OHSAA State Track and Field Championship 2014

Columbus, OH
Timing/Results FinishTiming

DIII Girls 4x800m

Licensed to OHSAA Championship Meet     HY-TEK's Meet Manager 6/7/2014 12:23 PM
                2014 OHSAA Division III - 6/6/2014 to 6/7/2014                 
Event 1  Girls 4x800 Meter Relay
OHSAA Div. 3: % 9:11.66  6/6/2014    St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas A          
                         A Welsh, K Soehnlen, K Soehnlen, M Pusateri       
State Meet 3: # 9:11.66  6/6/2014    St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas A          
                         A Welsh, K Soehnlen, K Soehnlen, M Pusateri       
 Owens Stad.: @ 9:06.45  2005        Euclid, Euclid                            
                         A Hill, J Beard, C Jefferson, C May               
OHSAA Div. 3: % 9:11.66  6/6/2014    St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas A          
                         A Welsh, K Soehnlen, K Soehnlen, M Pusateri       
OHSAA Div. 3: % 9:11.66  6/6/2014    St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Thomas A          
                         A Welsh, K Soehnlen, K Soehnlen, M Pusateri       
    School                                               Seed     Finals  Points
  1 St. Thomas Aquinas                                9:27.53    9:11.66%  10   
     1) Athena Welsh 10                 2) Kalee Soehnlen 9               
     3) Kacee Soehnlen 9                4) Molly Pusateri 12              
  2 Col. Academy                                      9:34.59    9:30.32    8   
     1) Abby Wilson 11                  2) Cobi Warstler 10               
     3) Audrey Grammel 9                4) Julia Rizk 11                  
  3 Minster                                           9:43.33    9:30.81    6   
     1) Gabrielle Barga 11              2) Ali Borgerding 9               
     3) Julia Slonkosky 10              4) Olivia Enneking 12             
  4 Reed. Eastern                                     9:35.92    9:33.22    5   
     1) Keri Lawrence 12                2) Laura Pullins 9                
     3) Taylor Palmer 11                4) Maddie Rigsby 12               
  5 Mount Gilead                                      9:41.26    9:33.83    4   
     1) Jenna Shipman 10                2) Rachel Bush 11                 
     3) Bryanna Bolha 11                4) Taryn Chapman 12               
  6 Liberty Center                                    9:41.77    9:34.59    3   
     1) Paige Chamberlain 12            2) Cheryl Davenport 9             
     3) Brittany Atkinson 11            4) Olivia Kundo 10                
  7 Berkshire                                         9:37.66    9:38.10    2   
     1) Melissa Koziol 11               2) Suzanne Koziol 11              
     3) Kylie Scott 9                   4) Christin Dornback 11           
  8 Canton C.C.                                       9:40.05    9:38.18    1   
     1) Sarah Paul 11                   2) Katie Miller 12                
     3) Megan Soehnlen 9                4) Rachel Reolfi 10               
  9 Col. S. Girls                                     9:41.87    9:44.82  
     1) Emma Harris 12                  2) Grace Tierney 9                
     3) Anna Tierney 9                  4) Eleanor Smith 10               
 10 Gilmour Academy                                   9:38.59    9:45.11  
     1) Hannah Markel 10                2) Sydney Hlifka 9                
     3) Halle Markel 12                 4) Caitlin Whetstone 11           
 11 Archbold                                          9:46.44    9:46.74  
     1) Jensyn Garrow 11                2) Mara Beck 11                   
     3) Taylor DeWolfe 10               4) Alicia Hernandez 10            
 12 Marion Local                                      9:48.97    9:50.00  
     1) Sophie Heitkamp 12              2) Brianne Homan 10               
     3) Olivia Hemmelgarn 12            4) Allie Thobe 11                 
 13 Holgate                                           9:52.65    9:52.74  
     1) Gabbi Willett 9                 2) Dani Like 11                   
     3) Cameron Slee 9                  4) Emma Willett 9                 
 14 Sum. Co. Day                                      9:50.49   10:03.78  
     1) Sophie Adams 12                 2) Margo Dailey 9                 
     3) Ellie Adams 12                  4) Emily Ray 10                   
 15 Calvert                                           9:52.45   10:10.35  
     1) Danielle Kontak 10              2) Katie Tiell 10                 
     3) Morgan Smith 10                 4) Olivia Smith 12                
 16 Botkins                                           9:47.22   10:10.65  
     1) Kayla Heuker 10                 2) Bethany Christman 12           
     3) Whitney Bornhorst 11            4) Chloe Flora 10