Brookville Invitational 2012

Brookville, OH
Hosted by Brookville

Brookville Invitational 2012 vs Brookville Invitational 2011

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -11 338 349
Overall Average +38.76 22:49.51 22:10.75
1st-10th Place +24.60 17:21.20 16:56.60
1st-25th Place +23.36 17:44.76 17:21.40
1st-50th Place +32.76 18:19.48 17:46.72
1st-100th Place +40.77 19:07.87 18:27.10
Common Athletes -- -- 109
Ran Faster 11 60 49
Ran Season Best -103 6 109
Average Time -18.00 21:55.24 22:13.24
Median Time -45.00 20:47.00 21:32.00
Middle 80% Times -14.59 21:37.41 21:52.00
Top 10% Times -14.00 17:39.45 17:53.45
Top 25% Times -7.43 18:21.71 18:29.14
Top 50% Times -11.65 19:17.47 19:29.13
Bottom 50% Times -24.02 24:09.09 24:33.11
Bottom 25% Times -16.39 26:40.36 26:56.75
Bottom 10% Times -45.55 29:01.00 29:46.55
Average Difference -18.00 -- --
Median Difference -2:04.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -15.66 -- --
Top 10% Difference -18.09 -- --
Top 50% Difference -6.71 -- --
Top 25% Difference -7.93 -- --
Top 50% Difference -6.71 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -31.22 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -30.61 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -15.91 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Matt Snell Talawanda -34.00 17:10.00 17:44.00
Tommy Lane Oakwood -24.00 17:17.00 17:41.00
Corey Hawk Dixie +2:33.00 20:04.00 17:31.00
Calen Bruner Greenville -44.00 17:36.00 18:20.00
Dillon Demedeiros Talawanda + 17:37.00 17:37.00
Gabe Rastatter Kenton Ridge -31.00 17:38.00 18:09.00
Ethan Sullivan Kenton Ridge -41.00 17:40.00 18:21.00
Herbert Sizek Oakwood +14.00 17:56.00 17:42.00
Ben Mcmillan Oakwood -45.00 17:42.00 18:27.00
Quinn Williamson Brookville -15.00 17:46.00 18:01.00
Eric Krebs Oakwood -25.00 17:54.00 18:19.00
Hank Beyer Oakwood +46.00 18:42.00 17:56.00
Davonta Beckham Wayne -58.00 17:58.00 18:56.00
Will Hix Oakwood -17.00 17:59.00 18:16.00
Cole Dudley National Trail -1:01.00 18:00.00 19:01.00
Bailey Hartle Greenville +18.00 18:23.00 18:05.00
Will Beyer Oakwood +32.00 18:38.00 18:06.00
Lee Bricker Brookville -3:02.00 18:18.00 21:20.00
David Brauer Newton Local -1:19.00 18:21.00 19:40.00
Travis Miller Kenton Ridge +17.00 18:45.00 18:28.00
Ryan Shroyer Kenton Ridge +24.00 18:57.00 18:33.00
Brad Green Twin Valley So. -16.00 18:34.00 18:50.00
Caleb Oda Greenville +46.00 19:28.00 18:42.00
Trent Black Kenton Ridge +4.00 19:07.00 19:03.00
Cylas Conway Greenville -5.00 19:04.00 19:09.00
Alex Koker Tri-County North +18.00 19:25.00 19:07.00
Jacob Hill Wayne -2:00.00 19:12.00 21:12.00
Tyler Trick Greenville +1:00.00 20:13.00 19:13.00
Andrew Shirk Kenton Ridge +23.00 19:40.00 19:17.00
Griffin Moore Dixie +37.00 20:00.00 19:23.00
Ethan Coffin Talawanda -34.00 19:30.00 20:04.00
Connor Menning Greenville -8.00 19:31.00 19:39.00
Zach Sutton Franklin +1:00.00 20:39.00 19:39.00
Justin Bicknell Franklin +43.00 20:26.00 19:43.00
Erin Kennedy Oakwood +1:52.00 21:36.00 19:44.00
James Conway Greenville +2.00 19:47.00 19:45.00
Sam Eyler National Trail +18.00 20:07.00 19:49.00
Zach Ramsey Talawanda -2:04.00 19:49.00 21:53.00
Matt Krauskopf Wayne -5:12.00 19:49.00 25:01.00
Zach Van Meter Tri-County North -21.00 19:50.00 20:11.00
Jack Ellis Oakwood -30.00 19:51.00 20:21.00
Cyrus Green Talawanda -1:35.00 19:53.00 21:28.00
Aaron Baker Oakwood +29.00 20:23.00 19:54.00
Ben Meador Oakwood -56.00 19:58.00 20:54.00
Tell Fisher Newton Local -50.00 20:09.00 20:59.00
Luke Burnett Dixie -2:36.00 20:14.00 22:50.00
Brad Malone Oakwood -1.00 20:16.00 20:17.00
George Hochwalt Oakwood +20.00 20:38.00 20:18.00
Grant Pepper Oakwood +1:10.00 21:29.00 20:19.00
Luis Cervantes Oakwood -2:13.00 20:20.00 22:33.00
Tyler Reese Tri-County North -18.00 20:30.00 20:48.00
Tom Schleuter Talawanda +3.00 20:39.00 20:36.00
Kristen Karns Greenville +32.00 21:10.00 20:38.00
Alex Wells Wayne -1:41.00 20:41.00 22:22.00
Sarah Starrett Talawanda -14.00 20:42.00 20:56.00
Brandon Gorby Twin Valley So. -15.00 20:42.00 20:57.00
Cameron Mackintosh Oakwood -5.00 20:46.00 20:51.00
Jacob Studebaker Newton Local -2:18.00 20:47.00 23:05.00
Erin Kitchen Kenton Ridge +1:08.00 21:56.00 20:48.00
Jimmy Bottoms National Trail -2:41.00 20:51.00 23:32.00
Alberto Jones Wayne -2:16.00 20:56.00 23:12.00
Laine Flora Greenville +16.00 21:39.00 21:23.00
Andrea Hunt National Trail +2.00 21:34.00 21:32.00
Caleb Kell Oakwood +48.00 22:21.00 21:33.00
Dylan Hoover Greenville -1:57.00 21:35.00 23:32.00
Victoria Stapleton Dixie +2:03.00 23:54.00 21:51.00
Krutant Menta Greenville +1:51.00 23:45.00 21:54.00
Aaron Jones Greenville -6.00 22:07.00 22:13.00
Rachel Sibila National Trail -58.00 22:08.00 23:06.00
Charles Mullenix Talawanda -2:33.00 22:08.00 24:41.00
Zoe Stiefel Greenville +1:34.00 23:52.00 22:18.00
Katie Coudell Brookville -42.00 22:22.00 23:04.00
Michael Porter Brookville -1:22.00 22:33.00 23:55.00
Eli Eckerle Oakwood +43.00 23:21.00 22:38.00
Cheyann Beam Greenville +18.00 22:58.00 22:40.00
MacKenzie Schleinitz Kenton Ridge +1:09.00 23:51.00 22:42.00
Morganne Hammaker Tri-County North -9.00 22:42.00 22:51.00
Kalyn Sproul Wayne -1:42.00 22:46.00 24:28.00
Kelsey Buehner National Trail -53.00 22:57.00 23:50.00
Tessa Rhodus National Trail -4:00.00 23:08.00 27:08.00
Bailey Gallion Oakwood -33.00 23:09.00 23:42.00
Mikayla Pruitt Wayne -1:23.00 23:10.00 24:33.00
Lily Delatore Oakwood -1:18.00 23:31.00 24:49.00
Nathan Middlestet Brookville +34.00 24:07.00 23:33.00
Sarah Good Dixie +53.00 24:29.00 23:36.00
Diana Herringer Oakwood -49.00 23:38.00 24:27.00
Elizabeth Conway Greenville +32.00 24:16.00 23:44.00
Austyn Potter Greenville +3:30.00 27:18.00 23:48.00
Caitlyn Eckstein Greenville +1:31.00 25:21.00 23:50.00
Anne Bradfield Greenville +21.00 24:44.00 24:23.00
Rayshawn Pounds Belmont +1:24.00 25:58.00 24:34.00
Sydney Schauer Newton Local +14.00 25:24.00 25:10.00
Ian Berg Talawanda +11.00 25:34.00 25:23.00
Dulcinea Lesley Newton Local +2:02.00 27:33.00 25:31.00
Olivia Callahan Talawanda -1:30.00 25:37.00 27:07.00
Chloe Bolger Oakwood -50.00 25:43.00 26:33.00
Amanda Blocher Greenville -9.00 25:45.00 25:54.00
Hannah Ruby Talawanda +19.00 26:10.00 25:51.00
Shelby Price Greenville +16.00 26:10.00 25:54.00
Michaela Urteaga Oakwood +2:49.00 28:52.00 26:03.00
Madeline Watson Oakwood +24.00 26:44.00 26:20.00
Molly Hochwalt Oakwood -1:10.00 26:56.00 28:06.00
Cheyenne Warner Dixie +1:09.00 28:17.00 27:08.00
Jessica Harbaugh Dixie -48.00 27:16.00 28:04.00
Megan Zielinski Newton Local -33.00 28:12.00 28:45.00
Donald Baker Belmont -2:43.00 30:44.00 33:27.00
Julia Frymier Talawanda -4:32.00 30:45.00 35:17.00
Alec Wood Wayne -51.00 31:32.00 32:23.00
Katie Crawford Tri-County North -1:48.00 31:46.00 33:34.00