, Alicia            11 Lorain                 % 12.2hQ 
  2 Rogers, Jocelynn           9 Lorain                   12.7hQ 
  3 Partee, Dai'Jona          10 Bedford                  12.94q 
  4 Moore, Jameela            12 Warrensville             13.0hq 
  5 Barhams, Nakia            12 Shaw                     13.4h  
  6 Lattimore, Taylor          9 Maple Height             13.4h  
  7 Kubulins, Laila            9 Bedford                  13.4h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.1
  1 Ammons, Tiara             12 Lorain                   12.6hQ 
  2 Williams, Sierra           9 Warrensville             12.6hQ 
  3 Hawkins, Shante           11 Bedford                  12.8hq 
  4 Blackshear, Diamond       11 Warrensville             13.2hq 
  5 Brown, Dariell            10 Shaw                     14.2h  
Event 10  Girls 100 Meter Dash Lake
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 11.68  2003        Tianna Madison, Elyria                      
     Stadium: * 11.68  2003        Tianna Madison, Elyria@LEL Meet             
       State: ! 11.39  2000        Khalilah Carpenter, Columbus Brookhaven     
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.6
  1 Moore, Brittany           12 Shaker Heigh             12.5hQ 
  2 Stevens-lovejoy Kyle, Ky   9 Shaker Heigh             12.8hQ 
  3 Aiello, Alex              11 Mentor                   12.8hq 
  4 Spencer, Tchnavia         12 Euclid                   13.0hq 
  5 Gonzalez, Kiemon          10 Warren G. Ha             13.5h  
  6 Voase, Callyn              9 Mentor                   13.5h  
  7 Hall, Michelle            11 Cle. Heights             13.9h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.5
  1 Andrews, Naleta           11 Shaker Heigh             12.1hQ 
  2 Simpson, Alexis           11 Warren G. Ha             12.4hQ 
  3 Wesley, Aminah            10 Warren G. Ha             12.6hq 
  4 Jackson, Daryan            9 Euclid                   13.3hq 
  5 Dacar, Emily              10 Mentor                   13.4h  
  6 Patterson, Shantia        11 Euclid                   13.5h  
  7 Fleets, Dayanera           9 Cle. Heights             13.6h  
Event 11  Boys 100 Meter Dash Erie
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 10.70  1999        Justin Russell, Bedford                     
     Stadium: * 10.35  1997        LaShaunte Edwards, Rhodes@Bedford Relays    
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.8
  1 Williams, Dominic         11 Maple Height             11.2hQ 
  2 Nogueras, Christian       11 Lorain                   11.2hQ 
  3 Hicks, Jamel              12 Shaw                     11.2hq 
  4 Clarke, Jefferson         11 Bedford                  11.2hq 
  5 Graham, Dajun             11 Maple Height             11.6hq 
  6 Woods, William            11 Shaw                     11.7h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.7
  1 Gould, Darrell            10 Maple Height             11.2hQ 
  2 Charlton, Wesley          12 Lorain                   11.2hQ 
  3 Johnson, Dezmin           11 Bedford                  11.4hq 
  4 Davis, Devin              11 Bedford                  11.8h  
  5 Cato, David               11 Lorain                   11.8h  
Event 12  Boys 100 Meter Dash Lake
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 10.7h  1994        Leland Jernigan, Cleveland Heights          
     Stadium: * 10.35  1997        LaShaunte Edwards, Rhodes@Bedford Relays    
       State: ! 10.38  1993        Jonathan Burrell, John Marshall             
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -2.1
  1 Bounds, Ryan              12 Cle. Heights             11.1hQ 
  2 Agee, Kendall             11 Shaker Heigh             11.2hQ 
  3 Jackson, Demetrius        12 Euclid                   11.4hq 
  4 Jones, Carl               12 Euclid                   11.7h  
  5 Powell, Jalyn             10 Warren G. Ha             11.8h  
  6 Walton, Terrance          10 Mentor                   12.0h  
  7 Cobb-Bradley, Amier        9 Shaker Heigh             12.0h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -2.1
  1 Gibson, Shelton           10 Cle. Heights           % 10.7hQ 
  2 Davis, Domonic            10 Warren G. Ha             11.2hQ 
  3 Gattison, Dalyn           10 Warren G. Ha             11.4hq 
  4 Doles, Nathan             11 Mentor                   11.4hq 
  5 Debramaletta, Emanual     12 Cle. Heights             11.5hq 
  6 Claytor II, Greg           9 Shaker Heigh             11.7h  
  7 Johnson, Zelleyon         12 Euclid                   11.8h  
  8 Fox, Matt                 12 Mentor                   11.9h  
Event 25  Girls 400 Meter Dash Erie
Top 8 Advance by Time
        Meet: % 56.16  5/14/2008   Angelique Lykes, Warrensville               
     Stadium: * 52.82  2006        Jessica Beard, Euclid@LEL Meet              
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries
  1 Kitchens, Taylere         11 Bedford                1:01.4hq 
  2 Moore, Jameela            12 Warrensville           1:03.2hq 
  3 Flowers, Kai               9 Bedford                1:03.3hq 
  4 Lattimore, Taylor          9 Maple Height           1:06.1hq 
  5 Hunter, Cortney            9 Shaw                   1:11.0h  
  6 Harris, Tamara             9 Shaw                   1:38.0h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries
  1 Watkins, Nida             12 Warrensville           1:01.1hq 
  2 Dearmos, Andreasja tink    9 Lorain                 1:02.0hq 
  3 Harrington, Amere          9 Lorain                 1:05.1hq 
  4 Hawkins, Shante           11 Bedford                1:05.1hq 
  5 Hall, Briana              10 Maple Height           1:07.0h  
Event 26  Girls 400 Meter Dash Lake
Top 8 Advance by Time
        Meet: % 52.82  2006        Jessica Beard, Euclid                       
     Stadium: * 52.82  2006        Jessica Beard, Euclid@LEL Meet              
       State: ! 51.89  2006        Jessica Beard, Euclid                       
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries
  1 Andrews, Naleta           11 Shaker Heigh             56.4hq 
  2 Goin, Amber               11 Shaker Heigh           1:00.7hq 
  3 Aiello, Alex              11 Mentor                 1:01.4hq 
  4 Stevens, Emily             9 Warren G. Ha           1:02.1hq 
  5 Wagner, Kristine          11 Mentor                 1:02.9hq 
  6 Graham, Ashley            12 Euclid                 1:05.7h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries
  1 Davis, Amber              11 Shaker Heigh             57.2hq 
  2 Rambo, Taylor             11 Euclid                   57.7hq 
  3 Threats, Ja'Quana         12 Warren G. Ha             58.2hq 
  4 Frazier, Deann            12 Euclid                 1:05.0h  
  5 Seidman, Hadley            9 Cle. Heights           1:06.3h  
Event 27  Boys 400 Meter Dash Erie
Top 8 Advance by Time
        Meet: % 48.70  1999        Willie Davis, Shaw                          
     Stadium: * 47.93  1997        Chris Chambers, Bedford@GCC Meet            
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries
  1 Arnold, Otis              12 Maple Height             51.1hq 
  2 Charlton, Wesley          12 Lorain                   51.4hq 
  3 Bryant, Andre             12 Maple Height             53.4hq 
  4 Watson, William           12 Maple Height             54.6hq 
  5 Chambers, Leon            12 Bedford                  55.3hq 
  6 Benton, Tarik              9 Bedford                  56.0h  
  7 Washington, Terrell       12 Shaw                     56.8h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries
  1 Mincy, Jeremy             11 Lorain                   51.8hq 
  2 McGrier, Lynnwood         12 Lorain                   52.6hq 
  3 Watkins, Sameer            9 Shaw                     54.2hq 
  4 Riddick, Tavon             9 Bedford                  59.3h  
Event 28  Boys 400 Meter Dash Lake
Top 8 Advance by Time
        Meet: % 47.82  1998        Hank Harris, Cl. Hts.                       
     Stadium: * 47.93  1997        Chris Chambers, Bedford@GCC Meet            
       State: ! 45.36  1990        Chris Nelloms, Dayton Dunbar                
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries
  1 May, Jimmy                12 Warren G. Ha             50.4hq 
  2 Ostrowski, Max            11 Mentor                   51.6hq 
  3 Kellon, Maximilliam        9 Euclid                   54.1hq 
  4 Dickerson, Rashawn         9 Cle. Heights             55.2hq 
  5 Lee, David                10 Warren G. Ha             55.6h  
  6 Roberts, RayShawn         11 Euclid                   55.9h  
  7 Cobb-Bradley, Amier        9 Shaker Heigh             56.0h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries
  1 Goins, Francis            12 Shaker Heigh             52.0hq 
  2 Richardson Jr., Kevin     12 Euclid                   53.3hq 
  3 Flinn, Todd               11 Mentor                   53.9hq 
  4 McCormick, Keith           9 Mentor                   54.0hq 
  5 Price, Christopher         9 Shaker Heigh           1:00.3h  
Event 30  Girls 300 Meter Hurdles Lake
Top 8 Advance by Time
        Meet: % 42.97  2000        Dalanda Jackson, Shaker                     
     Stadium: * 42.97  2000        Dalanda Jackson, Shaker@LEL Meet            
       State: ! 40.79  2000        Tiffany Flomo, Groveport Madison            
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries
  1 Gunn, Artia               11 Euclid                   45.8hq 
  2 Morris, Imani              9 Warren G. Ha             49.9hq 
  3 Jones, Candi              10 Warren G. Ha             50.5hq 
  4 Motiejunas, Elena          9 Mentor                   52.8h  
  5 Calhoun, Taylor            9 Shaker Heigh             53.3h  
  6 Breckenridge, Leah        11 Shaker Heigh             53.34  
Heat  2 Preliminaries
  1 Rambo, Erin               12 Euclid                   46.9hq 
  2 Allen, Alexandra          11 Warren G. Ha             47.4hq 
  3 Tan, Rachel               12 Mentor                   49.7hq 
  4 Eiben, Jaime               9 Mentor                   51.00q 
  5 Coulter, Sarah            12 Shaker Heigh             51.5hq 
  6 Price, Ashli              10 Euclid                   51.6h  
Event 32  Boys 300 Meter Hurdles Lake
Top 8 Advance by Time
        Meet: % 37.09  2004        Nick Ivancic, Mentor                        
     Stadium: * 37.09  2004        Nick Ivancic, Mentor@LEL Meet               
       State: ! 36.00  1990        Marco Morgan, Youngstown Chaney             
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries
  1 Manningham, Mardel        12 Warren G. Ha             41.1hq 
  2 Scott, Josh               12 Euclid                   42.3hq 
  3 Redic, Cameron            11 Cle. Heights             44.9hq 
  4 Williams, Jamie            9 Warren G. Ha             46.3h  
  5 Estok, Nick               10 Mentor                   48.0h  
  6 Pelfrey, Ian              10 Shaker Heigh             53.1h  
  7 Lindner, Ori               9 Shaker Heigh             53.2h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries
  1 Johnson, Javon            12 Euclid                   40.5hq 
  2 Jones, Bryce              11 Cle. Heights             41.3hq 
  3 Owens, Rameses             9 Shaker Heigh             41.80q 
  4 Williams, Austin          12 Euclid                   43.1hq 
  5 Legget, Damon             12 Cle. Heights             43.8hq 
  6 Gerhardstein, Matt        11 Mentor                   47.3h  
  7 Keeley, Tyler             11 Mentor                   47.9h  
Event 37  Girls 200 Meter Dash Erie
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 24.71  5/14/2008   Tiffany Jones, Maple Height                 
     Stadium: * 24.13  2003        Tianna Madison, Elyria@LEL Meet             
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -2.2
  1 Arnold, Alicia            11 Lorain                   25.3hQ 
  2 Williams, Sierra           9 Warrensville             25.9hQ 
  3 Floyd, Darnisha           11 Bedford                  26.1hq 
  4 Dearmos, Andreasja tink    9 Lorain                   26.8hq 
  5 Lattimore, Taylor          9 Maple Height             28.38  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: NWI
  1 Rogers, Jocelynn           9 Lorain                   26.3hQ 
  2 Jones, Darnisha           11 Bedford                  26.4hQ 
  3 Watkins, Nida             12 Warrensville             26.6hq 
  4 Barhams, Nakia            12 Shaw                     27.0hq 
  5 Partee, Dai'Jona          10 Bedford                  27.4h  
  6 Edwards, Alicia           10 Shaw                     28.5h  
  7 Leak, Olivia              12 Maple Height             29.0h  
  8 Blackshear, Diamond       11 Warrensville             29.2h  
Event 38  Girls 200 Meter Dash Lake
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 24.13  2003        Tianna Madison, Elyria                      
     Stadium: * 24.13  2003        Tianna Madison, Elyria@LEL Meet             
       State: ! 23.16  2000        Khalilah Carpenter, Columbus Brookhaven     
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.4
  1 Simpson, Alexis           11 Warren G. Ha             25.5hQ 
  2 Rambo, Taylor             11 Euclid                   25.8hQ 
  3 Stevens-lovejoy Kyle, Ky   9 Shaker Heigh             26.5hq 
  4 Poole, Olivia              9 Shaker Heigh             27.2hq 
  5 Dacar, Emily              10 Mentor                   27.8h  
  6 Eiben, Jaime               9 Mentor                   27.9h  
  7 Harris, Danielle          11 Cle. Heights             28.2h  
  8 Hall, Michelle            11 Cle. Heights             28.9h  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -0.6
  1 Andrews, Naleta           11 Shaker Heigh             24.9hQ 
  2 Spencer, Tchnavia         12 Euclid                   26.2hQ 
  3 Hymes, Diamonn            12 Warren G. Ha             26.6hq 
  4 Wagner, Kristine          11 Mentor                   27.0hq 
  5 Gonzalez, Kiemon          10 Warren G. Ha             27.3h  
  6 Graham, Ashley            12 Euclid                   28.6h  
Event 39  Boys 200 Meter Dash Erie
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
        Meet: % 21.83  5/14/2008   Blake Witherspoon, Southview                
     Stadium: * 21.83  5/14/2008   Blake Witherspoon, Southview @ LEL Meet     
    Name                    Year School                 Prelims 
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: -1.9
  1 Arnold, Otis              12 Maple Height             22.87Q 
  2 Hicks, Jamel              12 Shaw                     22.97Q 
  3 Johnson, Dezmin           11 Bedford                  23.15q 
  4 Nogueras, Christian       11 Lorain                   23.17q 
  5 Brown, Terrence           12 Shaw                     23.20q 
  6 Lorenzana, Ricco          12 Lorain                   23.77  
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: -2.1
  1 Williams, Reggie          11 Lorain                   22.80Q 
  2 Gould, Darrell            10 Maple Height             22.95Q 
  3 Powell, Tyvis             11 Bedford                  23.33q 
  4 Payne, Nathan             12 Bedford                  23.34  
  5 Williams, Dominic         11 Maple Height             23.79  
Event 41  Girls 3200 Meter Run Erie
        Meet: % 12:36.03  2003        Audrie Piotrowski, Normandy              
     Stadium: * 10:43.00  2004        Maggie Infield, Beaumont@Kimberly Relays 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Section  1  
  1 Austin, Alescia           10 Lorain                13:44.20   10   
  2 Labis, Denise             11 Lorain                13:56.08    8   
  3 Childress, Whitney         9 Warrensville          14:17.96    6   
  4 Warner, Courtney           9 Maple Height          16:40.95    5   
  5 Johnson, Arieanna          9 Lorain                17:03.76    4   
  6 Jones, Cierra              9 Maple Height          17:44.82    3   
Event 43  Boys 3200 Meter Run Erie
        Meet: % 10:14.0h  2003        Dan Piotrowski, Normandy                 
     Stadium: *  9:34.48  1998        Ryan Brown, Eastlake North@GCC Meet      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Harkless, Kele            12 Lorain                11:07.19   10   
  2 Burge, James              10 Maple Height          11:34.94    8   
  3 Thomas, Aaron             10 Maple Height          11:40.75    6   
  4 Henline, Justin            9 Lorain                11:46.69    5   
  5 Jefferson, Cody           12 Bedford               11:51.28    4   
  6 Boyd, Antonio             10 Bedford               12:28.41    3   
  7 Jones, Eralle             11 Maple Height          12:35.89    2   
  8 Smith, Paul                9 Bedford               12:38.45    1   
  9 Benyard, Blake            10 Lorain                12:39.20  
Event 50  Girls Discus Throw Lake
        Meet: % 141-01.50  1998        Jaclyn Jeschelnig, Mentor               
     Stadium: *    146-06  2004        Ashley Muffet, Hoover@Kimberly Relays   
       State: !    183-03  2007        Emily Pendleton, Elmore Woodmore        
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Flight  1  
  1 Strayer, Emily            10 Mentor                   88-08    8   
  2 Ubani, Krystal             9 Cle. Heights             84-09    6   
  3 Brown, Anita              11 Warren G. Ha             84-08    5   
  4 Lee, Daija                11 Cle. Heights             84-04    4   
  5 Kremyar, Cassie           11 Mentor                   83-06    3   
  6 Thomas, Joelle            10 Euclid                   81-02    1   
  7 Dubose, Hiawia            10 Shaker Heigh             51-02  
Flight  2  
  1 Soeder, Sam               12 Mentor                  113-02   10   
  2 Gonzalez, Kiemon          10 Warren G. Ha             83-00    2   
  3 Miller, Erika             12 Euclid                   71-09  
  4 Jackson, Sharece          12 Euclid                   69-10  
  5 Pickens, Jordan            9 Cle. Heights             55-10  
Event 52  Boys Discus Throw Lake
        Meet: % 192-02  2000        Jason Caldwell, Mentor                     
     Stadium: * 173-07  1995        Jason Caswell, Bedford@GCC Meet            
       State: ! 208-05  2000        Jason Caldwell, Mentor                     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Flight  1  
  1 Stevenson, Andy           12 Mentor                  155-07   10   
  2 Farley, Joe               11 Euclid                  124-06    8   
  3 Dodson, Kyle              11 Cle. Heights            116-07    6   
  4 Grbach, Zack              12 Mentor                  113-00    5   
  5 Sullens, Brandon          12 Mentor                  112-07    4   
  6 Kimble, Lyndal            10 Warren G. Ha            110-04    3   
  7 Mitchell, McKenny         10 Euclid                  107-04    2   
  8 Harper, Chance            10 Warren G. Ha            103-07    1   
  9 Hinkle, Henry             11 Euclid                   92-06  
Event 53  Girls High Jump Erie
        Meet: %  5-05  5/8/2007    Kaylon Eppinger, Warrensville               
     Stadium: *  5-08  1998        Mary Varga, Walsh@Bedford Relays            
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Johnson, Chanelle          9 Shaw                   4-06.00   10   
  1 Reese, Daysia              9 Bedford               J4-06.00    8   
Event 54  Girls High Jump Lake
        Meet: %  5-06  1993        Joanna Garcia, Shaker                       
     Stadium: *  5-08  1998        Mary Varga, Walsh@Bedford Relays            
       State: !  6-01  2000        Christina Estrict, Collinwood               
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Brown, Anita              11 Warren G. Ha           5-03.00   10   
  2 Rambo, Erin               12 Euclid                 5-00.00    8   
  3 Breckenridge, Leah        11 Shaker Heigh           4-10.00    5.50
  3 Eiben, Jaime               9 Mentor                 4-10.00    5.50
  3 Stitt, Mohogany           10 Euclid                J4-10.00    4   
  6 Harper, Jasmine           10 Cle. Heights           4-08.00    2.50
  6 Harker, Emily             11 Mentor                 4-08.00    2.50
  8 Coulter, Sarah            12 Shaker Heigh           4-06.00    0.50
  8 Woods, Ashlyn             10 Mentor                 4-06.00    0.50
Event 59  Boys Long Jump Erie
        Meet: % 22-03              Iran Black, Jacobe Smith, Bedford (00), Mapl
     Stadium: * 23-05  1996        Ra'mon Johnson, Warrensville@Bedford R      
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Nogueras, Christian       11 Lorain                21-03.50   NWI  10   
  2 Weems, Sean               12 Maple Height          21-01.00   NWI   8   
  3 Williams, Reggie          11 Lorain                20-05.50   NWI   6   
  4 Watson, William           12 Maple Height          20-01.50   NWI   5   
  5 Durden, A.J.               9 Bedford               19-10.00   NWI   4   
  6 Simpson, Jared            12 Bedford               19-05.00   NWI   3   
  7 Galloway, Ronnie          12 Shaw                  18-09.50   NWI   2   
  8 Thomas, Shando            12 Maple Height          17-01.25   NWI   1   
  9 Chambers, Leon            12 Bedford               16-11.00   NWI 
 10 Hall, Lavauntez           10 Shaw                  16-03.00   NWI 
Event 60  Boys Long Jump Lake
        Meet: % 22-09.50  2007        Tiron Jester, Bedford                    
     Stadium: *    23-05  1996        Ra'mon Johnson, Warrensville@Bedford R   
       State: ! 25-09.50  1996        Ra'Mon Johnson, Warrensville Heights     
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Wallace, Colton           12 Mentor                21-02.00   NWI  10   
  2 Moore, Jai-lyn            11 Warren G. Ha          20-03.50   NWI   8   
  3 Jackson, John             12 Euclid                20-02.00   NWI   6   
  4 Powell, Jalyn             10 Warren G. Ha          19-05.00   NWI   5   
  5 Cross, Camerin            10 Cle. Heights          18-10.00   NWI   4   
  6 Jones, Carl               12 Euclid                18-08.75   NWI   3   
  7 Doles, Nathan             11 Mentor                18-08.50   NWI   2   
  8 Kimble, Lyndal            10 Warren G. Ha          18-05.50   NWI   1   
  9 Dickerson, Rashawn         9 Cle. Heights          17-11.00   NWI 
 10 Fox, Matt                 12 Mentor                17-04.00   NWI 
 11 Debramaletta, Emanual     12 Cle. Heights          16-11.50   NWI 
 12 Johnson, Javon            12 Euclid                16-01.50   NWI 
Event 61  Girls Shot Put Erie
        Meet: % 40-11.50  5/11/2010   Shanique Olgle, Southview                
     Stadium: *    42-10  2004        Ashley Muffet, Hoover@Kimberly Relays    
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Ogle, Shaniqua            12 Lorain                46-04.00*  10   
  2 Thomas, Nichole           12 Maple Height          34-11.25    8   
  3 Herring, Ciara            11 Bedford               34-03.25    6   
  4 Wiley-Smith, Sheretha     12 Maple Height          31-07.25    5   
  5 Rowell, Sharonda          10 Maple Height          31-02.25    3   
  6 Blakely, Denina           11 Bedford               26-11.25  
  7 Perry, Leneice             9 Warrensville          24-06.50  
  8 Osman, Natavia             9 Warrensville          24-05.50  
Flight  2  
  1 Quinn, Sanita             12 Lorain                31-04.50    4   
  2 Sumpter, Vaniece           9 Bedford               31-01.50    2   
  3 Grier, Nirissa            11 Warrensville          27-10.25    1   
  4 Simmons, Toya              9 Shaw                  23-00.00  
  5 Hodge, Chanity             9 Lorain                22-04.50  
Event 63  Boys Shot Put Erie
        Meet: % 54-02.25  2005        Rafael Wilson, Warrensville              
     Stadium: *    57-07  2004        Brandon Smith, Euclid@LEL Meet           
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Flight  1  
  1 Pipkins, Aaron            11 Maple Height          41-05.00    5   
  2 Gurley, Antione           12 Bedford               40-07.75    4   
  3 Tompkins, Sean            11 Bedford               39-08.75    3   
  4 Everett, Mark             10 Maple Height          35-10.25    1   
  5 Huffman, Erin             12 Warrensville          33-02.50  
  6 Hopkins, Aaron            12 Warrensville          30-11.25  
  7 McGrier, Lynnwood         12 Lorain                29-09.50  
Flight  2  
  1 Hillard, Myles            11 Bedford               47-04.50   10   
  2 Davis, Deshonte           11 Lorain                44-05.50    8   
  3 Medina, Alec              11 Lorain                42-01.00    6   
  4 Harden, Stephon           12 Shaw                  39-03.50    2   
  5 Patrick, Allmonte         11 Maple Height          35-06.25  
  6 Walker, Beandre           10 Shaw                  31-05.25  
  7 Small, Anthony            11 Shaw                  28-07.00  
Event 67  Boys Pole Vault Erie
        Meet: % 13-00  5/13/2008   Anthony Houston, Maple Height               
     Stadium: * 15-00  1998        Kelly, Olmsted Falls@Bedford R              
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
Flight  1  
  1 Williams, Dominic         11 Maple Height          10-06.00   10   
  2 Valpando, Devyn           10 Maple Height          10-00.00    8   
  3 Rufo, Pete                12 Lorain                 9-00.00    6   
  3 Wilbert, Kendrick         11 Maple Height          J9-00.00    3.50
  3 Hollis, Demarcus           9 Bedford               J9-00.00    5   
  3 Bowling, Randy            11 Bedford               J9-00.00    3.50
  7 Wetzel, Nick              12 Bedford                8-06.00    2   
Event 68  Boys Pole Vault Lake
        Meet: % 13-06  2000        Ian Winkamon, Mentor                        
     Stadium: * 15-00  1998        Kelly, Olmsted Falls@Bedford R              
       State: ! 16-07  1995        Jamie Lewis, Newcomerstown                  
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points
  1 Butler, Mark              11 Mentor                12-00.00   10   
  2 Raser, Kyle               10 Mentor                11-06.00    8   
  3 Pajk, Spencer             10 Mentor                10-00.00    6   
  4 Dickerson, Rashawn         9 Cle. Heights           8-06.00    5   
                Women - Erie - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored
    1) Lorain                      46        2) Maple Heights              32   
    3) Bedford                     22        4) Shaw                       10   
    5) Warrensville Heights         7                                           
                Women - Lake - Team Rankings - 3 Events Scored
    1) Mentor                      37.50     2) Warren G. Harding          22   
    3) Euclid                      19        4) Shaker Heights             16   
    5) Cle. Heights                12.50                                        
                  Men - Erie - Team Rankings - 5 Events Scored
    1) Maple Heights               63.50     2) Lorain                     61   
    3) Bedford                     50.50     4) Shaw                        4   
                  Men - Lake - Team Rankings - 4 Events Scored
    1) Mentor                      65        2) Euclid                     25   
    3) Warren G. Harding           23        4) Cle. Heights               19   
    5) Shaker Heights               8